It’s the most disturbing crime wave you’ve never heard of – a story so explosive that the politically correct media won’t touch it.
It’s a story of organized criminal gangs of Muslim males, raping and selling into sexual slavery underage girls all across England.
This is not the fantasy of hysterical racists or bigots. This isn’t so-called “Islamophobia.”
It’s very real. And both the police and the press have been working feverishly to keep it under wraps.
Over the past several decades, gangs of Muslim men have been kidnapping, torturing, raping, enslaving, buying and selling girls — almost always white non-Muslim girls — as young as 12 years old, all over England.
In the city of Rotherham, some 1,400 young girls were abused, raped, tortured and brutalized over a period of 15 years.
“Men of Pakistani heritage treated white girls like toilet paper,” according to a 2014 article in The Telegraph, after which the media largely went silent, even though the problem continued to grow. “They picked children up from schools and care homes and trafficked them across northern cities for other men to join in the fun. They doused a 15-year-old in petrol and threatened to set her alight should she dare to report them.”
Even more outrageous, parents and victims came forward very early on – but were stonewalled by a police department and other local officials that refused to take action and instead helped cover up these heinous crimes by doing little or nothing at all.
Their reason is sickening.
“Several councilors interviewed believed that by opening up these issues they could be ‘giving oxygen’ to racist perspectives that might in turn attract extremist political groups and threaten community cohesion,” concluded a report commissioned by the Rotherham Borough Council.
It’s a pattern repeated across the United Kingdom. Similar cases have been uncovered in Derby, Oxford, Bristol, Shropshire, Peterborough, Banbury, Aylesbury, and more — and each story seems to fit a disturbing pattern that could become an epidemic.
The book “Easy Meat: Inside Britain’s Grooming Gang Scandal” estimates that between 100,000 and up to 1 million girls have been victimized by dozens of sex gangs operating throughout the country – often with impunity.
Local police departments are afraid to investigate. In fact, according to “Easy Meat,” parents in numerous cases have been arrested for trying to get their daughters back – and girls who’ve escaped have even been returned to their abusers by authorities.
When police do attempt to investigate, they’re stymied by an insular and defensive community.
And in the instances when they’re caught, the convicted attackers have shown utter contempt toward their victims and even the legal system in its entirety, which they feel has no jurisdiction over them as Muslims.
“In 40 years of practice, I have never seen a dock that has been as insolent and disrespectful as this one,” Judge Roger Thomas QC at Bradford Crown Court said when sentencing 11 men who had groomed and raped a 14-year-old girl in Keighley. “I have the poorest of opinions about the defendants.”
This isn’t just a problem that exists across the ocean. It’s already happened in Colorado and Minnesota, in fact.
And critics say it could get worse.
No doubt, the vast majority of Muslims would be as appalled by this as anyone else.
But this isn’t so-called “Islamophobia.” This is a real issue, and it highlights the problems that arise when you allow a mass migration of people from another culture – and why it’s absolutely essential to ensure that any immigration program, even one for desperate refugees, include a careful and thorough vetting process.
– The Horn editorial team
Arthur Hartsock says
This criminal behavior is so commonplace it has a name-White Slavery. Bo Derek was in a movie in which her character was a victim of this sex slave trafficking. Ted Cruz’ comment about policing Muslim neighborhoods was really common sense, considering what has been happening. Just imagine what the Muslims and their Sharia Law would do to the liberal news media if/when they take power. Pity these poor ‘journalists’ if this happens. First the gays are dead. Next the gals with too skimpy clothing. Next anyone with alcohol on person or breath. And of course anyone daring to speak up in dissent is history. And these are the animals the media are protecting. Insanity!!!
Nate Bocchino says
I am with Semper Fi,castrate these bastards.As soon as they are caught.But first beat the living shit out of them. Semper Fi Marine.
Debra Brooks says
Ana says
Where are the men in England? The majority of police are white Anglos. It could be their daughters or sisters. What’s wrong with them? Have the liberals so castrated white males in that country that they have lost their ability to protect their own?
Main Street says
Another reason to keeps these haters out.
St. Edgar says
God hates those who deserve it.
Dawg# says
St. Edgar:
These six things doth the Lord hate:
yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
A proud look, a lying tongue,
and hands that shed innocent blood,
An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations,
feet that be swift in running to mischief,
A false witness that speaketh lies,
and he that soweth discord among brethren (Proverbs 6:16-19)
Note that these are “things” that he hates, not people. “For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son…..”(John 3:16)
God has sent the gift of love to the whole world, but it is up to the person whether they will accept that love or refuse it. Regardless, He still loves us even when we are unlovable.
Bruce says
And what Muslim neighborhood in this country has been doing this ???
will Rodgers says
Dearborn Mi
spike says
Here is a link for you, since you are to friggin lazy to google it yourself. Even a minimum amount of research would reveal numerous sex crimes committed by Muslims against non Muslims. I pity the young Muslim girls and boys who suffer worse in silence.
If you are to lazy to do research you should at least have the decency to keep your ignorance to yourself.
JCS says
I think you are terrible to comment to your fellow Americans the way you did. Why don’t you speak out to the liberals that put Obama in the WH and now want to bring Muslims in this country. Maybe
People are busy working and don’t have time to research terrible happenings in the news. I’m spending allot of my own time researching the candidates running for office. This comes from a veteran that can’t stand liberals that disrespect our flag; You know the one folks spilled their blood
and guts for.
Randall Thornton says
It is unreal what countries and govt. are doing to avoid conflict with the Muslim filth. As a fellow vet, we may be older and slower, but put us on a hill, supply us with food and water and a high power rifle with lots of ammo. we will fix the problem. Some of us will even bring our own rifle.
spike says
I’ll try to post link again.
St. Edgar says
One must ask When will it start? If all moslems eventually carefully study the Koran and other documents of the Islamic relegion with an intent to know their God that they might be obedient to him. They would all become murders and rapists. That most are ignorant now is not a static situation. The Gangs will arise from those students.
Ed says
How true! Thanks to the likes of obama and all liberals who foolishly believe that by turning our heads from these monstrosity this will just die down!
Pvet says
God works in strange ways doesn’t he. They will reap what they sow.
Pvet says
As God would put it they will reap what they sow.
Edwin Duke says
We really need to come down hard on a weak willed press and cowardly police and paid-off political power(less?) structure. To hell with the scum bags.
R.W. says
And it is already happening in Canada.
Rob says
Let’s not forget all those “poor little Syrian (Muslim) refugees” (10,000+) headed our way… Hmmm, there seems to be a pattern here…
John says
Catch ’em and execute ’em on the spot would probably create a real deterrent for future similar activity.
James shitburn says
Get the girls out of there and nuke the rest of the filth bastards That will send a message NO DAMN more will we tolerate the crude rude monsters!
Justin says
Yeah but then you might hurt some of Obama’s could be sons.
Judy says
All this going on in the US you can thank Obuma and the libs for it. And anyone else that is stupid enough to agree with them. I cant believe how cowardly the police are in the UK.
JCS says
This is what you get when the government takes away your guns anything goes and not much we can do about it.
St. Edgar says
That might be Gods will.
Semper Fi says
Catch them and castrate the scum that should send a message
Dave Ripka says
i like to put them in jail with nothing to eat put pork.,
JCS says
Get the guillotines back in commission; “He who lives by be heading shall die by beheading”
Or is it “he who lives by the sword shall die by the sword”
Michael Valgos says
I agree with you whole heartily Devil Dog.
Michael says
We could just look to our history for the solution, General “Black Jack” Pershing already figured it out. Just before World War I there were several terrorist attacks by Muslim extremists on our forces in the Philippines. Fortunately U.S. General “Black Jack” Pershing & his men were able to capture 50 of the terrorist. After having them tied to post the General ordered his men to slaughter two pigs & soak their bullets in the blood, all in front of the now terrified terrorist. Next he had his men execute 49 of the 50 terrorists by firing squad. Leaving the one for his witness they dug a big hole and buried the rest with the pigs blood & entrails, then they let him go.
For the next 42 years, there was not a single Muslim extremist attack anywhere in the world.
Debra Brooks says
holy grailer says
No I believe that they should be forced to castrate themselves first with a rusty-dirty-dull knife before they are sent to find out that the 72 virgins awaiting them are actually 72 scroungy-filthy old muslim men who are ready to grease him up.
DockyWocky says
If these animals get started here, Hillary will want to make sure they pay taxes on their ill-gained enterprises.
holy grailer says
she will give them religious tax exemption.
jim doyle says
It sounds like we could use a little extremism to respond to this.
St. Edgar says
I like the vengeance of an angry God.
Jc says
If shot on the spot at least recidivision would be 100% eliminated
Bill Hazelip says
Citizens of the United States, how long are we going to put up with this, it seems like our prestigious nothing of a president, the Congress of the United States, and the House of Representatives, do not seem to get the point on how serious this issue is getting to be, and this is just the tip of the iceberg of what is going to happen in this country right now. BEWARE!!!!
Don Hornish says
You are so right! Furthermore, the all media organizations are just as guilty! When is the last time you read an article in any newspaper or heard any broadcast of Muslim terrorist doing such heinous acts here in America? I cannot remember any TV news broadcaster mentioning anything relative to these heinous attacks! Absolutely like you say, this president and his goons as is the Congress of the United States as mum on these subjects as the media! For some reason, something has them afraid to do or say anything at all! I believe this president is purposely not saying anything because I believe he either is a Muslim himself and will not speak our against them and/or he wants America to become Islamized! For that he should be IMPEACHED FOR TREASON AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, OUR CONSTITUTION AND THE AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE!! GET HIM OUT BEFORE ITS TOO LATE, AND ITS GETTING CLOSER
Roger says
Someone must be made an example of before this filthy muslim act is stopped.
I have had friends who say, don’t date a muslim because after one date, they will treat you like they own you.
I have other friends and their kids say the muslim males give drugs to the white American girls, so they can have sex with them.
Roger says
Its the truth!
St. Edgar says
So do the hateful black criminals.
rodger says
well I know that many will not like it, but I say, find them in the act an then shot to kill,
St. Edgar says
Years ago, when Britain was a great Nation, it was not uncommon. For strollers to come upon a tree with a man and a woman hung upon it, bearing placards that read” Found Unlawful Carnal Knowledge. The acronym for that is F***.
Dan says
I am so sick of hearing everyone saying, we need to flush all of our damn politicians out of office, and then we do everything we can to elect a Senator over a businessman, who, granted, may not be always politically correct, but speaks about exactly what we ALL have been saying and hoping for, for years!! Get your heads out of your asses and get behind Trump, I know he’s not perfect, but who gives a rats ass, as long as he restores our once great country to its former grand self!.
Diane says
You forgot to post that being politically correct is part of the problem in all countries.
Judy says
I for one am through being PC.
KEVIN says
Michael a says
So Muslim can come in and rape little girls right here in United States huh now Clinton coming after our guns if she becomes president? I,d rather just shoots anyone who tries take my guns that including Muslims that touches any of our girls, will be no trial that Muslims will be dead.
St. Edgar says
You don’t need a Gun, Use archery instead.
JCS says
They go after the little girls because they don’t have what it takes to do a full grown woman.
cliff says
You are all “Racist” , welcome the refugees , don’t worry yourself about some thing you have “NO CONTROL” over.,
my advice to you would be to , Contact your Congressman or Woman they will take care of the problem. Don’t concern your self about the problems in Europe ,you have plenty of problems here in the “Good Ole U.S.” to worry about “)”)
Enjoy your “Freedom”:)
“Putin 2016” 🙂
Oinklesam says
Hey Cliff you’re one of the first to go… Send you back to where you belong.
Chucky says
Hey Cliff, go lay by your dish! Dumbass!
JCS says
It sounds like Cliff is part of the problem.
eyeball says
Brits can not own guns for self defense. The rapists CAN (illegally, of course). It’s a wide-open free-for-all for these Muslim gangs. Now, Obama wants us citizens to have no guns. He wants us to be vulnerable. Just like socialist England. We were granted the right to own personal weapons by the writers of the Constitution for PROTECTION against governmental tyranny. This follows DIRECTLY from our personal right to LIFE. So, if someone wants to take my life from me, even the unthreatened life of a young girl, WE have the right to keep him from doing it. God GAVE us that right! Socialists/Communists do not believe in God. We are just accidents of nature. No value, except to the “collective” or state. Do YOU BUY that? We must NEVER give up our right to protect our lives. NEVER! And if someone wants to take my life from me, it will be difficult to stop it with my fists. Especially if he’s ARMED! So, remember, not only can the “State” NOT protect you from violence, they don’t really WANT TO!
Elizabeth Cress-Sweet says
So DISCUSTING!!! And we want to bring those people here? I am sorry for the refugees, but I also note that there are
way lots of men in those groups. Why aren’t those men back in their country fighting for their freedoms??
Jo says
There is but only one reason this is getting worse, no one is doing anything about it and the more they don’t, the closer they will get to the children of the media and those that rule. As far as I’m concerned, those at the top and those in the media are as guilty as those Muslims that are doing such horrors to the kids. The only thing these gangs and even those that are promoting it understand is to get tough and I mean tough. If its not done, then it is coming home to you [ the upper-class, politicians, etc ], as they don’t care who you are.
Socrates says
For some time now the group most vulnerable to attacks by these groups don’t believe it can or will happen. They are the snowflakes that can’t stand stress and if put in a position where they have to think or defend themselves they will be worse than rabbits safe space doesn’t exist in the real world
gordon miller says
I simply cannot believe this is happening on our planet.
Solo says
Very disturbing and discouraging….for those that are doing it and allowing it to happen will pay their price one day…but nobody deserves that kind of treatment.
Tim McGuire says
How fitting it will be when the next wave of innocent girls taken and raped are daughter or granddaughter of member of the press, the media owners, Hollywood liberals, etc. Maybe that might change their misguided perception of what the role of a free press is and how their distorted ideas of right and wrong caused these types of problems.
Jo says
Muslims are hypocrites they just want to get there jollies off with women and then discard her as if she was an animal they should be ashamed of themselves they cannot find any virgins here on earth or even in heaven because whatever was left had been rapped and savaged by these so called pigs they really need to pray for their own souls and be cast into hell.
Alan says
If Obama is able to succeed and let all the Muslim Syrian refugees in that he wants to : Every girl in the country will be in danger from these gangs. The gangs will come with the refugees.
Bruce says
What a bunch or crap. Whites are just as likely to rape young girls as Muslims. This religion bashing has just got to stop. It’s really pathetic.
Keifer says
So do blacks, hispanics and latinos…
Chucky says
Are you really that stupid? Go do your liberal war cry, If I only had a brain!
spike says
Bruce, I’ve tried twice to post a reply to answer your lame question as to where in the U.S.A. is this happening. I guess the moderator won’t allow me to post a link. The fact is it has happened right here in the Minneapolis suburbs and involved sex trafficking to numerous other cities in the U.S.
Quit being so friggin lazy and do a little research. If you don’t care enough to become educated in the matter then do yourself a favor and quit posting your ignorance for all to see.
Dj says
Yea that includes his own daughters he has forgotten the safety of,it’s not 100% they can be protected and he wants to bring all the male refugees in this nation wat a idiot ! He’s such an arrogant cocky no it all it really tears my ass that our first black president had to be this way. Maybe if the good ole boys had done wat was needed 7 yrs ago we wouldn’t be in this mess! Most blacks either hate or very disappointed in him!
St. Edgar says
OK Cliff, apparently your a Communist, The result would be the same if Hillary, or Bernie were elected.
Concerning Racism: It is a flawed argument by intimidation. It makes a fool of you because no one can be a racist. It is a Scientific fact that all human beings are unique. That means that no one can be equal. Of course that means that anybody can be better than many other people depending on the discriminating criteria. Discrimination is a Property Right. Those who condemn it are Socialists,and have the personality of thieves.
Keifer says
As the Governments & Law Enforcement refuse to do anything that just proves they must condone what the muzzie rape gangs are doing. I bet they still would not do a damn thing if some muzzie violently raped, murdered, skinned the body and hung the womans body off of a bridge for the world to see. You know lame stream media would not report about it. The Government & Law Enforcement will not help any non-muzzie so it is us to us to protect ourselves from the muzzie POS…..
Justin W says
Islam translates into submission. I guess some of the evil practitioners of Islam thinks they are the ones to whom others should submit. Once again no one can point to any place ruled by Islam that is a good place to live. By its very nature, places under Islamic control are places of poverty, misery, violence and repression. I would suggest to Muslim women that the best thing they can do is leave Islam. The Koran treats women as livestock and that isn’t going to change.
dprato says
Well there ya go. You disarm your public and you are prey for the predators. I would love to see those folks try that here in the USA. They would find out fast that in this Country you try that stuff and you are going to wind up with your 72 virgins and no testicals in a hurry. Some of the European Countries are starting to come around and are deporting many of their Muslim immigrants. I have nothing against any form of legal immigration but this nonsense of letting people into your Country who don’t even care about assimilating for a better way of life but want to bring the same crap they came from into another Country is a no go for me. After reading about all of this nonsense my feelings are clear, you come here for that stuff and mess with me and I am going to put you down. Period.
Kerry Bourne says
I know that it’s fun to fantasize what we would do if we caught them “discipline
huey says
sound like some of this was happening to black people in the 60s and back
Karen McNeilly says
Well from the above batch of comments, I must say that I am very glad I am not married to and don’t have daughters (or sons even) with Bruce or Gordon or Cliff. I would know that I could not count on them to protect us, because they are not living in the real world. They have a fantasy world from back in the 50s in the heads…. “THAT” can’t happen in America! Boys… America is NOT IMMUNE the Muslim brand of hatred. They will be just another country with victims. Look at how many countries already are And to challenge your idea of reality, one should not expect young boys to be exempt from slave sex trafficking…. one need only think of how many pedophiles even this country has… do you somehow think maybe the middle eastern countries have no such men?? I am certain you would be wrong. With beatings and rapes that have already occurred in our country by these people, why would you welcome more of them. No. They are not all bad. Many truly want a better life. But that MUST be determined BEFORE they are allowed entry. And clueless American men need to get a grip. Or you may finally wake up when you find your wives and children engaged in a war for their lives, while you sit back saying you can’t believe this could happen on American soil!! It can and it will…. if WE don’t STOP it!! It’s obvious we cannot depend on our government to do it, and Mayors and Governors, and Sheriffs, and Police Chiefs aren’t doing it either. Of the people, for the people, by the people. That’s our recourse just as it was 200 yrs ago. WAKE UP PEOPLE!! BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!! Before your females disappear!
Karen McNeilly says
Well, if I’ve said it before, or someone else has, it evidently NEEDS to be repeated. Too many people still aren’t listening. There are still people who still don’t believe these things can happen. America today has lost so many of the troops who knew what the brutality of war is all about, and many now are living with their heads in the clouds. We have been fortunate to have escaped war on our soil since the Civil War. This whole issue has the potential to divide this country once again, till we end up with something similar to the Berlin wall or Korea’s DMZ. It is VITAL that all Americans believe these things CAN happen here!
Judy says
This is very sickening. The police and leadership in the UK are cowards and should be ashamed o themselves. There is things going on here too and you can thank Obama and the libs also anyone else stupid enough to go along with them. When you condone things that are evil you are just as guilty as the one doing it. Trump 2016
Vicky says
Obama is the root of all evil he has been since he took office he is the leader of the Muslims and Isis so no he isn’t going to do anything and never was. Why do you think things are the way they are. If we had a man as a president these islamics would be dead Isis I mean and we would not be dealing with all of this.But you have a traitor at the helm Obama and he is smooth talking both sides and is taking America down slowly but surely and Washington is sitting on there thumbs and taking a ride.When he finishes us off they will act stupid then and say they didn’t know about and didn’t see it coming by then it will be to late.If by chance we survive this this is why we need term limits for every one in office so we can get new blood in cause what we have now are ass kissers and that is not what we need we need people that will stand up for the people and what we have in Washington now does not stand up for the people they stand up for there selves not what the people want.
Ray says
Every one needs to wake up we are in a religious war the people doing these and other disgusting things are the true Muslims they are doing what the Koran teaches them to do. The good or so called moderate Muslims are not. If you are not of their sect of Islam they hate you the Koran teaches they can do as they want with you.
Denise says
Sickening. The politicians in Europe are to blame. They are too chicken to do anything and meanwhile 1000’s of young girl are sexually abused and tortured. We people are not stupid and we know what is going on. If it comes to America we will shoot to protect us from these filthy rotten pigs. You will burn in hell for all eternity and the cowards(politicians and ISIS) for what you have done to Jesus’ children. You deserve it. Germany you need to get rid of Merkel. She does not care about your welfare of your children. If she did she would never have allowed 1.1 million refugees in who are the one’s who are raping and abusing the children of Germany. I hope that bitch pays dearly. She too will go to hell.
JCS says
Europe is use to the U.S. straightening up any mess that they allow to grow but when we don’t have a President in the WH things continue to grow everywhere. Like weeds the should be ripped out by the roots and exterminated.