Left-wing protesters have nearly caused riots at Republican rallies this year, especially those hosted by billionaire Donald Trump.
And with the Republican National Convention just months away, police are preparing for more of the same.
Cleveland will host the convention in July, and the Cleveland Police Department is stocking up on riot gear in time for the event, according to the Cleveland Plain Dealer.
And they’re not just buying a few extra shields and billy clubs.
They’ve ordered 2,000 state-of-the-art riot suits called the “Elite Defender,” which look like something the U.S. Marines might wear.
The cops are also getting 26-inch long batons. The average MLB baseball bat, by comparison, is about 34 inches.
The Cleveland PD is also buying hundreds of sets of another type of riot gear to be used by cops on bikes, 25 sets of tactical armor and miles – 3.5 miles to be exact – of barriers that range from 3.5 feet in height to 6.5 feet.
Trump wants to build a wall on the Mexican border… but it looks like we might get one in Cleveland first.
Maybe they’re really expecting a riot. On the other hand, this could also be a local police department getting the most it can while the getting’s good – and it’s extra good at the moment.
Hosting the RNC comes with some perks, like a $50 million federal grant for security – and the Cleveland Police Department appears ready to spend every last cent of it.
And if there is unrest, you can bet the left-wing media will blame it all on Republicans, especially Trump supporters.
In reality, no one attending any Republican event in good faith has gone out looking for fights, either during or after.
At the Trump rally in Chicago earlier this month that was canceled due to protesters, the organizers even urged disappointed supporters to “go in peace” as they left the event.
But outside, they found anything but peace. They found lefty anarchists – a mob scene of what Trump himself called “professional protesters” – who were looking to cause trouble and make headlines.
They accomplished both.
If there is unrest in Cleveland, it almost certainly won’t be caused by supporters of Trump, Ted Cruz, John Kasich or anyone else seeking the GOP nomination.
It will be from the lawless left-wing groups – groups that are almost certainly planning right now to disrupt the event no matter who wins the nomination.
– The Horn editorial team
Bob says
Build a wall in Cleveland to hold the garbage out thats already in this Country!!!
Joy says
Stop their welfare checks. If they have to work to eat they will feel less like rioting.
Ask what you can do for the nation says
50 million for politicians to make a mess ? Tax money is AFter tax money .
Please all Elite professional politicians. ,we. Common people have been working so hard . Tax money is before grocery bills,mortgage bills,tuitions bills utility bills. You guy do not know anything about it ,don’t you
Anyone involved will have to pay back for this . GoD ,please help us .
Joe says
Your JOKING right??!! This is in anticipation of Trump not getting the nomination and having the most delegates. Trump supporters will go APESHIT!!! Rightfully so. Unfair. I am surprised though Obama wasn’t blamed, as the GOP finds some spin to blame him for EVERYTHING!!
me myself & I says
Obama should be blamed! He is the assclown that’s been in charge and enabled all this $I-Iit for the last 7 years!
Delius says
Amen to that
Delius says
All I am saying is stop welfare payments and let protester go to work so they will have no time to riot
Ask what you can do for the nation says
Wonder if the world still have any respect for USA ? Do we still need foreign policies ?
bleedgreen says
We are a nation out of control and i know for sure why. We have thrown God out of our lives everywhere we go our Home,schools, nation, our Churches,and are getting ready to elect a president who wants to throw the bible out of our politics that is exactly what she said or a president who is so removed from the bible that its two corinthians what can we expect buy MORE TURMOIL lookout America Gods hammer IS falling on us.
Cynthia Marven says
tom says
Every city has riot training prior to a convention, nothing new report some real news. You think they are going to wait until the convention to do it you dumb ass? Bet they are having the same training in the city of the democrat convention to. What a stupid story
Christopher J. Pauli says
This once proud Life Long Democrat, Vet and elected union officer
is unENROLLED and not a Republican! But I and many others are
voting for Donald TRUMP! Welfare should EXPIRE and should
never be so generous as to encourage children birthing children
and pay better then ALL entry level jobs! Who in right mind would
give Wellie up for work?!
For the GOP to have chosen Cleveland to have convention is a
living example of what Trump is fighting with – POLITICIANS who
haven’t a clue about the American people being feed up with the
ESTABLISHMENTS same old $hit . . . this is like birds choosing
to summer on a cat infested ISLAND. Fortunately the birds can
fly away but Soros and company will up the pay for his protesters
and easily cause a RIOT of such magnatude that Mr. Soeto has to
declare MARSHALL LAW, suspend the Constitution and become
the Grand Muffti of the WORLD.
Gina D. says
You wonder why? There are so many depressed areas in Cleveland. You could buy a big house anywhere from $1,000-25K. They are dependent on the government and they obviously won’t support a Rep, especially Trump.
blackajck mcd says
you are stupid
Kim says
Boy, what 50 million dollars could do for smaller local government police departments!
AW says
Eileen says
The article specifically stated left wing. What makes them think it is left wing people when it has been quite obvious the republican party itself has pulled out all the stops to disrupt Donald Trump’s campaign. I am not defending Donald Trump. I am saying call it the way it is. At least say it could be both, (unless you are totally Republican) and refuse to accept possibilities.
gail says
I am total republican and still agree with you. All politicians are fighting to keep Trump out.
However, the harder they all try the more we want him!
Agree – The GOP itself is trying to de-rail the majority of Republican voters who have voted for Trump…
If Trump gets screwed out of the nomination by the constantly changing and manipulated good ole boy GOP rule makers – you can be there will a very ugly mass departure from GOP nationwide… it may not all manifest itself as a physical riot, but a VOTING REVOLUTION inside the voting booth.
Don’t mess with the American Majority after their votes have been cast.
A Reasoned Thinker says
Illinois Bob — I totally agree with you!!! Go (only!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Trump in 2016.
Roy Fredrichsen says
With all the turmoil brewing with “Black Live Matter”, Hired professional protestors, Candidates calling each other liars, and other disruptious groups, it’s beginning to look like the riots when the Democratic Convention in Chicago when Kennedy was running for President. Campaign business as usual?
robert says
AW, right my man. They hirer professionals and then blame Mr. Trump for stirring up the people’s emotions and “causing them” to be violent. More lies, deception, smoke and mirrors effect from the dem party that has been nothing but lies for the last 7 years. baboon Obama an hilarious Hillary are pathological liars.
Donald W. says
George Soros
D/D says
springahead says
Anyone who has no horse(so you speak) in this race IS MIND DEAD
karen says
Crazy Bernie, winning hilary, and Kaisch are all in it to destroy America. They will all raise taxes upwards of 90%. No health care, and if you own a house it will be taken away from you and given to a welfare leach. America is gone. George Sorous is paying huge amounts of money for Black lives matter etc, to march from New York to The Capital and take congress hostage. They plan on demanding obama be made dictator. Why do you think he has gone to Venezuela and cuba. He was consulting with dictators. He has taken over the military, medical care, cut social security, incre as ed wefare, and rigged votting. He also now has the power to declare marshal law. Cancel elections and with all his Muslim friends in the government, sharia law. He is the devil.
Socrates says
The liberal left with its hand out for freebies won’t want anyone in office that might stop the cash cow. Their short sightedness and selfish motives may put the US in a financially impossible situation but the freeloaders only think of the here and now and the eternal me-me-me. I want a border. I want illegals out. I want sanctuary cities gone. I want support for single mothers to end after the second child- since they now know how to get pregnant don’t do it for a check! I want veterans taken care of- We Owe Them! And no support for illegals. I don’t want to walk into a bathroom or shower and discover that the one percent who wants it their way is putting the other 99 0/0 in a very uncomfortable position. If you are born a male then either get it surgically fixed since obamacare now pays for it or get out of the wrong bathroom. And by the way kiddies, the govt will pay thousands so you can get a penis but forget a kidney transplant. Common sense? You can’t find it anymore!
Vassiliki says
well stated! Just one thing not all single moms had children out of wedlock and a lot do work but can’t make ends meet. Maybe stop the cash flow portion for those women that do not want to work and are milking the system! it should be a requirement for all women to work (if children over age 3) to receive any form of benefits and not to have anymore babies.
paul says
Bravo. Good post. We could use Sokrates, Aristoteli, Periklis, Platonas, etc. now!
Vassiliki- good point.
We need common sense here and in Greece.
D. Myers says
If Trump does not win, which he should, then God help us all.
robert says
Jim says
Glad it’s there!! Hope you have allot of band aids. And I see a big mass exits of republican party members leaving the Republican party for the RINO’s while true conservative LEAVE. NO Republican will get elected if they steal it away from TRUMP. I’ll vote for BERNIE Sanders as a Protest vote and close my 2 businesses and become part of the dam problem. It not hard to see what is happening here with the “E” screwing things up for us voters. It just more of a fixed procedure at this stage to get to where they want us.
Jody Flores says
What makes you think rumper is a conservative? He is not. He has no record as a repub much less a conservative-he has been a supporter of lib/dem/prog causes forever. Who are his good buddies (his words) the clintons and the head of the national enquirer.
As far as his business record-if he is so smart, why did he lie about the Atlantic City debacle, and his net worth? I would not / will not accept that his business record qualifies him for any position in the government, nor his record in general. He is a huckster and speculation on his ability to defeat hillbilly (very questionable with negative 44% with women voters) is baseless.
Roy Fredrichsen says
I guess you are saying a Leopard can’t change his spots. How about Reagan was once a dyed in the wool
democrat, discovered the error of his ways, became a Republican, and was elected President.
Barbara Warren says
Yes, and Reagan was a great president. We need someone just like him and that would be Donald Trump.
Greg says
Just why do you think the establishment hates Trump? They can’t control him and he will throw them off the gravy train.
Trump resonates what the “American Majority” want — call it what you want , but the NOW UN-SILENT MAJORITY is taking this government back. Trump will do better than Reagan ever did!
I respect Ronald Reagan a lot – I voted for him twice. But Regan made a lot of mistakes in his 2 terms, increased taxes 10 to 12 times in his last 7 seven years in office; Amnesty to millions of illegals but never secured the borders; Was the first President to leave a deficit that could not be covered – which started the wonton spending mindset up to almost $20 Trillion right now.
Bobbie says
I think maybe you need to do your research a little better. He has been republican for as far back as1988. And yes he did support dems and republicans because in order #GO get the permits he needed he and to pay the blackmail which is what it is no matter what they want to call it. And he has never denied any of his actions. At least he take responsibility for his actions while NONE of the other ever do.
AW says
springahead says
Right on
Christopher J. Pauli says
Gives one an example of just how wise the GOP
LeaKers are! Who in right mind would host anything
other than a RIOT in Cleveland!
VOTE, early and often for The DONALD to save
Clevelend infecting the rest of America!
Amil says
Cleveland needs a Joe Aripiro as sheriff, or take lessons from him to put those protesters in jail as soon as they start a civil unrest situation. As an older American, I am tired of these so Protesters that are on someone’s payroll. That someone needs to be in the same tent as the protesters. Amil Baker
grams says
The signs are everywhere! Look.up and listen for the trumpets. God bless America!!!!
Juanita says
Agreed!!! But we must “occupy till He (the true King – Jesus) comes. Meanwhile I’m voting for a true conservative- one who will do what he says he will do – Ted Cruz.
Greg says
Cruz has only worked inside the government and can’t get elected. Another Goldwater. Cruz must get funds from the donor class and his wife works for Goldman Sachs. Cruz was instrumental in getting Roberts on the Supreme Court.
TED CRUZ is a Flim Flam man with a bible in one hand, and a knife in the other to stab his brother.
LYIN TED: Cant Be TrusTED.
Steve says
Ohio governor should install the National Guard, And order to shoot to kill any protester refuses to obey an direct order.
Joanne says
Forget the riot gear. Engage helicopters to fly over Cleveland and spray a type of liquid over the unruly protestors so they fall asleep. Either that or take high powered water hoses and let loose. It’s most likely that none of the potential unruly mob will have to go to work the next day since they all live off the system. Bunch of losers and takers.
L.Stacey says
Love your solution.
Gerry says
IDEA — call in the cavalry — give them live ammo — and the first protesters to get out of hand — open fire !!!!!!! I’ll bet it won’t last long.
Sharon Vierling says
Barbara Warren says
If these people are on welfare that are rioting, take them off of welfare and make them get a job. If they are able to riot, they are able to find a job and will not have time to destroy this country.
L.Stacey says
Good for Cleveland. Prepare ahead of time.
Greg says
Riots are generally bad, but this might irritate the majority to get rid of the anarchists running the Democrat Party.
Constitutionalist says
i do agree with the earlier protester who said that either DEMOLIcans OR RepublicRATS could be behind paying the ‘protesters.’ In years past, no protesters were paid except the agents provocateur who would join up with a crowd, throw rocks and bottles at police to give them an excuse, then disappear – or appear to be “arrested.”
That said, at least according to prisonplanet.com, Soros, MoveOn.org and Black Lives Matter have all been tied to the Sanders sign-waving “protesters” at various Trump/Republican events. This would actually have been a fairly good strategy on the part of DEMOLicans, if there was no such thing as the internet to expose their duplicity immediately. i mean, think about it; you hire protesters to wave the signs of your democratic opponent, while simultaneously causing riots at your republican opponents’ rallies, which would simultaneously make many sheeple not vote for Sanders while smearing Cruz, Kasich, and Trump rallies as places to avoid.
If i were Cleveland Police chief, i would have quite the pre-Convention publicity campaign – radio, teevee, bus and bus stop ads – which would lay out the rules for protesting – as long as it stays non-violent, they can wave all the signs, shout all the obscenities and/or actual VALID criticisms they likem etc,. As SOON as it turns violent, however, arrests will begin en-masse, and the violence will be met with violence – though personally, i’d prefer that the city’s hi-def security cameras specifically identify and prosecute ONLY those who actually COMMITTED the violence – and if paid-by-the-State-or-democratic-organ AGITATORS are found, prosecute them MORE harshly…that won’t happen, but that’s what i’d PREFER.
The psychology of crowds is well-known and used by the “social engineers” toward a particular result – one unintended consequence of which is usually to alert anyone with a lick of sense to stay the hell away from “protesters” that you don’t know.
The well-protected and well-screened Convention-GOERS usually think of the noisy as nothing but “rabble” anyway, or paid shills for the alleged “opposition.” If any protester was isolated from the crowd and questioned as to why they despise the Republicans, i’d wager that fewer than 10% could come up with any reason which would withstand intelligent scrutiny…other than “Well, i was paid 16 an hour to be here,” maybe.
Mary Delprete says
Such a disgrace the left wingers , Democrates and liberals, said they would do anything to stop Trump from winning and guess what he is going to win. All this is just a setup, where is the President,why does he not call for the national guards to correct this crazy behavior and if necessary cancel all conventions and just have television debates so these trouble making rioting idiots do not have a media stage.
R says
So, if the little “I live in my moms basement people”, take to the streets to burn and trash it, will we really notice a difference? It is Cleveland after all. On the positive side, their moms get the basement back for a day or two and if mom is smart, she will change the locks.
Sorry to be so sarcastic but just tired of the “none working class”, thinking they have the answers to a better life and they know what’s best for me and you. Real people who contribute to society, don’t riot!
Keith says
Those left wingers are more like terrorists than protesters and that’s how Obama & crew want them to be.
Tony says
Why don’t you get it right! Working folks are sick & tired of the lying & stealing criminals that are running this country! Its time to purge the scum from Washington. Wake Up America!! You & generations after you are being forced into slavery to work for the illicit Politian’s so they can waste & steal tax payers monies & get a mass of welfare recipients together to win these elections. Give them welfare & open up the borders to get more votes!! Wake up, the scum has taken hold of Washington!!!
Mike E. says
Agent Orange was used to kill bad foliage and insects, why not use it on the Cleveland streets? Just put the word out that it is scheduled to be used in the area of the convention center to rid the area of pests and anyone sprayed is done so at their own doings and have been warned to stay clear of the area. I am not saying that the spraying needs to really take place but it can be scheduled and announced in the local news and anyone in the area is there at their own peril and risk of being sprayed with it. Lets see how many are really dedicated at protesting, LOL
R.B. says
Reading all of this brings to mind another riot of the multitudes… Matthew 27:20, Mark 15:10-13, Luke 23:23, and John 19:15. Seems to me that paid rioters is nothing new. Even in biblical times when the chief priests paid the rabble to outshout the Christians to shout for Barabbas instead of Jesus, they had their “hangers-on’s”, their rabble and the ones that could be paid off. So… I guess to quote Ecclesiastes 1:9… and there is no new thing under the sun. And look where THAT riot got us…
Arthur Hartsock says
Cleveland Police need to study what St Paul Police did in 2008. The first day the protesters ran around breaking windows and such. But starting the second day the St Paul police bottled up the protesters and wouldn’t let them run around. They could stay in one small area an scream and yell, but that was it. Do what the police did in Milwaukee, not what they did in Chicago recently. The Milwaukee police also did a good job of limiting the space for the protesters to go crazy. Chicago police didn’t have a good plan.
Nathan Clark says
let these liberal idiots put on display for all to see there hanously immature ,primitave, no, neanderthal way of handling things. Im embarrassed to be in association with these supposed “americans”
BJC says
I left one; it was erased.
BJC says
What do you mean: in your comment is awaiting moderation????????
Christopher J. Pauli says
This once proud Life Long Democrat, Vet and elected union officer
is unENROLLED and not a Republican! But I and many others are
voting for Donald TRUMP! Welfare should EXPIRE and should
never be so generous as to encourage children birthing children
and pay better then ALL entry level jobs! Who in right mind would
give Wellie up for work?!
For the GOP to have chosen Cleveland to have convention is a
living example of what Trump is fighting with – POLITICIANS who
haven’t a clue about the American people being feed up with the
ESTABLISHMENTS same old $hit . . . this is like birds choosing
to summer on a cat infested ISLAND. Fortunately the birds can
fly away but Soros and company will up the pay for his protesters
and easily cause a RIOT of such magnatude that Mr. Soeto has to
declare MARSHALL LAW, suspend the Constitution and become
the Grand Muffti of the WORLD.
If riots do transpire, it will be because of the demonstrators who are paid by the establishment. They are doing everything they can to keep Trump out because they are petrified, scared of being replaced . I support Trump, and GOD willing he will win!
Justin W says
Generally the rent-a-mobs are not supporters of the candidates they are demonstrating against. Hopefully the Trump campaign will work to identify the convention protestors and publicize who is behind the troublemaking. We as Americans should NOT allow troublemakers and their financial backers to destroy our democracy. The professional rabble-rousers are as much of a threat as the Islamic terrorists. Both groups seek to destroy civilization and civility–the only difference is their religion.