The world is still in shock after a series of bombs claimed at least 31 lives in Brussels yesterday.
But it seems like at least one person may have seen the attacks coming a mile away — GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump.
In fact, Trump expressed concerns about security in Brussels two months before the attacks.
In a Jan. 26th interview on Fox Business Network, anchor Maria Bartiromo was questioning Trump on his plan to temporarily bar Muslim immigrants and tourists from the United States when his attention turned to European terror.
“There is something going on, Maria,” Trump replied. “Go to Brussels. Go to Paris. Go to different places. There is something going on and it’s not good, where they want Sharia law… There is no assimilation. There is something bad going on.”
Trump went on to say that Brussels, the capital of Belgium, was of particular concern. Belgium has been home to a number of recent terror plots, and was linked to the November 2015 attack on Paris, France, that left 130 people dead.
“You go to Brussels — I was in Brussels a long time ago, 20 years ago, so beautiful, everything is so beautiful — it’s like living in a hellhole right now,” Trump continued. “You go to these different places. There is something going on.”
Early reports are that the Brussels attacks were carried out by a terror sleeper cell that may have been operating in the country for some time. ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attacks.
TRUMP knows more than people and media give him credit for… he has the sources that provide him with the information. Trump listens to experts, thinks, consults further with experts, and acts. He is presidential.
TRUMP ON TRADE – Consistent message… 25 years ago TRUMP PREDICTED what was to happen to this country regarding trade. 3 minute VIDEO uncovered Trump interview with Oprah will shock a lot of people – YouTube
Main Street says
Trump is seriously talking about REAL issues. The “leader” of the free world was doing the wave with Castro’s dictator brother at a baseball game. Yet, the media and politically correct label Trump as evil.
linda says
It seems like they praise the Communists & Fascists since Obama got in; Oh, & I forgot to mention the Muslims; What is going on w/ this screwed up World?
Lilly says
Mr Trump said the very first day that we needed to close our borders until we can figure out how to vet all of these people coming from all of these countries and boy was he ever put down. Now yesterday after Brussels atack Mr Lyin Ted is now try to act like he was the one who started talking about that. They all put Trump down and said it couldn’t be done but in my life time I have sene it happen. At one time we had no visias issued for over two years and there was several million illegal immigrants sent home. It is not something that can’t be done because it already has. This man is probably the smartest person that has ever ran for President. If you read his book he tells what schools he went to and on had to do with the army. Passed with honors but wasn’t accepted because of some thing to do with some problem. The reason they are trying to stop Trump is because he can’t be bought and that scares the hell out of the big money donors. Go Trump
gig says
Well said!!
Jim Evans says
nini says
I couldn’t agree more. They are afraid he will do what truly needs to be done and all the truths of how our government really is will be known.
raulin says
We need Mr .Trump more than ever ,,He got balls ,,there are many things that have to be said and done and He is the only one that speaks the truth about what have to be done in this country,,,look at all those refuges going into Europe,,,more than half are Trojan horses and the rest will become isis helpers,,wake up America..
jnorris says
Only an IDIOT would not understand that there are HUGE PROBLEMS brewing world wide….
So far, TRUMP in the only GUY in the room willing to admit the TRUTH and tell US what our NATIONAL PROBLEMS are and have an ANY idea as to how we might address them and defeat them together….
What NOBODY knew that the WORLDS has a problem named ISLAM?
What NOBODY understood that our Education Bill is being financially undermined by the weight of supporting ILLEGAL IMMEGRANTS stealing their way into our country and sucking US dry!
TRUMP sees exactly what the REST of US see…. Unlike most of YOU he isn’t afraid to say it out loud and in PUBLIC!!!
Here is a prediction for you: Within 90 days of Brussels there will be another MAJOR ATTACK in Europe or in side of America!!!! Let US hope we still have CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS to protect ourselves in it’s aftermath…..
Get ready to PAY the BILL is on it’s way….
I have to jump in here. Unfortunately, I do not agree with everything that Trump says, the way he says it, and his attitude. etc.; however, he does seem to have some insights and the courage to say facts. We all need to realize that our lives are all on the line. There are dangers here in America, and have been for a long time, but it seems the “leadership” has not wanted to address it and take steps necessary to protect us or our allies.
Time on this earth is short, and no one knows when their last breath is going to be taken, so it is vital that each person make their choice. Either accept Jesus Christ and the salvation that He paid for with His blood when He died on the cross for everyone’s sins, or reject Him. If Jesus is rejected, that person will spend eternity in a literal hell, and there will be NO mercy or fun forever! But before they go to hell, they will BOW AT THE FEET OF JESUS AND PROCLAIM HIM LORD OF ALL! Then they will be banished to hell forever! They are not going to be there with their cronies, buddies, family, and friends. It is going to be alone without God!!!
I hope everyone reading this will take life seriously and give great consideration of these facts. Like it or not, truth is truth, and Jesus is the only way to heaven. There will be NO second chances once your last breath has been taken, and your life IS over on this earth. Choose today who you will serve. Will it be Jesus or satan????? It is YOUR CHOICE! NO ONE CAN CHOOSE FOR YOU.
I would rather live for God, and find out there is no eternity rather than live like there is no GOD, and then find out my soul is lost forever.
Jim Evans says
BEV KAFTAN: ; I hear religious fanatic’s like you all of the time, saying god will do this or god will do that. NEWS FLASH : God isn’t going to do anything. And that is what wars and most conflicts are fought over. Maybe if there was no religion, we might not have wars or conflicts like we are having now. Growing up, i went to church and bible school and i found out with my own eyes, that most so called religious people are nothing more than a bunch of hypocrites . So if you want god to safe you, you might as well as wish in one hand and you know what in the other, because it is not going to happen. amen !
mike dar says
Maybe the ‘hypocrisy’, you see, is a self justification to abandon the principles of “conscience” within yourself.
Religion originated as a answer to diverse violence. Where indiscriminate violence was the method of Tyrannical IDIVIDUALS. Religion restricted violence to a set of parameters needing being met. As time passes and man becomes more ‘civilized, the less the need for violence, in certain subsets of ‘man’, civilized behavior is slower to be accomplished and is hampered by the titular heads of the religious LEADERS.
What you haven’t come to grips with is the larger set of conflicting paradigms..
ALL MEN ARE HYPOCRITICAL… as you have displayed.
Elveda says
l pray that God continues to have mercy on you and that you will have a change of heart n realize that there are no perfect people,saved or lost. Jesus Christ was and is the only perfect person born . My heart goes out to people like you who doesn’t understand grace,forgiveness and salvation. realize. Time on this earth is short….You need to remember some of the things you learned in church….
And don’t be so quick to judge others……by the way,when you look into a mirror,who do you see?….Someone you saw when you were attending church years ago?
mrsh says
Mike Dar stated “Religion originated as a answer to diverse violence.” That is not true. God made the heavens and the earth in perfect working order. God is order. Then God made man perfect until the very first people sinned, bringing in satan’s “sin/chaos”. The opposite of God’s perfect working order is satan’s chaos. God was NOT “created by man” as an answer to diverse violence- so you have it exactly backwards. When you don’t know God or God’s character at all, it is easy to imagine that could have been a possibility. It’s just lack of biblical education is all. What a power trip you’d have to be on to think that mortal man could create God……Man is but dust, given life by God Almighty, and not the other way around.
Jim Evans (above) said “God isn’t going to do anything”. Jim you are also wrong. God is DOING something at every second of every day in this world, and those who seek Him find Him. Everything that happens that is good is caused by Him. Can you imagine one day if God left this planet what would happen? Never another “Good” thing to happen ever again- never even a kind gesture or a helping hand from a neighbor- no hope of good things ever again…? What you apparently can’t see is God working around you at all times- always trying to provide you with opportunities to come back to Him and for you to seek Him, that He may be able to help you and make your life better, and hopefully even let Him save your eternal soul in the end because He knew you before you were even born, and made you …and He loves you greatly. Yes, it says that in the Bible, and yes, it also says that God IS love. So do you not believe in love either? They are the same thing, so if you believe in one you must believe in both out of logical necessity
As to Trump and this article, I prey for Trump’s victory to the White House! God is looking for a courageous man “to stand in the gap on behalf of the land”. He is sharp, effective, and speaks the truth. He is willing to stand against these muslim terrorists and lay the hammer down. That is what we need- not another limp wristed politically correct idiot handing our country over to the enemy muslims like Justin Trudeau just did.
Cruz says he’s a Christian, but so did Obama!! Obama said he was a Christian to get elected, and now we see he is actually the world’s MUSLIM leader and he has stolen our highest office and is now letting all his buddies into our nation to try and take over. He was never even a legitimate American citizen, and has his records “sealed” to stop all investigations!!
Cruz is a consistent liar, and his lieing to Carson supporters is what caused Ben Carson to lose the race in Iowa. Cruz did the same massive lieing technique to Carson again in the next race- which was it South or North Carolina- can’t remember which one, but he lied against Carson supporters again down there, telling them that Carson had dropped out and to vote for Cruz instead! That is a TERRIBLE very short-term track record of lieing- and that’s just in a couple of races- just imagine the endless lieing he would do as President!! No- Cruz is NOT a Christian at all with tactics like that. “Proverbs 12:22: Lieing lips are an abomination to the LORD, but those who deal truthfully are His delight.”
Obama said he was a Christian, and Cruz said he is a Christian. Both are LIARS and both are from another country. Cruz is from Canada, and Obama is from ..?..hell. LOL ;()
I am assuming that the RINOs thought- “hey Obama wasn’t a citizen or a Christian, and he pulled it off, so let’s try and run Cruz through the same way he did!” How mortifying that all the people who support Cruz are falling for the very same tactic all over again. (shaking my head) ugghh.
Trump is the only American running in this race. Hillary is a globalist (and should be in prison already), and Sanders belongs in Russia with the rest of those socialists. Trump is tough- on our behalf- and is the only American running. They are either globalists or Americans anymore- party makes no difference. The dividing line is between Americans and globalists… not Republicans and Democrats. Carson was also an American. Hopefully Trump will choose him as a VP. TRUMP for President!! Pray for the only AMERICAN left running to win the Presidency.
linda says
So Jim What do You think will happen when You Die?” Just wondering…
lola martin says
I agree with you 100% and there are many reasonable people around the world to understanding that Western Civilization is being taking over by the Muslim Civilization, and the politicians as long as they get money will look the other way, like Cruz Judas is doing, betraying USA with the rinos.
Jim D says
Trump, how convenient, if he was so sure of this Why? did he not take more proactive measures and force the Belgians to go on the alert two months ago.
A prognosticator Mr Trump is certainly is not!
An opportunist; Pushing his agenda and spreading FEAR he is.
What a PHONY!
porter says
Jim D you are an idiot!!!! You should listen to what you are saying, makes no sense!!!! Stupid is as stupid does!!! Wow
Jim D says
I guess if a statement is so far above the level of education you project, then I suppose it would seem stupid to you. As you evidently have no concept of the meaning of words.
Go back to school before you post tirades such as this.
David says
Hey Jim D, get your head out of the sand before it’s too late. Trump is the only candidate that tells the truth about how badly Obama and his minions, along with the Republican establishment, have screwed America over; and he has the balls to stand up to the destroyers of our once great USA, and try fixing the problems we have.
Roger Mann says
I agree with porter!
Han tran says
Jim you need help.idiot.
Sue says
Every thinking person recognized the threats from radical Islamists after Athens attack in Paris. Did you really think they wouldn’t attack again or that ISIS was the JV team? Without actionable intelligence, which no one had unless it was the Belgium police, what warning would be meaningful. Trump reputably has an IQ of 156 (Do you understand that is a genius?) and years of working with business and government leaders around the world. Heck, I was predicting attacks would reoccur and I only have an IQ of 134. What hole did you have your head in?
Jim D says
Nothing that Mr Trump has said has not been predicted more than a century ago. Historically there have been those who feel their beliefs are the only ones that are correct and that all others should be eradicated from the face of the earth. Much like ISIS now; governor Boggs in 1838 when he ordered all Mormons to be annihilated and driven from the lands they had settled and developed in the territory. Hitler against the Jews, and Christians of whom he failed to complete his plan before his defeat for crimes against humanity.
Hate and differences of opinions have always been around the only thing that has changes is the conversation and the actors in the scenarios.
By the way the last I checked my IQ was 158! But that is just a number assignment to pigeon-hole people into thinking they are better or less than the next person.
Intelligence is not measured in IQ but in wisdom.
mike dar says
Jim D ‘differences of opinions ‘ is kind of reducing the situation isn’t it? People wanting to kill everyone whom is not following a set of ideological rules or tax them into obscurity is not acting an ‘opinion’, it is war.
Trump stated this set rules by a few, the ‘terrorist’s ideals’ would bring to pass a massive conflict.
Warnings in other times has no bearings on this time, place and set of rules. Yes, most people were seeing that unfettered, the terrorists would rise to creating this situation as we see it now and most people also determined it would only happen in an environment created by poor leadership on both sides, the performers and those the terrorism would be performed on.
If you wish to simply the issue of life and death to a difference of opinion that is your… opinion, but having looked into the eyes of others when life and death is in action, “opinion’ doesn’t even start to approach the issue’s seriousness.
debdell says
When you say people believe that their beliefs are the only correct ones – I think of religion first. Religion is the opiate of the masses and one of the worst addictions – it has killed more people in history than anything else.
Machete Eddie says
At present it is NOT TRUMPS responsibility to have pushed for protecting Belgium. I have absolutely not one shred of doubt
our present POTUS heard what TRUMP predicted, just like Benghazi the present leadership would rather look the other way.
If this country becomes Socialist, Communist, Muslium rule,
the very Wealthy will be the least affected. Obama speaks of
the RICH and very wealthy Republicans as they are some kind of bad! However he is very wealthy also and the Clintons are extremely wealthy they are Democrats. Professional Athletes
are very wealthy and they are both parties.
Have our present leadership get off their A&& and do something.
Or if they wont VOTE for TRUMP He doesn’t seem to owe anyone anything! Which makes him the best choice.
Rick G. says
Jim D – were you born stupid or did you major in stupidity in school? Shut your pie-hole and consider suicide before you can reproduce.
Jim D says
Apparently you have no concept of the first amendment of the constitution.
If you believe euthanization of lesser genes is the answer, Then please go first and I will follow your lead. Not!!!
IntegrityAlways says
Jim D — it appears that 1st amendment rights are only granted to those that you and your ilk agree with. Express a different opinion and one gets all kinds of PC demonstrators showing up, disrupting those pesky 1st amendment rights of others. It’s rather like the far right supporting states’ rights only as long as the state is behaving like the righties think the states should behave. It is so much healthier to recognize where the other guy is wrong but give him the right to express that wrongness.
Jim D says
Rick G
I should not respond to your comment, however I do have my first amendment rights to post or say what ever I feel should be said.
But I doubt you have any idea of what I am referencing here.
As far as your reference of euthanization, please go first. I’m sure you will not be missed.
Han tran says
But you say stupid thing.
Jim D says
Spoken like a true Trumtonian.
TT says
Jim D says
Not at all, But thanks for the compliment. Would not expect anything more from a true Trumptonian.
Constitutionalist says
Jim D-
Trump, how convenient, if he was so sure of this Why? did he not take more proactive measures and force the Belgians to go on the alert two months ago.
Really? FORCE the Belgians? You attribute a great deal of power to Trump that he simply doesn’t have.
A prognosticator Mr Trump is certainly is not!
Sorry, Charlie; Trump is on tape – DATED tape, mind you – where he certainly DOES warn that something evil is coming to Belgium, specifically Brussels. Ergo, your claim that Trump is NOT a prognosticator sortof falls flat when compared to – what was that, again? Oh, yeah: Evidence.
An opportunist; Pushing his agenda and spreading FEAR he is.
i happen to LIKE his agenda, as well as the methodology and reasoning behind it; and putting out warnings of legitimate danger is NOT “spreading FEAR.” Were all those foreign governments who warned the vacationing Shrub prior to 911 ALSO “spreading fear”? And what’s with the lame Yoda impersonation, on top of everything else?
What a PHONY!
You are certainly entitled to your opinion, no matter how stupid it is when compared with the – what was that, again? Oh, yeah – evidence!
You can certainly call it a “coincidence,” if you prefer, but as a previous poster well-noted, Trump has many sources of information outside of CCMSM that the majority of the sheeple never get to see or hear from.
Jim D says
If we were to believe everything Mr Trump spews from his lips, one would be lead to believe he is the Messiah and can perform all types of miracles. If you do not believe me just ask the Trumster.
I’m sure with his ego he would be hesitant to deny it.
Dave says
This guy has to be a Clinton supported. The last Clinton poll I saw said that one out of three Clinton supporters are just as stupid as the other two.
Janice says
Jim, you are going to think phony and will know what fear is when ISIS comes knocking at your door. How one person can be so stupid is beyond me but you have shown me it is possible.
Jim D says
I do not fear cowards!
Anyone who lacks the ability to face you eye to eye, reverting to the snake like attacks on innocent victims needs not to be feared.
If these so called radicals had an ounce of courage they would stop their hiding and come out as a force to be reckoned with.
But like most cowards they hide and only come out when they know they can strike against defenseless individuals.
Having fought in a war, I know what combat is and how to deal with it.
debdell says
I agree with PORTER – you are an idiot. What makes you think Trump as a business man has any power over what a foreign country does? You would find a better reception at moveon org where you can complain about Hillary fixing the AZ primary of Bernie. Zombie sheep are welcome there.
Genny Lingenfelter says
Hi Bob, It would be difficult shocking me any more. Think I now seen it all. I LOVE my Country & feel soo taken by wrong government, lies & list goes on & on. I look on our land & remember all the changes gone through but never-ever remember a time like this.. SAD-so SAD.
Joyce Gould says
He doesn’t treat people who oppose him presidential. And what is so great about predicting an attack on Brussels? The terrorists who attacked Paris were from Belgium. I predicted an attack on Brussels and I am a retired nurse. It’s a no brainer for anyone watching the news.
porter says
Well Joyce Gould maybe you should run for President, since you are so smart!! If it was so obvious why doesn’t any one else talk like Mr. Trump!!!! Who died and made you judge and jury!!! Idiots!
Kimberly says
I totally agree. He will be great for the country.
Linda says
I agree with you Illinois Bob. He’s a very intelligent man with a high IQ. No, he’s not the most articulate candidate we’ve heard, however, his thought process is way above average. His accomplishments are extremely impressive. You are correct, he is presidential.
Deb says
Roger Mann says
Those that listen, tend to learn!
debdell says
Great link – thanks. I had not seen that interview before. It is amazing how consistent Trump has been over the years.
Alvin says
Oh, they know alright, but the establishment has complete control of them, they can only tell what they are allowed, where Trump is not under their control yet! He is going to be the only hope we have, but if he put’s the wrong vic in he will be signing his own death warrant! Look what happened to JFK and LBJ wasn’t going to let Bobby tell him what to do, so he had him knocked off too, by Herby W. Bush!
Frank W Brown says
Trump is the ONLY one who would STOP more of this…
A Country Founded by Geniuses but Run by Idiots! AND TYRANTS AND BUREAUCRAPS!!!
If you can get arrested for hunting or fishing without a license, but not for entering and remaining in the country illegally — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If you have to get your parents’ permission to go on a field trip or to take an aspirin in school, but not to get an abortion — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If you MUST show your identification to board an airplane, cash a check, buy liquor, or check out a library book and rent a video, but not to vote for who runs the government — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If the government wants to prevent stable, law-abiding citizens from owning gun magazines that hold more than ten rounds, but gives twenty F-16 fighter jets to the crazy new leaders in Egypt — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If, in the nation’s largest city, you can buy two 16-ounce sodas, but not one 24-ounce soda, because 24-ounces of a sugary drink might make you fat — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If an 80-year-old woman or a three-year-old girl who is confined to a wheelchair can be strip-searched by the TSA at the airport, but a woman in a burka or a hijab is only subject to having her neck and head searched — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If your government believes that the best way to eradicate trillions of dollars of debt is to spend trillions more — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If a seven-year-old boy can be thrown out of school for saying his teacher is “cute,” but hosting a sexual exploration or diversity class in grade school is perfectly acceptable — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If hard work and success are met with higher taxes and more government regulation and intrusion, while not working is rewarded with Food Stamps, WIC checks, Medicaid benefits, subsidized housing, and free cell phones — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If the government’s plan for getting people back to work is to provide incentives for not working, by granting 99 weeks of unemployment checks, without any requirement to prove that gainful employment was diligently sought, but couldn’t be found — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If you pay your mortgage faithfully, denying yourself the newest big-screen TV, while your neighbor buys iPhones, time shares, a wall-sized do-it-all plasma screen TV and new cars, and the government forgives his debt when he defaults on his mortgage — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If being stripped of your Constitutional right to defend yourself makes you more “safe” according to the government — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If the media panders to your openly socialist leader while the IRS targets groups with dissenting views— you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If your government ‘cracks down’ on legal gun sales to law abiding citizens while secretly supplying illegal guns to Mexican drug cartels— you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If your local government (Chicago) outlawed gun ownership for ‘the safety of its citizens’ and now boasts the worst murder rate in the country — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
What a country!
How about we give God a reason to continue blessing America?
This was borrowed from another blog, authors unknown, please spread it far and wide!
Brenda says
Oh if we could get this into every form of advertising. thanks for sharing.
Johnny says
Mr.Brown , seems to have to much time on his hands? Find something constructive to do with it? As Paul Harvey would say, GOOD DAY.
David says
Hey Johnny, what Mr Brown wrote is spot on, so what problem do u have with his post????❓
Alvin says
You are just another prognosticator attempting to put the truth to shame, they should put a French hobble on your kind of assholes! You are the one who has some ax to grind, do they pay you, or are you just stupid enough to do it for free, you should really get financially rewarded for your stupidity.
Roger Mann says
Donald Trump is head and shoulders above all current Presidential candidates! I vote Trump for the next President of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA!
Roger Mann says
Trump will close our borders, Trump will deport the illegals and build a wall! Trump will create real jobs, not paper jobs like Obama! Trump will reduce the national debt and balance the budget! Trump will make sure that our military is the mightiest fighting force in the world and terrorism as we have know it for decades will be eradicated from the face of the earth. No person running for President can do these things, except Donald Trump! No person running for President seems to want to do these things,except DONALD J. TRUMP! NO ONE, PERIOD! Donald Trump is not a racist, he doesn’t have anything against immigrants of any nationality that are in America legally, he only wants to deport illegal alien criminals and every legal immigrant should want that too! Donald Trump will make America greater than she’s ever been!
Alvin says
We can only hope he can close the borders, look at how congress has took part in all the traitorous acts pulled to put the illegal islamic sodomite in office to get the new world order going.
Justin W says
Donald Trump called that one right. He is right about Islam. Every place where Islam is allowed to rule is a place of poverty, violence, repression and general misery. I applaud Mr. Trump for not falling into the “Islam is a religion of peace” mantra uttered by most in government. The only way to have peace in Islam is to convert to their religion and give up all your rights.
Islam is a dark force which is sweeping across the world. In time the media and political elite will realize their rosy view of Islam was wrong. By then it will likely be too late.
We need a president that tells the truth about Islam. President Obama’s naive view of Islam is putting our nation in danger.
David says
That’s because Obama is a Muslum, and has orchestrated the weakening of the USA, so OUR country will be easier to defeat and transformed into a Muslum country.
Derek McGowan says
This article attributes more to his comments than it should. Trump clearly could see that the lack of assimilation of Muslims in Belgium is not healthy in today’s world of radicalization. I think most of us would agree with that concern. Muslims in Europe and other countries have tended not to assimilate, and in larger communities have often requested / demanded sharia law be exercised in their communities. Thankfully any pressure to introduce sharia law has been completely rejected by european countries with a clear statement that they live by the law of the country. This however cannot stop Muslims using sharia law in relationship to spousal abuse unless the individuals bring it to the attention of the authorities. This and other less violent forms of sharia law is being exercised in most countries with Muslim immigrants even though it is not consistent with the Rights and Laws of the countries in question. Trump’s statements on temporarily banning Muslim immigrants is consistent with the action and words of many republicans and democrats in Washington politics. Trump is not “politically correct” in how he states his case and perhaps that is a good thing because we have all become frustrated and offended by those who are politically correct.
Constitutionalist says
Nice analysis.
In RE: Sharia law, i propose that any and all acceptance of Muslim refugees be conditioned on the immigrants agreement that they will abide by the laws of the country which has generously taken them in, and that if they practice, teach, or attempt to impose Sha’ria on ANYone, they will immediately forfeit their visas/passports/asylum and agree to be deported to the nearest country that DOES practice Sha’ria.
In addition, in America in particular, i would suggest that any Muslim immigrant and all his family members get a Review after 10 years of residence; if they cannot produce at least 3 un-related Americans of at least 3 generations history(grandparents US citizens or more)who will vouch for their assimilation into the norms of this country, then this proves they are trying to SEGREGATE themselves into isolated communities, which should ALSO be grounds for deportation.
In this, i sortof echo Teddy Roosevelt, who said:
“In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person’s becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American.
There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag. We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language… and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.”
~Theodore Roosevelt 1907
Any immigrant who does not agree with the foregoing is certainly welcome to get the hell out.
justjoe says
Trumps statement wasn’t rocket science. … the media was reporting that there were sleeper cells in Belgium that were responsible for the Paris attacks. Trump was simply repeating what was already know. The problem with Trump’s plan is that the people who mean others harm are not always coming as tourist. … they 9 times out of 10 will have phoney documentation representing citizens of where ever they’re plotting terrorism and as you see from past history it only takes 3 or 4 people to cause a lot of damage and loss of life.There are also radicals that are citizens that are angry at the establishment and join these terror cells. It’s not as cut and dry as Trump makes it seem.
Lilly says
That is why all visas should be stopped and all immigrants stopped at the border and sent back.
Genny Lingenfelter says
I agree-& agree that people come through our borders correctly. Now we have people coming through killing us.
St. Edgar says
Do you suppose that Trump will find a way to deport Liberals?
porter says
Justjoe you are delirious!!!! You are right we are angry, angry that the politicians do nothing but lie and cheat the American people!!!!! No more politicians in our White House!!!!! If it were so obvious the other GOP, government officials and candidates would be right along side of Trump if they wanted to keep America safe!!!!! Are people like you just stupid or what!!!!! Wow that is why our country is in the shape it is in. All Cruz wants to do is take money from the special interest groups and lie, lie, lie… he has flip flopped on so many issues now, it is ridiculous!!! He lied about Ben Carson!!! He lied to the people with the robo calls!! He lied to the people he sent the voter violations to, THE LIST GOES ON AND ON AND ON!!! Dopey people, stupid is as stupid does!!!
David says
Trump Sees things way ahead of when others do…IF they ever do! Trump knows people on several different continents and has dealings and has made deals in several different countries. We need an 8 year dose of Trump so he can get this country safe, producing jobs, and generally straightened out! He said for years we should take the Iraq oil for re-paying our country for the hard costs of helping liberate their country or else someone else would. Yep….he was right on that one too! Let’s get behind Trump and SAVE our country that so many have given their lives to protect. USA all the Way!
don hill says
When is America going to wake up? When are true Christians going to do what God has told them to do? VOTE for a person who tells us the truth and is lead by God– DONALD TRUMP! Satan is in the White House– Are we going to replace him with another person who lies and is also lead by Satan? I pray that be not so!!!! Dear GOD open up our eyes and please return us to the God of our fathers and protect your candidate Donald Trump from harm and those who wish to bring our country down. ” Even so COME Lord JESUS” we need YOU more than ever, Forgive us for all the pre-born babies we have killed and kicking you out of our schools and government and colleges. In Jesus name AMEN!
Joanne says
Trump is pure genius in my eyes. The idiots who are attempting to make him look bad don’t know who they’re messing with. BRING IT ON!! Donald Trump for POTUS.
Virgil Newport, Jr says
In my opinion, I believe Mr. Donald Trump loves America and he wants America to be a great nation once again. Mr. Trump has wisdom, street smarts, backbone, guts, and a big pair of b—s. Mr. Trump does not sugar coat what he thinks or feels, and he speaks the truth from his heart. He doesn’t receite some lying and phony BS., to gather votes.
Our current political leaders are nothing more than weeklings, liars, cowards, and money-hungry puppets or yes boys to Big Business. In my opinion, I believe America will be a great nation once again with Mr. Donald Trump as America’s president.
Anne says
Trump is much brighter than people give him credit for.The GOP is throwing everything they can at him because they feel threatened by him.He is what this country needs.Fans boo greatness not mediocrity.
Linda Schmoyer says
There will be no change in this country until there are changes in Washington DC. There should be term limits for those that go to Washington. The president is limited to two terms, so should those in congress. Maybe then they will make decisions that will benefit those they represent. They voted Obama Care in but they have their own health care. They want citizens to go unprotected by taking away guns, but they and members of their families have secret service protection. In most cases, when someone takes a job away from their home, they relocate to where their job is. The work week of those in congress is 3 1/2 days each week. They fly home on Friday and return on Monday. Their job is to protect us. Donald Trump will make protection a primary. He will put the citizens of our great country first.
St. Edgar says
There should be term limits for Bureaucrats too. Nobody should receive a Government pension. We can’t afford it any more.
St. Edgar says
It has been suggested that I moderate my comment. Instead I amplify it. Huge bureaucracy s Clog meaningful change. Trump can make no change if he can’t fire anybody. Every thing he wants to do will be blocked. The bureaucracy s will provide grist for in-terminal lawsuits.
St. Edgar says
The Horn News editors are continuing to suggest moderation. I will continue to amplify. The laws creating the civil service should be repealed. We disparately need need to return to the old spoils system. Sure there was corruption. But that got wiped clean with every new President. The Civil Service System keeps Democracy from working properly.
St. Edgar says
I continue to get a response from Horn News “Your comment is awaiting moderation”. My first comment that term limits should apply to bureaucracy was not offensive. Competent people, who have built a nest egg, should be willing to work for nothing. Government service ought not be regarded as a lifetime job. After a time, they should return to the private sector where can contribute to the economy, rather than draw it down.
Terry says
What is both startling and disconcerting is all the establishment party hacks spend more time criticizing Trump and calling him names then criticizing the global muslim terrorist network. This is a chorus of “Crucify him, crucify him? only using code words like racist, bully or whatever. What they are doing is right out of the PC playbook they all use to decide what to do and what to say. We have an very entrenched team of people that spend most of the their time and effort in doing the parties business instead of doing the nation’s business which is what they all are elected to do! They are all elected to represent the people in their voting territory, not represent the party and lobbyists to the people!
The reason they are so defensive about Trump is because he talks about issues and they all are political hacks and issueless wonders. All they can do is make personal attacks on him. Personally I don’t give a hoot what they think of Trump or even what Trump thinks of them. We are presumably learning enough to elect a person that is to implement the laws passed by Congress, not make up their own laws, to appoint people that will do be able to decide whether a law is Constitutional or not and not issue judicial fiats. Party loyalty now seems to trump separation of powers established by the Constitution. (This is a different kind of trump.)
Genny Lingenfelter says
HI Terry, Like I think=WHAT is this PACK=. Sound Commy to me. Seems to not matter what, WE THE PEOPLE THINK. Rather scarry don’t you think.?? Never heard about that till now.
Cynthia Martin says
Trump has common sense, and obviously can well-analyze situations. This seems hard to find in people any more. We live in such a crazy time that as people serious about life, we have to quit listening to all the “voices’ out there in the media, and look at the facts to try to find the truth. We have to do what we feel in our heart is right, and not be swayed by those that don’t look past their nose, that can’t seem to see too far out into the future, or look too deeply into things. It’s always good to show a certain amount of respect for others, but so much of this “political correctness” really needs to go. It’s destroying our country to the level of seeming stupid. I like it that he’s “real”. I would love to have a president that is actually FOR America MORE than he seems to be for the Middle East- not even calling those terrorists what they are- Islamist extremist terrorists. Most of them ARE Muslims. Why can’t we just say those things so everybody’s on the same page. Those of us who have eyes and ears and who pay attention to what is happening in the world can easily figure this out. Trump is both a BRAVE man, and a BOLD man, who won’t cower to all the “voices”, and yeah, some leaders will hate him, but whatever. They’re not really our friends, they just want our money anyway. He says what so many of us have have been thinking. Finally, an advocate “for the people”!
Terry says
The lack of assimilation by muslims is not new. They have lived in Servia, Kosovo, elsewhere for decades if not centuries and have still not assimilate. In addition sharia law is religious apartheid, religious Jim Crow a form of law that gives special rights to those of a certain religion, or like in the south to a certain race. Royalty or dictators are a from of govt that gives special rights to those of a certain family or a person ruthless enough to eliminate competition. The upshot of all these bastard forms of govt is some people are above the law. We are moving in this direction here where our “elected royalty” closes ranks to protect themselves.
Bruce says
Maybe it’s time to start reporting ayyone who seems suspicious. Someone had to notice two individuals with dark hair/beards wearing black clothing and black glove on one hand. This appearance alone should have brought a warning to security and anyone near them. Lets open our eyes and be vigilent. I don’t care if I embarass or inconvience someone, would rather be safe than sorry.
Sherrie says
Trump knows what is going on and he talks and LISTENS to the right people. Ted Cruz is dangerous. Trump for President! He will get the job done and hire the right people to make America Great Again! Obama, what a disaster. Now he wants to increase his salary while most people have not had a raise in ten years. He and especially Michelle have spent more money on vacations and flying around the world then most. Get em’ out!
CHIEN says
Trump is dangerous. Loud mouth–empty vessels make the most noise.
Janice says
Chien: we need the person that can make the most noise. They are the ones who gets things accomplished. I hope ISIS realizes that Trump iS DANGEROUS, VERY DANGEROUS. We don’t need any spineless people running our government at this point. We already have that.
Constitutionalist says
Trump is dangerous.
All of us have the capacity to be dangerous to someone or something; personally, the enemies of Donald Trump are worthy to be CALLED enemies, and i certainly hope to defeat many of these cretins.
Loud mouth
Sometimes one needs to shout to make themselves heard in the hearts and minds of those who have previously not been disposed to hear.
–empty vessels make the most noise
Indeed they do – and some vessels are more fit for that purpose – but filled vessels have no more room; an empty vessel can be filled. All vessels – no matter their degree of emptiness or fullness – make noise; some noises are simply more pleasant than others. Some harmonize, some distort, some are off-key or out of pitch, some sound horrible separately but wonderful together. To imply that an empty vessel is worthless is to lack much in the way of wisdom.
BTW, did you know that ‘chien’ is the French word for ‘dog’?
PatriotForever says
There is nothing more sickening than self imposed stupid.
The people of America, and other countries around the world, have allowed TERRORISM to roost and gain a life of it’s own.
Tolerance means more to them, than the lives and protection of those whose limbs and brains are scattered on the ground and on the walls of subways. Imagine they don’t care if a persons body becomes the paint and stucco of these attacks. They only care about THEIR RIGHTS, their CELL PHONES, their EASE of TRAVELING.
Shame on the TOLERATORS, shame on the people who could careless because it isn’t their families, legs, arms and torsos, their lives in general that are decimated. It’s called DESENSITIZED
Joseph says
Trump is the best we have for the Republican party and we all should be standing up for him and making sure that he gets the votes and delegate that he needs to become the next President of the U.S. He is the right one for the job and he can and will prove to us all that he can do the job. He will not let us down like Ted Cruz will, the party right now is just doing what ever they can to try to stop or take him down and that is not right it is the will of the people to have him for president and they are trying to take that from us just as they do with all are rights. Ted Cruz has now Bush standing in to back him and he (Bush) don’t even like him and the same with all of the House and Senete. He cant even get people to work with him so how can he win. The only thing now is that he needs to really just stop stalling the time and just step down and join with John K. and support Trump so that we all can just get behind him and come together and build on something good and strong so that we can beat and take down Hillary or we are not going to take back what we should have never lost in the first place and that is the president seat in the white house and in the first place. We need to bring back are country and get rid of all that is wrong and corrupt and make are country safe and grate again and also create a lot more jobs and only Trump can and will do just that. Hillary will be bad for this country big time and really any Democrat will be bad for are country they are all in the wrong that are country is in right now and they and them alone have made this mess and it is going to take years to fix and that is a fact. All the Democrats are Satan worshipers and they are not for people or good for the people they are just out to get the people that are weak and they wont them that way so that they can get them easer that is why their are so many of them. They want them so that they can brain wash them and they have done a good job at that and they are blind now to, to the truth and they need us to show them that unless they change from that party they will all go to hell and al we can do for them is to show and tell them the truth and if they don’t change from their wicked ways they are doomed for hell and that is there chose, so here it is folks it is up to you to make your chose and I hope the best for you.
Joseph says
Trump is the best we have for the Republican party and we all should be standing up for him and making sure that he gets the votes and delegate that he needs to become the next President of the U.S. He is the right one for the job and he can and will prove to us all that he can do the job. He will not let us down like Ted Cruz will, the party right now is just doing what ever they can to try to stop or take him down and that is not right it is the will of the people to have him for president and they are trying to take that from us just as they do with all are rights. Ted Cruz has now Bush standing in to back him and he (Bush) don’t even like him and the same with all of the House and Senete. He cant even get people to work with him so how can he win. The only thing now is that he needs to really just stop stalling the time and just step down and join with John K. and support Trump so that we all can just get behind him and come together and build on something good and strong so that we can beat and take down Hillary or we are not going to take back what we should have never lost in the first place and that is the president seat in the white house and in the first place. We need to bring back are country and get rid of all that is wrong and corrupt and make are country safe and grate again and also create a lot more jobs and only Trump can and will do just that. Hillary will be bad for this country big time and really any Democrat will be bad for are country they are all in the wrong that are country is in right now and they and them alone have made this mess and it is going to take years to fix and that is a fact. All the Democrats are Satan worshipers and they are not for people or good for the people they are just out to get the people that are weak and they wont them that way so that they can get them easer that is why their are so many of them. They want them so that they can brain wash them and they have done a good job at that and they are blind now to, to the truth and they need us to show them that unless they change from that party they will all go to hell and al we can do for them is to show and tell them the truth and if they don’t change from their wicked ways they are doomed for hell and that is there chose, so here it is folks it is up to you to make your chose and I hope the best for you.
Terry says
The dims and the RINOs are white washed or black washed tombs. That look good in a business suit but have no convictions of their own. What the party boss wants, the party boss gets The quality of elected/appointed officials has certainly gone down, down, down in recent years. They use PC as the basis for their deliberations which in biblical terms is like warm water that you spit out. Cold water or hot water you drink, but warm PC water you spit out on election day. At this point in time America has the largest collection of political hacks in the world pretending to be public servants. Change is blowing in the political wind and it is causing many to tremble, tremble, tremble. So will you be able to say, I was there when we voted out the hacks! Personally I resent the idea of having to pay retirement to O. I hope he resigns so he will lose all of his retirement benefits. And soon, very soon.
Jack says
Send this to CNN.
Arthur Hartsock says
I don’t agree with Mr. Trump on everything. But this is 100% true. All European cities have large Muslim neighborhoods. Europe has to learn how to handle this problem. Find a way to separate the peaceful majority from the Jihad extremists. Good luck, Europe. This problem won’t be solved quickly or easily.
Jim D says
IntegrityAlways says,
You brought up a point that had no value. If you think the First Amendment is only for right winged folk, then you are incorrect. I believe you and others like you have a right to express your views, but when verbiage begins to degrade into name calling and slander, then conversations no longer have value.
It is a sorry day when civility has degraded to the point that a conversation can no longer be entertained having differences of opinions expressed without rolling in the mud.
The politicians like My Trump who cannot stand to be bested, return to the name calling and mud slinging, rather than having a substantive debate on the issues, against one who is their better.
JP Betancourt says
This year I changed political parties just to vote for Donald Trump who agreed to stay with the Republican Party. On stage, three of his competitors agreed to support him if he became the front runner. Now all three have changed their minds. How could we Americans believe in them if they were to get elected?
Trump is very intelligent, successful, and, like a breath of fresh air, he has excellent ideas on how to make America great again. The Republican Party needs to unite and support this man, or we may have a Democratic win which would be disastrous for our country.
jarnkm says
Trump is not the ‘idiot’ that many try to portray him as! He is very intelligent and pays attention to what goes on around him and around the world. I am surprised that he has not mentioned that OUR FBI and DHS have both been silent about and done absolutely nothing about the massive build-up of the Muslim Jihadist training camps right hear in America. In the past few years the DHS has ‘acquired’ millions of rounds of ammunition and weapons, an unusual amount of additional vehicles. A web search will enlighten you on this problem and questions to your Representatives would be a good idea! Given the Islamic move into Europe and the illegals that Obama has allowed into OUR country … I believe that we deserve an answer … and HE would be a good one to get it for us.
Janice says
Chein: You will think phony when ISIS comes knocking on your door. You will also know fear. It is the person who has the guts to speak loudly that gets things done. Not the wimps in power now.
Janice says
Should be Chien, not Chein. If I am going to reply to your comment I need to spell your name right.
Jim D says
Mike dar,
Please do not think I am trying to reduce the situation of others attempting to force their will upon others they feel are beneath, or of less value from themselves.
What you said is partially true. Yes actions are stronger than opinion, however, the actions performed by bad players actually began with an opinion they formulated in their minds and followed by acting out their particular solutions to satisfy the thought process they opined.
One of the problems as I see is; that many of the population on this little rock we call earth has become reactionary, and afraid of their futures. People feeling helpless, having no solution of their own they become willing (or might I say) involuntary actors in following the most assertive leader having the strongest personality that they identify with.
This in its self-causes problems of unique social issues because listening and conversations stop, and blame, name calling, and physical acts of aggression become the norm, much like what is manifesting itself in present day media coverage.
This is exactly what these types of leaders thrive on. As it makes their job so much easier, controlling an irrational group is easier than managing a cooler headed and thinking person.
José Manuel dos Santos says
This has nothing to do with the theme being discussed, but just as food for the thought: What would happen if Donald Trump would have Condoleezza Rice as Running Mate for Vice President?
Would it unite the Republican party, behind him?
Would it leave Hillary or any Democratic Adversary with any chance?
Constitutionalist says
Now, THERE”s a word; where have i heard it before? Oh, yeah – Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Pol Pot, and that ilk.
Now, a communist is one who studies Marx, Engels, Lenin, et al; an EX-communist is one who UNDERSTANDS Marx, Engels, Lenin, et al…or at least, can see with their own eyes (or recall from reading history) the millions upon millions of corpses which provided the foundations for these countries.
Jim D says
Glad to see you thought of the word Reactionary, You are correct those references have been documented in the history books. Now I ask if you will look hard and see the similarities from then and how events are turning out in the present.
Billy DuBose says
Vote Trump for a safe America, and a safer World! Americans are deeply grieved by the loss of life in Europe, and most especially in the Brussels attack we recently have seen unfold. We grieve for all of the families left behind,and Pray for God’s comfort to all, including our American families who have recently lost loved ones there. Please send a strong message to the American people, to elect Donald Trump. I truly believe the whole world is soon going to need his strong leadership and example, in fighting terrorist, world-wide. Donald Trump seems to be the only one using a common sense approach to dealing with terrorist. Everyone else seems to be more concerned for terrorists than their own citizens, these days. We need Donald Trump in America, and we need his common sense approach to handling terrorist, world-wide. The best way we can pay homage to these many lives lost , is to prevent as much loss of life as we can , in the future. Help us , Americans, elect Donald Trump…..and may God give you that have lost friends and loved ones, comfort at this time. Our heart-felt sympathy and prayers! Sincerely, The American People! .