U.S. officials have announced today that President Barack Obama’s administration will formally acknowledge that ISIS is committing genocide against Christians in Iraq and Syria.
But critics are outraged that the administration is set to use a legal loophole to avoid having to help stop the slaughter.
And it’s all because Obama is reluctant to open a Pandora’s Box that would force him to recognize the massacre of Christians all around the world.
“The administration is unwilling to acknowledge either the scope of the menace we face or to confront the ideology that drives it,” because it is concerned that, “the press may begin to ‘connect the dots’. Genocide is also being committed in Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Nigeria, Pakistan and other countries,” said Robert Destro, director of the Interdisciplinary Program in Law & Religion at the Columbus School of Law of The Catholic University of America.
The point is underscored when critics of the administration have pointed out that 17 people, including four nuns, had been murdered at an elder care center in Aden, Yemen by ISIS just one week ago.
“Notice that the U.S. government localizes the killing and refuses to acknowledge the common ideology and close ties among the killers. Until we understand that the killings of Christians in Libya, Syria, Egypt and, or Nigeria are driven by the same ideology that targets Shia Muslims, Yazidis and others in Iraq, we will never see the ‘big picture’,” Prof. Destro said.
Declaring genocide raises hard questions about U.S. policy across the region and in multiple nations that Obama seems unwilling — or unable — to confront only nine months before he plans to push away from the table in Washington.
The officials say Secretary of State John Kerry will declare the slaughter of Christians a genocide on Thursday, just making a congressional deadline set by the U.S. House of Representatives on Monday, when Congress took forceful action to certify that genocide has taken place in Iraq and Syria.
House Resolution 75, co-sponsored by Rep. Jeff Fortenberry, R-NE, and Re. Anna Eshoo, D-CA, passed 393-to-0 and gave the U.S. State Department a firm deadline to act.
The resolution called upon the Secretary of State to declare the genocide formally according to a U.N. Convention of 1948 which defines genocide as “acts committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such.”
The Obama administration’s findings, however, will avoid obligating the United States to take additional action against ISIS militants and does not prejudge any prosecution against its members, said the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to publicly preview Kerry’s decision.
They’d been planning this non-action for months. According to Politico, “Administration officials have long warned that a declaration of genocide does not mean that the U.S. will step up its military involvement” in the region.
Although the United States is involved in military strikes against ISIS and has helped prevent some incidents of ethnic cleansing, notably of Yazidis, some advocates argue that a genocide determination should require additional U.S. action, especially considering the horrors being unleashed.
The Knights of Columbus and the nonprofit In Defense of Christians (IDC) recently published an 278 page study of the Christian Genocide on March 10th, and recently held a press conference at the National Press Club to put an exclamation point on it.
The heart-breaking report includes 53 pages of charts detailing hundreds of attacks against named Christians in Syria and Iraq during just the last three years, including mass beheadings, the torture of children and rape of young girls; a remarkable list of the names of 1130 individuals murdered, including the dates and places of execution; a list of 125 churches, monasteries and convents destroyed and desecrated. There are reports of parents who were crucified to the doors of their residences while their families stood in horror. Apart from the differences in scale, the compilation of crimes brings to mind comparison to the tortures committed by Nazi soldiers during the Holocaust.
“The report has unearthed many stories that the world has not heard,” according to a statement from In Defense of Christians. These include “the stories of women like ‘Claudia,’ who was captured and raped several times after ISIS militants spotted her tattoo of a cross. Or like ‘Khalia’ who fought ISIS militants off as they tried to rape captive girls and take a nine year old as a bride,” IDC states.
In fact, the ISIS price list of women and children is included on page 203 of the report: the price of a child, either Christian or Yazidi, aged from 1 to 9 years is about $200. The price of a woman, either Yazidi or Christian, from 10 to to 20 years is about $150 or the equivalent in dinars.
“It has become clear that this [report] still represents only the tip of the iceberg. We are being sent new stories and evidence daily. So what is known about ISIS’ genocidal atrocities will only increase,” according to IDC press release.
Douglas Burton, a former State Department official in Iraq who writes on the Middle East from Washington, D.C. and the Associated Press contributed to this article.
Casey McCue says
We have a despicable President…. one who is a COWARD OF ALL COWARDS…. He lies, deceives, obfuscates the truth and has not one ounce of integrity!
jim says
Someone tell this thing who has the title of president is not a marxist muzzy and they need to be sent to the middle east
Spencer Washington says
Obama is evidently confused. He is only admitting to the Christian genocide in Syria just in case he can claim credit for it.
Jean Jones says
I agree. Are we going to wait for another Holicost.
william says
that coward needs to be tared and feathered and then sent back to the rock he came out from under. he is a disgrace to the American people and our way of life.
Barnicle Bill says
It seems we, (the US), has no reservations about butting into other countries business that we should keep our nose out of! BUT……that being the case……….how can we remain silent and actionless when confronted with such horrible accounts such as these. I hurt for those people, Christians and others, who are treated with such lack of respect, oh hell…..treated like disposable waste! How can our Gov’t continue to let this happen??? Not to mention all the other crap our Gov’t is doing to it’s own citizens, how much longer b4 WE THE PEOPLE have had enough?! ENOUGH!!!!!
rodney says
It was enough in 2010 but…
Joe says
Look only at the leader of our country. A leader with bad judgement who could not lead if he tried.
Lynn Butcher says
It took us a minute to get some traction against the Nazi’s and finally step in, I bet if Reagan were still alive and President this would be stopped
D. Smith says
He’s the Anti-Christ. He’s pure evil. Spineless.
The Chosen Elect says
It’s not always a win win situation. For all of the hypocrites calling Obama spineless, how many of you would sacrifice your children to a bloody endless war. We have veteran that never make it back because of the senseless wars going on, or they are so shattered when they do return they are not fit for living.. And if the Christians being killed are true christians, They are considered martyr and great is their reward in heaven.
Obama cannot saved the world only Jesus can, so I suggest you start praying for our country instead of preying on President Obama. American is not as big and bad as some think but some trigger happy idiots feel like starting war at the drop of a pen. Never considering the lives that will be sacrificed in our own land.
Peter Joffe says
The American people voted, twice, for Obama and still do not know what they were voting for. “Yes We Can” meant, “yes we can assist in turning the world over to Islam”. It is blatant, it is obvious and Obama is a traitor and belongs in Gitmo along with his fellow Jihadists. Many of us knew that Obama was a fake and Muslim long before he ‘radicalized’ the White House but the public cheered and applauded as they gave their country and livelihoods away.
Ron says
learn how to spell, without that knowledge you sound STOOPID.
jay says
For saying what you said does nothing to aid you only show’s your stupidity
Michael a says
Shut up stupid
Robin Rachael Hanson says
What do you mean, wait for another halacaust!! The “entity”
in the W.H. Is knowingly
committing murder over & over & over. Admitting to geniside. Calling all mental health personal!! The W.H. Is over run with psychopaths drunk with power. Their insashable
greed & their lawless behavior is making it pretty obvious who they really are & they exactly what I mean!!! It won’t be long until the whole world knows!?!? I feel sorry for them (not their deeds) Didn’t their parents teach them right from wrong??? I don’t know but they sure love destroying!!!
I think they are sad, angry $ scared!!
Spencer Washington says
Robin, they have admitted to being members of the Democrat Party and as members of that party not one Democrat Party Member in a hundred knows who his or her daddy is. So what good will it do for their so called “parents” to teach Democrats anything? You can always tell the English, and you can always tell the Dutch, You can always tell a Democrat but you’ll never tell them much.
nj says
It is not that Obama does not lead. He is doing exactly what he was instructed to do.
He has spent enough of our dollars to make it crash and become worthless. He has escalated racial tension, primally in the black culture. He had done every thing he could to disarm us and unable to do that, he has sold existing ammunition factories and supplies. Our troops are sharing guns!
He has done everything he can to facilitate the entrance of terrorists to our country. He has done this deliberately while living on our tax dollars as if her were an Emperor.
Ask yourself where the money came from to run his canpaigns? It certainly did not come from the sale of his books which definitely were not on the best selling list.
And you had read those books you would have no doubt about how anti American he is.
rodney says
The article gives NAMES of countries where there is ethnic slaughter by Muslims. We are already IN another Holocaust! Russia was in one from 1918-1953. China was in one during the “cultural revolution” For that matter they still are. Specific ethnic and religious groups are being systematically slaughtered by Islam. this is too obvious. Either iran, SA and the gulf states support this or they don’t. Which is it?
George Clooney better get his head on straight and quick. It took the triator Kerry how long to wake up?
Almost 4 years?
Kiburt says
I wonder if it is true that a hit will be made on any congressman/woman and their family who moves to impeach Obama….. Has anyone else heard that?
He is not finished with his destruction of America. Check Google! He has now 3.3 million Muslims in America. 60,000+ in Huston, Texas alone.
Chuck Parsons says
Obama wanted to make sure as many Christians as possible would be killed before doing anything. He has a muslim legacy to uphold first.
Kiburt says
That’s exactly what it seems to be. In his proclamations: “WE ARE NO LONGER A CHRISTIAN NATION” (view on youtube.com) and all his bragging about being a Muslim and how wonderful it is to be a Muslim, also on youtube.com, I’ll bet he and his wife cheer and party at night after hearing about the beheading of Christians. Just as he and Micheal partied during their American flag burning parties he admits to.
Gooooooooo Trump!
Kathlean Keesler says
Genocide of Christians – PLEASE dot to dot American participation to the Nation of Islam founded 1930 in Detroit. Its leader is Louis X. Louis Farrakham stated “Hypocrites like Malcolm X should have their heads cut off.” Black Muslims, Saviors Day 1974, The Million Man March 1995 sponsored by the Nation of Islam right here in the US of A. Last night I tried to Facebook page some “sense” to the senseless!
sam says
Obama is not a coward that is too weak to take action, he is in agreement with the elimination of Christians. All his actions or non-actions are related to his muslim beliefs that Christian are to be eliminated if they refuse to convert.
Obama is doing everything he can to destroy the Christian values that Have made The United States of America a historical power for good. His ultimate goal is our destruction. He is brilliant enough to not flagrantly flaunt his beliefs and cause we the people to throw him out of the Whitehouse. He is the evilest of Traitors!
Barnicle Bill says
I agree Sam, he has done a push here…a pull there…..an executive order here and there….., nothing too far reaching such to expose himself too much…..except for the ACA which has it’s own effects on this area. I believe he has pushed it as far as he thought he could get away with in many directions and then is just standing back and watching it all happen! The most traitorist individual in America!
Alphabet city may be knocking on my door after this post…I don’t know….but I feel so powerless to do anything about it, but any day now these FEMA camps they have been building are for us, Christians and others who protest what our country is becoming and Martial Law will be the order of the day! That’s my two cents, now off to breakfast.
Bill Kay says
Well finally someone calls a spade a spade so to speak , I agree yet this disaster remains in office why , gee I wonder if our government has been taken over , and huh no one has the guts to take it back or other wise this would not been allowed to continue for as long as it has, ya think ?
Kiburt says
Goooooooooooooooooo Trump
nj says
At least the House voted to declare Genocide eith s 100% vote. I am not voting for ANY incumbant. It id time to end professional politicians. Time to remind them that they work for us, we the people. I urge you all to stand with me, regardless of party and CLEAN HOUSE.
kenneth wiezer says
Why is OBAMA so damn worried about refugee’s in another country , half way around the world? Take care of your family & house first and quit worrying about your neighbor’s household!!! There’s people and Veterans starving and homeless here. Obama is suppose to be smart as a leader should be, but all I see is STUPID!!!
Barnicle Bill says
Kenneth, obandit does not care about all that! He wants this country over run with other nationalities so that together they completely out number whites in this country! He wants a global mentality working toward that “One World Gov’t.” Or “New World Order” as some call it. That is why he wants open borders all around. Now I believe in immigration….legal immigration….not what we are seeing on our southern borders now. I do not believe in mass immigration by these Syrian refugees! But just think about it….all these people turned into legal American voters and you have a political machine that NO Conservatism can possibly even shine a little bity light! You instantly have a Dictatorship!
Still think obandit is stupid? No…..he knows exactly what he is doing. And Hitlery is on board…..so you can see how all this would be continued.
Mike says
He’s a coward of a President
Havent we figured
That out yet
The Redhawk says
What did it take for two UTTER IDIOTS like BHO-ZO and LERCH to get the Idea that ISIS , AQ and MUZZIE terrorists are committing Genocide??? A long ” mutually Gratifying” session in a BATH HOUSE???……or ha to await Valerie’s Permission to Call a Spade a Spade???
Shirl says
Got that right, he is a gutless disgrace and should be deported.
Kiburt says
deported is misspelled, correct spelling is: beheaded!
William Keen says
“WE” do not have anything!
That POS was foisted upon us by the NWO Bush’s in direct violation of the Constitution for the united States of America.
As a Retired USAF SWORN military, I pledged to protect the United States from ALL enemies, FOREIGN and domestic. Obama is FOREIGN!
And the queer he lives with!
rodney says
me too so it’s time to get protecting. We need about a million more just like us to take charge and kick some liberal butts.
Gerald Mann says
The sad part is that the big money people would get him back in office if they could actually change the law on his time in office , what’s worst is that Hillary is as bad or worse then him and they will try to get her in !!
Barnicle Bill says
If something happens to put us under Martial Law b4 the end of 2016 (Dec.30, 2016), obandit gets to stay in office as long as the Martial Law lasts! Think about that for awhile.
Danny Earl says
Obama is NOT a coward! He stated clearly in his book that if it came to Christian vs Muslim, he would come down on the side of the Muslims! Obama a coward no, A traitor to a Christian nation? He said it not me.
Masanja says
Blame that to Repubs and TPs and especially Mitch McConnell for his gutless behavior to delay hearing of the newly nominated Justice. Mitch should know we are not in 21 Century not in the 60s when Repubs looked at Black people as intellectually inferior to them. Too late now. We have African-American First Family in the WH. If McConnell and his Ted Cruz the foreigner want to live the 60s that is their problem.
Kiburt says
Obama nominated a person he knows to be an anti-gun advocate.
The reason he had Scalia killed was because he was an advocate of the 2nd Amendment. The Obamanation wants ALL guns out of the hands of Americans.
I say bring back the death penalty and make him pay for his crimes against America.
The Present ILLEGAL OCCUPANT of the White House….Is a MARXIST MUZZIE DICTATOR….not a President…He HATES AND DESPISES this Country…
Main Street says
Admitting what the world has known for 5 years. The U.S., Britain, France and Germany have done little to stop this tragedy.
Gunny says
Not only that, but Clinton if elected will be twice as bad. She has proven she will not protect American dimplomates.
Connie says
I’m amazed at all that is going on in our world. It’s like half the people have gone crazy, and the rest are trying to hold it together. I feel sorry for the children growing up in all this chaos, they don’t know who to believe!
We trust in God and work to keep things as normal as possible for the children’s sake.
Beta says
It did not take Obama to have sleepless nights after hearing about the deaths, slavery, beheadings, crucifictions, burnings, mutilations, beatings and every kind of Nazi-like atrocity you could think of (and remember that Muslims killed Jews alongside the Nazi’s and supported them plus did atrocities then too, just like they are doing now) and to claim that GENOCIDE was happening to Christians! It couldn’t have because Obama has NO CONSCIENCE that anyone has ever seen his entire putrid hate-ridden life. It took thousands of Christians and Jews in unison writing and writing about it, screaming about the horrors year after year, month after month, day after day, hour after hour to get this Muslim to just ACKNOWLEDGE there was a GENOCIDE even going on by “HIS PEOPLE THE MUSLIMS OF HIS HOLY QUR’AN of ISLAM!”
CHET says
The Redhawk says
Her B*TCH BARK is worthy of her ONLY positive thing she has to say…………..the ONLY TRUE sound she can make… EVERY words she Utters are PURE LIES
Jane Doe says
Hillary hates Obama and vice versa. It has never been Obama’s plan to endorse her nor for her to be the Democrat nominee. Remember that both the FBI and DOJ report to him, and he is behind her email investigation nightmare. He doesn’t trust her to carry out his policies, and the last thing he wants to do is turn over the DNC to the Clintons. I am still waiting for him to stab her, because it is coming…
me says
If another democrat gets in office, they will continue obama’s way……So sad that so many Christians are being slaughtered, but we can open our borders for more Christians to be killed because obama thinks that it is his way or the highway! All the people who voted for him I feel sorry for their beliefs of what he has promised and now are brainwashed to see the truth. Christ is coming soon and ALL will answer…….
St. Edgar says
Christ, the son of God will come in his own good time. That dynamic duo serves it’s own spiritual purposes, Not man’s. We can’t wait. When they come, They may want to punish us first for disobedience. Read the whole bible for insight.
For now, we have to deal with the situation at hand. The entire leadership cadre, of this Nation has been corrupted by communist education for the past hundred years. We can expect nothing good to come from them. Expect the coming revolution to be a wild ride if you survive it. Leadership will be trained on the battlefield, and now, we are all beginners.
Todd says
He is a poor excuse for a human being! I wouldn’t want to be him on judgement day! enough said!
rodney says
Barry won’t want to face the judge either. he’ll find out that there is zero mercy for him. Believing satan. What is the saying? “Having itching ears. they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own tastes.” Then when the books are opened, he is in deep trouble. II Tim 4;3-4. JHe’ll be in good company with Moohamid and satan.
Todd says
Fran Barrack says
We seriously need Ted Cruz as president. He will not allow such atrocities to happen on his watch. Sorry, but I just can’t trust Trump to do anything more than Obama does, as long as it doesn’t happen in America. I don’t think he would step up to such events in other countries.
Shirl says
I agree 100 percent. Trump is too much of a hothead egomaniac. He will get us nuked.
Tim says
S strand says
He, (Trump) is too intelligent, as to not make the correct choices in picking those that will do their jobs, for ‘The People.’ Cruz not needed. Ben Carson is
William Keen says
So, Fran, you TRUST an ATTORNEY????
First – BY LAW – he can’t hold any office in the United States. See the Missing 13th Amendment to know why.
Second – the U.S. Constitution PROHIBITS any officer from one Branch (Judicial) from holding any office in the other two Branches (Executive – POTUS) or(Legislative – Congressman).
So, you want WHO to be POTUS??
Read & Heed! He who knows not the law, LOSES!
Supposedly, Obozo is a lawyer.
if the kenyan lawyer can occupy the WH so can Cruz.
kevin says
Trump is already going to work selecting foreign affairs staff and attending isreal-american convention.Sad that Cruz chooses to try and take a debate to him at that venue disregarding the issue at the conference for his own personal vendetta.People call Trump a loose cannon.What is Cruz in this situation.More action and less talk.As Trump has said, [enough debates], let’s get to work.And so it shall be since he relaxes by going to work.He will be there and he will get things done.
Elizabeth says
Ted Cruz is not eligible to be President he’s another obama hiding his records. Don’t trust anyone who hides their birth certificate.
Kiburt says
Cruz is bought and paid for and will carry on exactly what the Obama-nation has created.
Check out Mr. Trump more closely. You will find him to be our only hope for America.
A United States Marine Corps Vet
The Redhawk says
Even if I have to hold my nose and not blow my Coffee at the polls in NOV
rodney says
qualify that by saying no liberal, especially Hilary. We need leadership. Ted has yet to be IN a leadership position. he needs to be there to curtail the loose cannon and keep DT in line.
Betty H. says
I agree totally with the above two comments. Well said and well stated. I urge that serious thought be given concerning a vote for Hillary Clinton, since that would mean more of the same Obama policies and more lies and deception to us, the American people. Her lack of honesty and integrity has already been proven to us by actions that she has already taken.
William Keen says
The most deadly position in Washington D.C. is to be close to the Clintons!
They are personally responsible for the OKC Bombing to protect their lives against he Whitewater Scam that they were charged with. The bombs destroyed the evidence that was going to be used against them.
Kiburt says
Plus the many that were killed on their behalf on their way to the W.H.
Don says
Yet Ali Baba Obama opens America’s immigration policy to Islam, (READ MUSLIMS) the religion that vows to overtake Christianity, as well as this country. This insane action is despite Islam being responsible for the atrocities being committed against people of Christian faith throughout the world. IT NEEDS TO BE STOPPED.
We as a nation can no longer afford to be the ‘Destination’ of all third world countries. We have far too many problems of our own, one of which is a $19 TRILLION dollar (and rising) national debt.
I truly feel that Trump is 100% correct in saying we need to halt Muslim immigration to this country UNTIL we get this mess figured out. (My personal opinion is that Islam is NOT compatible with the principles that OUR country is founded upon.(Christianity)
Ali Baba Obama continues, unabated, in his quest to destroy this country by any and all means possible, politically, financially, and morally.
Hillary Clinton will only continue these inept policies. Will it be stopped BEFORE this (once) great country is destroyed??
William Keen says
IT is time to bring back the Crusades!
They wouldn’t let the muslims take over their world and it cost them dearly.
We need to do the same. Mount up and grab a gun to KILL THE KILLERS!
rodney says
that is what is left. World leaders in most places are too weak to take action, it will be up to individuals to take the lead. At least China and japan have taken a stand. Slovakia made a stand after seeing the disaster in europe. Who ELSE will grow a pair? not merkle, she is going to have to be taken out by force.
Kiburt says
The economy of America is about to implode. Keep at least 3 months of cash in a safe place in your home or you will be in devastating trouble. And I suggest you keep your powder dry.
Obama has spent 11 of the 19 Trillion dollars we are in debt and it took only 7 years. It took over 150 years for all the preceding presidents combined to accomplish that. He is the reason the U.S. is spending $6,850,000.00 dollars PER MINUTE.
David says
Well, if I have to die for my savior I will. He showed His love for us, and it looks like we may end up choosing who we will serve. This guy in our white house has no morals. At least God will give us the strength to go through it. Thank God.
St. Edgar says
Kiburt says
God only helps those who help themselves.
The Redhawk says
Funny thing….progressive LOONS Whine over the fact that the GOP might have a Brokered Convention and “demand” that Votes have the say so….However The “SUPER DELEGATE” System they Use to DECIDE which of their TWO idiot candidates Should be their Nominee ( a LIAR and a Communist) and VOIDS voters say so is Perfectly OK well that is the POH
peter says
dey doing same thing wath dey did in SERBIA-YUGOSLAVIA otoman empaire.How come no one its reporting.In serbia there is a wall of people heads name CELECULA.where is the media….CNN…
Janet Woods says
I feel our President should be removed as he is not carrying out his duties to keep the American people safe. He allows known terrorists, ISIS, and radical Muslims into our country under the guise of refugees. It is his agenda to unarm the lawful Americans so his plan of making America a Muslim country with no borders a reality. By doing this he has to change our precious Constitution and that is what he is working on now and brainwashing the democrats that this is in their main interest. He has to be impeached now.
spike says
Paybacks, like the Crusades are a bitch. You would have thought the Muslims would learned that. Apparently, it will have to be taught again.
rodney says
brain dead diseased animals don’t learn. It is not possible.
Kiburt says
Obama has brought down our military to a pittance of what it was. Donald J Trump has vowed to bring it back to a fighting force that once was.
Gooooo Donald.
Justin W says
President Obama has no problem with the persecution of Christians. This guy only seems to be concerned with Muslims.
Arlene Forwood says
I think we should send his daughter’s over there so they can each have a turn at them before they are killed. They wouldn’t want Michael as they couldn’t tell if she was a she or a he. Then send Obama, gift wrapped like the little sissy he is, and let them have at him. He is nothing more than scum and to allow this to happen to people of faith is a disgrace. But he keeps holding his head high as if he doesn’t know anything. Honestly, everyone knows he has got to go so how soon will it be? It didn’t take them long to impeach Clinton with having sex with a (whatever) and no one gave a fig about that. Yet they allow this pervert to stay in office while unspeakable things go on.
ted says
like all big shot , new age , population control , socialist , communist , Koran loving , world leaders the fearless leader , (self called ) of U.S. has no qualms whatsoever as to murder to reduce world population . by God’s permissive will mankind for the part is being ruled by the spirit of the Anti-Christ according to the Bible 1John chapter 1
james says
Obama is for the genocide because he is an anti -Christ leader. nothing has changed he’s always been and always will be.
JoAnn Graham says
The lying POS iMuslim-In-Chief just wanted to make sure most, if not ALL the Christians were dead before he said anything., which he is pretty much FORCED to do at some point, for appearance’s sake.
But he is NOT their friend. While he is trying to import THOUSANDS of Muslim “refugees”–many of whom will likely be ISIS fighters–he has been denying Christian applications for asylum and refugee status left and right–DEPORTING them back to the countries where they are being killed. Does THAT sound to you like he is interested in stopping the slaughter of Christians?
LJ says
B.O. = 10% Black, 10% White, 90% YELLOW.
Sadly, just a foul smelling (Skunk) Coward.
Dennis says
This President drug his feet and allowed thousands of innocent people die because he would not call it as it is Islamic Genocide. Our President is a Islamic sympathizer who hates the USA and wants us brought down to third world levels. He is doing his best to destroy our way of life and our Constitution and Bill of Rights. He must be stopped, impeachment would be great but time is against it so de-fund him and his WH and stand up and say NO to any thing and everything he tries to do… The real cowards are those Republicans who call themselves conservatives but still vote for the Liberal agenda of Obama.. something wrong so we need to get rid of them also the Republican establishment elites…
This President is no commander in chief he is a traitor of the people of the USA. Well I can only hope for this year to hurry along as much as I hate seeing my life fly by and get this man out of office and with Gods help and blessing we get a true American for President whether it be Cruz or Trump neither one of them are perfect and will make mistakes as we all do but one of them must make it and slaughter the Democrats at the polls. I am a Trump man have been since the beginning and as long as the RNC plays it fair will vote for Cruz if Trump would loose the majority and hope that if Trump wins all will get behind him we need to unite and make our country GREAT AGAIN.
Joe says
We can’t afford to police the entire world, both financially (as shown in the Bush administration putting us into TRILLIONS of debt) and the cost of our children’s lives. We are over there helping to stop this. Obama is trying to keep our debt under control. Where are the police in these countries?? and other countries that should shoulder some of this responsibility of helping?
Sick of all this slamming of our President. TWICE the people voted for him. Stop being sore losers.
Constitutionalist says
Hey, Joe-
You may not be aware of Bev Harris’ website, blackboxvoting.org. You should check it out. There’s a VERY good chance that D’OweBama was NEVER elected president…and in any case, he doesn’t fit the lawful definition for a “natural born” citizen, that is, born of TWO(count ’em, 2) US citizens at the instant of his birth. So for starters, he’s an illegal president, Unconstitutionally holding the office.
(here’s the logic train: First, the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land; by definition, any law or act which is Unconstitutional is Unlawful; any Unlawful Act is illegal; any Illegal act is Criminal. Follow me?)
But i AM interested to know just HOW D’OweBama, who has more than DOUBLED the nation’s astronomical debt since Bush drove it skywards, is “trying” to keep it under control? What measures has he taken, specifically, to do so? i seem to recall him lobbying to increase the debt-ceiling, and don’t recall him trying to cut spending ANYwhere. Maybe you have some examples where he did, in fact, cut spending…perhaps to the point where the debt ceiling did NOT need to be raised?
And finally, what most Americans don’t get is that NO president is “your” president unless you are a member of the Executive Branch of the Federal Government. He is NOT the president of Congress; he is NOT the president of the Judiciary; he is NOT the president of any State in the Union, nor any of it’s Cities, Townships, Counties, or Parishes. He is the President of the Executive Branch of the Federal Government ONLY…and THEN, only conditionally. Violations of his oath of office and “giving aid and comfort” to enemies of the United States both constitute High Crimes against this country – the former, worthy of Felony perjury charges , the latter, outright Treason.
Tell me, Joe, are ISIS/ISIL friends or enemies of the United States?
How about the Muslim Brotherhood? Are they friends or enemies of the United States?
If you say “friends,” have any of them killed any Americans, blown up or attacked any American Embassies or ships on the high seas or aircraft or soldiers?
If you say “enemies,” then why is the president you evidently support giving tanks and warplanes to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, as well as training, supplies, arms, ammunition, vehicles and money to ISIS/ISIL?
You should be careful who you support. Just sayin’…