Nancy Reagan, the helpmate, backstage adviser and fierce protector of Ronald Reagan in his journey from actor to president, and finally during his 10-year battle with Alzheimer’s disease has died. She was 94.
The former first lady died Sunday at her home in the Bel-Air section of Los Angeles of congestive heart failure, assistant Allison Borio said, and the news has caused an outpouring of remorseful reactions from all over the country.
The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum was closed Sunday, but a steady stream of mourners stopped by the main entrance northwest of Los Angeles to snap photos, leave flowers and pay respect.
Officials decided to shut the library and museum — usually open seven days a week — and postpone the Sunday opening of an exhibition of historical and religious objects from the Vatican.
Flowers and notes of remembrance were left near the main entrance. Flags over the U.S. Capitol were lowered to half-staff Sunday evening in honor of Mrs. Reagan, and officials at the library planned to follow suit.
“Laura and I are saddened by the loss of former first lady Nancy Reagan. Mrs. Reagan was fiercely loyal to her beloved husband, and that devotion was matched only by her devotion to our country. Her influence on the White House was complete and lasting. During her time as first lady and since, she raised awareness about drug abuse and breast cancer. When we moved into the White House, we benefited from her work to make those historic rooms beautiful.” — Former President George W. Bush
“I remember Nancy as a noble woman who supported President Reagan and stood by his side. She will be remembered as a great friend of the State of Israel.” — Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
“Nancy Reagan lived a remarkable life and will be remembered for her strength and grace. On behalf of all Californians, Anne and I extend our deepest condolences to the Reagan family.” — California’s Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown.
“Ronald and Nancy Reagan served America with unique distinction. She was his indispensable partner in the White House, as she had been when he was Governor of California. As he was a great President, so she was a great First Lady. The Reagans were also great friends of Canada. Mila and I had many wonderful visits with them. I will always remember our wives together at Ottawa Airport, and President Reagan saying to me: ‘You know, Brian, for a couple of Irishmen, we sure married up.’ Theirs was a great love story, and we cherish their memory and our friendship.” — Former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, who delivered a eulogy at President Ronald Reagan’s funeral.
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The Associated Press contributed to this article.
They were not perfect. However, 100% better than what we have today. When the Reagan’s were living in 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, at least Americans had some feelings that someone cared about them.
Amen, now there was a very strong, well liked by all First Lady in the WH !
Mrs. Nancy Regan is another great loss to America. She is with the angels She left a giant foot mark on this planet, always to be remembered as a true icon for “We The People”. And a protector of her Great Leader Ronald and the Country.She is gone with the ages to be with so many of our fallen leaders! May the good Lord bless her and keep her with Her love Ronnie!
I agree she was a special First Lady but a great example of loving a husband with all her heart. I met her at the Givency Spa in Palm Springs with Merv Griffin. She went around with him to all of us guests to say Hello. May she rest in Peace
We had pride in our President & First Lady & in our country. That’s when class meant something to Americans. I’ve read many times how President Reagan never went into the Oval Office without his suit coat & tie on out of respect for the office. Then we had Clinton & we know what he did in the Oval Office. Now we have a pos that makes it a point to put his feet up on the desk to show his complete disrespect for the office. That’s probably why our citizenry thinks it’s ok for trump to use crude & disrespectful language. How much lower will we go?
Amen to that Ro.
NANCY REAGAN was first class lady .No other lady will reach her level She will be missed of all Americans RIP Mrs NANCY BRAVE HEART .
Ronald and nancy.Reagan was an amazing couple, the bible says the wife is a sulphate to her husband, I wish they would quite saying she ran the country. They were the best presidental couple we’ve ever had I listened to every speech he made.I will never forget them.thank you God for making them a part of American history
You got THAT right!
When Nancy Reagan started The Say no to Drugs Program my daughter and her friends played on the softball team for that cause. Their coach was a service agent. Former President Reagan and Nancy came to Sacramento to honor the girls that played on that team. Meeting the Reagan’s was a major highlight in my life and my daughters. I will never forget their support, smiles and their hugs. Their support was Genuine and my family will miss tremendously. I am happy that they are dancing together as one with our Lord. They will never be forgotten
Amen to that!! They were a class act. Something today’s candidates can emulate, and I hope they do!
I live in South Africa where politics is for criminals and for the corrupt. Ronald and Nacy Reagan gave hope to the world. She was a lady who gave love to all and took little for herself. What have we now? Greedy and self righteous women who want to be queen. This loss is huge and we will all miss her and her wonderful husband who was never the same after he was shot and maimed for life. The American dream is gone and has been replaced by the Islamist dream and a rush to barbarism..
A well intended woman form the North Shore of Illinois, married to a Good man outside of Dixon/Sterling IL.
Real people. Real Americans. Enough said. God rest their souls,
The picture above says it all. That is President Reagan greeting Nancy as she entered heaven to be with him. What an awesome legacy they both left. It is so sad how far left this country has gone. The Reagan’s were a class act and our current president and first lady are essentially an embarrassment to our country. While the Reagan Presidency is remembered in history as the best of time, the Obama Presidency will be remember as the very worst of times. I challenge everyone reading this to post one single picture of the Obama’s attending a church service over the past 7 years. The reason they would not attend Scalia’s funeral was it would have required them to enter a church, which they absolutely refuse to do. In time, they will come out and support openly their Muslim faith to the dismay of all Americans. It’s amazing that this country survived under the horrible administration. Indeed, the USA is one strong country. We have got to have a conservative President to turn the mess around and I strongly recommend Ted Cruz. He is a constitution scholar and true conservative. Exactly the opposite of Obama. If you think the last 8 years were bad, see what happens if Hillary is elected. This country will never be the same and it brings tears to my eyes to see what a world we are leaving for our children and grandchildren. This is the most important election in my lifetime of some 6 decades and I hope and pray that all true Christians and Conservatives go to the polls to ensure that our next President is one of true character and honor. That would be Ted Cruz. God bless.
Amen to what you have said! I truly regret the problems we have left to our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren that are alive and in the schools of today that abuse the correct history of our Nation that was originated by Religious Men and Women who gained our Freedom and Liberty to grow into the Industrial Giant that Fed the World and supplied the tools for progress in a Capitalist System not a Socialist Dictatorship!
We will never have another couple in the White House that honored our country & represented the USA so beautifully.
I am so Happy that you are together again, RIP President & First Lady.
They were True Americans and a wonderful a couple who LOVED our Country and proved it over and over ” Not this piece of crap” we have as our President now who is a true Muslim who hates America and has proved it over and over and God help us now! We need a Good president now to undo all the harm he has done and get rid of all the plants in offices he has appointed everywhere!
John, everything you have said is the truth, but I will say one thing. I would like for our God to lead us to select the correct MAN for the task of being President of the United States. After all, it is He that made us, and it should be, “Thy will be done”…… And, Mr Daniel Lee, what you said is absolutely the truth also. Thank You, gentlemen!! To say Mr. Reagan was just an actor who got to be President, is an unjustified statement. He will go down in the annuls of history, as one of our greatest presidents and his 1st Lady, the same. Mrs. Reagan had a fierceful responsibility, as to her position as wife to the President and even more so, to her position as his wife, friend, lover and caretaker, after he became ill. Many, Many koodoos to one GREAT Lady!! You can see the Love between the two of them, in the photo, above. Thank you both for being here for us on earth, during my lifetime. R.I.P.
And that “good president” would NOT be the bombastic Trump! He would bring the level of “class” in the White House to an all time low (at least in modern times–some of our earlier presidents mightn’t have looked very good under the scrutiny of today’s media coverage)!
Nancy Reagan had “class”.
Amen a 1000 times over
They were perfect for all Americans. They displayed dignity, compassion, grace and toughness when needed.
I only wish we had them back in the White House now. But they are once again together in Heaven.
I so agree. Nancy, may you be at peace and rest with your one true love, Ronnie. God Bless you and thak you
for you have done for our country, especially, your war on drugs. God rest your soul.
One of the best Presidents and First Lady of all time, she had class, unlike what we have now. We need strong leadership in the White House, and that would be Donald Trump! He’s the only one strong enough to turn this country around! RIP Ms. Nancy with your Ronnie!
What we have now? During the 2010 reporter’s interview on TV, I saw a huge fly parked on the president’s nose and arms. He slapped the huge fly parked on his arms, and and it fill. Then at the same scene, I saw a mouse running around back and forth as if having fun.
I saw Michelle playing the hola-hoof for exercise. She was never proud of America except when occupying the WH. Then in 2010, the 600 entourage vacation in India with 43 warships, and 34 aircrafts. Cost taxpayers $2 billion.
Nancy, RIP! Grace, beauty, elegance, and dignity. That’s what we had when President Reagan, and his wife Nancy Reagan were at the WH. We were proud Americans. America was at the limelight of power and success. May the Lord’s perpetual light shine on both of you!
I wonder where are their two children? I have not seen them yet.
She was a lady of great grace, dignity, and elegance. Her loyalty to President Reagan and to our country was never questioned.
During the time we were blessed by their service as our President and our First Lady, their love and dedication to ” We the people ” , and are country were and are undeniable. They are together again, and may the perpetual light shine on them.
Ronald Reagan was truly one of the greatest presidents of the history of our country. Nancy brought class to the office.
The embarrassment the Obama and the Clinton administrations put on this country will be a hard one to turn around. Let’s get a conservative president back in the White House. We can’t tolerate another Clinton presidency. VOTE Republican! God Bless America!
YES! let the name democrat become an anathema in the political vocabulary of America
I voted for Ronald Reagan when I was a teacher in the Bay Area of California. He was the Best Governor we ever had.
We voted for him again twice for President as he took the reins from the nitwit Carter, and turned this country around and brought growth and prosperity to our Great Nation. Ronald and Nancy Reagan I salute you and your steadfast devotion to each other and to our Nation! I look forward to meeting you on the other side. Many of our generation are already passed over to the eternity of life after death! God Bless your posterity!
It was easy following you around the world,especially at the Great Wall. Due to your stand out ss guard.
George A. Grew up in Yorkville NY was a teenage friend.Georges brother was FBI ,with an impressive record.
When RR and Nancy were in the whitehouse, America was surely guided by greatness.
Now I will miss the both of you VeryMuch ????
Thanks Nancy⚡️
President Ronald Reagan and First Lady Nancy Reagan were the example of a Christian couple, loved the Lord served and loved each other, our country and the world. Their wisdom, class, elegance, grace, mercy, kindness and strength is equal to none. Enjoy your Ronnie Nancy in the presence of the Lord. My condolence to the family. Let’s pray for a Godly and wise president, we desperately need it. “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land” Let’s all pray for our Country????????????????
Ronald and Nancy Reagan truly raised the pride of all Americans. I am thankful for the legacy they left for us to enjoy. I was always filled with pride whenever they were on TV, speaking at an event, or being interviewed. They always oozed class, and never embarrassed themselves or our Country. Nancy will certainly be missed. Blessings to their children. Relish the memories you have of this great couple.
Karen James
THE REAGAN’S, Ronald, the best president I will always remember, Nancy, the perfect wife for a great man. She was charming, lovely, elegant and most of all INTELLIGENT, she was the perfect wife for a man like Reagan.
Their legacy will ever live on this nation, and in our memories. It’s not enough space to write all that can be said.
Thank God for their lives and now, they are happily together forever.
Yes, Nancy Reagan was the last, great 1st Lady in the White House.
A sad commentary on Americans and subsequent occupants of the POTUS slot.
Comparing her to Hillary is like comparing Mother Teresa to Paris Hilton.
Response to John: We do not need Ted Cruz in the White House. He is a nasty politician and will pull every underhanded stunt just to win the nomination. Ben Carson was the one we need for President. He showed strength, integrity, compassion, and love for America. If people would just take time to listen to what he has to say without trying to read something into it. As I listened to his speech at CPAC, I was appalled about a comment on the sideline from a socialist liberal who said, “I love him. He is strong. He’s what we need; I wish he had made that speech from the beginning.” If one truly loves Ben Carson and feels that he has the integrity and strength of character to become President, then get off your duff and cast a vote for Ben Carson. It is unfortunate to lose Ben Carson in the race for President. God forbid that America ever falls under socialist government.
Ronald and Nancy Reagan set the stage for the 1980s. Thanks to their leadership we looked toward a brighter day and a strong, vibrant America. Nancy Reagan was a class act. Her quiet, but strong leadership, helped keep the Reagan administration on track.
Mrs. Reagan always appeared to be an elegant lady. She was a class act. Hopefully history will treat her and former President Reagan as the great Americans they were.
Nancy R. was a great Lady, in all sense of the word. Always presented herself with Class and Dignity, and was always appropriately dressed for any occasion, always a Lady! I was very proud to have her as My First Lady. A title that should not be taken lightly. I loved President Reagan as well, and their Love for the country and their appreciation for the White House was always evident. I.m looking forward to Mrs. Trump showing Class in the white House again. Don’t want to get into anything political , this is Not the Place. Everyone please show respect for First Lady, Nancy Reagan. Thank you and God Bless all their family, my sympathy goes out to them. I’m lucky to have lived in the same world as them. Usually one’s greatest Legacy is their Children, but with the Reagans, their Living and being Head of our country and accomplishing all that they did, and their Leadership, is such a great Legacy for us all, including their children. Again God Bless!
I remember Ronald Reagan, that was a blessed time for my husband and our family. RR had the working class working and my husband job working 18 hrs a day , 5 to 7 days a week. We were able to send our two children thru 12 years of a Catholic education and on to four years of college. And when Mr. Reagan made speeches on TV always a pleasure with his strong dedication toward our country. Unlike what we have with that evil face Muslim Ob….er and that un-classy Moo…chelle. What a disgrace for the United State with what we now have in the White House. No matter who gets in the White House it will be a 100% better than what we have in there now. Got Bless United States!
Nancy Reagan was a true Lady in all respects and a lover of America. She was Ronald’s strong right hand and supporter in everything. Their time in the White House was a true blessing to America unlike the travesty we have now. America mourns a great lady.
RIP, Nancy.
Eternal rest grant unto Nancy; may she rest in peace. GOD’s mercy shine on her and our wonderful President Reagan. You will always be remembered and missed. Please intercede for our country; may GOD will that we elect a solid Christian conservative to lead us come this November. Gloria
Nancy Reagan was a TRUE LADY, all the way around! We need more people like her and President Reagan! True Americans and well liked!
Ronald Regan was the John Wayne of politic. Nancy was the Elenor of the White House.
Who will be the John Wayne of 2016 ? Bilery for jail, on mutiple counts.
I met her once. It was at a Commission of the Californias convention held in Sacramento a couple of years before the Reagans moved to the White House, so that was while Nancy was “First Lady” of Califonria. Nobody would have imagined them in Washington DC. They brought the same warmth, charm and know-how to the national political scene that they exercised in their home state. Today’s political candidates could learn so much from the Reagans’ example.
Class…Nancy Reagan was a wonderful First Lady. When I think of The Clintons or The Obamas there is absolutely no way they even come close to what the Reagans represented when in or out of the White House. Rest in Peace Mrs Reagan. Thank you for all you did for our country. Reunite with your of the best Presidents of our time.