Pro-life supporters are applauding the recent move by Ohio legislators to pass a bill stripping Planned Parenthood of millions in government funding in the state, which Ohio Gov. John Kasich is expected to sign soon.
Across the country similar bills are pending in several states, and supporters hope their passage will save lives while simultaneously driving the abortion issue to the forefront of the 2016 presidential race.
The Ohio defunding bill cleared the state legislature and headed to Kasich on Wednesday, a day after the primary in New Hampshire. Kasich finished second in the New Hampshire race behind Donald Trump but ahead of a group of mainstream GOP candidates who vied for moderate support.
The House gave its final approval Wednesday on a mostly party-line vote, with the bill’s Democratic co-sponsor voting in favor and two Republicans voting against it.
The bill targets the roughly $1.3 million in grant funding that Planned Parenthood receives through Ohio’s health department annually.
The legislation would prohibit such funds from going to entities that perform or promote abortions, their affiliates and those that contract with an entity that performs abortions.
Kasich spent Wednesday campaigning in South Carolina, home of the South’s first primary on Feb. 20. He had events scheduled there for Thursday and Friday.
During a town hall meeting in New Hampshire this past weekend, a voter in Concord asked Kasich whether he’d support federal funding for Planned Parenthood if it were part of a balanced budget. “We’re not gonna fund it,” he said during the exchange.
Ohio’s legislation follows an outcry among abortion opponents around the country after the release of secretly recorded videos by activists alleging that Planned Parenthood sold fetal tissue to researchers for a profit in violation of federal law.
Stephanie Ranade Krider, executive director of Ohio Right to Life, called the passage a victory for the anti-abortion movement. “For a state like Ohio — it’s a purple state — to be able to pass something like defunding Planned Parenthood, I think that gives hope to other states.”
Planned Parenthood isn’t going down without a fight, however, and announced Wednesday it is targeting Kasich in online ads slated to appear on Facebook and news sites across Ohio.
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
Chris says
I cannot understand why these individuals need to go to a planned parenthood clinic, other than for an abortion, when every county, parrish has health departments which help with women’s health.
Totally DEFUND planned parenthood, disassemble the organization and send these women to health departments for assistance.
Shirley says
Chris I agree with you 100% on defunding planned parenthood, we have clinics all over the states and counties, without funding these clinics and killing babies
after stealing their little body parts for more monies is evil and unlawful. If our elected officers are voting for these things we need to get rid of them immediately….
pjt says
With the number of birth controls available nowadays, you only get pregnant if you want to or are too lazy to use birth control, except in the case of rape. And I don’t believe that we the taxpayers should pay for anyone’s lack of control or laziness. And then there are those that use having babies as their form of income ………
Billy Buchanan says
PLANNED PARENTHOOD murders the most innocent of human beings. Those in Planned Parenthood and its supporters are the ones that should have been aborted. Should be bountys on every individual or doctor in Planned Parenthood that commits the abortion or murder of innocent human beings.
bozzbuck says
Planned parenthood is birth control for the poor and ignorant. Its not about woman’s health at all. Its got allot to do with the states allowing and promoting the aborting of children that would most likely end up on state assistance. In other words it cost less to abort them than support them.
Lois Wenk says
Also we need to pay down the national debt. We will be worse than Greece. Let the pro-choice people fund them and quit stealing pro-lifer’s money and give it to murderers. The Planned Parenthood business has people brainwashed into thinking that stealing money this way is acceptable.
Kenneth Galica says
Right on Chris!
jim w. says
I pray to my LORD and SAVIOUR jJESUS CHRIST will deliver us from evil.
Dee Smith says
I do hope you are doing this, but do not stop with prayer. Continue on and let your elected officials know that your for the defunding of Planned Parenthood.
Ernesto says
Defund all those killers of helpless babies. Planned parenthood is made up of despicable maggotts without conscience..I don’t want 1 cent of my tax $ to go these killers
Steven says
I blame the ones having babies, that truly can’t afford to take care of them.
Lois Wenk says
If a medical doctor won’t do the medical procedure than it is not apropriate.
Maria says
Does anyone keep track of women who use abortion as a “contraceptive”….I bet there are offenders for that. And having an abortion is also a result of rape and incest…. how many abortions are for this reason?? Who keeps the accountability of Planned Parenthood.!! Get Rid of this “Murder Factory”…..
Laurence Coventry says
Abortion for rape is reasonably estimated at around 1%, no excuse for the other 99%.
In UK a doctor aborted a raped girl and went to court in 1938, overturning the law. Thus case history covered rape long before the 1967 Abortion Act, the UK equivalent of Roe v Wade. He repented and became a founder member of the world’s oldest pro life organisation, the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children,which campaigns in UK
and internationally including at the UN.
Rape is a no win trauma, but abortion has no rationale for grisly capital punishment to be inflicted on the innocent child. It is also an additional trauma for the victim of rape. Some campaigners, including a state beauty contest winner, are products of rape.
Earleene says
sp says
Reality is that abortion affects the black community more than any other.. 15 of the total population getting 42% of all of the abortions.. something to think about when you hear the bs line black lives matter.. apparently not to the blacks who are killing babies at a phenomenal rate of over 1200 a day. Then add to this how many are shooting each other.. All in all does not say much for the lack of morality of those on the left promoting DEATH.
Lois Wenk says
If all blacks aborted their babies we would see no black person.
MR says
I am against any abortion after 1 month, but am pro-choice and Catholic. It is nobody’s business what I should do in my own private life, especially from men….and so called christians. If men want to get so involved in this, let them get RAPED, mangled, beat up, mistreated for 100’s of years, then tell me what they might want to do about all of this. Otherwise clam up. Your opinions and advice are useless and minimal. Walk a mile….deliver a ton of kids….then tell me your woes. You are wrong to tell me what to do…let God sort it out. He’s the only one who has the right to judge.
Pro-lifers that murder, march, chant, stomp their feet and show their fists, show up unwanted at clinics, court houses, anywhere, are really worse than those they oppose. Mind your own business, stay out of mine and the rest of our business, and do your prayer thing instead of making fools of yourselves. It’s folk like you that bring a bad name to many christians who DO mind their own business and pray as God intended.
Fructus Ventris says
Saying that you are pro-chice and “Catholic” is like saying you are a Christian Devil-Worshipper. You are NOT a Catholic… Ask a priest, if you can be Pro-Choice and be in communion with the church – ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!
My great-great grandparents suffered greatly during the civil war because they believed that black slaves were human beings. The country was bitterly divided over this issue. Years later, my grandparents struggled with womens rights while many claimed that women were “Lesser” citizens. Today, we are divided by abortion. The Catholic church is crystal-clear on the issue… these are humans and abortion is murder. You can CLAIM to be Catholic, but you are NOT. We will look back some day, in horror, at the savage extermination of millions of innocent babies. .. “Back in the 21st century, Satanists and liberal feminists rejoiced in the slaughter of God’s most innocent childres”.
Stop listening to the Rachel Maddowish devils!
Lois Wenk says
You claim to be Catholic act like one. The Catholic Church is the biggest opponent to abortion. Look at a sonogram and see for yourself. Also the bible talks about people in their mother’s womb. Life before birth is biblical. Christians are told by the bible to stand up for what is right. You are neither acting like a Catholic nor a Christian. Life is a human issue and too many males are vocal about supporting pro-choice. When you and the pro-choice crowd quit being a hypocrite and tell them to shut up I’ll respect you and your opinion, when it comes to men speaking. Planned parenthood kills babies so infertile women can’t adopt them and become mothers. What about their right to choose to be parents. A brand new car is cheaper to get and not a lottery to have a child. The fetal tissue has as much different DNA as you have with your biological mother. Unless you are a tissues of your mother giving her the right to kill her you for her convenience you are a hypocrite. Babies in the uterus feel. This is what science has seen. That is a baby, another human.
Dee Smith says
You claim to be Catholic , claim God should do this and that. What on earth are you thinking when you bring God into the sentence along with the statement that YOU have the right to do with your body what you desire. That body does not belong to you, it is under the ownership of GOD because He created man and designed you in your mothers womb. He loves all children and to kill a child while in the womb is murder in His eyes. I know we all have been given free choice in if we believe in Christ or not, but not free will to murder our child because we did not want them. They are a human being as soon as they are conceived and with as many couples that so want children and can not have them, they would be delighted to receive a child instead of you killing them before their birth. You need to get right with our God on this issue.
SD says
The other issue for Planned Parenthood is that the organization were making profits on fetal body parts–what does that tell you about their morality and ethics! Also, most of the testing for women’s health was not taken advantage of by the women that needed it so very little to encourage “good health” was being performed at these locations to educate the women. It sure would be interesting to know how much money the higher ups in charge of this funding and program are making off the deaths of these unborn fetuses!! Poor program run by inept greedy folks!! Scrap it and lets take a look at offering good programs to women to keep them healthy! From a Registered Professional Nurse
Vee says
That last line from SD is good. I don’t like Planned Parenthood, and I certainly am AGAINST any government money—federal or state—going to them. Why should money from us taxpayers support them by millions of dollars?
Alan Humphries says
Exactly and how does the maggots at PP make political contributions to Hildabeast. Tax Payer money going to the skank that should have been aborted with a coat hanger.I don’t believe in abortion but in her case there’s always an exception.
terence says
When there are cheap and accessible methods of avoiding human conception I am baffled and horrified that there exists a massive organisation built around providing for abortion of the child in the womb as a means of contraception: if one wanted evidence of the extent to which our Western civilisation has morally degenerated over the last 50 years this would surely provide it.
Cynthia Walker says
Abortion is murder, plain and simple!
Charles says
We need to stop killing our innocent babies
Justin W says
I’m glad to see that Ohio is working to cut off taxpayer funds from the abortion industry. Abortion providers have grown fabulously wealthy slaughtering babies. They don’t need taxpayer subsidies to keep their doors open.
Rick says
As long as abortions are free there are going to be abortions, abortions, and more abortions. How about someone hack the records of planned parenthood and publish the women’s names. I’m sure you’ll find some on the list multiple times.
Lois Wenk says
Most abortion are repeats. Women who do this should unless raped (incest is rape) or saving the life of mother (if doctor says the danger is temporary that is the exception to the next part) be required to have a hysterectomy.
Stevhan Hughes-Cgrenzhovo says
Dear Readers;
A thought occurred to me as I was reading this. Suppose that after one State funded abortion, the couple had to pay for any more abortions out of their IRS return? I for one would like to see that enacted. When the wallet or purse gets thinned out, that causes more consideration to be taken and frequent trips to Walgreens for certain items.
Ron Star says
The only abortion that I favor is the election of Hillary Clinton! That should be nipped in the bud right now!
KLP says
Good for Ohio. I hope all the other 49 follow suit and stop murdering helpless infants!!!!
Alan Humphries says
Some scumbag Fed. Judge appointed by pres. Fuzzy Britches by put a halt to it. Remember Hussein believes in partial birth abortion.A fate that would have been good for him..
Bren Nelson` says
I almost feel that I shouldn’t waste my time commenting. But I feel (and here I go) if you choose to murder your child, then you should suffer the consequences. People are being murdered and the perpetrator when caught suffers the consequences. Why then do we turn our head when a fetus is murdered. Women who choose abortion are no different then a thug on the streets. Ladies, I use the term loosely, keep your knees together and wise up!! Abortion is murder. Amen!
matt Simons says
Abortion is murder plain and simple. The mother and father should both be punished and my choice would be sterilization for both. Anyone who creates a child, and then murders it, is lower then a liberal Obama supporter and they are at the bottom of the septic tank. And I believe the ones participating in the murder, should all be put in jail and get at least 5 yrs. at “hard labor”.
Lois Wenk says
Obama supporters are brainwashed the ones are OBAMA, H Clinton and Trump.
twykes says
If someone wants an abortion i
Think they should pay for it. And
Should know if they want to kkeep
the pregnancy in the first two months
Why should we the taxpayer pay for
Some one elses mistake.
capa760 says
Planned Parenthood has been a great help to those ladies who do not have Employer paid Healthcare, or money enough to pay for her healthcare plan, BUT PLANNED PARENT HOOD is the agency for more than abortions, there are all of the services of care to the ladies, educational knowledge, and options of products, medications, treatments,and an act of caring for the women. The AMA education schooling for the male physicians, do not exactly, teach the “Psychic of the Woman Patient” to the majority of Doctors. If a woman starts to tell the physician what is wrong, the eyes of the Doctor start to glaze over, and He seems to take
on the appearance that He is mentally planning how He is packing the van for the next day’s fishing weekend. DO You really
CARE ABOUT WOMEN’S HEALTH FOR ALL WOMEN???? Then do not deny any woman her opportunity to lose her means of
having healthcare. All of you sound like the people, walking into a bakery TO INCITE THEM IN A CONTROVERSY, TO SHUT THEM DOWN AND RECEIVE GOVERNMENT COMPENSATION. That is not the America we have stood up for- America is a civilization started for Liberty, Freedom, Education, Our Choices, not government’s choices. It is OUR TURN to SAVE US ALL.
fedup says
Does anyone ever notice the employees that work for Planned Parenthood? Take a look at the Leader of the pack, the “Smirking and Smarmy” Cecile Richards. That should explain it all!!