Happy Thanksgiving!
Check out the 10 photos from this year that have us at The Horn News thankful — and proud — we’re Americans.
Proudly American, Fiercely Independent
By: Stephen Dietrich
Happy Thanksgiving!
Check out the 10 photos from this year that have us at The Horn News thankful — and proud — we’re Americans.
Stephen is a U.S. Army veteran with over a decade of combined experience in political commentary, economics, and news.
Owen Taylor says
Very good post. Loved those ten pictures. God bless America, and Her people. Hope You can be rid of Obama, as He hates Your great country, and everything it stands for.
Gerald Mann says
You are so right about that , I just would like to know how much George Serious and the rest of the Communists paid the Congress and the Courts to let him stay in office when the rest of America has been screaming to impeach his butt either into prison or back to Africa !! Seems like now a days integrity can be bought and people can ignore their oath of office to put a few bucks in their packet !!
marybeth says
They did not Impeach Obama because he was the first black president.
Ray says
I hear ya, seems kinda ignorant not to get the most scandalous, greatest divider and push the blame out of office. This political correctness is got go.
Patricia Kuhlman says
That is exactly why we must all vote for Donald Trump. He is already wealthy and is paying for his own campaign and will have no strings attached to him or owe anyone any favors. He will put the best and smartest people around and into his administration and listen to our Military Leaders when needed unlike Obama who thinks he is the smartest person on earth and needs no one to tell him anything. Trump will take care of the veterans and will FIRE ANYONE THAT IS NOT DOING THEIR JOB!
GENERAL. No more bought and paid for Politicians.
Bradford Bryant says
Dr. Ben Carson, President, Ted Cruz, Vice President, Rand Paul, Surgeon General, John Bolton, Ambassador to the UN,
Newt Gingrich, Secretary of State, Col. West, Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Military, Gov. Rick Perry, Homeland Security, Mitt Romney, Secretary of Commerce, etc.
Dolores Wieland says
Good post to which I agree. Bring America BACK from it’s lost glory.
Naomi Wedderien says
I so agree with ;you. When does the word “treason” mean just that? Change we certainly got that – not the one we thought we would get. Fox in Sheep’s clothing!
ROB says
That is why I beleive that the elite placed him in power not the people and for this purpose to weaken america the way he has.
Suzanne Iris Azlin says
Thank you for those ten photos of Americans doing what we do best, serving! It made me cry and made me proud! Please keep sharing with our people about our wonderful folks who help us when we need it and protect us all the time! Pray for God to heal our nation. Thank you again and thank all Americans who help us be the best!!!! Suzanne Iris Azlin
Pete Hallock says
Spot on….we have all learned that he is a muslim and that is why he defends muslims.
Pete California
West says
God haz blessed America an what haz America doNE with him he IS the one that haz beeN impeached we R getting what we deserve !!!!!!!!!!!!
Connie says
Yes there are still good people of all nationality’s that love this country.I wish that everyone would really accept Jesus into there heart and life.. We have so much to gain after we live this world. Not if we kill ourselves.but we need to tell people about Him..He loves u people. He says ” I stand at the door and knocks to come in.it’s us to us if we want to know this Joy now and forever ….
Frankie Mary Alexander says
Yes Yes, We Need To Get Rid Of Obama. Our Country Is Literally Falling Apart. Donald Trump Will Make Us The United States Again. President Trump
joker says
Rhoadie says
Amen to that
Dan says
As it would discredit everything else.
brewer says
you got that right
Lisa32 says
That’s because he’s not worth a crap. He is useless.
Peggy Parnell says
how could he?
Bruce says
why don’t you just shut up for one day. Just incredible
Midwest Republican says
Muslim is..is Muslim does..Obama is a POS
Charles Imwold says
“We The People” have a fraud and usurper sitting in the White House going by the name of barack hussein obama using a stolen social security number , forged birth certificate and forged selective service registration card to prove he is a legal sitting US President .
Patrick Ferguson says
shut up Bruce!
mary dean says
most of the above are correct obummer is a bully murderer does hate America & everything it stands for weasel snake turnkey turkey & many more sorry to insult these good animals
Jack Walker says
Obama has faced the enemy of the people of the USA. Every time he looks in the mirror.
Jim Claussen says
Yes, We need a FEARLESS President…and we don’t have one!
This so-called President has little respect for our Country’s Heritage and Constitution.
He wants to ‘fundamentally’ “change America” …into something we do not want.
He is not even a legal President…his having been born in Africa in the Country now named Kenya.
(Something not generally realized…his Mother brought baby Obama to Honolulu when the baby was four days old
and some way somehow found an Hawaiian Doctor willing to register his birth…as if he were born in Hawaii.
A majority of us will be happy when his term…and influence…has expired.
Gerald Mann says
Wouldn’t it be nice if someone “expired him ” Time to start the revolution .. Kind of hoping Trump makes it , he has enough money to get rid of the lobbyists and the rest of the money people sucking the life and freedoms out of out country !!
Patricia Kuhlman says
I agree Gerald – Vote for Donald Trump 2016 – No more bought and paid for Politicians.
JAM says
It’s possible you are correct in the subject of not being born a USA citizen, but, we have this turkey on our soil and most definitely would like to impeach him and all his cronies which includes Hillary, and get rid of his obama care, let this nation stand under one God, not many, for people in government think they are, always trying to play one, always deceiving, I would say traitors to the America we learned to love and respect, flag burners for they spit on the flag every time they lie, accept bribes, and try to change the constitution under false pretenses, I will stop there for I could fill many pages, for the negativeness in this country is so severe that all true Americans should wake up and dismantle this administration ASP.
joanne nie says
I don’t see anything hilarious about the bill board. It is all true, we are the CHAMPS that save the world from all evil. We will triumph.
Granny says
We just lose the little wars like Veit Nam!
Don says
we were winning when we left
Camp X-Ray says
Hello: The time can’t come soon enough when Barack Hussein Obama waves for the last time from Marine One.
Roger says
Your not going to get anything until our congress puts something in writing for the people to vote him out. Remember Bill Clinton was impeached but. he still did America dirty, and finished his term.
Len says
Why not from a donkey!!!
kanawah says
President Obama is one of the best presidents we have ever had.
He is some one to be proud of .
He has had to fight the obstructionist teabag republicans every step of the way.
They are determined to continue the destruction started by Baby Bush and his cronies.
Gerald Mann says
Words from another uneducated wetback ! A true Obamamite, tell me did you buy drugs from him or where you one of the members of the Gay Bathhouse where he is a lifetime member in Chicago , I think it is called Man’s Country !!
Lonesomedove says
Yeah right Zero is the best POTUS we have had in a long while…he is awaking people to just how we have been had by our own government.
Where were the obstructionists when Pelosi, et. al. passed Obamacare without even glancing at the 6700 page document. There has been insufficient obstruction to prevent doubling the debt of each of the citizens of this country. Our fearless leader wouldn’t even give thought to National Prayer Day. He preaches concern for the environment by encouraging purchase of autos that consume one gallon of gasoline per mile driven while he flit around in a vehicle that burns five gallons per mile traveled for leisure and political pontificating. Yes, he is a great leader. He has led our posterity into the pits of economic burden, government control, class separation, racial discrimination and invasion of illegal aliens. Hopefully, they will find a way to recover.
christine marone says
Seriously??? Stop drinking the Kool-Aid it has warped your sense of reality
Craig says
you need to stop smoking dope and get a job.
dave says
Kanawah…. What country have you been in in the last 7 years? Or better yet, what planet have you been on? He is the WORST president this country has ever had. Wake up and notice all the damage he’s done so far. And the more damage he will probably do before he leaves office. I could write a lot here about that but I’ll just leave you with your own stupidity and hope that you wake up some day. And with a name like Kanawah, probably not American yourself, I probably shouldn’t expect anything more from you.
Roger says
Kanawah. you must be an Museum /
mike says
Can’t believe anyone with any intelligence at all could support Obama! They must have got a free cell phone.
sodbuster says
Get a brain!
JimLopez says
Hey Idiot! How long have you been in this obama coma? Or are you brain dead? This POS in the white house has done nothing but try to devide us and ruin our country that we love. I would be will to pay for your one way ticket to either Kenya your idols birth place or Iran a city that I am sure you will enjoy.
John Smith says
An Impressive List Of Oooos Accomplishments
First President to apply for college aid as a foreign student, then deny he was a foreigner.
First President to have a social security number from a state he has never lived in.
First President to preside over a cut to the credit-rating of the United States.
First President to violate the War Powers Act.
First President to be held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.
First President to defy a Federal Judge’s court order to cease implementing the Health Care Reform Law.
First President to require all Americans to purchase a product from a third party.
First President to spend a trillion dollars on ‘shovel-ready’ jobs when there was no such thing as ‘shovel-ready’ jobs.First President to abrogate bankruptcy law to turn over control of companies to his union supporters.
First President to by-pass Congress and implement the Dream Act through executive fiat.
First President to order a secret amnesty program that stopped the deportation of illegal immigrants across the U.S. ,including those with criminal convictions.
First President to demand a company hand-over $20 billion to one of his political appointees.
First President to terminate America ‘s ability to put a man in space-defunded NASA.
First President to have a law signed by an auto-pen without being present.
First President to arbitrarily declare an existing law unconstitutional and refuse to enforce it.
First President to threaten insurance companies if they publicly spoke-out on the reasons for their rate increases.
First President to tell a major manufacturing company (Boeing) in which State they are allowed to locate a factory.
First President to file lawsuits against the states he swore an oath to protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN).
First President to withdraw an existing coal permit that had been properly issued years ago.
First President to fire an inspector general of Ameri-corps for catching one of his friends in a corruption case.
First President to appoint 45 czars to replace elected officials in his office.
First President to golf 73 separate times in his first two and a half years in office, 90 to date & counting.
First President to hide his medical, educational and travel records.
First President to win a Nobel Peace Prizefor doing NOTHING to earn it.
First President to not know how to properly pronounce Navy ‘corpsman’.
First President to go on multiple global ‘apology tours’-including bowing to foreign rulers.
First President to go on 17 lavish vacations, including date nights and Wednesday evening White House parties for his friends; paid for by the taxpayer.
First President to say that America was not a Christian nation.
First President to have 22 personal servants (taxpayer funded) just for his wife.
First President to keep a dog trainer on retainer for $102,000 a year at taxpayer expense.
So how is this hope and change working out for ya? Don’t you feel better now?
John Smith says
The Oooozero president spent over $7.3 million on just three trips in 2013, including $2.1 million to appear on “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno” in August, according to new flight documents provided by the Air Force to a public watchdog group.
Judicial Watch told Secrets that the sky-high jet travel costs for the first family’s 2012-2013 Christmas vacation in Hawaii, their beach vacation on Martha’s Vineyard last summer and President Obama’s brief trip to California in August totalled $7,396,531.20.
The Air Force said it costs $228,288 an hour to fly Air Force One, a massive $48,535 jump from the last estimate of $179,750, or 27 percent
That course is only for Air Force One, it does not include the cost of the support staff and other planes that travel ahead of President everywhere he goes. Those include Secret Service advance teams, security, and the Presidential motorcade. The President’s limo and Secret Service vehicles are sent ahead of time on military transport aircraft which is usually include two VC-25As and a C-130. There is usually also a chartered press plane to bring along additional journalists.
John Smith says
An anyone remember the idiot that said he campaigned in a fifty-seven states but one? Hint Ooooo
Len says
you must be an Obama freebe!!!
Daniel Barefoot says
Really ????? You are delusional Obama Care is a nightmare, unemployment is rampant and don’t forget there is a little bit of a problem along our southern border which to put plainly is wide open ( I will say that’s not entirely his fault but he also like the last 3 presidents a do nothing president when it comes down border control.) We have terrorist just looking for a way in to the US to kill Americans heck maybe even you and your family think about that don’t get me wrong I do not wish that on anyone but the threat is definitely out there. And though I am not part of the Tea Party those people are doing what they believe will protect You and everybody else in this country and I can see no reason why they should not continue to try keeping the Americans safe if you really believe what you wrote you are naïve to whats going on in the world these days. CPL. Barefoot, D USMC 80-84
Roseanna says
Kanawhawah , your just happy because you thrive on all the meaningless freebies you get lol .. Suck it up because your going to lose the ability to live off tax payers backs soon .. Unless you open your legs to every dog stumbling along down the street and pop out babies you don’t want , but will use them to fleece tax payers
John Klein says
What, are you high? This president is the worst one we have ever had. He has become a liar in chief. Everything he said about the unaffordable care act, is a lie and has been proven many times over and he did everything in his power to jamb it down each of our throats when not a single republican voted for it.
Mike says
Sick pup
Cezar says
I agree these are great photos…but,I still not a Republican,and people with access to Obamacare is not represented here! thats more important than silly Flags! ……republicans have their priorities wrong!….Sanders 2016!
Senior American says
I agree. Obama should be awarded the Worst President America has ever endured Award. Let us vote more wisely in 2016.
joker says
David says
And to all who are not free…..freedom is coming to a town near you! Until then…hang in there!
rick be says
When we get every country celebrating Thanksgiving,the world will be right.
Rick Schwab says
And to you, too, Joker!
Phil Sargent says
Happy Thanksgiving to all…..May all our lives be full of blessings…. Thank you Horn News for the cause !
Rhoadie says
Amen to that. Impeach Obama now
kanawah says
Tell us ONE even bad reason he should be impeached.
Gerald Mann says
Extortion 17, Benghazi , then lying to the American public, Fast and Furious, Opening the borders, unconstionually , Permitting people to vote with out proper ID’s , in fact having his butt buddy Eric Holder order districts to permit people to vote with translators in the voting booth with them . It would be easier marking things he did right , in fact I can’t think of any !!
christine marone says
to name a few, you left out his provoking racism at every opportunity, his not singing Amazing Grace for all the brave lost to terrorists, or blacks against whites
bjack says
Because he has broken every law on the books and he is a dividing, race baiting, tantrum pitching person
that has ever been in our country. You have to give respect to get respect and he is the one holding up progress. We were all fine and getting along fine before him. The debt has risen triple, obamacare is making everyone POORER. He has over run our country with illegals, now terriosts, anything else you want? I know you say everything is Buschs fault but that lame excuse has expired, he has been in office 7 years and things have not been better. I know also that you will think that we were refugees, but that is not the case. When our forefathers came over here it was an undeveloped land. They built it and established it and drew up the constitution to protect it. Somebody did not give it to them, they worked hard and died trying to make this a place where we could worship freely. They did not come and be put on welfare and get food stamps, and insurance handed to them while everyone else had to work for what they had.You can say what you want and think what you want, but if you have one eye and good sense, you know obama is not a President. He will go down in history as the worst President this country has ever had. You have your opinion and I have mine and it doesn’t bother me that you think he is great. It bothers me what he has done and is doing to our country and the division he has caused.
dave says
How about Obamacare. How about doing his best to destroy the coal industry, and other energy industries? How about raising taxes in a lot of areas, further hurting this economy. How about giving welfare to people who don’t deserve it, which will further raise our taxes. How about being more on the side of his Muslim buddies than America, which he’s proven many many times. Is that enough for you? You uneducated moron.
danny justice says
let me tell you one big one YOU can kept your own DOCTOR how about SHOVEL ONE need any more
Peter V Vaccaro says
Wgat a shame that we have a President that can’t make the cut. HE IS THE WORSE PRESIDENT EVER
kanawah says
President Obama is one of the best presidents we have ever had.
Craig says
still smoking dope.
Danny Stewart says
kanawah, if you could pull your head out of obummers azz long enough to look around, maybe, just maybe, you could make an intelligent post.
John says
Name one good thing our community activist, who pretends to be a president, has done, while in office, other than pullig the wool over naive individuals like yorself
danny justice says
You can wake-up now from your night-mare
marlene says
I cherish these photos and am surely proud of the indominable American spirit. I’d feel even better to see photos of POTUS, SCOTUS, FLOTUS and every corrupt member of corrupt congress being led, in handcuffs and ankle chains, to jail, indicted for the crime of treason, and made to pay the penalty. I’d surely be proud to honor our heroes by being a part of a large coalition of patriots descending on the white house, in large numbers and with loud voices, declaring that the buck stops here – and now.
Athena says
Dan Elder says
You are so, RIGHT ON
brewer says
you forgot …and to see obama lead out or packed out which ever as long as he’s out him and that dyke he’s married to with him
glenn davis says
POTUS==President of the United States==Barak Obama
EdJohn says
Can you ever be decent and a wee bit civilized?
dave says
Truth hurts?
Bruce says
you’re probably a product of your father and his sister.
pancho villadeltren says
Brucy Goozy has the same DNA as his whole tribe.
Patrick Ferguson says
I told u to shut up, Bruce!
kanawah says
Your are a fool and an ass.
Your are a disgrace to America.
Rick says
I agree and stand with you.
Luka says
This is Absolutely correct It is about time to go peacefully and get all all politischen in chain with the head of them all get out for good!
Austin Berens says
“Not long now.”
kanawah says
He will leave as Hillary comes in in mid January 2017.
That will be another great day for America.
dave says
Are you insane??? Hillery??? She will be WORSE than the O’bum
JimLopez says
Hey kanawah, can you leave your shit for brains to science so we can study on how feces mixes with brain matter and causes idiots to register as democrats?
Gerald Mann says
If they put the executions on Pay TV we could probably pay off the national debt , as people the world over hate him and his administration !!
christine marone says
I’m with you
Richard Garrett says
It is a sad day for America when many
are more impressed with Vladimir
Putin’s reaction to affronts to his
country than we are with Barack
Harold says
Putin for president! !
Richard Garrett says
It is a sad day for America when many
are more impressed with Vladimir
Putin’s reaction to affronts to his
country than we are with Barack
dave says
Do you mean Barack Obama’s affronts to his (our) country? That I can agree with.
Pamela says
Blessings to all this Thanksgiving Day. We still have much to be thankful for, as these pictures have shown. God Bless our Servicemen & women. And……..God Bless America!
Tim Kyle says
As someone living ‘across the pond’ in Europe I can sympathise with many of the comments here. I would love for God to bless America, but how can He when she is actively implementing Godless laws as an affront to Him.
Dugan says
God Bless America, Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas! If anyone is offended by this: HAVE A HAPPY BOATRIDE BACK HOME!!!
Bowzer says
OH, WAIT, you are not aloud to say, Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas….remember the so called president doesn’t allow us to say those things!!
asad sook says
this is looking very nice to see these pics. each person of any country need to be patriotic with his country. so i am also proud to be a pakistani muslim and wish you all the best .as a humanbeing i wish you all the peace and safty as this is our islamic faithlove for each hate for none.
Bill Frazier says
AMEN. & AMEN and God speed to Marlene’s comment. I hope and pray that Americans are just about fed up with
our PLASTIC anti-American government.
Aaron Seibert says
Happy Thanksgiving, be safe and be proud America, enjoy your freedom, do not abuse it. Do something to make your life and Americas lives better today. Navy by the Dotted Line, Marine Corps by Heart, Corpsman by Soul, and Chief by Dedication!! Strength and Honor
ALR says
Happy Thanksgiving America…….we have many things to thanks for,,,,,,,The Lord gave us the greatest country in the World……….God bless America !!
Nancy says
God used to bless America, but not anymore. That’s why it is in such a mess. People have turned their back on God & He is about to get even very soon I hope. It is starting already. I will never understand how Obama has not yet been assassinated or impeached. Even Trump can’t fix Americas mess only God can and will !! By the way I like Trump. Tells it like it is.
Dan Elder says
Same to you Patriot.
HCUA says
The biggest turkey in the world resides in the White House. Thank God, he has not totally destroyed the country completely yet. Thanks for the pics. I will send then around. God Bless America. Please help keep us free.
Eleni Stil says
I agree and pray for him because the Bible asks us to pray for all those in authority over us.
Lonesomedove says
Amen, Sister. While you are at it, pray for Zero: “Father in Heaven, in Your Wisdom and Mercy visit Psalm 109 on the house of Obama…rid us of this Muslim pest! To the Glory of God in the Name of Jesus! Amen”
kanawah says
No the turkey was evicted from the White house in the middle of January, 2009.
We have one of the best presidents we have ever had there now.
christine marone says
really? did he give you a free phone?? are you one of the entitled? do you get public assistance??
dave says
Are you insane??? Hillery??? She will be WORSE than the O’bum
Len says
If you don’t like this country or the next president …..LEAVE!!!!
Carl Gulledge says
Why don’t you take your stupid comments some place that no one knows about and type your bullshit?
claude perron says
home of the brave is not just a statement, it’s part of what we firmly live for and be leave.
Ralph says
My Feelings Too…
Steve says
Great photos that show how patriotic our neighbors really are. I agree with Marlene, unfortunately the patriotism that is displayed by fellow patriots is not demonstrated by those populate our state and national capitals. They are there for their own personal and party agendas certainly not for the people that elected them to office. Time for a change to make America great again. The last photo unfortunately is a picture of history. Since the last world war, our military has not been allowed to be totally victorious over our enemies. During the past seven years we have become the laughing stock of the world. Time to end our world’s terrorism and get back to our glorious fundamental and constitutional roots.
Ilonka says
Great pictures except the last one.
The war machine is NOT American. the early patriots did not encourage war on foreign soil. Our courageous young men have been used/abused as has the populace at large.
We no longer are the most advanced military power in the world.
Time to reflect on what our reality is today and bring about a change from within before we tackle the rest of the world under false pretext. Only then can we start to rebuild.
1American1st says
We can start rebuilding our military and our country by impeaching the Muslim terrorist in our WH.
Patrick Ferguson says
Right On, Right On!
Patrick Ferguson says
shut up,.Ilonka .
Karen says
i couldnt agree more.that would make my day
Waldemar B Schwauss says
The greatest gift to America will be when:
ObaMAHADI finally is outta office
G_D Speed,
Waldemar B Schwauss
Jerry says
I am 74 years old and I have seen a part of the world when I was in the military and I can truly say,”There is no place like home–in America”. Of all the peoples of the world, we are truly blessed and have much to be thankful for.
God bless America.
Dewey Landrum says
I will be 84 on Dec.11th. I was in the navy for four years during the Korean war, got out and joined the Coast Guard and finished out twenty three years, served two years in Viet Nam in67,68,69 & 70. I had always just took it for granted that we had a good country and that things just happened. I soon realized that we had a Great,not perfect, but a great country with God in complete control. Since our Government has let the ACLU and Freedom from religion tell us what we can and can’t do our country is turning against God and you can see what kind of Government we have now. We can’t go much lower than we are now.
larry jennings says
as a retired military man you hit the nail on the head i’ve been all over this world and i’ll tell you this we are not as good as we should be but we are the best their is and we will get better.
Walter H Wilson3rd says
Today is the best day for families and friends to discuss the tyranny and aggression, perpetrated by the renegade left and spearheaded by A socialist, impersonating an American president! it is our right, our obligation and our solemn duty, to press forward and secure our birthright of freedom!
Bob says
Peace through strength is how to see that last photo.
Marty says
Lots of great and not so great comments! Let’s agree to pray for our country and the world especially those in leadership! Only God can change hearts! Also pray that God would protect those they are being persecuted! United we should stand…God Bless America! Happy Thanksgiving!
Sandy says
I agree with what you said, but can’t help but realizing that Jesus died for Obama, Clinton, Pelosi, Reid, and all the other despicable people who are destroying our great nation. I pray that God would touch their hearts and cause them to repent and turn their hearts to Him. Also that we as a nation would see our own sins and repent from shutting God out of our schools and public life (due to political correctness) and return to the principles that our country was founded upon.It’s not about churches or religion–it is about a one-on-one personal relationship with the Creator of the universe, Jesus Christ.
ees says
The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is the greatest country in the world. There are a few bad apples who reside in this great country, just as there are always a bad apple in a bushel of apples. We all must hope the bad one do not over come the good ones. As we move forward, I am concerned for the young people who at this time do not control their future. Its us old people who do, and it is not looking real good for the young people who we are spending their money before they get it. I HOPE THIS WILL CHANGE IN 420 more days.
ees says
Annette says
I am thankful I was born an American and have enjoyed 65 years to date. I have always been proud to be an American. I haven’t always been proud of our elected officials. I think most Americans are hard working people who are just too tired and with too little money at the end of the day to fight the corruption in the government. All we can do is vote when possible, shout out where injustice is seen and support those we think will help make America grow and be a better place for everyone. Let us not get separated by propaganda in the media. We are Americans and future Americans. Our flag is not one color and neither are we. We enjoy the freedom to love who we want, to live where we want, and to say what we want.
christine marone says
well put
Juan says
I was born an American and I am proud to be an American . Go U.S. A. all the way .
Chris Oppen says
All AMERICANS, Family, & Friends,
This is a day that we Americans have set aside to be Thankful and Grateful, for all that we have because of the many service men and women that have served, are serving and given their lives for this country to stay FREE and SAFE for all of us. “Please check your hate, meanness and contempt at the door” Just be happy and have a wonderful day with your family and friends. God has blessed us with so much we need to let him know how grateful we are. HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL AMERICANS AND MAY GOD BLESS YOUR HOME AND FAMILY NOW AND IN THE COMING YEAR…..
John Howell says
I fear that Obama in the next few months will stage nationwide riots as an excuse to declare martial law, suspend the constitution, and declare himself president for life. On that day, this once-great nation will enter a new communist Dark Ages that will last forever.
John Howell
Bruce says
So why don’t you just go shoot yourself now??
Patrick Ferguson says
Shut up,…Bruce!
Thomas says
John, you hit the nail dead on the head. Martial law is exactly where this Dictator is taking us
Austin Berens says
Molly Cook says
Branden says
Mr Howell, I totally agree! Don’t let this “not-undemocratic socialist” get to you.
Patrick Ferguson says
It’s possible.
Chris Oppen says
Below you will find your own statement of what is appropriate in your comments. I think you need to take a look at some these and delete. They have absolutely nothing to do with Thanksgiving. Please remind folks what the pictures are about. Being thankful for what we have seems to escape some people. Have a great Thanksgiving, and thank you for the pictures.
“Freedom of Speech is an American right and The Horn encourages healthy debate. However, please refrain from personal attacks, profanity and hate speech. Comments that don’t meet our standards may be removed.”
Robert says
Who is this Bruce character? An Ovomit bendover?
Patrick Ferguson says
Hee, Hee
Carol says
I appreciate & applaud the patriotism that is so strong in the hearts of the American people. We need to realize that the only way we can become the wonderful God-fearing nation we once were we need to turn back to the one true God. Read II Chronicles 7:14. Pray for America.
Sandy says
Amen Carol! Just what I was trying to say in my post! Only God can save us and this country. II Chronicles 7:14 all the way!
Stan Mendoza says
I think he is a handout receiver and it’s nothing about football!
Dr Jessie Hummel says
Thank you
carla says
Johb Howell has it right……..
carla says
John has it right.
Franz says
Sorry, but the US are still an apartheid society. Your newsletter (more extreme right wing is not possible) and these picture show it clearly! Only the rich Americans are probably free!
Patrick Ferguson says
This guy is Edumacated.
Franz says
Richtig, denn meine Muttersprache ist nicht Englisch sondern Deutsch!
Mais je parle aussi Français et Anglais et un peu Italien!
I look forward to read your comments either in German or French without any mistakes!
Stan Mendoza says
Why do libbers always have to deal the race card. I’m neither white nor black served my God and Country, not rich just a regular Joe,traveled the world seen the miseries and poverty of some Countries, seen better days but I’m contented and blessed to Call America my home, Happy Thanksgiving to the true American spirit. keep the dream ALIVE!!!!!!!
Jeannette Mendez-de Jesus says
There is a video circulating on the Internet stating why Obama will never finish his second term. According to the documentary, Russia will throw an EMP on the USA which will send us into darkness and silence. With such a prophecy at work in our life, Why should I shoot myself when the Muslim bastard who is in the oval office is not making it to the very end? Why not prepare to deal with the effects of the EMP and what it will take to make our beloved USA great again?
Terese Upton says
At 83 years (young) I can honestly say that America is no longer the great nation I remember..
People were Proud to be Americans. They flew our flags and saluted -were encourage to pray for our country. I personally can’t understand Barak’s philosophy. He seems to be destroying our country, little by little. He shows no love of country and acts more like a dictator. I hope we are not left in shambles before his term is up. God bless America.
Austin Berens says
“Remember ‘CHRISTMAS’ – ‘FREE AT LAST’, long before oobambam can act.”
Patrick Ferguson says
yeah and there is that UFO thing goen round too.
Eleni Stil says
Bombard your congressmen with emails and phone calls and state your expectations. Their contact information is here on the web. Do not just complain also act.
Terese Upton says
At 83 years (young) I can honestly say that America is no longer the great nation I remember..
People were Proud to be Americans. They flew our flags and saluted -were encourage to pray for our country. I personally can’t understand Barak’s philosophy. He seems to be destroying our country, little by little. He shows no love of country and acts more like a dictator. I hope we are not left in shambles before his term is up. God bless America.
Patrick Ferguson says
I’m with you,…..GOD BLESS The USA!
Mark says
I Loved all the Photos except the one of the Carters Kissing, I would prefer to see other people kissing.
Patrick Ferguson says
Your an Idiot!
Jarhead says
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within.”
Marcus T. Cicero, circa 50 B.C.
John Bakalar says
Marlene, My feelings exactly, I met a lady volunteer today 87 yrs.old, at the VA Emergency room where I was being treated for my medical problems, she was so nice, she served our country 4 yrs. in the Navy. She told me that the reason she thought our Republic was in such bad shape was because the (president?) was inefficient, he dont seem to know what he is doing. I told her that according to our Constitution he is an illegal occupant of the O.O. with sealed records, who hates America and knows exactly what he is doing, and the reason he gets away with it is because of the lower than a snakes belly traitors in the government, who keep him in power as long as he does their bidding, while they diligently work to bring in the N.W.O.. And that’s the opinion of a former 19 yr. old Pfc. Rifleman “grunt” of A-Co. 2nd Ranger Bn. W.W.II 2 P.H.- Brz.Star June 6,44. Dec.8 in Bergstein,Ger….. I was 91 August 14, 2015..Rangers Lead The Way. The Old “grunt”
Patrick Ferguson says
RJ says
Bruce, you sound like a Commie sympathizer !! You should be on your knees now giving thanks you are still able to breath since you give so much “love” to everybody’s favorite Muslim Communist Islamic Terrorist you apparently helped to elect to office more than once. Have a coronary for Thanksgiving. Bye!
Patrick Ferguson says
Oh Crap, Bruce; It would seem nobody agrees with you today.
Bruce says
I wonder how proud our government is today(Thanksgiving Day) with their plan to bring Syrian refugees to this country,while we have U.S. veterans,commiting suiscide every day and thousands of homeless vets living on the streets?I’ll bet those veterans who fought for this country aren’t to happy.
AMelia Prado says
I like the posts, but I wish to comment on the last one “America Undisputed Back-to-Back World Champ.” Back then, this proved to be true. Why? Because our Almighty God was behind the battle. He really fought for us. Let us reflect on this. With what’s happening at present – even our lawmakers are compromising their Christian faith – I’m apprehensive if we can be the Champ again.
Roger Herbst says
The pictures make me proud and grateful, but the hateful comments make me sad. America will only be great again when tolerance and respect are restored, and that includes self-respect. There’s been a major shift in the way people treat each other since I was a Marine back in the 50’s. It makes me sad to witness it. A country is only as great as the kindness of its people.
Johnny says
Amen brother! I totally agree with you. I see a lot of posting of hate and prejudice comments and under the same breath, they say God bless America and the people. What??? You can’t say that in the same sentence. I believe a lot of people on here does not read the Bible. If they do, then they don’t have a clue!
Jarhead says
Assume Carter’s cancer is in the brain which might account for his screwy conduct/statements for the past decades.
Hope he finally seeks help.
Areleen says
Some comments were not so polite, but they have the right of free speech and I have the right to say I do not like that type of bad language. They are in titled to there opinion as I am in tilted to my opinion. We can agree to disagree and yet respect one another.
We have liberty of conscious and it is being eroded. Let’s listen, read, learn and understand about the constitution and how well it has served our nation. We have separation of church and state let’s keep it that way. We can learn and read about those who are running for president. We want a leader who is true and honest who stands for the constitution of our nation. Find out what there character is like and how they conduct themselves and how they deal with the problems they have had in life. Those men who can stand for the right though the heaven may fall. Who are true to duty as the needle is to the pole. One who has shown that they care for people by there actions in what they have done to help people. Let us all be thankful for this country we live in. Each person can make a difference if we choose to do what is right. Learn what it means to right. I pray for a honest man who has a right conscious who has faith in the creator God who alone gives wisdom and understanding. We can be safe with that person because He reverences a power beyond himself. Thank the Lord for the freedoms we have. Thank you for listen to this message.
george richter says
finally somebody is posting pics that we are proud of without anybody like the aclu saying they are not good
Chris Roberts says
It is a total mystery how the great nation that is the U.S.A. ever elected a non-American and muslim into the White House in the first place. If the alternative was worse than what you got, the sooner you have a military coup the better, but let Don have at least one term first. I’m a Brit and proud of it, and love America, as without the U.S. we’d be speaking German or Russian, and I have family there. My great aunt had two brothers who emigrated there in the 1920s, one of them becoming mayor of Buffalo. As a kid we had big parcels at Christmas from them with the luxury of Hershey bars and comics and my mum and her sister and aunt would almost fight over who had the nylon stockings. We had strict rationing in those days. Happy memories of the kindness of our American relations!! Long live America!!!!
Mike S says
As Americans, we pay too much lip service on “God bless America” when our words reveal so much hatred for each. The photos put too much praise and glory on people and nothing on God our Lord and Savior. Forget about ISIS; we’ll kill each other first because we’re “free” to do so.
Tommy Hall says
No pitcher of Amarica will make me proud of America. Because I,am proud of America. When I,m not I will try to find a place to move too. Now there are thing that will make me prouder such as people helping others an or the country. When the people start standing up for The Constuchen better then I’ll realy be PROUD OF MORE AMERICANS. When the Christans in America have had to much you will know. The Chrisans or trying to be meak as the Lord comanded. When thy stop trying to be meak , watch out . ISIS will not till the last one of them are alive or have comveted to some thing elce besides what thay beleave in now. God comanded for hes beleavers to be Meak ,turn the other cheak. I my self say turn the other person cheak when thay first turn yours. God says turn your other too your other one that first turned yours. I all ways say turn the other cheak when thay first try to turn yours.
Mzsharon says
So many of you are so full of hate and vitriol that is scares me the I have to breath the same air and share the same spaces with you. Even scarier to me is that you can most likely vote. So much ignorance on display here that I have little hope for this country and the world.
Ken29 says
Do all you trolls have to corrupt every issue on the internet into an unending rants for and against Obama? He is what he is!
This topic started as a tribute to good things about the US. I’ll try to be tolerant of those who claim there isn’t any such thing, but at least give the rest of us a chance to enjoy what we see the way we see it.
Johnny says
Amen! I agree with you. I read mostly of the posting and said” How did we get on Obama?”
Rick Worthngton says
As an American-loving Aussie, I read all the comments with interest – it’s a pity however that they aren’t restricted to the great photos. Having lived in the United States, and also visiting often to see friend and relatives, I can, however, see an immense change in this most lovely and beautiful country with it’s great people, over the last 30 or so years. Being on the “outside and looking in” I do feel that your President Obama isn’t all that he seems to be, or should be. I earnestly hope and pray that all you lovely people and your great country enjoy better times ahead. More people should end their comments with “God Bless America” – and don’t forget your Australian ‘cousins’ down under guys!
[email protected] says
Cant voice an opoinion on your Pres, not being a us citizen and all,but i do have a few freinds from the states who now live here in Australia.They to dont seem to have a great deal of time for the man,even to the point of refusing to go back while hes in power.But we do have our probs here with our prime ministers, They seem to be suffering from revolving door syndrome, they get shoved out about half term and retire on the gravy train, Sorry gang theres just no statesman type leaders to be seen on any of our horizons.
Cheers Gfro.
r e carl says
Yes, the pictures are inspirational. However, for me, there is
a total disconnect with the following comments, and what those
pics represent to me. Sorry folks, but the reactionary mentality
expressed in most of the comments are perfect examples of what
is inhibiting the fulfillment of America’s sacred destiny. That being
said, I have full faith that the Light will prevail over all ignorance and
darkness. Blessings to ya’ll.
Hassan Rahnavardi says
Amen all the way. Also Mr. Carter deserves it and will suffer for a long time, that is pray of the Iranian people who lost their country, and what ever they had, living around the world as a refugee because of his wrong policy about the Shah of Iran. Now second Carter following his hero and dis serving American people.
john says
Well, what a mixed bag of opinions. Seems to be on par with other countries that supposedly have a “democracy”. At least you do not get your head cut off or incarcerated for life for expressing your “democratic” right. It would seem you have forgotten the Bush regime where all the problems the current president has tried to resolve were created. Guess you all miss the “good old days” of that regime. It is obvious to the most casual observer that the “Bush component” of congress have been, and are, doing their utmost to retain that Bush ideology, as their agenda to bring in their one world government was terminated by the people in the hope this president could overturn this agenda. Guess you did not realise how entrenched in the congress the “bush ideology” truly was, and still is. This president never had a chance to bring about the necessary changes. he hoped to, as powerful vested interests could see their power base being eliminated. The future may be worse than the present. Beware what you wish for.
John Klein says
I cannot for the life of me understand how you think this president is trying to fix this country. He is the very cause of the majority of the problems we are facing now as a nation. You blame Bush who hasn’t been in office for seven years. No, the blame falls squarely at the feet of the current president. Bush had Iraq on a very even keel and the current president had the stupidity to pull all our troops out and ISIS took over. Give me a break!!!!!!!!!!
Mike Metz says
Even when Obama leaves office the main problem with us remaining a free country still remains. It’s the people that voted for him twice.
jo says
it is about time we get a Christian in the white house and get this country back to GOD. before we destroy ourselves.
GINA says
Mary Kaiserman says
The only picture I was not proud of was the Carters. Carter was the second worst President we have had, but obama has now taken first place.
Adelle Gersten says
Obama will NEVER be impeached. If he were, his minions would scream Racism. Also, Joe Biden would become president . At least now the next in line would be Paul Ryan, which would not be bad and give the Repubs a leg up on the 2016 election.
As we saw with Clinton, impeachment would not lead resignation which is what people really want. Obama is too arrogant to resign. Cheer up we only have a year to go and hope that Hillary does not get elected.
Robert says
I wish 2016 was here so we can vote “all” the liars and cheats out of office. All I can say now is TRUMP & CRUZE
Mary Hines says
KANAWAH..co….. pronounced “can a whacko”
Jane says
I knew we were in trouble when “little o” went on his apology tour. You do not bow down and apologize for our Nation freeing other nations from tyranny, rebuilding them, and only asking for a plot of land to bury our dead. I have always wondered who holds the real strings for our little “puppet” boy. He always has the diversion ready as soon as anyone gets close to figuring out what the truth is about any of his actions. He has put more Muslims in high positions than any other person. When will that other shoe drop?
larry jennings says
i really enjoy reading all the comments i see we have people in this country that are proud to be americans as well as a few that need to open their eyes as to what is going on around them this is the first time in modern history the president of these united states has been the least respected leader in the world thats a fect you can check out our fellow leaders in nato can’t relay on him they all look to america to form plans and lead the free world but mr. obama is more worried about my suv exaust than trying to end the terrorest threats around th globe
Jane says
I knew we were in trouble when “little o” went on his apology tour. You do not bow down and apologize for our Nation freeing other nations from tyranny, rebuilding them, and only asking for a plot of land to bury our dead. I have always wondered who holds the real strings for our little “puppet” boy. He always has the diversion ready as soon as anyone gets close to figuring out what the truth is about any of his actions. He has put more Muslims in high positions than any other person. When will that other shoe drop? [I reposted because I think one letter may have dropped off my email leading to not being able to verify it.]
George R. Fowler says
Hate mail by any other name is still Hate Mail.
Wouter from South Africa says
We can associate with the frustrations that you Americans have with your president. Our frustrations as South Africans with our own president are just much bigger. As starters his cabinet is three times the size of the American cabinet for a country with a population six times smaller than the American population. Thus a cabinet practically 18 times bigger than the American cabinet.
South Africans will swap their president Jacob Zuma any time for America’s Obama as a short term solution.
We trust you enjoyed a happy Thanksgiving. In spite of everything we are still proudly South African.