President Donald Trump is riding high.
Approval polls are rising… the economy is booming… and, more importantly, special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation is finally over with NO evidence found against the president.
Steve Bannon, the architect of Trump’s stunning 2016 victory, told Yahoo News that without the looming shadow of the investigation, the president “is going to go full animal.”
In other words, the fighter-president ready to seize the offense, attack his rivals and slash and burn his way to reelection.
In fact, he already has a plan to WIN.
Trump’s THREE-POINT attack plan for 2020
- ATTACK THE LEFT: Trump signaled a key campaign talking point back in his State of the Union speech, when he vowed “America will never be a socialist country.”
This was a DIRECT assault on the rising influence of the far-left in Democratic politics. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) — himself a presidential candidate – is a self-described democratic socialist. Ditto for freshman lawmaker Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who has captivated the left.
No matter who the nominee is, Trump will link them to Ocasio-Cortez and socialism as much as possible. She may not be running for president in 2020. But in a real way, she’s on the ballot as the very public face of this new far left.
Trump will force the Democratic nominee to rebuke her… or he will link them together, a no-win situation for his eventual opponent given her underwater approval ratings.
At least four recent polls found that voters have an unfavorable view of “AOC.” One found that just 23 percent approved of her versus 36 percent against – a -13 rating.
Also expect Trump to tie the nominee to the “Green New Deal” and remind voters of the more absurd points of the proposal, including attacks on everything from cows to cars.
“I love campaigning against the Green New Deal,” Trump told voters in Michigan last month. “One car per family — you’re going to love that in Michigan.”
- “NO COLLUSION!” Trump’s favorite battle cry has turned out to be true as the Mueller investigation found NO EVIDENCE of collusion or obstruction.
Polls before the investigation wrapped up indicated Americans had confidence in Mueller and would believe his findings. It would behoove Democrats to move on – quickly – by accepting the results – but they haven’t, and Trump is ready to exploit it.
“He will use it to bludgeon them,” Bannon said.
Indeed, he’s already been doing just that.
“After three years of lies and smears and slander, the Russia hoax is finally dead,” Trump said at a campaign rally. “The single greatest political hoax in the history of our country. And guess what? We won.”
He slammed the left for continuing to push the “collusion delusion” despite the fact that the report cleared him.
“These are sick people and there has to be accountability because it is all lies and they know it’s lies,” he said as the crowd chanted “lock them up!”
Looks like “lock them up” will be 2020’s version of “lock her up.”
- It’s The Economy, Stupid: This old line from Bill Clinton’s first campaign is truer than ever – and Trump has presided over a boom unseen in generations. Every time they say the unemployment rate can’t possibly drop any further, it falls yet again!
Earlier this year, it fell to 3.9 percent… and at one point last year, unemployment among black Americans hit an all-time low. The University of Michigan said household income is rising and not just for the wealthy.
The BOTTOM two-thirds of the income chain – middle-class and lower-class homes – are enjoying a jump in income.
So while the left claims Trump has helped the rich, the numbers show he’s helped everyone… and you can’t fool the voters.
They know how much extra money they have in their pockets right now.
Expect Trump to keep reminding people of who they have to thank for this – because there’s NOTHING voters like more than a booming economy!
And they’ll vote for whomever delivered it to them.
— Walter W. Murray is a reporter for The Horn News. He is an outspoken conservative and a survival expert, and is the author of “America’s Final Warning.”