Shakil Afridi has languished in jail for years — since 2011, when the Pakistani doctor used a vaccination scam in an attempt to identify Osama bin Laden’s home, aiding U.S. Navy Seals who tracked and killed the al-Qaida leader. Americans might wonder how Pakistan could imprison a man who helped […]
Jim “Mad Dog” Mattis’ new approach to defeating the Taliban
Defense Secretary Jim “Mad Dog” Mattis has a plan for the Taliban — and it involves taking away one of their last hiding places. Mattis met with top Pakistani leaders Monday to seek common ground on the counterterrorism fight, amid Trump administration calls for Islamabad to more aggressively go after […]
SHOCKING twist in Taliban hostage situation
The parents of an American woman freed with her family after five years of captivity say they are elated, but also angry at their son-in law for taking their daughter to Afghanistan. “Taking your pregnant wife to a very dangerous place, to me, and the kind of person I am, […]
Tillerson vows to punish Pakistan if they fail to fight Islamic terror
President Donald Trump’s plan to end America’s longest war and eliminate Afghanistan’s rising extremist threat involves sending up to 3,900 additional U.S. troops, senior officials said Tuesday. The first deployments could take place within days. In a national address Monday night, Trump reversed his past calls for a speedy exit […]
Debbie Wasserman Schultz caught ON TAPE threatening D.C. police chief (video)
Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz has long been criticized as one of the dirtiest, most corrupt Democratic insiders operating in Washington, D.C. Now, an explosive video has emerged that Wasserman Schultz and Democrat party leaders hope you never see. Sponsored: Embarrassing footage of Hillary’s campaign [disturbing video] In it, Wasserman […]