Rep. Maxine Waters has officially proved to America that she has lost her marbles. During her appearance on BET Wednesday night following President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address, Waters called for a parental advisory each time Trump is on television. That’s right — Waters wants a trigger warning on […]
This means BIG trouble for Maxine Waters
by Stephen Dietrich, Managing Editor House Representative Maxine Waters has made a name for herself as the leader of the so-called “resistance” movement. Waters regularly leads “Impeach 45!” chants — a reference to 45th President Donald Trump — everywhere she goes. Sponosred: Could THIS finally end the Clinton Empire (shocking) […]
Maxine Waters has screaming fit MELTDOWN (video)
California Rep. Maxine Waters has become a superstar in the far-left for her constant, angry calls for President Donald Trump’s impeachment. Her impeachment rallies are so constant, some of the citizens Waters represents are frustrated she’s focused all her energy on raising her political stock instead of good governance. Sponsored: […]
Bombshell! Maxine Waters in BIG trouble, says Tucker Carlson
Democratic Representative Maxine Waters has made a name for herself calling for the impeachment of President Donald Trump. But it looks like her 15 minutes of fame is about to come to an end, according to Fox News host Tucker Carlson. And a sudden shock to her shaky political stock […]
Maxine Waters just had a really, really bad day
Democratic Representative Maxine Waters, known for being a leading voice in the anti-Trump movement, is getting a taste of her own medicine — and it has conservatives cheering. Waters has been vocally calling for President Donald Trump’s impeachment since his inauguration, calling him “outrageous” and saying, “we cannot allow him to stay […]
Revealed! Comey’s firing exposes INSANE liberal hypocrisy
by Stephen Dietrich, Managing Editor President Donald Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey on Monday sent the mainstream media and top Democratic lawmakers alike into a frenzy — and their reactions reveal the unsettling hypocrisy that surrounds liberal politics. Democrats don’t want you to think. They want you to […]