by Frank Holmes, reporter On the campaign trail, Donald Trump looked Hillary Clinton in the eye and told her point-blank that, if he ran the Justice Department, “you’d be in jail.” But almost a year into his presidency, Crooked Hillary is still running around scot-free. Now a key Trump ally […]
FBI report: Clinton investigation was RIGGED (bombshell!)
Attorney General Jeff Sessions led chants to “Lock her up!” at Donald Trump’s campaign rallies during the 2016 presidential campaign. So why isn’t failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in prison for the illegal mishandling United States secrets? [Video] How to shut up an atheist [sponsored] A new FBI report — […]
Senate begins Clinton criminal investigation
by Walter W. Murray, reporter Looks like the old adage is true: Be careful what you wish for. Failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, victim of the most shocking upset in modern political history, has been wishing desperately to get back into the spotlight. She’s been trying to get attention […]
Tuesday was a VERY bad day for Hillary Clinton
When news broke Tuesday that former FBI Director James Comey had been fired by President Donald Trump, there was no one more surprised than failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. There’s good reason. Legal experts agree that Comey’s ouster was very, very bad news for Hillary. Sponsored: Leaked! Hillary LOSES […]
James Comey: I have no Hillary regrets
FBI Director James Comey was grilled by the Senate Wednesday about his decision to reveal the reopening of the investigation into Hillary Clinton 11 days before the presidential election, and he had one major thing to say: I would do it the same way all over again. But critics of […]
Hillary Clinton’s best friend to “tell-all” (lock her up!)
Hillary Clinton’s best friend and closest aide, Huma Abedin, wants publishers to pay her $2 million to write a “tell-all” book about her boss. The news has critics excited, because if anyone would know what Hillary has been up to, it’s Abedin. But if you think she’s really going to […]