Since joining NBC, Megyn Kelly has struggled. Kelly has largely failed to provide network executives the ratings they envisioned when signing her jaw dropping $18 million dollar contract. In a desperate bid to jump her ratings, Kelly went back to a reliable source of publicity Monday: Attack President Donald Trump. […]
Top NFL protester just got VERY bad news (Kaepernick is mad!)
When former NFL star quarterback Colin Kaepernick decided to inspire anti-American protests across the league, it’s unlikely he saw this coming. No one will hire him. Not even as a third-string quarterback. And he’s not happy about it. Sponsored: Why This Industry Deserves to Die Desperate to get back in […]
These 7 subpoenas could be VERY bad news for Obama
The House intelligence committee just issued seven subpoenas regarding the wiretapping investigation and the Russian election meddling — and the names at the top of three of them are very bad news for former President Barack Obama. Included in the subpoenas is a “who’s who” of top Obama administration officials […]
Nancy Pelosi just got really bad news…
Since the fall of failed Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Party has been in complete turmoil. But there’s one woman in particular whom the party and voters have turned against — and it could mark the beginning of the end of her political career. Sponsored: New “Perfect Retirement Business” Could […]