Not far from the glass and steel towers of Germany’s banking capital, a 22-year-old Arabian mare is causing a stir with her languid daily strolls through a Frankfurt neighborhood.
Owner Werner Weischedel says his old nag Jenny, who’s recently found social media fame after a local news show about it went viral, has been taking her 20-kilometer (12-mile) daily jaunts for 14 years — preferring to escape the confines of her home field to nibble on tasty vegetation on the Main river banks.
“Everybody knows her,” the 79-year-old said Tuesday.
Jenny ambles along cobblestone streets and pedestrian paths, avoiding joggers, families and vehicles.
Surprised newcomers occasionally call authorities, so she wears a note on her neck: “My name is Jenny, I didn’t run away, I’m just going for a walk.”
The Associated Press contributed to this article.