“Squad” member Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn. has filed for divorce from husband Ahmed Hirsi, according to the New York Post.
The move adds another complicated layer to Omar’s whirlwind love life.
Omar formally filed the divorce from the father of the three children in her home state of Minnesota on Friday.
Omar has been at the center of a scandalous controversy involving an alleged marriage of her own brother to help him circumvent U.S. immigration law. She was also involved in a sexual affair with Tim Mynett, a liberal Washington D.C. political consultant.
The Post learned that Mynett’s wife, Beth Mynett, filed for a divorce back in August. The Mynetts were scheduled to appear in court Monday morning, but their appearance was postponed toward later this month.
Omar and Mr. Mynett were alleged to have been lovers, and documents revealed that funds from Omar’s campaign were paying for work from Mr. Mynett’s firm at the time of the affair.
Omar and the Democrats have been silent on the entire controversy.
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