In a startling geological event, a massive sinkhole has materialized at the center of a soccer complex in southern Illinois, dramatically altering the landscape and raising concerns about the stability of infrastructure built over operational limestone mines.
The incident, which occurred on Wednesday morning, resulted in the collapse of a light pole and the sudden swallowing of benches and artificial turf into a chasm estimated to be at least 100 feet wide and up to 50 feet deep.
The affected site, located in Gordon Moore Park in the city of Alton, approximately 25 miles north of St. Louis, has been a popular venue for youth soccer activities. Fortuitously, the collapse occurred during a period when the park was empty, so there were no casualties. Alton Mayor David Goins emphasized the importance of public safety in a statement to The Alton Telegraph.
New Frontier Materials Bluff City, the company operating the limestone mine, attributed the collapse to “surface subsidence” – a phenomenon where the ground surface sinks due to underground material movement or extraction. The incident has been duly reported to the federal Mine Safety and Health Administration, as mandated by regulatory protocols.
The abrupt formation of the sinkhole, captured on security footage, presents a surreal spectacle like a CGI movie, according to Michael Haynes, the city’s parks and recreation director.
In response to the incident, local authorities have indefinitely closed the park and surrounding roads as a precautionary measure. The mining company has pledged to work with city officials to address the issue promptly and safely, emphasizing their commitment to minimizing community impact.
The remediation process for such a significant geological event is expected to be complex, likely requiring a team of engineers and geologists to assess ground stability in the affected and surrounding areas.
ALTON SINKHOLE — Security video from Gordon F. Moore Community Park shows a sinkhole open up at the soccer fields and swallow a massive light pole.
The sinkhole opened Wednesday morning. No injuries were reported.
— Joe Millitzer (@jmillitzer) June 26, 2024