Denmark is going to be the first country in the world to tax farmers for the greenhouse gases their farm animals produce. This will start in 2030 and applies to cows, sheep, and pigs. The main reason for this is to reduce methane emissions, which contribute a lot to global warming.
The Danish government wants to cut down greenhouse gas emissions by 70% by 2030, compared to what they were in 1990. To do this, they’ll charge farmers 300 Danish kroner (about $43) for every ton of carbon dioxide equivalent their animals produce. This tax will go up to 750 kroner ($108) by 2035. But farmers will get a tax break, so they’ll actually pay less than this.
Methane is a really strong greenhouse gas. It traps about 87 times more heat than carbon dioxide over 20 years. Farm animals, especially cows, produce a lot of methane. In fact, livestock are responsible for about 32% of the methane that humans cause to be released.
Denmark hopes other countries will follow their example. New Zealand had planned to do something similar, but they changed their minds after farmers complained and a new government was elected.
This decision in Denmark comes after farmers across Europe have been protesting against climate change rules. Many farmers say these rules are making it hard for them to make money.
A typical Danish cow produces about 6 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent each year. Denmark exports a lot of dairy products and pork, so this tax will affect many farmers.
The Danish parliament still needs to approve this tax, but it’s expected to pass. As of June 2022, Denmark had about 1.48 million cows.
This new tax is a big step for Denmark in trying to become climate neutral by 2045.
It shows how countries are trying to balance fighting climate change with supporting their farmers and food industry.
The Associated Press contributed to this article.