President Barack Obama’s Iran deal is worse than originally thought, and the newest revelation has GOP lawmakers furious. A previously undisclosed side arrangement will virtually guarantee Iran the ability to build a nuclear bomb, because only Iran would be allowed to investigate breaches of the contract!
The wording of this secret side deal suggests that — beyond being barred from physically visiting potential nuclear sites like the notorious Parchin facility — the U.N.’s International Atomic Energy Agency won’t get photo or video information from areas Iran says are off-limits.
The revelation, first reported by the Associated Press, angered Republican lawmakers who have been severely critical of the broader agreement to limit Iran’s future nuclear programs, signed by the Obama administration, Iran, and five other world powers in July. Critics have complained that the wider deal is unwisely built on trust of the Iranians.
“President Obama boasts his deal includes ‘unprecedented verification.’ He claims it’s not built on trust,” said House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio. “But the administration’s briefings on these side deals have been totally insufficient — and it still isn’t clear whether anyone at the White House has seen the final documents.”
Said House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce, R-Calif.: “International inspections should be done by international inspectors. Period.”
The document seen by the AP is a draft that one official familiar with its contents said doesn’t differ substantially from the final version. He demanded anonymity because he isn’t authorized to discuss the issue.
It is labeled “separate arrangement II,” indicating there is another confidential agreement between Iran and IAEA governing their probe of nuclear weapons allegations.
Iran has refused access to Parchin for years and has denied any interest in — or work on — nuclear weapons. Based on U.S., Israeli and other intelligence and its own research, the IAEA suspects that the Islamic Republic may have experimented with high-explosive detonators for nuclear arms at that military facility and other weapons-related work elsewhere.
Congress will vote next month on a resolution disapproving of the Iran agreement, but if it is approved Obama has pledged to veto it.
The Associated Press contributed to this article
Mike says
All that I write are my personally held opinions. From my prospective this Iranian Nuclear Deal as we are aware, is preposterous and puts the United States and the civilized world at a heightened risk. To allow this to go through is a complete dereliction of upholding the United States Constitution for the Federal government to keep its citizens safe. In my view there is no reason to do this except to be complicit with our enemy. Those who fail to reject this deal are in a real sense committing treason against its citizenry. It is an agreement to help our enemy obtain nuclear weaponry and continue in the destabilization of our world. It puts at enormous risk our most faithful friend in the middle east, Israel. It opens a clear road to oppress and threaten nations within its reach in spreading a massive jihad upon Jews and Christians alike. We are supposed to be a representative nation, but we are a spineless career infested Republic. Our President is not dumb, and he is not inept. He knows exactly what he is doing, and he is fulfilling items of his agenda. He has by his side and on his staff like thinkers with similar objectives. His concern is not for the citizens of this nation to preserve what we’ve had and what we have a right, but for the spread of a philosophy that he is setting up for us to be overtaken; to impose upon us another way of life. He said he would fundamentally change America, and he is doing it. He seeks for International law to supersede or own laws, especially in the recognition of Islamic laws. The continuous overreaching of our constitutional rights and his executive powers, it feels like a form of blasphemy against these sacred documents. If his agreement with Iran is not treasonist in nature, I don’t know what is. He is cunning and secretive. His transparency is as smoked glass. Wake-up America! Wake-up Republicans! Wake-up Democrats! No one will be unaffected if these policies continue as they have heretofore. Reject this deal with an overwhelming super majority. Represent the people, your constituents and don’t succumb to political pressures. Be men and women of the people.
[email protected] says
I agree whole heartedly. Well stated and right on target. I hope the idiots who voted for Obama are satisfied with the outcome. Our country is more vulnerable now than it ever has been. We need a president who can takes steps to protect our country rather than denying the facts that we have terrorist here, now, and this is ,I suspect just the beginning. Can we survive another 13 months?
Joey Crotwell says
I couldn’t possibly agree more with your views on this travesty . Unfortunately,the people who need to see them the most (our elected officials) ,never will.
dalbe says
To repeat my earlier post on the — See the controversial ad that is making the left VERY angry story
I think that everyone of the democrats that voted to back the Iran deal should be 1) recalled by their constituency or 2) thrown out at their next reelection attempt.
This deal is a vital blow to safety and peace in the middle east and will ultimately lead the US to war.