Socialist senator-turned-presidential candidate Bernie Sanders and his supporters love to rail on the evils of capitalism and the free market.
But here’s what they seem to forget: Capitalism isn’t just economically efficient, it’s MORALLY right.
Watch this video for a basic breakdown of why socialists and supporters of big government have it wrong about capitalism.
Vic Bailey says
One problem with Chevrolet and Chrysler paid back their debt, as Ford in 1980 killed more people than Chevrolet and Chrysler put together, and never paid back their debt and left hazardous waste behind when they closed their plants. So you need to get your stories straight! Now they moved to mexico. Semper Fi.
John Gasper says
Now really, how tough is that to understand???? Even a leftist should be able to comprehend the simplicity, and if not just go to Article 1 Section 8…US Constitution. If possible it’s even made more simple.
Albin says
That is an excellent video. The free market system and a strong Christian beginning helped make the United States a wonderful place to live in. An ever more powerful government is destroying the free market system.
Monte says
This guy is an idiot stating that the people hold accountable the big corporations by voting with our dollars. Then why the hell does Big Corp control the votes in congress and the senate? Why do the big corps get the right to give any amount of money to a politician so they can buy them off. Whoever, you are in this video you’re a moron.