The Obama administration has just unveiled a plan to run the entire 2016 presidential election like one big Chicago ward — and it’s a very real threat to democracy itself.
It’s not as far fetched as it first seems. With the stroke of a pen, Obama could nationalize every election board in the country and make them follow any voting standards he draws up.
Unbelievably, the president says he’s doing this to fight voter fraud.
Last Monday Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson told the nation’s top election officials that the Obama administration is considering designating certain electoral systems “critical infrastructure” – like banks and the power grid – which have to be protected from cyber-hackers. That would allow Obama to intervene to “secure” the system under Presidential Policy Directive 21 and Executive Order 13636.
Right now, voting policies are set by 9,000 jurisdictions nationwide. This plan would transfer that power from local communities and elected officials to the Obama administration.
Johnson says he’s concerned about electronic voting machines behind hacked, possibly by foreign nations like Russia.
As if on cue, the mainstream media has rushed to cover the vote hacking threat, including outlets like the New York Times, NBC News, ABC News, CBS, CNN, Bloomberg, and Politico – all of which ridiculed allegations of voter fraud from Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and other conservatives.
And the whole thing is very suspicious, because there’s one glaring problem with the Obama administration’s new push: Right now, the system is safe from being compromised on a national scale, because local authorities are responsible for each of the 9,000 districts.
70 percent of districts use paper ballots, and even among electronic voting machines, almost all have a paper trail, and the machines are not interconnected.
White House spokesman Josh Earnest even admitted having 9,000 different systems makes it more difficult for hackers “to identify a common vulnerability.” Still, he insisted, “It’s important for the federal government to offer support to state and local governments” on voting machines.
So, what’s really going on?
Here’s what we do know — Obama is placing his people in charge of elections from coast to coast.
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Hillary CAUGHT… red-handed… committing her worst crime yet.
It’s bigger than her email scandal…
Deadlier than Benghazi…
And it affects nearly every American citizen over 55…
To find out what it is — and how THIS could finally be the nail in Hillary’s coffin — go here now.
What will they suggest? In 2002, the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) encouraged districts to use electronic voting machines, which are vulnerable to hacking. Will Obama finish the job and promote electronic machines in place of paper ballots nationwide while pretending he’s “solving” the problem?
And just whose is he working on? Obama and Hillary Clinton’s most important benefactor, George Soros, has tried to control the nation’s election policy for years. In 2006, he funded the “Secretary of State Project” to elect the top election official in each state. But the voters have mostly rejected Soros-backed candidates. This would let him take the state completely out of the picture.
Instead, the new policy would let Obama put his hand-chosen federal enforcers in their place.
“Designating the nation’s election system as ‘critical infrastructure’ under a post 9/11 federal statute may be a way for the administration to get Justice Department lawyers, the FBI, and DHS staff into polling places they would otherwise have no legal right to access, which would enable them to interfere with election administration procedures around the country,” wrote Hans von Spakovsky, a former member of the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
In the 2012 election, Obama sent hundreds of federal election observers to 23 states, where they helped those who did not speak English vote in the presidential election. But this year, thanks to the Supreme Court’s ruling in Shelby County v. Holder, Obama’s Justice Department has been restricted to only sending government officials to five states.
Discovering a new, urgent voter hacking problem is their “Open Sesame” to send the feds back in.
Experts agree that electronic voting machines, like all electronic machines, are vulnerable to being rigged. But there’s a problem: The vast majority of them aren’t online.
The only way to control them is to somehow hack each machine manually. That means the would-be vote hackers have to be able to physically place something, like an electronic card, into each individual machine. Then, they can set the election’s outcome at will.
Brian Varner, a technology expert with Symantec Security Response, tested electronic voting machines and procedures and showed CBS News just how easy it is to hack a machine by hooking a small, electronic device to a voting card.
“For $15 and in-depth knowledge of the card, you could hack the vote,” Varner said.
“I can probably put about 400 votes in myself in less than a couple minutes, and the poll workers would be none the wiser,” he added.
Others have shown how a hacker can secretly insert a card into Diebold electronic voting booths, which are still in use in a handful of areas, and pre-program the election results for their chosen candidate.
But to do either of these, the criminals have to get their hands on the voting machines directly – not an easy task with 9,000 state and local officials watching the machines every minute.
Not, unless, these local officials are stripped of their powers.
Declaring voting booths “critical infrastructure” would give the Obama administration – and any group it chose to share that information with – “in-depth knowledge” of the cards each machine uses, possibly even the ability to choose the machine.
It gives them legal permission to in close physical proximity to those machines. It also gives them the authority to stop local election officials from interfering.
Therefore, it potentially gives the Obama administration proxy access to the nationwide voting network that has been proven vulnerable on a local scale.
That’s a very real danger to our democracy.
– The Horn editorial team
Dawg# says
“IS OBAMA RIGGING THE 2016 ELECTION”?……….. Probably so!……….. The only way a Democrat Liberal can win is through cheating, lying, stealing, and murdering! Please believe me, I mean no insult to you if you happen to be a Democrat; I have known many Democrats in my past that I cared for very much; but you Dem’s had better wake up and realize that EVIL has inundated your Party and get a handle on this right now! We are all Americans, but many are so deceived……. Please consider what is coming down in our society today.
Bobbie says
YES!!! Exactly like in election of 2012! Crooked DEMOCRATS. Trump/Pence 2016!!!
Bruce says
You mean exactly like the election of 2000. That was rigged!
And of course if Trump loses then the election “Has to be rigged” since Mr. Trump isn’t a loser… ( HA HA )
barney starney says
Yes, my fellow tv news watcher, it probably was rigged. Thats because the elite needed 9/11 and to destabilize the middle east first with wars. When they need a war, the people will need a Republican to blame, right? Al Gore’s fake global warming/ carbon credit scam was not as important yet, in the year 2000. These events have to be done in sequence, don’t you see. Now that the middle east is in chaos, they get to do the whole ISIS terrorizing thing. This ISIS theatrics will be the excuse given to the people to accept refugees that will balkanize nations and not assimilate. Refugees will be used to destabilize all nations and bankrupt them into submission to the New World Order. For fake climate change and refugees, elites needed the Marxist democrats for that job. So how fast do you want to role into the New World Order, because right now we are flying into it at break neck speed with Obama. In your opinion, this New World Order train, who can slow it down. Certainly not this unindicted criminal Hillary Clinton, just another UN elite puppet. If you only watch tv media news, you’re probably thinking ‘whats this person talking about’.You need to start the process of deprogramming.
Eileen Ross says
You have stated everything I have learned in the last few years about the sad state our country is in. I remember trying to talk to people about this, and they would like at me as if I were from another planet. I couldn’t mention 9/11 being an inside job without someone calling me a conspiracy theorist. But now, more and more are becoming aware, but still not nearly enough, as some still refuse to believe it. It seems to me that the more money folks have, the less they want to believe what is really going on, as they would rather believe the beautiful lie than the ugly truth. They don’t want their perfect lives to change, but if they don’t wake up and protect themselves, they will have no choice.
Dawg# says
Bruce, Bruce, Bruce…… The big problem here isn’t about rigging, the major issue is that the Democrats are destroying our Nation and the Republicans are standing idly by, allowing it to happen. Both Parties are guilty and that is why Trump is catching it from both sides. He is a threat to the playhouse they have in Washington.
Dawg# says
PS, Thank you Bobbie, you and Steve Owen show a lot of intellect.
Angry Gay says
No, The “rigged 2000 election” was due to democratic incompetence at the local level, they created the format and the devices that caused confusion and the “hanging” chads.
Nationally they learned their lessons. A recent survey of jury pools taken exclusively from voter lists showed 950 of 30,000, (MORE THAN 3%!!!) voters were NON CITIZENS! Illegals due to the lax registration adn identity requirement s pushed by Dems can already turn an election. WAIT! It gets worse! A recent analysis by Stanford Prof and a Scandinavian Professor found that where electronic voting was conducted betwen Hillary and Bernie there is a 77 Billion to One chance that there was not voter fraud in favor of Hillary. They are Already Hacking the vote!!!!
doC says
Your making a excuse like always.
Jack Scarpon says
mrp says
The word “liar” is part of Hillary’s name. If Obama tries to tamper with the election either to re-elect himself or to elect Hillary, then for sure he MUST be impeached and not allowed to get away with this travesty.
steve owens says
you are so right bobbie
Kevin says
no good lying deceiving crooked Muslim bastard! Hillary Clinton will be exactly the same way or worse! All she cares about his self and your contribution her money and everything else it’s corrupt about her. Hillary fans get your head out of your ass and vote for Donald Trump the mannish that needs to be our president of United!
Lori says
Exactly 100% Correct!!
Bruce Wood says
I believe Romney actually won the election in 2012 but was cheated out of it by the democrats. When you have several poll that show 100% of the votes for Obama with a 104% of the registered voters voting. Something is wrong with that count and I am concerned that it going to happen again this election and hopefully it can be stopped or Hillary will definitely win. Something has got to happen to ensure this doesn’t happen this election.
judy r says
They bused from state to state having people vote fraudulently and paid them with cash ,meals, telephones, cigarettes, and more. All of the Disney characters voted along with all of the Dallas Cowboys in Nevada . Many dead people voted also. My son was offered cash to vote for Obama. right in front of the polls.They claim voter ID hurts the poor. Each state offers free ID. in this country you have to have the ID for social services (Medicaid,Social Security,) To open bank accounts, go to school,(applying for grants and loans) to cash checks. Social Security now requires bank accounts, They are able to commit fraud because the Democrats fight Legal ID to vote when all adults need it to function
Jake says
One hundred percent correct, both swing states Ohio and Florida had districts with more than the registered voters with votes (including dead people) 100% Obama in 2012 and nothing was done. Voter I.D. was even shot down by one of Obama’s judges. They do not want a fair election too afraid to loose, so it will be rigged again this time too.
Dawg# says
You are correct on this post Bruce. But if you will remember, Romney did an exelent job on the first debate and on all the others, he went “Brain Dead”. …. just saying
Dennis Woodhull, Sr. says
I think if he wants to keep on living he should keep his nose out of OUR election as I hear from some groups he’s already walking on shaky ground !!
Camille Gilliam says
I agree, 100%! Go Trump/Pence!!!
Aline says
When will people WAKE UP?????
RFL55 says
We can wake up all we want. The issue then becomes who can we trust to make sure the election isn’t rigged. Here’s one way. We do it the old fashioned way. You must be 21 to vote. This should also be the minimum age we are allowed to send our kids to war. 18 is too young to kill people or vote. You must show citizenship to get a ballot. Each eligible voter fills out a paper ballot. Polling places are manned with a core of 7 members of the police, fire and military. They’re the real people who put their lives on the line. Each polling place has a state representative at each polling place and is in the room while counting takes place. They are hand counted. Then re-counted once to assure the counts are correct. The computer has provided too many ways to defraud us. It might take a while to count the vote, but it will be well worth waiting for.
Marie says
Sounds like a good idea, but people in charge will not go for it. Many democrats want to cheat to win.
ron says
Marie … That is right but it ain’t just dems.
FedUp says
I concur completely. In addition everyone has to have a valid ID card with their picture on it in order to vote. Also no news outlet is allowed to report any pole results until the last pole has closed. This will stop the MSM from reporting that a particular candidate has won a state even if only 3 or 4 percent of the votes are in.
sharon says
fed up: A gal from California told me that the democrats registered 700,000 illegals and gave them drivers license so they can vote. They registered them as democrats!! I thought Obama didn’t know what voter fraud was when he answered trump back when trump brought up the issue of voter fraud?? What a ASSHOLE!! This muslim needs to be send back to his muslim country!!
Denny says
100% agree
Silent Hammer says
Well, you have GOOD points! But, if you study Roman Infantry methods, you will see that the “veterans” hung back and let the young new soldiers charge forward en-masse, usually to be killed by the opposing army. But this saved the experienced Roman veterans to “finish off” the enemy. Young infantry who survived the frontal assaults were “followed” by the veterans, perhaps one day to join them as “finishers”. But 18-yr-olds were only given the vote after they and Democrats cited the inequity of dying for a country in which you had not vote. Thus, the lowering of voting age. The older infantry would not think too kindly about jumping into the battle as the spear-point, just to weaken the enemy, and most likely to die. But 18-year-olds do not have the discernment to either vote well, or war well. I agree with you. They shouldn’t do EITHER!
WildCatTamer says
Need to send our leaders aka, Pres, and Congressmen, into battle first at the point of the Speer. If they want to be “LEADERS” let them LEAD!
barney starney says
Paper ballot is the only way, never should have accepted any other way.
Dawg# says
Excellent! Excellent post, my friend…… Now, to sell it to Congress???
Eva Buchanan says
I agree!! The only way to do this legally is to have voter ID, age requirements, and people who can be trusted to count votes and vote by paper ballot. Your right it will take longer but it will be fair. Verify addresses and citizenship. The people registered to vote have to sign the book, and be there in person unless by absentee ballot. No internet voting!!!!!!!! No one dead gets to vote either!!!!
fred russo says
It’s to late only a revolution will change the lock both party’s have on America. They feel they can do anything they want with no political cost to them. They own the media and between them they have boxed us out.
Sharon Jenkins says
Why aren’t people flooding their Congressman/woman with information regarding the election process and Obama signing another executive order to get his way. Bomb bard Congress, regardless whether your Democrat or Republican, Independent. Your vote should be YOUR VOTE not someone rigging the system to support their view.
Contact Congress immediately.
Watcher says
Does anyone not get the irony that as Russia moved away from outright Communism, the U.S.A. began adopting Communism ?
Bruce says
No I can’t say I do. Seems to me that all corporations in this country are still private.
ron says
Bruce … You must be kidding.
If that is true why do MOST large CORP. support
….TPP ?
Scott Shallenberger says
The end result of communism is capitalism and vice versa… Karl Marx. You see, when people have grown comfortable with their freedoms, they take them for granted. Also, new generations do not understand what their fore fathers fought to protect or what they were fighting against. Ignorance. It’s no wonder why they think communism might not be so bad.. Communism is much darker and even more dangerous than fascism. You have no freedom. You lose your soul….
Scott Shallenberger says
When people take their freedoms for granted they begin to break the law(lawlessness). When lawlessness ensues, there is over-litigation and as a result, congress passes new laws constantly and adopts new regulations. Next thing you know, your capitalist country is communist and you don’t even know it. Don’t forget that with Communism we would lose our freedom of religion(that person GOD that we turned out back on in the 70’s).
Constitutionalist says
Scott Shallenberger-
Thought you might enjoy this; it’s ancient, and just goes to show that humanity in general still faces the same problems it always has, and has not yet come up with a solution:
“Corruptissima re publica plurimae leges.”
“(The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.)”
— Cornelius Tacitus(55-117 A.D.)
Source: Annales, 1st century A.D.
Greg Dean says
If they ever come back to work!!!’ They have, for the most part, surrendered their authority and their obligation to Obama!!!
Sharon Jenkins says
Obama will not sign an executive order to prevent voter fraud. He is signing it to rig the voting system so Hillary Clinton will win and she will probably give him a place in her new cabinet if she wins. These are the two most lying, cheating, law breaking people in politics. Remember!!!! Obama is a Marxist and his policies have leaned toward that goal. In my opinion, the best thing that could happen to America would be for those two to disappear.
Peter Anton says
You are FOS. Change your DEPENDS once in awhile, IMBECILE.
Cherokee says
To Peter, You are the typical Troll always accusing people of what you really are. Take your words and look at them. They speak volumes about you and the party you represent. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, and was raised by a duck it must be a duck. “O” walks like a communist, his cabinets is full of communists ( Valery Jeret for one ), and he was raised by a communist ( Frank Marshall ), So he is what he is…… As for disappearing I’m sure Sharon means being defeated for Hillary and out of office for the big “O”
ron says
Cherokee … Thanks, you are so right especially the
….name calling !
narf66 says
You’re the one whose full of shit; it’s oozing out of your mouth.
Marc says
They CAN be sued and taken to court if found out which could null the election so I doubt that they go that far although there may be a few dead people voting, like that, BUT nothing that could jeopardize the Electoral College process! We just need to get out and vote en masse this time and vote for Trump PERIOD !
retired says
You guys give Obama too much credit way to much…He and the Clintons can be stopped….. we are just waiting for the person or people who have the Balls to get it done!
Peter Anton says
Forget about it as Republican’s don’t have any BALLS, wimpy wastes.
CrazyJoe says
You need to be taught a lesson and, because I know how, you can be found.
John says
Whether the Democrats realize that their Party has been taken over by anti-Americans really doesn’t matter anymore. The democratic Party no longer exists.. They have been taken over by Progressives then by Socialists and now by Obama who is Islamic. The Liberals are too stupid to believe that they have been bam boozled by their prophet. We Conservatives have been screwed by our beloved Republican politicians for their own greedy purposes. Trump is our only hope and now that seems to be fading. Our nation is on the edge of complete self destruction and the republican Party has helped us go in that direction. They (the GOP) have aided Obama in every way including the “anyone but Trump” slogan they have used.We’re screwed.
danny justice says
why is it, that so many democrats cannot see this???????????????
ron says
John … You just nailed it !
If a person want’s to be a public servant why do they demand so much compensation and exemption from the rules they make ?
Why is there so much money required and given to get these public servants, so called, elected ?
Bob says
What a Shane American politics has come to this. The clintons are the most corrupt people and the history of American politics. How is it some people can’t see this and will vote for her. What is shame Kama America open your eyes.
AFVET says
We can’t have 4 more years of this nonsense.Spread this around to the social media sites, the inner cities/slums, & minorities. Hopefully they will get it, what do they have to lose!
Trump-Pence 2016
Joe says
We know Trump is going to win if no one interferes! Plans are already in place to see that happens! Donald Trump is the next president of these United States.
yogiman says
Obama wasn’t thinking about leaving that office the day he went in. He usurped it with the aid and abettment of Congress and Supreme Court.
Why did the Senate question McCain but refused to Question Obama? They knew McCain’s parents were citizens of the USA and knew Obama’s father was a British subject. When did a British subject born in Kenya become a natural born citizen of the USA?
Helen says
One world govt. Get it.?
It is becoming a Communist
world. OBAMA’S REAL father, Frank Marshall Davis, a card carrying commie and on the FBI Watch List for 27 years, is carrying out the agenda of the Chicago Saul Alinsky’s. Do your own research.
debdell says
There is no question that the dems will do everything in the book to cheat. We need anti-corruption systems everywhere.
Pat says
I agree with you…..but I also saw how Bush, who was a Boob to begin with, sheltered, dumb, smirky……had to move into Top Son position when Jeb lost an election, but Georgy was an adolescent. He should have never run for anything. He stole BOTH his Elections. So I don’t trust either of the Two Parties who BOTH Work for the Same Puppet Masters. I will be voting THIRD PARTY. IF Everybody in the Country just REFUSED to vote for either of the TWO STOOGES, we would have a Third party President. We’d ALL know it was Fixed. I don’t even care which one, Jill or Gary. I just can’t Stand to even Look at $HilLIARy for 2 seconds…..I have to change the channel! Trump….eh…..he doesn’t bother me as much. and I am having Fun listening to him try to Expose the Clinton Crime Family! I hear Hillbilly wants to do the Debates SITTING! Can You Picture It??
Old Lad in Texas says
Of course he has rigged the election. He will get Hell ery into office by hook or crook!!!
buck says
Right on comment. If Hillary gets in a civil war will happen. She wants the guns. We will give her the guns…
Pierre says
Republicans are totally nuts. You do know that Trump is batshit crazy and by supporting him, just because he pretends to be a republican you are proving that you are just as crazy as he is. G W Bush was as bad a president as it gets, probably close to brain dead (remember the 11 Saudis who killed over 3000 Americans while he was reading probably the only book he ever read, so what did he do, attacked Iraq. He must have flunked geography ). Trump would make “Shrub” (not good enough to make a Bush) look like a genius. Think, I know you’re not used to it, but I promise it won’t hurt.
Frank W Brown says
If obummer gets his way, there will be more of this…
A Country Founded by Geniuses but Run by Idiots! AND TYRANTS AND BUREAUCRAPS!!!
If you can get arrested for hunting or fishing without a license, but not for entering and remaining in the country illegally — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If you have to get your parents’ permission to go on a field trip or to take an aspirin in school, but not to get an abortion — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If you MUST show your identification to board an airplane, cash a check, buy liquor, or check out a library book and rent a video, but not to vote for who runs the government — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If the government wants to prevent stable, law-abiding citizens from owning gun magazines that hold more than ten rounds, but gives twenty F-16 fighter jets to the crazy new leaders in Egypt — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If, in the nation’s largest city, you can buy two 16-ounce sodas, but not one 24-ounce soda, because 24-ounces of a sugary drink might make you fat — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If an 80-year-old woman or a three-year-old girl who is confined to a wheelchair can be strip-searched by the TSA at the airport, but a woman in a burka or a hijab is only subject to having her neck and head searched — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If your government believes that the best way to eradicate trillions of dollars of debt is to spend trillions more — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If a seven-year-old boy can be thrown out of school for saying his teacher is “cute,” but hosting a sexual exploration or diversity class in grade school is perfectly acceptable — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If hard work and success are met with higher taxes and more government regulation and intrusion, while not working is rewarded with Food Stamps, WIC checks, Medicaid benefits, subsidized housing, and free cell phones — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If the government’s plan for getting people back to work is to provide incentives for not working, by granting 99 weeks of unemployment checks, without any requirement to prove that gainful employment was diligently sought, but couldn’t be found — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If you pay your mortgage faithfully, denying yourself the newest big-screen TV, while your neighbor buys iPhones, time shares, a wall-sized do-it-all plasma screen TV and new cars, and the government forgives his debt when he defaults on his mortgage — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If being stripped of your Constitutional right to defend yourself makes you more “safe” according to the government — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If the media panders to your openly socialist leader while the IRS targets groups with dissenting views— you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If your government ‘cracks down’ on legal gun sales to law abiding citizens while secretly supplying illegal guns to Mexican drug cartels— you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If your local government (Chicago) outlawed gun ownership for ‘the safety of its citizens’ and now boasts the worst murder rate in the country — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
What a country!
How about we give God a reason to continue blessing America?
This was borrowed from another blog, authors unknown, please spread it far and wide!
MariaG says
You are right on the MONEY Frank!
Ernie says
If I remember correctly, that was penned by Jeff Foxworthy. I may have misspelled his name wrong, but it should be close.
Bruce says
CHICAGO — Critics have repeatedly charged Chicago with having the country’s strictest gun laws with little effect.
It’s a line that’s been said by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, who called Chicago a “disaster” when it comes to gun violence while having what he deemed the “single toughest gun laws.” He is not alone.
Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
The most stringent gun laws in the U.S. happen to be in Chicago – and look what is happening there!
1:00 AM – 10 Jul 2014
283 283 Retweets 361 361 likes
RELATED: Donald Trump’s Son on Chicago Gun Regulations: “Criminals Don’t Follow Laws.”
But Chicago Police have disputed that, saying it is a common misconception that Chicago has the country’s strictest gun control, and the department’s officials have contended that gang members face worse sanctions from their gangs for losing a gun than they do by the courts for illegally possessing one. Police have also emphasized that most guns used in Chicago crimes were bought outside of the city or state, where regulations are not as strict.
Kelly Bauer · DNAinfo Reporter
Do you think Chicago’s gun control laws are too strict — or not restrictive enough?
1 66
Mayor Rahm Emanuel and the Chicago Police Department actually want the laws to get tougher by imposing harsher sentences on those convicted of gun crimes, particularly if they have prior weapons arrests.
“What they fail to recognize is we don’t have strict gun laws that hold people accountable,” Police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said of critics.
The Chicago Police Department wants harsher penalties for repeat gun offenders, but critics have said Chicago’s gun laws are too strict with too few results. The Chicago Police Department wants harsher penalties for repeat gun offenders, but critics have said Chicago’s gun laws are too strict with too few results. View Full Caption DNAinfo/Kelly Bauer
So, is Chicago the strictest?
Our regulations are actually similar to those of other major cities, said Roseanna Ander, the founder and executive director of the University of Chicago Crime Lab. The Crime Lab works to reduce violence through scientific analysis and research.
“At this point, we’re probably fairly comparable …,” Ander said. “I think in New York and Los Angeles, both cities have pretty restrictive gun laws.”
Even in the past, when Chicago had tougher gun regulations, its handgun ban was rivaled by the “restrictive gun laws” of New York and the “onerous” process to get a permit and have a gun in Los Angeles, Ander said.
Here’s a timeline of recent changes to Chicago’s laws:
• June 2010: Chicago’s ban on handguns was ended by the Supreme Court in the McDonald v. Chicago case
• December 2012: Illinois’ concealed carry ban — the last of its kind in the United States — ended in a court decision, though the state still restricts where people can carry concealed guns
• July 2013: The Firearm Concealed Carry Act went into effect, providing regulations for concealed carry
• September 2013: Chicago ends its gun registry
• January 2014: A judge rejected Chicago’s ban on gun shops
How do Chicago regulations compare to those of other major cities?
While it’s difficult to compare laws between major cities (especially since some of the laws come from the state), here’s a chart that explains the basics of gun laws if you’re in Chicago, Los Angeles or New York City. In some cases, New York City and L.A. do have tougher laws on the books:
Chicago Los Angeles New York City
Buying guns You need a Firearm Owner Identification card to buy rifles, shotguns and handguns. You do not have to register guns you own. You need a Handgun Safety Certificate. The state registers gun sales and serial numbers. You need a permit to buy rifles, shotguns and handguns. You have to register guns you own.
Open carry No No No
Concealed carry Chicago now allows concealed carry, though there are restrictions: You must be approved for and receive a license, and you cannot concealed carry in prohibited areas like schools, for example. Los Angeles allows concealed carry with restrictions. A concealed carry weapon license is required. New York City allows concealed carry with restrictions. A concealed carry weapon license is required.
Assault weapons Banned under the Blair Holt Assault Weapons Ban. Anyone who had an assault weapon before the ban went into effect had to modify it so it wouldn’t be an assault weapon, disable it or give it to police. Read about how Chicago defines assault weapons here. Banned. Previously bought assault weapons must be registered. Banned. Previously bought assault weapons must be registered.
What changes does the Chicago Police Department want to gun laws?
Chicago Police have said for years that Chicago needs tougher gun control laws and sentences to decrease crime. Guglielmi, the department’s spokesman, has said the department has identified and arrested people who are responsible for the city’s violence, but there’s more work to be done.
“The largest obstacle remains the lack of serious repercussions for those we arrest for repeated gun crimes,” Guglielmi said in an emailed statement. “As we move forward, in addition to continued targeted enforcement of gang members, Superintendent [Eddie] Johnson will continue calling for policymakers and others to join the fight against crime by creating a stronger culture of accountability for repeat gun offenders.”
Guglielmi previously said Chicago Police are focused on holding violent offenders responsible by “building the strongest prosecution possible against” those accused of gun crimes, he said. They’re looking at where guns are coming from and how they’re transferred, and seeing if they can make additional arrests based on that information.
They’re also pushing for legislative changes that will enact harsher sentences for those convicted of gun crimes, particularly repeat offenders. Former Police Supt. Garry McCarthy told aldermen the current system is equivalent to a “catch and release” program when it comes to those facing gun charges.
From Jan. 1 to Sept. 30, there have been 2,477 people arrested on gun charges, Guglielmi said. Of those, more than 600 had been arrested before on weapons charges.
Here’s a breakdown:
• Two arrested had five prior arrests on weapons charges
• Six had four priors
• 28 had three priors
• 132 had two priors
• 460 had one prior
Source: Chicago Police
“The criminal justice system has to step up,” Guglielmi said. Chicago should “have zero tolerance on gun crime. If an individual has documented criminal history, especially a felon, this individual should not be out in society walking around with a gun.”
The police have implemented a sometimes-controversial program that looks at the victims and suspects in gun crimes, and tries to estimate how many lives could have been saved if gun sentences were harsher and the suspect had been in jail for an earlier gun crime instead of on the street and able to re-offend, Guglielmi said. Also, many of those arrested on gun crimes become murder victims themselves, but the department says that wouldn’t be the case if they had been locked up longer on the original charge in the first place and not on the street.
In those cases, police estimate, 437 people would not have been a victim of gun violence between 2012 and this past September, he said.
“Essentially what that is, is people are held accountable for their gun crimes,” he said.
At a news conference last summer, then-Police Supt. McCarthy said police had taken 4,824 illegally owned guns off the street. That equated to 4,824 lives saved, McCarthy said, calling illegally possessing a gun a “gateway” to murder. That number has climbed to 5,561 guns as of Oct. 8, Guglielmi said. That’s roughly 15 guns per day.
People need to “get on the bus” to Springfield to push for reforms that will stop the violence, Guglielmi said.
Laws in Surrounding Communities Matter: Ander
Ander, of the U. of C.’s crime lab, said changes in Chicago’s violence — up or down — can’t be attributed solely to the city’s gun laws, strictest or not. Ander contends that Chicago’s gun violence is affected by regulations in surrounding communities, like Indiana, where gun laws are more lax (Chicagoans have been known to get their guns from Indiana).
“It’s very hard for a city in and of itself to unilaterally regulate its way out of the gun violence problem,” Ander said. “Somebody once described it as, ‘We’re as strong as our weakest link.’
“You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that a city in and of itself doesn’t have all of the … levers that it would need to address the gun violence problem, that it’s really going to be affected by the region and what the laws are in other parts of the region,” he said.
For more neighborhood news, listen to DNAinfo Radio here:
Pierre says
You must be one of the “idiots” for repeating word for word what some other idiot wrote. I read all these rantings before. Bye the way, the one about the new TV, cars and default on mortgage is a very close description of Trump but he does it even better: lots of bankruptcies. Think, I promise it won’t hurt.
USPatriotOne says
If BO pulls this it will be the ultimate act of TREASON, and “We the People” will not stand for IT…PERIOD..!!! You here me Congress! God help us, PLEASE!
believe says
I read that the Democrats led by the Illuminati will have a Hugh number of Democrats and the Republican TRAITORS missing!! Plus a lot of Illuminati members not found. they mentioned the Bush’s, Cheney,Kerry the Clint ions. ETC. they have all been connected to the DRUG CARTEL. And there is plenty of PROOF.
I guess that is where the heavy concentration should ne focused.
outlawliberalism says
If only people would research who they plan on voting for. I saw videos of 0bama displaying his hatred of Americans and America in 2007. I knew it was over for this country the day he got elected. With the conniving conservatives we have in office right now we don’t stand a chance. I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if they all weren’t in cahoots to keep 0bama in office for life.
Sharon Jenkins says
The liberals wanted a BLACK PRESIDENT so bad that they gave up their freedoms. I’m not against a Black, White, Red, or any color President, however, I want one who represents American values, customs, religious freedoms, etc.
Obama is a disaster and we have the Democrats to blame for the conditions of the economy. Obama’s EPA regulations has caused business to close, job loss, economy in the toilet. Hillary will be the same. Obama needs to be impeached. People, We have nothing to loose by voting for Trump. He can’t be any worse than Obama and Hillary. I will never vote for Hillary. That is if the voting machines aren’t rigged by Obama.
retired says
TRUMP/PENCE 2016—2024 The duo who will bring down the corrupt house of cards that have been ruining this country……vote,vote,vote Trump/Pence 2016
Bruce says
And why don’t you post links to those videos that show him “hating Americans” as you say.
Oh they probably took them down right?? HA HA.
Jerry says
Obammy has always been out to Ruin America for what it stands. He needs to be tried in a court of law for treason, and given the ultimate penalty
Sharon Jenkins says
That would be nice for Obama to be tried for treason and so should Hillary. However, I don’t think I will live long enough to see that happen. Hopefully, God will destroy them like he did Sodom and Gomorrah.
retired says
Why wait for God,,,,, the people should be out doing his work
MariaG says
I agree with Dawg#
100% !!!!
what is our world coming to when democracy is tampered with. So unfair that our government DOES NOT PROTECT ITS PEOPLE!! We think we live in a country where we are free but the reality is that WE ARE ALL CONTROLLED!!!
John G . says
Nothing O’Bozo the “Big Eared” Clown does or will do surprises me.
William G Munson says
Why would we want any of the Current Corrupt Administration in Charge of anything to do with Elections period with all the lies and deceiving that they have been doing for the last 8 years
Sharon Jenkins says
Good question. Where is Congress and the Supreme Court not involved in the issue? Knowing Obama, this could be a way to have the election to come to a halt until the Supreme Court decides the case which would take years and Obama could extend his Presidency. Don’t be surprised at Obama. Worst leader we have ever had.
I will be casting my vote for Trump and I hope he receives it and it is not intercepted by Obama clowns…
Linda Rowlett says
It wouldn’t surprise me a all, His whole administration is full of lies and deceit.
Justin W says
The right to vote is one of our most cherished rights. Anyone caught voting more than once should be prosecuted. Large-scalle efforts at vote fraud should be considered to be an act of treason. Those found guilty of such a crime should be hanged on national television to send the message that we aren’t going to put up with any acts to steal the power of the people.
My voting location switched to paper ballots several years ago. I trust a paper ballot more than I do a mechanical voting machine or an electronic or online voting procedure. My paper ballot is scanned as it goes into the voting box. If there is a problem the ballot is rejected and the voter has a chance to fix the problem. If there is a question about the accuracy of the scanner, the paper ballots can be pulled from the box and counted by hand.
Constitutionalist says
Justin W-
i agree with your sentiments except for one thing: the only crime defined in the Constitution is treason, and voting fraud does not fit the description. i agree it should be a capital crime, however, for which execution should be the penalty.
Let a few hackers and/or multiple voters be executed, and one should see a massive reduction in that activity.
Unfortunately, for most Americans, the issue dies after the presidential election, and is not resurrected until the next one. Only a sustained effort – and questioning of those who run for public office, along with signed pledges – will stand a chance of reversing what has literally been an American “tradition” almost since the Constitution was ratified.
me says
obama, worst potus EVER! If he don’t have a pen in his hand , he has a golf club. I say he needs to focus on GETTING THE HELL OUT OF THE WH> and leave everything else alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TRUMP/PENCE 2016!!!!!!!!
Mark DeBarbieri says
It stands to reason that “the fix is in”, when Hitlary has already taken measurements for new drapes in the White House. It is also a fact that those electronic voting machines can be hacked, but not so much as to add votes, but to change the venue. In other words when voting for candidate “X”, the machine can be rigged to register the vote for candidate “Y”. This was proven on the HBO special titled, “Hacking Democracy”. There is no doubt about Trump’s popularity, whenever he shows up for a rally, the people will endure even the sweltering heat for hours to get in. Contrarily, Hitlary may get 500 and many of them have to be invited to show up!
Lisa says
This sounds like when she smiled that Cheshire Cat smile and coyly said that she wouldn’t be prosecuted for the emails or Benghazi – whichever, whatever….She already knew that the fix was in. She knows the fix is in for the Presidency, too.
God help us all if we don’t get Trump in!
Lena says
Evil is as evil does! The entire world knows that if ovomit is still in office after elections then all Christian conservative white Americans are dead.
warren says
If our election is rigged remember that there are over three hundred million guns in America that are owned by hard working honest tax paying Americans and most likely if this happens all hell might break loose. This should be a warning to any crooked politician because you might run but you can’t hide from three hundred million people out to get even with your crooked actions. You might kill a few of them but you are outnumbered. United we stand divided we fall but when it comes down to saving our country the people will be united.
Bruce says
Alright! A Right Wing revolution. And who will be leading it? Or perhaps just total anarchy with every man for himself! Brilliant!
fred russo says
Warren , guns unfortunately are becoming the only way that change will ever happen in America! I predicted this 4 years ago and i am afraid it will come true!
Larry342516 says
Obama should be more worried about Illegals, and all non-citizens that should not be voting. He refuses to have a person show a picture on their ID card or drivers license, but he wants to make sure the votes are protected??? Last election they found bands of people going from one state to another voting over and over. But would he try to stop this type of voting? Rigging the election? We all know he is going to try.
Eileen Kerrigan says
“Johnson says he’s concerned about electronic voting machines behind hacked, possibly by foreign nations like Russia.”
BWAH! Never mind Russia — the machines were hacked during the 2016 primaries by the DNC, with the full cooperation of $hillary and her criminal cronies.
M Allen says
This can be very scary but if Jesus Christ wants Mr. Trump to be our next president there will be no way to stop him.
Daniel 2:20 Daniel answered and said, Blessed be the name of God forever and ever: for wisdom and power are his: It is He who changes the times and the epochs; He removes kings and establishes kings; He gives wisdom to wise men and knowledge to men of understanding. (Those who know Bible Doctrine)
Bruce says
Well if it’s up to Jesus you might as well stay home. After all he has already made up his mind. In fact there is no reason to do anything since everything is already preordained.
ron says
M Allen … Yes he has but it does not say He always controls all elections.
… He is ultimately in control but do not forget who is the prince of the air.
Do you think we are in kindergarten to learn what we don’t want for the rest of eternity ?
Ron Randall says
But what can be done about it? A military coup? Not likely but I have spoken to many people around the country who really believe tha,if there is no civil remedy, this country will degerate to a violent civil war. Oh yes, what ever happened to that poor schmuck that got falsely arrested for the movie weveryone ws baming Benghazi on?
Lisa says
I’ve often wondered the same thing. Where DID he go?
Bruce says
You best be on the same side as the military…..
Frank says
Where in the hell is Congress they need to impeach that sorry worthless piece of sh_t Obama before the election that way he can not rig the election.
Jack Ritchie says
Like communist leaders, Harry Reid has been elected over and over again. Something to consider is the SEIU (democrat partial union) overseas maintenance of the voting computers in that state. Some tested computers were found to be programmed to show democrat votes even though voters voted to the contrary…imagine that? Now imagine if that were on a national scale…your vote wouldn’t matter, the outcome was predetermined.
Clint Hall says
Obama and Hillary walk hand in hand. What do they have in common? #1- They lie. #2- They lie. #3- They lie.
Why does Obama have so much power? Answer:- We have a dysfunctional Congress that fears him and do not represent the people.
Why do I say this? If Congress does not agree with Obama, they will be called racist.
Our Congress people are like small children, unsupervised, trying to play together. Never happen.
Vernalea Stevens says
I just read in my Bible Study Devotional a post about something written by E. M. Bounds, “The more praying there is in the world the better the world will be, the mightier the forces against evil everywhere.” And what I have just read is pure evil for sure so I plan to do heavy duty praying for our Country and suggest maybe, just maybe, it will start a serious prayer chain. Folks, surely by now we all recognize a need greater than one we can solve bu ourselves so it is time for all people to look to our Creator, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob for His blessing once again on this great Country! Never in my lifetime have I seen a greater need. I am 83, lived through lots of Presidents this one being the most evil of all, I think there is proof he may well be one of the anti-Christ the bible speaks of! So please, right now, Pray for God’s blessings on our Country!!!
Bruce says
And I’ll pray that you get your mind back!
Lisa says
ron says
Lisa … If Bruce were NOT a Troll way would he be so critical of Vernalea. an obvious Patriot.
Don’t you good people find it interesting that the Trolls all seem to be GOD haters ?
Bruce says
One thing I’m pretty sure of… God is not wasting his time with you people!!!
Constitutionalist says
One thing I’m pretty sure of… God is not wasting his time with you people!!!
Au contraire, mon frere; He is not willing that ANY should perish – but IME, He does tend to favor those who believe in Him…even moreso, those who seek to obey Him.
More on-topic, from what i remember reading in The Horn article, D’OweBama has not yet taken the Unconstitutional step of having a de-facto Praetorian Guard take charge of all voting in all States. What many people have unfortunately accepted as “reality” is that D’OweBama can issue EO’s that have the force and effect of Law. He cannot. That would be a prerogative of a King, not a president, especially one who is bound by the terms of his contract to obey the Constitution.
My understanding is that EO’s ARE “legal,” but with two extremely important caveats: they are only lawfully enforceable against members of the Executive Branch of the Federal Government alone, and two, only as they comport themselves to the Supreme Law of the Land, iow, all EO’s MUST be Constitutional in order to be lawful. Any such EO as “martial law” would be patently and obviously Unconstitutional, for the word “martial” does NOT EXIST in the Constitution, much less “martial law.”
Many have been misled to believe that EO’s are LAW for ALL Americans, no matter what they say. That’s bullshit. Know rights or no rights. Study the Constitution. FORCE officeholders to obey it’s dictates. Do NOT obey any Unconstitutional laws or orders, e.g. D’OweBamacare.
If you do not have a copy of the Constitution, google it and download it – but be careful! Many online(and many modern-day books of the Public Fool System) have ELIMINATED the Preamble to the Bill of Rights(it’s words reveal too much lawlessness), so be sure your copy contains that essential Preamble. Don’t mistake it for the Preamble to the Constitution itself; this is the one for the Bill of Rights. Many people don’t understand that most of the State’s representatives REJECTED ratification of the Constitution, which came to them WITHOUT a Bill of Rights, the first 10 Amendments. Only AFTER the BoR was appended were these Representatives willing to vote in favor, but even then, most of them remained suspicious – and rightly so, especially given what’s happened in America over the last 50 years or so(or more than that; rot began in earnest in 1913).
Mike says
To vote one must be a USA citizen. To become a citizen one must speak English. Why are we not pushing against voting in other languages? No translators required.
John Soroka says
There are many many very stupid people who are being led like lambs to the slaughter. It is too bad you can not fix stupid. These dopes deserve exactly what they will get if Clinton is elected. The shame is that the rest of us are screwed also. I guess the only way to get away from these communists is to leave this once great country. Leave the idiots to their well deserved fate.
Bruce says
Mexico will welcome you with open arms. I hear the Ford plant is hiring there.
Lisa says
I repeat! Troll!
ron says
Lisa … Unfortunately hell will welcome the troll !
He still has a chance to change.
We can pray he will take it.
ProudTexan62 says
We have many reasons to charge Obama with Treason and put him away or assess the punishment now. We have many reasons to impeach him and why are we not doing one or the other. If we sit on our backsides and allow him to rig another election like he did in 2012, we deserve what we get.
Scott says
Special prosecutors for all wrong doers gov officials no matter who or how high they are!
new texan says
Would itbe possible to block this redesignation of voting booths by simply refusing to fund it like theyshould have done with obamacare?
Phillip R. Lake says
If the idiot is actually crazy enough to go through with it then it will mean ALL OUT WAR just like he has been wanting, but it ain’t gonna’ pretty and a picnic like he thinks it will. He does not have that much power unless he uses his little moslem fuck buddies and that still won’t be enough. IT IS TIME FOR A REVOLUTION.
Larry says
It is time for a real crack down on obumma. These executive bull sh** orders are not legal so tell him (obummer) to shove it and sent this jerk back to Africa.
ron says
Larry … You think Africa wants him ?
Marvin B. Cohen says
Hell, what about the thousands of illegal gang banger’s and potential Jihadist who are recruited for about $100.00 and a bag of sandwiches and sodas to ride in a large van all over the city with phony ID’s in the names of dead Americans? They go in show the “proper” ID and vote for the Democratic Party’s favorite Leftist Liberal. In Los Angeles, alone, this tactic can add 2+ million dead people jumping out of their graves to vote. This is how the lost Kenyan’s village idiot became lost. He can to America, joined the Leftist Liberal Democratic Party, then became President.
Bruce says
And you have evidence of this?
Jeff says
Everyone should pray to their God (no matter what religion you are in) that this country will be saved in November!!!
lizaz says
Bruce says
Even if they’re Muslim? Or maybe they don’t count?
Lisa says
Can’t you comprehend English? Jeff said no matter WHAT religion….
You’re a troll…..
ron says
Lisa … You know it, he knows it but he gets paid per response.
…Stop feeding him.
lizaz says
No matter what we do the fascist liberals will figure out ways to cheat in our elections. They have no other way of winning since the majority of our people know they lie about everything to try an make themselves look good. Promises of free stuff will take in many uneducated and uninformed voters and it’s hard to fight against that. They have no idea that one day the “government” will run out of other peoples’ money as has happened in Venezuela, Greece and other socialist countries around the world. Donald Trump has asked everyone to be aware of what’s going on in our elections in their areas. The more we can expose these cheats, the better luck we have with the courts to pass voter ID laws and other measures to prevent the liberals from stealing our elections.
hope says
Unfortunately with today’s computers it is not very difficult to make fake IDs. And who will take the time to check them thoroughly? It’s like a lost cause. Who has an answer to this?
Bruce says
There is no answer. Don’t bother going to vote. The democrats have it rigged so their is just no point in casting a ballot. You can get busy plotting your revolution. HA HA
Lisa says
By the way, your “HaHas” at the end of your sentences tell us all that you are nothing more than a pimply-faced, teenage troll.
Lisa says
Biometric techniques – ie retinal scans. This can easily be done but the Dems will scream invasion of privacy so they can continue their scamming!
ron says
hope … Jesus, so don’t give up !
ron says
hope … Jesus, so don’t give up !
Constitutionalist says
Who has an answer to this?
Snap a picture of every voter; upload it to a digital database and immediately search it for matches. If any are found, a second check to see if that face has voted before, and/or is/is not a Citizen. If that face has voted previously, or that face is NOT a citizen, immediately arrest “the suspect.” Charge all such with voter fraud, and ensure they get the proper penalty. Personally, i favor capital punishment, that is, execution.
When the TIA was implemented(Total Information Awareness), cameras were placed at virtually every critical intersection, so that they could work together with Facial Recognition Technology. This tech can be used to track anyone’s every move.
i say, “Use it against the cheats.”
i happen to have a fondness for those who are hoist by their own petard; serves ’em right.
In addition, i’d recommend the same standard the US and UN apply to “other” countries, e.g. exit polling. If the exit polling is NOT within a 5% margin of error, a Fraud is declared, investigations begin, and a NEW election day is set, preferably with sterner safeguards.
Jeff says
A person can be Christian, Muslim, Buddhist or any other religion and still loves this country to the fullest.
NAN says
mike says
WHAT A QUESTION!!!! Of COURSE “They” are rigging the upcoming election. “They” by the way INCLUDES SOROS and Co. and ALL the REST of the CFR, TRILATERAL, ONE WORLD, BILDERBERG, DAVOS, JACKSON HOLE, ILLUMINATI Crowd! “They” rigged the LAST FIVE Elections TOTALLY and have been “Playing” with ALL elections in this country since John Adams became the 2nd POTUS. It’s WHAT “They” DO!!! Why do you think such a BIG DEAL was made out of the Florida CHAD Debacle? “They” HATE, HATE, HATE Manual voting because there IS ONLY ONE WAY to Guarantee the INTEGRITY of an election. That is to have a SINGLE (1) Physical piece of Paper dropped into a LOCKED, SECURED box by a DULY IDENTIFIED ELIGBLE VOTER that has been VERIFIED by a Representative of BOTH SIDES of the equation. These can ONLY be “Officially Counted”, ONCE AGAIN, by a Representative from BOTH SIDES PRESENT to VERIFY RESULTS. I don’t give a RAT’S A$$ HOW long it takes EITHER. If we have to have ELECTION WEEK in this Country then SO BE IT!!! WHO GIVES A SHIT if the Election is WRAPPED UP by the 11 O’clock “NEWS”? You watch, THIS year there is going to be a LANDSLIDE TURNOUT that will CRASH the systems ability to handle it! Then a PHYSICAL PAPER can be Accounted for and Re-counted later on if needed. RIGHT NOW, go to YouTube and watch “The BATTLE of ATHENS”. THAT is why “They” want to use computers. “They” control the 2 or 3 companies that make them AND the software that runs them.
“They” ALSO use OTHER avenues of MANIPULATION. MILLIONS of Americans are the Victims of DEADLY, LIFE DISRUPTING, Life CHANGING WEATHER and DISEASE etc. Look at the DROUGHT and WILDFIRES in California. The DEADLY STORMS and FLOODING in Texas and Louisiana. The BULLSHIT ZIKA VIRUS OUTBREAKS in Florida and Texas And California. You think THEIR lives will be BACK TO NORMAL by November? That those people will be thinking about voting? That there WON’T be MORE STORMS and FIRES and DISEASE Etc? You think all that is just “BAD LUCK? You think that Hurricane SANDY in the ELECTION YEAR 2012 MAGICALLY MADE A HARD LEFT TURN LIKE NO OTHER STORM IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND and EFFECTIVELY DISRUPTED the LIVES of 50 MILLION AMERICANS FIVE DAYS BEFORE THE ELECTION??? Google H.A.A.R.P. and Agenda 21. WAKE THE FUCK UP AMERICA!!!! This is a NUCLEAR WAR for our WAY OF LIFE!!!! And WE are LOSING! THAT’S WHY “The DON” STRIKES THE RIGHT CHORD!!! He’s the LAST CHANCE WE HAVE TO TAKE BACK THIS COUNTRY LEGALLY WITHOUT Resorting to DESPARATE MEASURES. WHICH, by the way, WE ARE TOTALLY PREPARED TO DO!!! “They” KNOW this and THAT’S WHY “They” have ALL their “ASSETS” TEARING AT Him 24/7/365. Why their LYING, BULL$HIT POLLS ALL say exactly the OPPOSITE of the REAL TRUTH. That He is WINNING, no CRUSHING the So-Called Competition, by the BIGGEST MARGIN EVER SEEN IN THE HISTORY OF THIS COUNTRY!!! “They” REALIZE what EXACTLY is AT STAKE here and WILL fight VICIOUSLY to make sure the results are the ones “They” want. That’s EXACTLY WHY WE must ALL MAKE CERTAIN we are PROPERLY REGISTERED and GET OUT AND VOTE in November. EVERY SINGLE ONE of US. NEVER mind the BULL$HIT EXCUSE many have used throughout the years that “My Vote DOESN’T Count ANYWAY!” THIS TIME IT WILL! THIS TIME THE “NEWS will be COVERED with images of LINES OF PEOPLE WRAPPED AROUND THE BUILDINGS WAITING TO VOTE FOR TRUMP!!! So MUCH so that “They” WON’T be able to DENY it. There should be NO ONE VOTING FOR THE OTHER CANDIDATE JUST EXACTLY LIKE THERE SHOULD HAVE BEEN NO ONE THAT VOTED TO TURN BARABAS LOOSE!!!! NOT WHITE, NOT BLACK, NOT HISPANIC, NOT ASIAN, NO ONE! There IS no OTHER candidate!!
Leland Godfrey says
B. Bal says
Your comments are worth a read
Leland Godfrey says
ED Bolson says
IF, Hillary is elected and then convicted before being sworn in, Obama can declare the country in an emergency situation and extend his presidency through an executive order and
stay in office until the next election four years later. Talk about a country getting shafted!!!!
Bruce says
Really? Four more years of Obama? I never thought about that, but Boy I hope you’re right! That would be the best
ron says
ED … There will NOT be 4ys latter, IMO !
Kathleen Shipley says
Everyone needs to send $5. to the Trump campaign. They are way behind Hillary because she has all the big corrupt donors. Our congressional leaders are worried because Trump will stop their money train. Romney lost because right before the election a film clip was released of him making fun of the 47 percent who could not give him big donations. Trump is not asking for big donations because the people he cares about don’t have that kind of money. Make America Great again vote Trump 2016.
james says
someone needs to put Obama out of business now. & jail Hillary.
Charlotte Hudson says
I have been calling for this bastard piece of shit president to be impeached for a very long time for treason against this country but no one is listening, He has done everything he could since the day he was elected by the insane liberals and minorities who bought into his lying words. Let’s pray to God that those same people won’t buy the lies that Hillary Clinton is now spouting. We the people are at the mercy of this entire corrupt government establishment. I truly fear for the future of the USA when our own government has turned their backs on what the founders intended for our country.
Bruce says
Really? No one is interested in hearing your reasons for why Obama should be tried for treason?? Wow that’s a surprise!!
Constitutionalist says
Charlotte Hudson-
D’OweBama should NEVER be impeached. He should just be arrested for Treason, frog-marched in handcuffs to the nearest paddywagon, and run through “the System.”
The only crime defined within the Constitution itself is Treason, and his acts have made him a traitor multiple times over, for giving aid and comfort to the enemies of the United States, e.g. ISIS/ISIL and the Muslim Brotherhood – not to mention Iran, the world’s LARGEST state sponsor of terrorism.
However, if one moves for “impeachment,” one is tacitly acknowledging that D’OweBama IS a natural-born citizen, and DOES have a lawful right to hold the office…but according to the Constitution, he DOES NOT. Ergo, impeachment should NEVER happen – just arrest, trial, conviction, and imprisonment until the execution date(maybe: Congress gets to decide the punishment for treason in time of war, and no one else).
Don King says
Look out 2016 in not over yet.
Blahblahblahma has 1300 plus executive orders in place,
all enabling him to control the nation in case of ” turmoil “.
Exactly what he wants to see happen.
After rigging 2 why not 3.?
Does anyone not know him yet?
The audacious one has
taken us all for a ride.
Big time!
Bruce says
I’d rather go for a ride with Obama than be in the Train Wreck with Trump!
name b free says
El stupido Bruce thats your diagnosis..
ron says
name b … He is so ignorant he actually believes George Soros loves him just because he pays him to Troll here.
AnnMarie says
If you want to help the integrity of this election cycle, the best decision you can make is to support True the Vote. No other national organization is standing in the gap. No one.
Please take two minutes and watch this message. Hopefully, it will explain what we’re up against – and why True The Vote needs your help right now.
name b free says
If that obnoxious fool tried to pull something like this off, the Washington Mall will be clogged with pitchfork bearing anarchists many of them riding their steel horses. The government would be seized and he would be tried by a military tribunal for treason. In as much as he is CIC of the Armed Forces.
He will rig it by obstructing DOJ to carry out justice..
Jean says
If you wouldn’t marry a liar and an untrustworthy person……………then WHY would you vote for one? If you don’t like bitches, then don’t vote for one !!! I won’t vote for Monica Lewinsky’s ex-boyfriend’s wife !!! VOTE FOR DONALD TRUMP IF YOU REALLY WANT CHANGE FOR THE “GOOD” !!!
Stephen Russell says
All he needs are these:
Rigged pollling machines
iIlegals voting
Dead persons “voting”.
alone & theyd ” win”.
Dont nationalize elections, IE =Civil War.
William Wolfe says
Here’s how it will go down. Hilliary will be elected, but will be not inaugurated. She will be indicted due to the Clinton Foundation *( Influence peddling, bribery, lying to Congress, etc, etc.) Her VP will not be able to assume the position since he will not have been inaugurated either. The Speaker of the House cannot assume the position since there will still be a sitting president. Obummer simply signs an Emergency Act by Executive Order, declares martial law, and he’s there another 4 years. This has been planned by Obama for some time and it is part and partial in the defeat of American democracy. Carlos the Jackal (Islamic terrorist) stated that American cannot be defeated by military force but it can be destroyed internally by a combination of socialism and Islam. This is the working blue print of the muslim world. It has been used to devour numerous nations over the past 35 years.
marko says
idiot americans.. you let obama and hillary take over the entire country and spit in your faces
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
Marlo it was the whinny, cry baby, constantly complaining in public NON VOTERS who have never, ever voted at all for no damned reason and will never, ever vote at all for no reason. They are the ones who will do 99 9/10 of the complaining, finger pointing, fault finding at & about the political corruption, but will never, ever vote at all for no damned reason. The NON VOTERS have let & allowed this to happen.
The NON VOTERS are the ones that are really & actually destroying the country on purpose by not voting which is throwing away a vote.
Tommy says
Obama and the Democrats don’t want a PAPER TRAIL so they could be PROVEN CROOKED. We need PAPER BALLOTS THAT CAN BE VERIFIED !!!!
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
Don’t forget the non voters who are a bunch of whinny, constantly complaining, finger pointing, fault finding, coddled brat, spoiled NON VOTERS that will
and have never, ever voted at all for no damned reason, they go shooting off their mouths in public and point their damned fingers at the political corruption that goes on, but have never voted at all, but will do 99 9/10 of the complaining out in public. The constantly complaining whinny, coddled, spoiled brat, NON VOTERS are the ones who actually fix & rig the elections by not voting at all for no damned reason, the non voters are the crooked,
corrupt Demoncrats best friends they can always count on when it comes to rigging elections. NON VOTERS ARE THE ONES WHO ARE DESTROYING THE COUNTRY BY CONSTANTLY COMPLAINING & NEVER, EVER VOTE AT ALL & WILL NEVER, EVER VOTE AT ALL FOR NO
Yadja says
Does a bear poop in the woods?
You have to question the rigging?
Politically incorrect says
Hillary has to win the election or she will more then likely face charges of racketeering, just like she can’t admit she lied about her emails otherwise she would be charged now because there would be no choice. What I don’t understand is how all her supporters think they can justify voting for her other then the fact that they are weak and submissive to the blatant corrupt government that is in place now and fell they can’t change things.
And this is coming from a registered democrat that will be voting for Trump.
When are people going to stop being politically correct and go back to common sense because being politically correct has ruined this country.
Calvin Harwick says
How can this fraud fight voter fraud when his ilk created it???????
WhiskeyMan says
Flippin’ Hussein Oblamo doesn’t have the intelligence to rig his own shoelaces!
But his ‘puppeteer’ and benefactor, George Soros is very adept @ same.
As the old saying goes, “It’s not how you vote, but who counts the votes!”
Just hope old ‘Nazi-wannabe’ Soros, and his despicable son, have nothing
to do with the 2016 vote count in our once blessed USA! Just saying!
Mary says
This Commander in Theft is not against voter FRAUD is a FRAUD himself!!!!!
whaabit says
No sitting poser president should under any circumstance have any involvement in the elections whatsoever . especially when there’s a known conflict of interest.. he might try . but is unlawful application. for his personal benefit. He would like Hillary to make him Vice President so when she gets sick and dies .Obama can be president again. CONGRESS NEEDS TO GROW SOME BALLS AND STOP HIM..
F. C. Hilnbrand says
I do NOT trust Obama and It would not surprise me one bit. He will do anything to get Hillary into the president’s office. They have been taking over by the SOROS team and SOROS will show them how to run the office of President. Obama might have a pen & phone but Door let’s him use them. This is why we know it will be Soros tells them what to do
F. C. Hilnbrand says
I do NOT trust Obama and It would not surprise me one bit. He will do anything to get Hillary into the president’s office. They have been taking over by the SOROS team and SOROS will show them how to run the office of President. Obama might have a pen & phone but SOROS let’s him use them. This is why we know it will be Soros tells them what to do
F. C. Hilnbrand says
I do NOT trust Obama and It would not surprise me one bit. He will do anything to get Hillary into the president’s office. They have been taking over by the SOROS team and SOROS will show them how to run the office of President. Obama might have a pen & phone but SOROS let’s him use them. This is why we know it will be Soros tells them what to do. And he will do the same with her.
Mary Ann Moseley says
If Obama or Hillary are talking, they’re lying. That’s all they know how to do. If they’re just breathing, they are trying to figure out the next lie they will tell to cover up the ones they’ve already told. Neither one of them would know the truth if it slapped them in the face. Back off from these two. They are evil, crooked, despicable excuses for human beings who should both be in prison for the things they have done to other people and to our country.
Dan says
Every district should have a master list of all voters in their district. If someone tries to vote and they are not on the list, they get arrested.