“On the Holmes Front,” with Frank Holmes
Sometimes an individual will say something—a comment, an aside—that instantly reveals his character.
Bill Clinton said, “I didn’t inhale,” and “I did not have sexual relations with that woman.”
O.J. Simpson said if he had butchered his ex-wife and her new boyfriend, he would only have killed them “because I loved her very much.”
Count Dracula said, “I never drink… wine.”
Now in a new poll from Monday, Democrats tell us who they are and what they think of America—and their fellow Americans.
Pollsters at Quinnipiac University conducted a telephone survey of more than 1,300 Americans. They decided to ask Americans what they would do if Americans ever had to put their own lives on the line to fight off a foreign enemy who threatened to destroy the U.S.A.
The poll asked, verbatim, “If you were in the same position as Ukrainians are now, do you think that you would stay and fight or leave the country?”
After all, many Americans have been inspired by the scenes of Ukrainian civilians grabbing machine guns, lighting Molotov cocktails, and fighting in the streets to keep a foreign army out of their homeland.
Sure enough, a majority of people who took the poll—55 percent of all Americans—said they would stay, stand, and fight against the invaders… but the numbers weren’t exactly even across political parties.
Pollsters asked the respondents, “Generally speaking, do you consider yourself a Republican, a Democrat, an Independent, or what?”
More than two-thirds of self-reported Republicans (68 percent) said they would duke it out with the invading army, Red Dawn-style. Most independents (57 percent) said the same thing.
Then we come to the Democrats.
The Democrats were the only political grouping in the United States who said they would leave the country and let the advancing army blow it to smithereens. All in all, 52 percent of Democrats said they would go AWOL and let their fellow U.S. citizens defend their country alone.
As big a shock as that is, it shouldn’t be that surprising. Democrats have regularly said they are less likely to be proud of their country than Republicans.
In the latest Gallup poll, taken last July, Democrats were less than half as likely as Republicans to be “extremely proud” to be an American. Pollsters conducted telephone interviews with about 1,000 randomly selected Americans.
A total of 64 percent of Republicans were “extremely proud” of their country, according to the poll, and an additional 23 percent were “very proud.”
Democrats began a sharp decline in patriotism in 2016, even before Donald Trump became president. “However, even with a Democratic president in office, the 31% of Democrats who are extremely proud in 2021 is well below the 45% measured in 2016, the last year a Democrat was president,” said Gallup pollsters.
The percentage of Democrats who are “extremely proud” of their country is now lower than it was before 9/11, the last time America came under attack.
Republicans and Democrat are no longer two different political parties. Now they live in two different Americas.
In one, freedom-seeking immigrants from around the world have come—and still are coming—to make a better life. They believe all men are equal and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable liberties, like life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. People from any background who work hard can become successful beyond their wildest imaginations. Police do God’s work for a thankless public and a pitiful salary. Our country isn’t perfect—because no country is—but it’s still a nation people will do anything to live in.
Democrats live in another America, one whose founders created a “systemically racist” Constitution. Slavery never really ended; the police exist only to keep minorities down. It’s impossible for anyone to get ahead without “white privilege,” at least until the Constitution is repealed and replaced with some framework that would redistribute the wealth—something like socialism—and make this country work the way their college sociology professor said it should.
People who live in the first country, the real America, think it’s worth defending. People who live in the second country—the MSNBC version of America—don’t really think it deserves to exist now. They’re convinced their fellow Americans are “deplorables” and would probably think the invaders had historically justified grievances against the United States.
They don’t care if America dies. They don’t really care if you die; they know all their Democratic friends will be heading for Justin Trudeau’s Canada, anyway.
The Maya Angelou quotation says, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” Democrats have shown their anti-American views; you should hear them, loud and clear.
And you should keep an extra gun and ammo can; in the case of an invasion, you’re going to be doing more than your share of the fighting for your country.
But then, conservatives should be used to that.
Frank Holmes is a veteran journalist and an outspoken conservative that talks about the news that was in his weekly article, “On The Holmes Front.”