House Minority Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s post-election plans have been uncovered — and they involve an anti-Trump plot that is “churning stomachs” among conservative lawmakers.
If Democrats take power after the November 6th midterm election, they’re going to pull out all the stops against President Donald Trump. But their plan doesn’t need difficult things like evidence or facts to work.
Pelosi just needs a majority share of Congress’ votes — and she’ll shut down America until the 2020 presidential election. Democrats plan to either impeach Trump, or cripple his presidency by unleashing over 100 investigations to overwhelm the White House’s legal team.
Since losing the 2016 election, Democrats have attempted to file these 100 legal subpoenas against Trump. The U.S. House of Representatives, under Republican control, has ignored the constant flood investigation demands — but if Democrats come to power, party leadership is quietly telling supporters that it will all change.
Pelosi plans to make life “a living hell” for Trump and his political allies by overwhelming them with investigations on everything.
Taxes. Employment records. Federal judge dismissals. Even Trump’s in-laws behavior.
If you can name it, Democrats promise they’ll order an investigation.
They don’t need evidence enough to impeach Trump to effectively stop him. They plan to stop the White House from even functioning by ordering investigators to line up around the block at the White House every day. They promise to raid and interrogate each and every morning, and be back in the afternoon.
“If Democrats win the majority in November, we would finally do what Republicans have refused to do, and that is conduct independent, fact-based, and credible investigations of the Trump Administration to address issues like the security clearance process, conflicts of interest, the numerous attempts by Republicans to strip away healthcare from millions of Americans, postal service reforms, prescription drug pricing, and voting rights,” Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings, the ranking Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee, promised supporters.
House Republicans have created a spreadsheet of the over-100 pending investigations.
“The spreadsheet includes requests for administration officials to be grilled by committee staff, requests for hearings to obtain sworn testimony, efforts to seize communications about controversial policies and personnel decisions, and subpoena threats,” Axios reported. “These demands would turn the Trump White House into a 24/7 legal defense operation.”
Michael Volkov, an expert in government investigations, told CNBC things would be “wild” and scary if Democrats win. House Majority Speaker Paul Ryan, Republican, warned it would unleash “chaos.”
“What you’ll have is absolute gridlock. You’ll have subpoenas,” said Ryan. “You’ll have just the system shutting down.”
Pelosi plans to stop America from even functioning… unless voters can stop her in November.
— The Horn editorial team