Disgraced former FBI Director James Comey made headlines Sunday with salacious, over-the-top attacks on President Donald Trump.
But one viral video exposes Comey’s dishonesty in less than a minute — and the footage is something everyone in America needs to see.
The video isn’t about Trump’s insensitive tweets. It’s not Fox News stars pointing out liberal hypocrisy. It doesn’t point out that Comey’s sensationalized claims are just to sell copies of his new book.
It’s much, much more powerful than that. This video uses the own words of liberal Democrats to prove Comey is completely untrustworthy.
Nancy Pelosi. Chuck Schumer. Bernie Sanders. Tim Kaine. Maxine Waters. The video contains a who’s who of anti-Trump politicians going on television last year to say that Comey isn’t the “right man for the job” and has “no credibility.”
In the video, put together by the Republican National Committee, these top Democratic leaders call Comey “untrustworthy” and say he should be fired for his partizan witch hunts that have forever tainted the image of the FBI.
This isn’t the kind of footage you’ll see in the mainstream media, of course. The legacy media delights too much in the “hysterical” exploitation of Comey’s dislike of the president.
But the truth is simple: Even career Democrats say that Americans can’t trust Comey.