by Walter W. Murray, reporter
The mainstream media will celebrate any dopey marketing gimmick that comes along if it has the word “national” in front of it and “day” after it.
The past few weeks alone has seen puff pieces celebrating National Doughnut Day… National Nachos Day… National Cat Day… and National American Beer Day.
But when a REAL day worth marking comes along, the politically correct media suddenly falls silent.
Maybe National Cat Day got their tongue?
President Donald Trump named Nov. 7 the National Day for the Victims of Communism, marking a century since the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia opened up one of the bloodiest chapters in the history of the planet.
It would seem Trump’s decree should be CELEBRATED by the media, especially given that they’d be seized and placed under government control in a communist regime.
Surely, they remember Pravda?
Instead, the silence was deafening.
When they did mention the declaration, it was to criticize and belittle it.
A writer for Buzzfeed claimed it was a “white nationalist talking point,” which is pure nonsense. A writer for Salon blasted the declaration for having “more gusto” than a tribute to victims of the Holocaust earlier this year, as if it’s a contest.
The Buzzfeed writer has since apologized; Salon has not.
But mostly, there has been crickets from the media, which simply refuses to report on anything positive Trump has done, including a simple declaration honoring the more than 100 million people killed by communism over the past century.
That number includes brave Americans who fought for freedom around the world, such as the U.S. forces who stood up to the advance of communism in Vietnam and Korea.
This shouldn’t be controversial.
America has for a century stood against everything communism represents… and the feeling was mutual. Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev once famously warned the united Western powers of democracy: “We will bury you.”
A few decades later, the entire world celebrated when Khrushchev was proven wrong and the Berlin Wall came crashing down. The Soviet Union collapsed just two years after that.
It was a victory for democracy and Western civilization over the forces of evil and totalitarianism, and it was celebrated by Americans of all faiths, creeds, colors and political parties.
Now, it’s practically forgotten.
The Washington Times reports that 44 percent of millennials would prefer to live in a socialist country, the first step toward communism, compared to just 42 percent who prefer living in a free capitalist nation.
A stunning 7 percent even admit they’d prefer outright communism.
It would seem, now more than ever, the nation could use a reminder of just what’s on the line.
Or, as the White House proclamation stated so perfectly: “In their memory and in honor of the indomitable spirit of those who have fought courageously to spread freedom and opportunity around the world, our Nation reaffirms its steadfast resolve to shine the light of liberty for all who yearn for a brighter, freer future.”
— Walter W. Murray is a reporter for The Horn News. He is an outspoken conservative and a survival expert, and is the author of “America’s Final Warning.”