It seems that every day since President Donald Trump was elected, House Minority Speaker Nancy Pelosi has grown more and more unpopular with American voters.
Since 2016, calls for her ouster as leader of the Democrats have become frequent. The pressure has left Pelosi so desperate, she has practically lost her mind.
In fact, it got so bad this weekend, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee was thanking God that Pelosi was the voice of the Democrats — because every time she opens her mouth, it gets more Republicans elected to office.
That’s because Pelosi spent this last weekend telling voters she was actually rooting against the U.S. economy and hoping for a return to former President Barack Obama’s unemployment levels.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics released a report on jobs on Friday under Trump’s leadership, and it showed that American growth has reached historic levels. The unemployment rate for working Americans is at a staggering 3.8%, an 18-year low. The U.S. economy added 223,000 net new jobs in May alone.
That made Pelosi angry — and she let voters know.
“May’s jobs report shows that strong employment numbers mean little to the families hit with soaring new costs under the Republicans’ watch,” the Pelosi wrote in a statement released this weekend.
In doing so, the California congresswoman practically spit in the face of every hardworking American citizen.
“I just don’t even know how to begin to say anything other than, ‘Please, God, let Nancy Pelosi continue to be the voice of the Democratic Party for the midterm elections,'” Huckabee told Fox News on Sunday. “Because it’s the best thing that the Republicans could possibly have.”
“All those families out there in America who are getting bonuses and pay raises, who have jobs that were unemployed, they’re going to say, ‘What la-la land does Nancy live in?'” Huckabee said.
It seems Pelosi lives in the la-la land where getting elected matters more than actually helping Americans get back to work.
Democrats hate a strong economy, critics have said for years, because it means less voters are dependent on welfare handouts.
When Americans have the pride in themselves that comes with gainful employment, they reject the hateful identity politics of the left.
That’s dangerous news for Pelosi.
She needs Americans to remain out of work to get elected — and she’s not afraid to say it.
— The Horn editorial team