For years, Democrats and the mainstream media called for the impeachment of President George W. Bush over accusations that his administration used faulty intelligence to justify the war in Iraq.
But it now appears that President Barack Obama’s administration is being swept up in an intelligence scandal of a much larger scale.
An investigation has revealed that the Obama administration may have repeatedly used faulty intelligence in an effort to mislead the American public about our armed forces’ progress against the Islamic State and in winning the War on Terror.
The revelation came Thursday, when it was reported that personnel at U.S. Central Command have deleted countless files and emails amid continuing allegations that intelligence assessments were altered to exaggerate progress against ISIS militants, according to the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.
“We have been made aware that both files and emails have been deleted by personnel at CENTCOM and we expect that the Department of Defense will provide these and all other relevant documents to the committee,” Rep. Devin Nunes said at a hearing on worldwide threats facing the United States. Central Command oversees U.S. military activities in the Middle East.
A whistleblower whose position was not disclosed told the committee that material was deleted, according to a committee staff member who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to publicly disclose the information.
President Obama has been repeatedly accused of painting an overly rosy picture of America’s standing in the War on Terror — and his assessments are often directly contradicted by soldiers on the ground.
And it appears that CENTCOM analysts were under constant political pressure to make things appear to be going better than they were.
A survey issued last year indicated that 40 percent of responding CENTCOM employees answered “yes” to the question: “During the past year, do you believe that anyone attempted to distort or suppress analysis on which you were working in the face of persuasive evidence?”
The New York Times, which first disclosed the investigation, reported that the probe began after at least one civilian analyst told authorities he had evidence that officials at CENTCOM were improperly reworking conclusions of assessments prepared for President Obama and other top policymakers.
Critics say that could imply an impeachable offense, should it be found that Obama was pressuring changes to intelligence reports in order to lie to the American people.
At best, the Obama administration has created a culture of fear so deeply ingrained in the U.S. intelligence community that analysts are feeling continually compelled to fill their reports with misinformation in order to keep the White House happy.
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
jerry says
impeach the prick
Ron Green says
Impeachment in the only thing that will save this country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seagraves says
I agree with you but they will not
What kind of hold does he have on our congress – senate – and more
Marilyn says
I think he does investigative work on them and finds out what they don’t want the US to know and blackmails them to do things his way.
Garry says
George Soros who elected him made him do it, No accountability our country is in a freefall a very small percentage of our government is not criminal. Take count of how many of them and honest reporters are mysteriously dying.
Chris says
Thats the way the kids in the black suits in the back of the room has played for years (decades)
Thats what the American people need to realize. THEY ARE ALL CORRUPT. From the rooter to the tooter. Republicans and democrats alike. Bait and switch. As long as the American people can watch the WWE,NFL, MLB, NBA, NASCAR ect. with a cold 12 pack of what seems to be foreign owned beer there fine. The real question we should be asking ourselves is why do you have so many teams and drivers to choose from on Sunday, But you have to pick between 2 dough dicks to lead this great country???????? Another question would be WHY is there a single senator left in office that voted for the patriot act? Another question, Why haven’t the banksters that fund both sides of every war we have ever fought not hanging from the Washington monument ? (from their toes of course wouldn’t want to hurt them, would we).
Jim says
Marilyn I also have been thinking this must be the answer. Otherwise, how does he get what he wants from them and you can put John Roberts Chief Justice of the Supreme court at the top of your list.
Pamela says
I agree with you Marilyn. He is a very nasty thing. Demon if you will
Jo says
It is much too late to impeach Obama and he isn’t worth the money it would cost to get rid of him I am sure he has hired a great writer when he leaves office to make his legacy stand out he was nothing and still is nothing he has been a shameful man since people believed him and voted him in.
Maxx says
The Clintons have a reputation for having the most powerful investigative team in political history. Why would Oblowhard not use their service? You are correct. The entire government is corrupt from the ordinary government employee right to the top of the heap. Cleaning up the corruption and mess will take a huge and lengthy process but for America to survive it must be done. Since Congress (the Legislative Branch) is in bed with the Executive Branch instead of holding oversight over it, as intended by the Constitution, we are in a Constitutional Crisis. Thomas Jefferson tells us exactly what must be done in cases like this in the Declaration of Independence. We should be do what he says we have a duty to do.
Lillian says
RE: Garry’s comments which are true & that same billionaire is the one who has run the WH for the past 7 years & will carry on if H.C. gets elected. It is the belief that Hillary while Sec of State just followed directions in Bengazhi from the two of them. There are several reasons why big ‘O’ should be impeached going back 7 years. Ted Cruz is the person who knows the Constitution and will follow it precisely — a student of and a friend of Justice Scalia for 20 years. For those in Congress who do not like T.C. it is because he (T.C.) is living up to the promises he made to the voters of Texas who elected him to be their Senator.
SJ Jolly says
LOVE how the Republican / conservative right thinks both that Obama is totally incompetent and is a master at controlling things ! I.e., has been able to blackmail Republican members of Congress, even the crazy ones, without a peep of protest from them ???
Alex says
Marilyn, J Edgar Hoover ran his office by finding out EVERYTHING about anyone who could obstruct his form of “justice.” Obama takes it a step further by instilling fear not only in his adversaries, but in his administration.
Betty R, says
This is more than likely true. However, were the men and women of the U. S. Congress full of honor and integrity, this point would be moot. Yes, we are all aware of crony capitalism, and the whole host of evils emanating from Washington, D.C. Unfortunately, we the people are limited in our ability to research candidates, other than canvasing ALL outlet of info, not just the ones that hold our point of view.
Honor and integrity. Wonder how much they go for, these days?
Rob says
Obama has committed at least 25 crimes and congress stands idly by and does nothing. This crap was exposed 6 months ago by 50 at Centcom.
Yet congress has done nothing! Why not?
Jo says
Hey Rob because he has something on everyone in politics and no one wants their dirty laundry aired out to the public so it is better to be silent than come clean if they come clean they are considered Whistle Blowers you see it pays to be honest, but not at their own expense.
OracleGuy says
List all 25 or retract your stupid remark.
Norm says
Why do you think they are so afraid of Trump and Cruz?
Francis says
No need to list any but one. TRAITOR – MUSLIM TERRORIST LOVER!
k rolfe says
I would LOVE to hear someone come up with an honest answer to your question. I’ve been wondering the same thing since he took over the oval office.
Rose says
Because they are all cowards and don’t want to put theirselves out there for all to see. They can send our young men and women to be maimed and killed. But won’t do their jobs. I don’t think that most of them even care about their own families. If they do how in the world could they carry on as usual? like I say they are all COWARDS Thy should all be so ashamed of themselves! All of the old congress men and old senators need to be tried for Treason along side Obama, Our Military serve with HONER and COURAGE! We need term limits to get rid of the Cowerds who think they are more important then we the American people? They were hired to do their jobs but instead of doing it they vote for anything and everything that Obama wants. When we voted the Republicans back in the house and senate they promised No more Obama Care. No more tax payer money going to Planned Parenthood No more raising the debt limit. What happened they voted to fund all of it as fast as they could……….NO COURAGE. NO HONOR!
Jeff says
He doesn’t have a hold on anyone, He’s Black or Half-Black, so they won’t touch him! Besides there is only a short time left in his term and it would take at least that long to have hearings to give him the boot. And his Black Attorney General wouldn’t prosecute him anyway!
I would like to see him impeached, he would lose any pension and be out on the street! It is hard to imagine having to pay this PRICK ($200,000) a year for the rest of his life, along with all the other perks that he gets.
Marg Jerard says
IMPEACH OBAMA, before he goes a minute long or before he gives
New York back to the Indians. Obama is Musl. Wake up people, get rid of this monster
sherri palmer says
They will not impeach him! Interesting to me that NOW that his term is almost ended, various ones are speaking up and have known about this stuff for years…they let us live 8 years with this POS who is no more than a street thug…
Mike says
Sorry but the salary was raised to 400,000 several years ago.
Norm says
It would be the most wisely spent money in Obama’s history. It would be worth it just to give him a taste of his own medicine;.
Paul says
No politician should receive a dime when they leave office. They just need to live by the rules and laws they put in place for the rest of Americans.
Theresa L. says
You said a mouthful Jeff… if he’s impeached there is NO retirement perks for him. He is disgusting!!! at the expense of our country .. our Military … he deserves prison. That will give him plenty of CHANGE!!! grrrrrrrrrrr .. No wonder ISIS is walking around strutting like hand picked roosters.. by Obuma’s actions he’s given them the green light!!
Don’t say it’s only a few more months .. he doesn’t warrant retirement benefits .. he belongs in prison .. he’s a TRAITOR to our great country ..
(Is anyone wondering about our Supreme Court Justice passing away? Wasn’t there something in the news about Obuma having to face the Supreme Court?
Theresa L. says
You said a mouthful Jeff… if he’s impeached there is NO retirement perks for him. He is disgusting!!! at the expense of our country .. our Military … he deserves prison. That will give him plenty of CHANGE!!! grrrrrrrrrrr .. No wonder ISIS is walking around strutting like hand picked roosters.. by Obuma’s actions he’s given them the green light!!
Don’t say it’s only a few more months .. he doesn’t warrant retirement benefits .. he belongs in prison .. he’s a TRAITOR to our great country ..
(Is anyone wondering about our Supreme Court Justice passing away? Wasn’t there something in the news about Obuma having to face the Supreme Court?
Alan says
Not just impeached, but also convicted. President Clinton was impeach, but he was not convicted. The term impeach means to bring to trial. It does not mean convicted.
Re says
It’s not going to happen .he has ever thing in his favor. Time, black. History will not let the first black be impeached. The press will cover his ass. The repub. Party is to weak to push the impeachment . Soros has to much power.and to much to loose. Ect. Ect. Tea party is not strong enough..
Elle McCarthy says
Has anyone but me noticed the subtle finger being shown to the people? I have seen this and similar poses of him in various pictures. Right back at you N*****.
Rose says
He has committed TREASON!
Jacqueline W. says
It is so wonderful to see that others feel the same way I do. I have called O a traitor for quite a while. Our Pres. a traitor to America.
Bob Marcum, Sr. says
This is where, I just shake my head, in disgust; because, there is no intelligent comment, which can
respectfully, compare with the nonsense. We shouldn’t be forced to dignify the socialist attitudes,
by responding, to them. (( BUT; we are forced to actually defend ourselves, from the onslaught, of
the terroristic attitudes. )). It’s pathetic. All we can do is give Mr. Trump our ful-fledged support; and, pray we don’t have civil war break out, before we can get him in the oval office.
susie says
i think you are right,but its never to late to try and take something from him and his family(what in the world has he done to get 300,000 or 4.00000) like he has taken from ours, why pay that mus a penny????Let him go and get job if he can and let his tax money go to us.
Bottom line get him out of the white house with nothing. he has not done anything for us why should we give him anything?
Kat Pettyson says
I agree with all you people , but the Devil runs with a pack of Devils …. I wanted impeachment @ the inaugeral ball….It would be worth it to see a creep cringe like we have for 8 years…….WHAT A SHAME there is no one with a BACKBONE to stand up and do it !!!!! Pray Hard and fast GOD is looking for you , the call is Satan ! you CANNOT have our country , America !!!AMEN
Steve Starr says
Your right Bob, LOL, I laughed hard when I read your comment because I can just see you shaking your head in disgust like I’ve doing for years now. It is pathetic there’s a treasonous piece of dictator trash in the white house trampling and treading all over the US constitution that he swore to uphold and protect with impunity for the last 7 years it makes me want to puke on a daily basis. Like you said all we can do is give Trump our ful- fledged support and hope and pray a revolution or civil war doesn’t brake out before we can get him into the white house.
reba says
many of them are Black Mailable which is against our constitution for them to hold a Government seat in the Senate or House of Reps. But as long as they keep bring in the criminals,the ANTI Americans into office the corruption will continue. a Good Example is Rubio, Rubio is more corrupt them most of them. his past and Present is right now being used, Rubio a Progressive and ANTI American Coned his way into the Senate with the help of the Dems. once in Rubio wasted no time putting on his Knee Pads, made leader of the pack,Gang of 8, obama didn’t to all his dirty work alone,it the took the Con man Rubio to help get his agenda put forward. obama immigration policy is Rubios policy, Rubios will be much worse if in the WH. Rubio already has called for more immigrants, before Rubio wants to replace ALL American workers with Foreign workers, Rubios
policy is DEATH TO AMERICAN WORKERS. right now Rubio has got this country under Seige.
with his Mafia style agenda he putting forth. I honestly thing that Justice Scalias death plays a big roll in Rubio becoming President. obama and Rubio are up to the eye balls in his death, just like Rubio is up to his eye balls in the Closing of Gitmo and the Castro Talks. It isn’t just a coincidence that all that obama is doing with Castro and Rubio a Cuban just happens to be running for President. obama is giving Rubio what he want fro he help in the Transformation of America.
Rubio wants to Trash our Constitution just like obama does.
Watch for the Cuban immigrants the Cuban Rubio Military along with all those illegals that are already here. the ENLIST ACT while Americans are bing denied the right to join the Military,
they say their cutting back on but they not cutting back when it comes to the illegals, their going full speed ahead. THE ENLIST ACT is the Fast Track to Citizenship for all Illegals,immigrants including Gang Members and all their family members.
Fllorida hates Rubio they rejected him and chose Bush over him. Now with Bush gone and all the promises Rubio is making In SPANISH they will support him. On Cuban Senator is already out endorsing him and trying to put her Sympathy touch out their, another one take to the CONING of Americans to bring more immigrants in, and the fast track to more illegals as well, this time it’s Cuba. Watch for the line of young men coming in after obamas talks. men of fighting age to replace Americans in the military.
Castro has got to be laughing his Butt off at the Stupidity of Americans. for allow the most Corrupt, liar, Con man, Homosexual,Anti American run for President and put him in the Senate. he never had to show for work, He hates this country we’re paying for his Hatred of us.
Rubio is to busy having Foam Parties and other parties with his Gay Homosexual friends in stead of showing up for work. Rubio’s no shows is more than just no show. and he gets paid by lobbyist for his votes as well he voting against his own party.
susie says
the truth be told when is this America going to wake up?
ron goddard says
wow..such support for ob. I read many things about ob from australia. …it is quite obvious that your chief justice was murdered (strangled) in texas after a meeting with ob. ob wanted a coal ban and c.j. didn’t a top general said; all over f@@king coal! no autopsy has been done… guess. other things like the incarceration of at least 34,000 persons per week in private american jails..under orders from ob. definitely the most productive industry in usa right now. ob has generously imported many islam terrorists and they are being trained at 5 different camps in the florida region. these lame brains are totally irresponsible..thanks to ob. many top cia and military and congressmen want him impeached. he is masquerading as a benefactor on tv and other media outlets. a fox in the henhouse…. usa fighting isis ha ha a total joke. usa funded isis along with the saudis..turkey is a real is being aided and abetted by ‘un’ forces and their pres. has gone on record as the becoming the new adolph hitler , his idol seems. . so usa is not alone in this debacle..most western nations are adjoined with america in the farce that has unfolded in syria. a big thank you to russia for blasting the isis mob in reality..not stuffing around with ‘fake’ bombs US style. in three days russia blew them away. god bless america. invader of 31 countries since ww11..the prize? oil and drugs. the future is always murky….i do not think that the present situation will end anyway but badly. cheers
Sarah Abrams says
Looks you took Spelling Class with Don Trump…he is all bluster, wants Socialist Health Care, and hires Illegals to build Trump Towers, instead of hiring AMERICAN citizens. And Obama’s initials are B.O., dont know what your “ob” means. Ted Cruz would make an excellent president, but he either has “Dual citizenship” or never applied for American citizenship at age 18. Someone should ask him when he applied for US citizenship. If he did, he is a Dual citizen which prevents him from being Prez, although Kenyan born B.O., went to elementary school for 6 years in Indonesia where he became a citizen there with his mother and step-father Lolo Soetoro (so his real last name is Soetoro). Obama’s birth parents were never married, so if Obama applied for U.S. citizenship at age 18, no one can find THAT paperwork. It would also make Obama a “Dual Citizen”…he still has his Indonesian passport. So Obama playing Prez for 7 years may have set a precident, thus making Dual Citizenship okay, since no one pushed THAT issue for over 7 years — Statute of Limitations. I just hope whoever wins the Primary chooses Dr. Ben Carson for his running mate. The country might just survive!
James tibbs says
To start with they are spineless, both houses, democratic socialists, and the republicans. At least have of whom are Rinos, ex. John mcCain those two jackasses from Tenn. Alexander and Bob Corker, and last but not least Lindsey Grahm. These guys are crooked, they could not care less for their constituents, and are liars.
Connie Condra says
He does not have to have a hold on the Senate. It is overflowing with RINOs. Besides, the Bill of Impeachment MUST begin with the House of Representatives, according to the Constitution. Think of it this way” the House is the Grand Jury. The Senate is the Jury. The SCOTUS chief justice is the judge. I can’t remember who the prosecutor would be, but I suspect he/she would come from the House. ObeyMe would be able to hire an attorney, but I doubt that he would. Given his narcissistic tendencies, he would probably defend himself. You know what they say, “A lawyer who defends himself has a fool for a client.”
When Andrew Johnson (the president, not the Democrat troll who haunts these boards) was impeached, he was acquitted by one vote. Nixon resigned before he was put on trial buy the Senate, but there is no doubt that he would have been convicted and removed, and it would have been a bi-partisan action. “Slick Willy” was acquitted, but the Demoncommies controlled the Senate at that time.
I think the House has not acted because Boehner, now Ryan, opposed the action. I am certain that there is enough evidence to impeach and convict. The Senate would be a problem. You know that there will be charges of racism, and probably riots, if a Bill of Impeachment is voted.
John says
So lets IMPEACH and then impeach all the politicians that are behind him. I guess that they are afraid he will bring things out like the Attorney General did in Phila and they are all gone and she is up for impeachment and of course she said she in not running for another term.
Ronald ODell says
Boehner would not start to impeach that Muslim SOB because he said it would hurt the RUB. party I ask what about he people of the U>S>A>
Joe says
They all have too many ghosts in their closets!
unique says
For years now since Obama has been President he has had NSA, FBI, CIA and
all the other alphabet agencies spying on everyone and everything. There is so
much dirt on Congress that they want to hide they are afraid of Obama.
If we the people knew 1/4 of the dirt these Congresspersons would be in prison
and not Washington. Keep it going Donald Trump, they are all afraid of you.
John says
Donald will bring out the truth and put the politicians in jail.
Cheri says
I agree with everything that has been said, but I wish more people would support the organizations fighting for our freedom, such as Judicial Watch and many more. I gave them financial support several times. I can’t fight the crooks, but they can.
Cheri says
I agree with everything that has been said, but I wish more people would support the organizations fighting for our freedom, such as Judicial Watch and many more. I gave them financial support several times. I can’t fight the crooks, but they can.
Sharon Minton says
The hold on the Congress is not just bo, but it originated in the law for creating the two houses – Senate and House of Reprs. The length of time to impeach this louse will take far more time than he has remaining in office. It requires a 2/3 majority in the Congress, and another impossible majority with the chokehold of the democrats at the Congressional level and the States level. This knowledge missing from our adult population is the pawn most relied upon by the liberal left taking over our government.
jeanette says
he is black, no one wants to say anything against his policies. otherwise most of the ill informed libs, and blacks will riot.
Dora says
We Want Names Of The Other policymakers!
Wes says
Congressmen are impotent fools too afraid to impeach the first black president for fear of being called racist. They will allow Obama to destroy this country rather than do what they all know should have been done in 2008 with fast n furious and him sealing his background. His ineligibility to hold the office for being a foreign exchange student. Any white president doing a fraction of what Obama has done would be in prison. It is racist to treat someone differently under the law due to skin color!!! Impeaching Obama may bring on violent protests by BLM but, I say bring it on!
Jeannie says
It seems to me that it is racist not to impeach him. There is a double standard for him since he is black. I won’t say African American either….you are either African or American!! This political correctness has gone too far.
Where is common sense??
Rose says
YES BRING IT ON ! He has the criminal element killing white people for no reason, seems like we hear about these things almost every week. He wants them killing policemen you name it he is the great destroyer. he works every day to divide this nation, I have never seen anything like it in my life. It started with his first speech after he got in the White House.
GARY says
He is half black and it will create a race war worse than the Confederate war was.
Meathead says
It’s not him. It’s the people controlling him that are also controlling Congressional Leaders. Their weapons are money and blackmail, thereby appealing to greed and fear.
Gerald says
He should have been impeached at least 6 months ago. What is the senate and congress doing! NOTHING. He has been caught telling lies and putting pressure on locale and federal police, To do nothing. He was directly involved with corrosion of the California police involving the mass shooting. Every thing he does is executive over reach. He should be tried for treason. I might just say Hillary should be tried for Treason all so. We are being stripped of are rights as AMERICANS. We can only pray that the treasonous of Hillary is stopped before the election. I cant see how people can not see that she is not for the people. If she were to be elected are first and second constitutional amendments will be taken away. I cant believe people don’t or cant see what she stands for, it is not you. It is for Her. I think she is pure evil.
Nolan Raborn says
They are afraid of massive civil rest by blacks!
susie says
Truly a traitor from the beginning. Never trusted him from day one! should be arrested for treason before our country collapses, as did Rome!
andyman says
To bad Chris Kyle is gone. We could use his expertise right now….
Jeannie says
I agree. It looks like he has congress and everybody else scared of him! Why doesn’t someone step up and do something to save America from this man. Why are they not doing anything?
Victoria Barrett says
Can America survive ten more months of this regime.This vindictive, in your face autocrat will do as much damage to America just for spite. His main ambition, after leaving America damaged is to be Secretary of the UN. That corrupt dropping place for the criminal sons of diplomats in Africa and the middle east. Caught up in sex trade and money laundering while we pay millions to run the corrupt institution. Ask anyone in NY about the UN and its diplomatic immunity. If and When he becomes UN Secretary he can screw up the world just like he screwed up America.
Marlene says
Sadly, I will take too long and the Dems will stretch the process out as long as then an till he’s gone anyway. What worries me is that Hillary will appoint him to the Supreme court and he will stay there as long as he lives!
susie says
Marlene what a nightmare. what I am thinking of why run at all she is under INVESTAGATION from the FBI and Rubio is not a US citizen.WHAT THE H@@@ IS GOING ON WE THE PEOPLE IS WHAT IS WEAK WE SHOULD DO SOMETHING( LEGAL OF COURSE) THINK ABOUT THAT THE CROOKS ARE NOT GOING TO PUT THE CROOKS OUT
vincent marcantelli says
Wait/////Rubio is a US Citizen, and lets not forget that, and so is Cruz, and again, lets not forget about that, the question is, is Obama, really a citizen or is he, again lied to the American public, and because of the facts we don’t want to be called all of those so called NASTY Names, Racist, Homo haters, and the list goes on and on……The bottom line is……we get what we have wished for, ALL Because we have and are scared to death, of being called all of those nasty names.!
Sarah Abrams says
Marco Rubio IS a U.S. citizen — he was born in Miami Florida…Look it up! His parents came to the U.S. 20 years before he was born! He is natural born, native born, true blue CITIZEN!
However, Ted Cruz was born in Canada. We dont know IF or when he applied for U.S. citizenship, but he could have applied at age 18 and if so, he has Dual citizenship which “Used to Be” not able to be Prez. However, Obama, if he applied for U.S. citizenship at age 18, after being an Indonesian citizen for 6 years, actually “set a precidence by no one challenging him about this for over 7 years! Ever heard of “Statute of Limitations”?
jsa says
yes, now
Robert says
impeach is to good for this liar!!!
dullblade says
true off with his head
John says
It would be bad that when he is in congress with all the demos and repub that a missle hit and we had to start our government over again.
michael zitterman says
Having said that, please review the following:
BENGHAZI, What was it all about?
I remember as though it were yesterday; President Obama had claimed we had the terrorists controlled and on the run.
This promotion appeared to have been designed as a political wedge issue. He touted this as a major accomplishment heading into the November 2012 election.
Then there was the attack at Benghazi, where four Americans, including Ambassador Stevens, were killed.
Why did this event occur?
Initially, it was reported, by the “media”, the Benghazi attack was a spontaneous protest triggered by an anti-Muslim video, Innocence of Muslims. (Wikipedia).
NOTE: “Media” should read: “the Administration and the media”.
The “video” scenario appeared to have been offered to obfuscate reality for political purposes.
But that was only the second act. Insidious? Political? Absolutely!
The first act is characterized by the lack of security as requested many times by Ambassador Stevens.
The Benghazi committee must drill down to determine why his many requests were not fulfilled.
Could it have been that the Administration perceived that offering the requested security would have sent a signal that the Administration was concerned about the terrorists, who were advertised to be controlled and on the run?
Sadly, the apparent conclusion may be “politics”, which if true, is far beyond reprehensible and disgusting.
Ambassador Stevens continually asking for additional security is only one factor; others include, but are not limited to, that Libya was instable in the months leading up to the attack, including an assassination attempt on the British Ambassador, special security teams for Libya were reduced in the months before the attack, relying upon the local Libyan security and the police force, who were often found to be affiliated with the enemy, “the date”, 09/11, etc.
Knowing all this, why were there no contingency plans, in case of some type of attack?
Could it be the Administration was rolling the dice, not wanting to show its concern about TERRORISM, which was advertised as being well under control?
I believe that the President may have allowed the four to die @ Benghazi, for political purposes.
Hillary was, apparently, just following his orders to not disclose that it was a terrorist attack. That presidential order was eerily similar to President Bush’s order to “guide” General Colin Powell’s testimony at the United Nations on February 5, 2003, which was presented to “legitimize” our invasion of Iraq.
She and General Powell, apparently, reflected their allegiances to Presidents Bush and Obama, respectively, but not to the People. Those were errors of integrity, morality, and humanity.
The election was about 7 weeks away and he had made the claim that he had the terrorists on the run and admitting Benghazi was a terrorist act would deflate his “political” statements.
How sad is sad?
It may appear to be over the top, but I believe those who failed to mitigate the potential dangers should be tried for malfeasant negligence and manslaughter.
It appears as if those within the Benghazi compound were treated as pawns.
As horrendous as I have depicted the Benghazi matter, our attack upon Iraq in March 2003, was light-years worse, since the Iraq fiasco was damaging to Iraq, the region, our nation, AND to the rest of this planet, whereas the Benghazi affair was only destructive to us.
Will those responsible for Benghazi be held accountable?
Only in our dreams, but we can dream.
Will the Bush Administration be held accountable for the Iraq atrocity?
To dream the impossible dream is a fantasy of the Nth order.
What is the first action an alcoholic must take? Admitting that he or she is an alcoholic.
Integrity, anyone?
We, desperately, need leaders, NOT politicians!!
[email protected]
October 24, 2015
In memory of Peewee
Modified, February 2, 2016
Francis says
Michael as thoughtful as your comments are the facts are that GW Bush had a crisis that no President has had to deal with since the attack on Pearl Harbor. Bush sought out intelligence information after 9/11 from the CIA, British intelligence, Israeli intelligence and many more. As far as i feel is that he did the right thing my only regret is that he stop short. Wars need to have political absence, if WWII was fought today we would be saluting to Germany or Japan, lets keep politics out of war conflicts. We as the people of the U.S need to take back what is ours, politicians work for us and we need to show them and hold them accountable. Politicians are over paid over compensated and all taking money and gifts/favors under the table. If your political politician is not doing what you believe is not right for the people you need to say so, if that doesn’t change his beliefs that don’t vote for him/her. What federal politician is not a MILLIONAIRE not many WHY? Lets Take Back This Country 1 Vote At A Time. It Is Our Country Not Just Theirs.
Terry says
I agree with Francis. Bush and NATO were informed of WMB’s. Europe agreed with the intelligence and supported the invasion of Iraq, but like Nam politics and not the military professionals prevailed. Note: Most politicians have zero experience with the military, but think that they are experts on war/police actions etc.
Charles says
Term Limits is the answer and no life time pensions, or health care, for life
Charles says
The war was won By GW Bush, the victory was squandered by the loser Obama.
Francis says
You are 100% wrong about Bush. He had a hard-on for Sadam after he put a hit on his father during his fathers reign as POTUS. He couldn’t wait to go after him. He knew there were no WMD’s in Iraq. They even had aerial photography that confirmed the idiot from Iraq was lying. As far as I am concerned, GEORGE W. BUSH is totally responsible for the destabilization of Europe in every country where there is turmoil. And, his actions, along with those of Obananation, will eventually lead to the destruction of America.
What goes around, comes around. We will pay the price, mark my words.
Connie Condra says
I do not consider GW Bush’s war in Iraq an atrocity. He was told that there were “WMDs” in Iraq. Hussein had used chemical weapons on his own people. There was no reason to believe that the WMDs did not exist. I personally believe that they did. Hussein hid out in the Iraqi desert for a year and was only found because he was betrayed. You don’t think that the Iraqis could not hide chemical and biologic weapons where they could not be found. I also believe that members of the regime got those weapons across the border. A 10-ml test tube of weaponized anthrax could wipe out an army–or a city. ObeyMe has put this country in much greater danger.
James Wilson says
Has everyone forgotten about the chemical weapons used on the Kurds, where hundreds were killed in northern Iraq.
Gerald says
Sure lets blame it all on Obumer. Hillary is guilty to. No i dont think she should be allowed in the elections. Obummer and Hatery should both be tried for treason for crimes against the American people.
Valerie says
U got it!!yes yes yes. We have to pray that for sure this time. They r serious to impeach him. He should have been impeach long time ago. God bless!☺️
Kat Pettyson says
Lets Ban together and curse the situation down to hell , PRAY ON YOUR KNEES GOD THE FATHER will hear our CRY !!!
Steve says
Unfortunately, this may be one of those times He says, “You got what you wanted. It’s now up to you to solve your problem.”
Who could blame the Man, especially after all that He has done for us?
Charles says
That should have been done long ago !! There are way to many Idiots with their heads still in the sand, or up O’s Butt.
Richard Shontz Sr. says
Impeach they all get away with murder this administration and the guility need to be arrested and convicted of treason. ???????? CPL USMC 69—– IN GOD I TRUST. PRAY LOCK AND LOAD.
Francis says
Amen to that. USMC 1955
rosanne says
finally …..impeachment is too easy for those who have committed unlawful and treasonous ‘things.’ Imprisonment, perhaps in a dictatorship, would be just reward. Or perhaps a Calcutta-esque prison?
Obama and Co. should not be allowed to have decimated this country, fundamentally changed it into a ‘world order’ nation, yet then move on to receive ‘retirement pay’ kickbacks from sale of uranium, U.S. properties, U.S. weaponry, U.S. secrets, etc. etc. etc. and those high paying SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS to their ‘admirers’…. how anyone can still support Obama and his time in office is beyond belief. Paying these people for their ‘evil deeds’ is like giving compensation to illegal immigrants and trials to terrorists ….
AND NOW you would elect HILLARY? or BERNIE? or TRUMP or RUBIO or Kasich People in this country are bona fide idiots who are so indoctrinated by the media and immorality and GodLESSness that we are all on the snowball to HELL! As was stated way back in this list of Comments THE CONSTITUTION IS OUR ONLY HOPE and CRUZ is the CONSTITUTION!
Masanja says
Impeach who? Are these article people crazy? Did you see that 93 year old Black lady in the WH yesterday? She said her life has been fulfilled as an American to see an African-American First Family in the WH. The author of the article should better be enjoying life like me during the remaining time with President Obama. I have enjoyed life for the last 7 years. Now gas prices are $1 gal. I can afford a huge 8 cylinder Lincoln Navigator; eat in restaurants and leave big tips; Bin Laden, Yemen guy and Benghazi moron are out of commission. People are again working and buying houses. I can go to any clinic and hospital and get treated. What a life! We are in heaven now with Obama as President. I am sure Hillary is going to take the torch from Obama. Just imagine how those GOP morons were calling one another –liars yesterday. None of them is fit for the WH job. Would you believe they did not know Dr. Carson was around because he is Black? Poor Dr. Carson did not know they were discriminating against him- not asking him questions. GOP lost again with Trump by trumping them. Leave those TPs and Repubs morons alone. They are dangerous to you. Join me and vote for Hillary.
RicknRedmond says
Dr. Carson has earned every title, accolade and endorsement he ever got. He is no shill like Obama and Holder and so many other black or near black heavies in our corrupted government.
Connie Condra says
And you have spent the last seven years living in the Wizard’s Palace in the Emerald City. The intelligence community had been looking for bin Laden since 9/11. Bathhouse Barry just got to pull the trigger–something Slick Willy should have done 10 years earlier. You probably can do all the things you suggested because you are living off the earnings of TEA Party people like myself. You probably didn’t know but the “TEA” part of TEA Party means “TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY!” I expect you are a welfare queen since you can afford a Navigator and leave big tips.
As for liars, Bathhouse Barry and the Hildabeast are tied in the race for who will sit at Satan’s right hand in Hell. If the Hildabeast’s lips are moving, SHE IS LYING. The same can be said for Bathhouse Barry. And, before you play the “race” card, I will tell you that I know, like, and respect many black people. Bathhouse Barry is just NOT one of them. He is not an African-American. He is a mullato. A racist would call him an “Oreo cookie”–black (?) on the outside, white as cream on the inside.
I hope to see the Hildabeast, Slick Willy, chunky Chelsea, and Bathhouse Barry sharing a wing at Leavenworth in 2016
Connie Condra says
P.S. I would cut off both hands before I would vote for the Hildabeast, B!tch of Benghazi, or that crazy communist from Vermont.
bud wood says
are you too controlled not to recignise a commmunst inspired loust muslim potus? i am sure you can vote in Killary or the socialist Bernie..what an idiot..
Alice says
The last person I would vote for is Hilary.
Rick Worthington says
Masanja – obviously you have not been to China, North Korea or even pre-putin Russia or communist-controlled Hungary before their uprising. Had you been, you would not be writing such ignorant nonsense – I would even go so far as to call it “filth.” Because, in a Communist or Socialist run-country, the Party members can afford to drive 8 cylinder cars, eat at the best restaurants ( but they don’t leave tips, however) eat the best foods, while the ‘average’ person in the street is looking desperately for their next meal. It costs them nothing to get the finest medical treatment that their country has to offer, and, I might add, live in absolute luxury in their finest houses or apartments. Right now, America is on the verge of a housing “bubble” which is likely to burst at any time, sending this country into a depression at least as bad, if not worse, than the last one.
Barry Sotoro, a.k.a. Barack Obama, is probably the most Socialistic President the U.S. has had, to date, and, obviously, you are a socialist (either that, or your post was “tongue in cheek,” but I very much doubt that!) and which case by voting for Hillary Clinton who has been proven beyond doubt as being totally unfit for the Presidency, shows you should not be residing in America, but should be in China, or North Korea. THEN, you would smartly realize what Socialism is really like! Poor Dr. Carson, however, is now out of the race, so it is futile discussing him now.
One thing is certain, Communism alias Socialism, has been proven time and again to be no friend of the average man in the street, or worker, in the long term. I know, I can speak with some experience. Do yourself a favor ( and all true Americans) and forget H.Clinton AND Soetoro’s (sorry, Obama’s) friends – think about an alternative!
Oh my God, where did you come from? You must be on the government dole.
Gerald says
WOw what kind of drugs are you on. You must be a liberal. Any one who isn’t would see him as slime that he is. Then we can add some more slime with Hillary. You need to listen to the shit that they really say.
Randel Garrett says
Masanja u you are living in a Fantasy world which is about to crumble under it’s own weight. You are I bet on welfare and food stamps right? Do you even know why Obama keeps his Hair so short? If He let it grow out you would see it is straight just Like any other non Black . The only reason why the price of Oil dropped and gas is sold cheaper now is because Saudi Arabia is trying to influence the elections here The very same thing happened the last time we had a election for President. In school I bet you got a D minus in History in school didn’t you or did you even go to school here? How fare is the closet Medical Marijuana shop from your Home or do you grow your own?
Masanja, What the Hell world are you living in. Food has went up 25% in the past 7 years, There are few full time jobs. Many people are working 2 and 3 part time jobs. All costs of just about everything have went up at least 25% in the past 7 years, but my income certainly has not. My medical insurance increased by $200 a month to pay for your FREE OR SUBSIDIZED medical care. Real Estate taxes have increased. Before Obama I was consdered a middle class citizen. Now I am barely above poverty level..Houses in my area are worth about 60% of what they previously were. I could not afford to lease or buy a new car in any case. When we go to certain Drs. they have now been forced to go under “Blanket” medical organizations and you cannot be guarenteed of seeing your “Regular” Dr. Treatment is not as good as it previously was. In most cases you get 15minutes with te Dr. on a good day, and many procedures are now limited or excluded. Prescription costs have increased, Medical coverage has decreased to a point of danger in some areas. I think you most have overdoasted on the Kool Aid and have become delusional.. Simple question to all is “Am I better off than I was 7 years ago”? Well my answer is not only NO but HELL NO. I hope they find Obama and Hillary guilty of crimes of the highest order. I would love to see both of them face a Military Court.
Vincent Santulli says
No, if you impeach or attempt to impeach it will be construed as racist, unfortunately. Also, it will portray the Republicans as malicious .
So, it’s best just to thwart all of his efforts with the power of congress and the senate. Besides, his term is almost over.
However, should he start a global war and immerse this country into mayhem. He may ,like FDR, attempt a third term!!!
Gerald says
He has done so much bad shit to our country, that i serious doubt that it could come across as Racist. This is his second term. It has nothing to do with race. He is a traitor and should be tried as one.
mike says
I thought Trump was the only one that could save this country.
Gerald says
I still think Trump is right choice. I was a Dem. for 40 years. i switched to Rep. so i could vote for him.
Charles says
This is what the nation gets, when they elect a democrat, he had not been vetted and he didn’t have a clue how to run shit, a community organizer, which was good at nothing. When Jimmy carter was elected and spent four years destroying the military, and surrounding him self with total inept and in competent people, I hope at that point , that the communist party would implode from with in, then along comes criminal slick willie, he got credit for a fabulous 8 yrs, why because he had to listen to a rep congress. the muslim has listened to no one, they should try him and his cohorts for treason,
SJ Jolly says
Impeachment is not going to happen, guy. But, on the other hand, this country will still be around when the next POTUS takes office: The sky is not going to fall between now and then.
As for the theme of the article, is there any evidence that Obama had any hand in censoring the intelligence reports? Or, just like with G.W. Bush, did the intelligence agencies censor themselves, to give the White House what they thought was wanted ?
Gerald says
They both should be jailed.
Cheryl says
I agree he should be impeached. On the other hand he has done so much harm to our Country I am really doubtful that we can come back from this mess. My husband is a ex Navy Seal I am pretty sure if you heard what I was told as his wife you would be scared to.
Randel Garrett says
I am a Army Vet (Infantry Grunt 11 B) and I don’t think he could tell me anything I did not already know One Ex Navy Seal did not come back from Benghazi because he refused the stand down Order and he was a True American Patriot . I am still waiting for the answer of who Gave that stand down order? The Great Long Shanks Obama was AW O L during the 7 hours of Benghazi I am one of the people who when trouble comes do not run from it but toward it and with everything I can Muster try and stop it . I Salute your Husband and His service I could not go Special Fores as he did because of a Leg problem But I still was ready to walk into Battle and would have been honored to watch His back in combat.
marty messersmith says
The only thing that is going to save America is getting GOD back in the government and in our lives.
Robert Anderson Sr says
HE was planted in Chicago and ILLEGALLY got elected in to DESTROY “OUR” Great Country !! Jarrett , Axelrod , Soros , Salinsky & the Chicago Mafia did the DIRTY WORK !! His Grandmother started it all years ago by FORGING his Birth Certificate through Hawaii ! He is NOT African American , he IS an ARAB !!
Gerald says
That is why he wont even let his brothers the muslims be called terrorist. We should be deporting all these Syrians, they hate us. They hated us when they were in their on country what makes these idiots think they are friends now.
Randel Garrett says
For those who say Gerald is wrong about Obama have them explain how His Birth certificate was one that was not even used till Long Shanks Obama was around 10 yrs old? It was after Obama turned 9 that the State of Hawaii changed that Certificate they used and is what he showed as proof he was born in Hawaii and then also have them explain His going to public school in a Country that only allow Native Born citizens too attend their Public schools ?
silvestre says
He is a black man+muslim will never happen American politicians have had their spine pulled out of threir own lying mouth.
Kenneth Baguley says
Impeachment takes too long and he’d be out office before it even started…He knows he’s safe and will do whatever his goals are…And We know what they are
Debra Kekaualua says
Folks shoulda listen to the birthers and obama who would never have attained the presidency. The fact is Hawaii is not a “federal domestic state’ none of us is american, ESPECIALLY Obama. Hawaiian Kingdom Independence is our goal. De-occupation of U.S. military, corrupt polotics, and hated warring mentality, having disposed of many more american lives than Nazi faction. Truth and Integrity will prevail over all that has come to pass,
John says
Obama has escaped impeachment all this time, its not likely that it will happen now, its almost to much to hope for. Although it would be great. But, I’m also not to fond of Biden taking his place.
Get them both out ASAP.
Danna Templeton says
I agree and have wanted to see this for a long time as many Americans have.
It is the only Thing we should do with this Liar.
PO'd Vet says
I can believe no has the kahonies to just take him out!
Gwin says
I agree Impeach now.
Debbie says
No kidding!
Teddy says
Jeffrey says
Dace says
At the same time send Hillary to Federal Prison.
Warren Moulton says
Watch out what you say about Obumer,those that do are being arrested and charged for Facebook post talking bad about him! If I have to say something good about him, I CAN’t find the words, cause there is nothing!!
Anthony says
Screw him, he installed muslims in the White House for an insidious plan. He is not incompetent but carrying out his plan to “Fundamentally change America” we had no clue what he was/is really up to. We will survive him, but stay locked and loaded and buy as much ammunition as possible.
SJ Jolly says
“Buy as much ammunition as possible.” Why? Planning a real-life version of the Olympus Has Fallen movie? FYI: The plot in the movie failed, even thought it had the (unlikely) help of the head of the Secret Service.
National_Nationalist_Lady says
Please believe that one. You better get guns because we are on the verge of a racial war.
Remember White Lives Matter too and Obama is a racial traitor and Donald J Trump is our only hope.
He came for one Purpose and that is to get rich and bring America down and the Americans who voted twice for him made it possible. THANK YOU ALL he will say after he is done.
Dutch says
Yes, Yes, YES! She should have been in prison a long, long time ago!
Chris says
Along with all of her and her husbands white water buddies.
PO'd Vet says
Use the secound round for her.
Rob says
No, Hillary should not go to any provision. She should have to go to gitmo and have a shared cell with her living husband Bill 23 hours a day.
She should be making gravel out of big rocks, which would be beneficial to her anyway, because maybe it would perk up those seriously sagging bombs.
In fact, the whole administration should spend the rest of their life in gitmo. No special privileges. Bread and weather diet!
I am very serious about this!
Don’t be so nasty.She is just a poor women with a wild going lover Husband.But do not like to see here and this Lover boy in the White House because one time Sex Scandal is enough.But we could build him a Fun House on the Lawn around the White House. with easy access.
Kenneth M Van Antwerp says
Gerald says
Agreed and Agreed
John says
I agree! It is way over due!
This fraud was a loser to begin with!
Robert Maynard says
Obama should have been impeached several years ago for violation of his oath of office, His entire goal is to bring the downfall of the United States of America.
Jeffrey says
Luanne says
Right On !!!!!
Bob says
Yes this is the answer. Trump will fix this mess.
A.J. says
Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus!
Jeannie says
I agree with you!! I look for Jesus everyday to come , but in the meantime let’s get Donald Trump in the Oval office!! I really think he is geniune in what he says. Pray for Donald that no one take a shot at him and keeps him safe!!
PO'd Vet says
Do you really think another egocentric, narcissistic, power-hungry bully is going to turn our seething cesspool of a government around? He’ just another king waiting to be coronated. Our only hope rests in the grace and mercy of the Lord. Pray harder.
Max Adair says
I agree with impeachment, but I feel that he never should have been elected in the first place. This just proves the power of network news and media. Look at the Liberal candidates today. One is ultra left-wing socialist, most likely a communist, the other is a socialist who doesn’t even know or admit it. Both want more taxes, less oversight by Congress, more power for the President and they will get it if they continue over-riding the Constitution. Clinton is a criminal and would have been in prison by now without the Presidential protection she is receiving. She is a liar and a traitor to our country.
dullblade12 says
true but nothing will ever come from it
Gerald says
If it wasn’t for on line, we wouldn’t hear any thing. The only thing you hear on news is police shoot a black man.To be fare they need to say how many white people are being shot. We dont hear any thing. Out of 300,000,000 people in the U.S. All they do is find that on black man was killed. Publish it all. How many people were shot white, black, asian, chinese, mexicans. Tell us all. But they dont because they want to create hatred among the different races. Focus on this shit so you wont see what is going on in our country.
It is still time to get him out.Get the move on.
Marilynn Reeves says
The sad truth is nobody in DC has the balls to do it. Why are they so affraid?
You have to understand that He is a member of the MINORITY and on Top he has Two Colors what is, I am sure, hi biggest Nightmare.
Paul Nix says
He should already have been IMPEACHED and forced to do hard labor for years….frickin fraud!!!!!!!
Ron says
kickbacks, payoffs and racial bias charges sound familiar? Afraid of a black backlash? Maybe it’s time! take their freebees away and see what happens.
Rob says
All this Freebees should have have stopped a long time ago.
Ron says
impeachment is a good start, then the traitor should be sent to GITMO with his brothers
paula says
Rebecca says
i wonder if any of you go for trump
Mark Davis says
As I’ve said since Jan. 2009! IMPEACH OBAMA NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hotnike says
Yew, NOW. TODAY! Congress, get of your butts.
Robert Dimmock says
The pres is a liar, He has lowered the power of our military and standing in the world. He has committed treason and should be punished.
Robert d says
Frankly I think that impeachment proceeding should take place. The purpose behind this would be to quantify and qualify the lies that he has told to the American public. I don’t believe that he is on America’s side–frankly. And, it will be interesting to see things as they develop during the impeachment process. But, let us make sure that the chain of command is in place and strong before the process begins.
OracleGuy says
Impeach Rep Nunes? I agree.
Rick Worthington says
I just have to say that your post, Elizabeth Valentino, (with which I agree with entrely, by the way) is one of the most well-written I have read on the Horn’s Comments Page, over the last few months. You obviously are well educated, since your grammar and spelling and also punctuation, are excellent. It’s a shame more folk do not write as well as you.
I would take a guess, that most don’t re-read that which they’ve written and correct their mistakes – or perhaps it is that they do not know how to! Whichever it is, many posts are so badly written it is not easy to even understand what it is that they’re trying to say, without re-reading them two or three times.
There’s only one question, why upper case (capitals to those who don’t know to what I’m referring.) when you write….it’s a form of “shouting.”
A.J. says
Maybe Liz is shouting, trying to be heard.
Josh says
What about W Bush? Shouldn’t he be impeached for lying and dragging this country into a senseless war for selfish interest? That’s what a country gets when a incompetent and C-grader is elected into office.
Luanne says
The prick or monkey or Muslim or Black ! What the hell is he anyway?
Christopher J. Pauli says
Give him a cigarette and put him against a wall!
Francis says
Good thought! Would love to be the one who offers him a smack filled cig.
Marie hoadley says
Send him to prison in till God sends him to h …
mike hunt says
a prick at least stands up to do its duty the right way.. not so oprickma!!!!!!!!!!
mrsh says
Impeach the muslim leader of the world! He is a muslim infiltrator that has infiltrated our highest office. Their m.o. is to lie, according to the demands of their own quran. If you were the leader of the muslims, wouldn’t you first bring all your muslim troops into the country you’re invading and feed/house them at the US taxpayer’s expense? Wouldn’t you direct the American military to focus on other inane subjects like he just did in telling our military to now “focus on Climate Change”? I mean- think about it- he is THEIR leader and our enemy. This is why he has so fervently dismantled our nation in every way possible and as quickly as possible. He established gay marriage, now transgender bathrooms in schools, made it a crime to say anything unfavorable about muslims, totally stacked our forces against Israel- the muslim’s FAVORITE thing- and refused to allow Christian Syrians in the whole time floods of Syrian muslims came in unchecked. He refused to call the muslim attacks on our people in our own country anything related to terrorism. Instead, he said what the muslim terrorists did in CA was a “gun issue and not a muslim issue.” That is something only a muslim infiltrator would do to our nation.
He should have been impeached LONG ago, and for so many other reasons, but hey- whatever works- just get him out before we see his last hoorah for whatever other horrible things he can think of to destroy us before he gets the boot out of the white house. This last stretch is what worries me the most anyway, in what will very likely be his last ditch and most extreme efforts to destroy as much as possible before he’s out……….YIKES!!! Impeach him before he can do anymore damage.
Francis says
Well said MRSH. Everyone I talk to believes the same exact things.
Put him to sleep with his un-American wife.
Dawid ben Haggai says
Don’t impeach the prick, impeach the pig instead.
karl says
don’t call him a PRICK ++++++ That is giving him a complement and that is a slap to the man, 🙂
The Redhawk says
Concetta says
And do it quickly!!!
docmeb says
I agree, do it or shut up. You hate people been after Obama since day one it gets old after so long of time. All the name calling don’t mean squat. Just shows how silly you are.
Doc says
I agree with the impeachment,but saying this intellegence cover up is worst than the iraq war is stupid.We lost over 3000 American soilders in Iraq.
Laura says
What did our “Representatives” think the outcome of LEGALLY USING PROPAGANDA to “win the war of the minds” of American’s-they were losing the information game! Then after several murders,illegal(or legal?)detention and false arrests of journalists,as well as an admitted by Hillary Clinton(hidden in her personal emails!)that there are “hit Squads” just waiting to carry out their every command…what was the expected outcome for us,the average USA citizen? Also,a big part of all this is the “divide and conquer” with race,religion,homosexuality,that in our inner circles,are not an issue to us,the average person. We know the govt is lying about EVERYTHING.
Jim says
Arrest hrc, bho and his entire cabinet for treason. Forget impeachment. U.S. Code › Title 18 › Part I › Chapter 115 › § 2381 Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
Cindy says
he’s not a prick, that would make him a man. he is walking rotting flesh.
Bill says
don’t impune the integrity of the prick. Go back on the body about 5″, and you would be much closer to what he really is, as what is floating around in the cesspool of VERMIN !!!
bill says
Impeach his whole body
CeltictotheBone says
Follow it with trial on treason charges. This unvetted scumbag, offspring of indeterminate parentage, heavily influenced by communist scum (bill ayers, valerie jarrett, “Reverend” jeremiah wright,, the list is endless) is the most frightening piece of human garbage ever to disgrace the office of POTUS.
Davo says
Yes!! Impeach the prick!!
anita says
Alan says
Obama is the agent of satan and the arab terrorist in chief and the stoopid sheeple believe every word. The US military takes an oath to defend the people and the Constitution from all enemies both foreign and domestic. So where are they? Do your job you cowards.
Bill Kay says
The government has been taken over all traitors should be frog marched to the Big house , and dealt with properly .
yes indeed he needs to be out
he is distroying the u s a
Francis says
Democrats and Republicans alike share in the shameful and disgusting non-commitment to remove him from office and the same goes for those in the House of Representatives.
Obama is an anti-American, lying flag burning, YES, check Snopes, both he and his anti-American wife loved Flag burning parties). He should be banished from America, sent adrift with his family in a leaky rubber raft starting from the middle of the Mediterranean Sea.
This Obama’nation has set all black men back a hundred years.
Goldenfoxx says
By the time you impeach, he’ll be long gone out of office. Congress does not have the back bone to impeach. That’s why Trump is running and that’s why I am voting for him.
Ed says
Get Jihad John out of the White House…
carlcasino says
Impeach ? Too much money involved. The corruption in DC has grown to cover even what some would call The Honest Politicians. I posit that in the 21st century electing Mr. Smith to Go to Washington is asking for the few Good Pol’s in the Den of Thieves to be Super Human. I am sitting at the device that can cure 90% of the corruption. Even GE cannot afford 540 Lobby’s to cover all the bases. If I could walk/drive to my Rep’s house I can assure you I will have more impact than calling, E-mailing would ever do. The three most expensive places to live in America would vanish and the local communities would flourish. Security you say? What Security I say? If the candidate for CIC can keep a private server in an outbuilding and the FBI cannot crack an I Phone “at this point , what difference does it make?” I heard that somewhere. At any rate the Power of the people will be determined this election cycle and business as usual will continue until Sharia visits your local BLM meeting.
Peter Joffe says
No do not impeach him. Sent him to Git mo where he can radicalize more of his radical Jihadis
Bruce Wood says
They should impeach and imprison and if Hillary becomes President she will nominate the prick to the supreme court. Now wouldn’t that be peachy?
Pat Travitz says
Is anyone Surprised??? If so, WHY?
Steve says
Congress has neither the balls or the will to do anything to upset the “First Black” prez. You can be assured the same will apply to Hilliary the “First Female” prez. “Let ’em eat cake.”
TRUMP 2016!
Roy Fredrichsen says
I have a better idea. Storm the Whitehouse, take O’Bummer out, tar and feather him like they used to do, and “ride him out of town on a rail”. The SOB has lied too often, ignored the Constitution, by-passed Congress too many times, and turned criminals loose to rape and kill honest, law-abiding citizens, and WE have a Congress that doesn’t
seem to care what he does. Not only does he want to close Guantamano, but give it back to Cuba. How much more of his pencil doodelings do we put up with?
Joe says
Ya Buddy !
Domenic says
Only Answer Donald Trump
Noreen Smith says
Obama should of been impeached A VERY LONG TIME AGO! He has been lying right along about everything!
Debby0808 says
None of this surprising. Our government has been hijacked since long before JFK. The only way to end it is to vote for candidate that does not have ties to the shadow government. Perhaps Bernie Sanders is that candidate, but Hillary Clinton is more the same.. just a continuation of Bush/Kissinger?Cheney.
sally furgerson says
So this is just showing us that the Congress and the GOV are so gutless that they sit back and let Obama destroy the uSA cause Obama will cry if they dont.. this is sickening of our GOV and dam I wish they could all be fired You took an oath to protect the USA not Obama the fake.. you are getting paid by the hard working ppl to protect our USA and instead you are sucker in to baby Obama? you are totally disgusting.
Bub says
And here I had been hearing over and over that all military personnel were heroes … Just like all little league players are winners and should get trophies, win or lose. No? Gee whiz…
carlcasino says
All Military are Hero’s? Less than 2% of the population is VOLUNTEERING to Give Every Thing so you can have your Starbucks ? That’s good enough for me even if the Volunteer just pushes paper. I am of course prejudiced since I donated 8 years of my Life and my wife & three children had to wear seconds so you could go the Mall. The upside is many of the folk like yourself could not qualify to put your ass on the line for your Nation and that’s a good thing.
Ron says
Sally, great and truthful comment!!!!!…..
Alan says
You are so right.
The Redhawk says
Steve says
Only one thing left, NO incumbent gets re-hired. That’s ‘re-elected’ to you edjumacatted coleadge peooples outs there!
TRUMP 2016! TRUMP 2016! TRUMP 2016! TRUMP 2016! TRUMP 2016!
John McDonald says
IMPEACH the Bastard !!! He has all but destroyed America as he has planned all along. Why should he get thru this term and live a life with America footing the bills while he horse laughs us with America taxpayers paying his retirement, housing, expenses and all the Secret service for life..
john bernardi says
To;john McDonald…..Agreed wholeheartedly….worse yet, this evil person wants to e on the supreme court next. Like you, I hate the thought of his being at the public trough the rest of his and her life!!! His personal staff, the Obama library, and so much more….Not being impeached should tell us not to vote for any incumbents of either side, AND make sure term limits for congress is approved or vote those assholes out as 1 term office holders…..etc. etc,, etc
Rob says
You are speaking to the choir.
Roy Fredrichsen says
Nah! He wants to be Secretary General of the United Nations. Somebody mentioned they might try to get him on the SUPREME COURT. Either one would be a disaster to the world. Maybe if we pray hard enough somebody might find a way for him to have a deadly accident which would solve many problems.
Roy Fredrichsen says
Remember when the House Of Reprsentatives tried to impeach Bill Clinton for a lot less than O’Bama has done, but obviously don’t have the guts to do. When I as in the Military, “Leading from behind” was defined as cowardice in the face of the enemy. O’BUMMER has certainly proved that to be a fact of his administration. And Congress is guilty of being an accompliss by letting him get away with it .He acts as if Air Force One is his private plane to take him to California or Hawaii to play golf because the Washington course has snow on the ground at $300,000 everytime the wheels leave the ground. Have you had enough of his screwing America yet?
robert ray says
Jail the S.O.B.!!!
PattieA says
I disagree with Robert Ray 500%. Put the SOB against the wall and exercise shooting practice on his Ba–s. That way we cure the problem.
micheal lewis says
you ignorant people didn’t think that Obama has been behind terrorism just in the near past. I thought that he was behind it all along,when he started to pull troops from Iraq, well that was the beginning….then if you needed more proof letting terrorist out of Gitmo was another and no upholding the law to stop illegal immigration into this country was another. letting the world know that you could just walk into the U.S. at anytime…this guy should have been impeached 3 to 5 years ago. Congress should be held responsible for letting all this happen
Laura Wiese says
Boy have you hit the nail on the head, the sooner he & Hillary are gone the sooner we can heal!
john bernardi says
I hope some patriot will come up with a solution to end their access to our national debt along with their access to the country’s financial trough. For what the Clintons and Obamas have done we as a country owe them nothing,,,
fr allan says
how soon can we get his records all open up
fr allan says
no one will answer
Roy Fredrichsen says
He probably had all of his records destroyed. That is why nobody can pin anything on him
about his past and association with Jeremiah Wright his Pastor for a number of years, or anything else.
brenda says
i agree he should have been impeached years ago and hillary should be behind bars not running for president they are both criminals and determined to destry our country before congress does anything about it. any other president would have been impeached and behind bars long ago.
Roy Fredrichsen says
Just remember when you go to the polls to vote, Hillary Clinton wants to continue where O’Bummer left off. They both set-up the present situations in the far east and Libya. They have gotten away without fulfilling their Constitutional duties while filling their pockets at the taxpayers expense. Foreign countries making “donations” to the Clinton Foundation while Hillary was Secretary of State using a private server to receive classified iformation and then lying “I never received any classified information”, “Benghazi attack was a spontaneous demonstration over a anti-muslim film”. All the while O’bummer ignored everything she was doing. And now SHE wants to be President to carry-on
his dirty work. Since when did we start letting the inmates run the Asylum?
Ron Daugherty says
I’ve been calling for and writing about Obama’s impeachment for three years! What in the hell is Congress waiting for? If any citizen did what Obama has done over and over, he/she would still be in prison…for years to come. Our country is a fraudulent embarrassment.
cliff says
Arrest, try, convict and hang. Along with all the others responsible for Treason against the Citizens Of this Great country.
Bruce says
In just 10 months the Donald will be president. He’ll make America great again. What the Hell are you worried about?
Dell says
the asswipe probably has a five gallon bucket list and a calendar marked for progress. get him and that biotch significant out.
john bernardi says
Bruce, I pray each night for you to be right Our country is tired of what is being done to it….we need to resurrect our founding fathers. We need to teach our children their stories so they can recognize what they did and how they were challenged to give us this great land…
Rob says
I am worried about the 200,000 Muslims he is bringing in this year. I am worried about the wide open Texas border. Then there is Obamas army black lives matter. Any one of these issues could cause civil unrest and he can employ martial law, cancelling all elections and having an indefinite term!
He needs to be stripped of all powers and arrested!
If a case is made before the American people, he won’t be able to make it look like a political hack job or against him because he is black.
He needs to go now!
National_Nationalist_Lady says
So get ready for a racial war and don’t be a coward. Get your guns ready White People. Don’t use the internet just for games and facebook.It was meant for research. Everyone knows that Blacks don’t like whites and there is more black on white crimes in the United States plus Black on Black crime and our prisons are full of these people. You can not rehabilitate them.
Get your guns ready. Let them take the first shot. They hate us.
Jeannie says
I have thought the same as you in that something will happen and he will call for martial law and all elections will be suspended.
He view’s himself as a king and can do anything he wants. Why not, congress doesn’t do anything to stop him.
I believe God is in control of everything, and Obama is in office now for a reason. He may never leave the Oval Office and become a dictator. Look at the sin this nations has committed. He may be in office to punish us for all the filth this nation allows. I am praying he leaves office when his term is up. This nation is on the verge of collapse because of his policies. I pray every night that God will forgive our nation of it’s sin, and give us another chance to get back to our moral and ethical values this nation was founded upon. We should all pray that prayer . I am praying for a president that can’t be bought and has a great love for this country. I am going to vote for Donald Trump in hopes he is that person.
john bernardi says
Amen….Cliff, but we need the attorney general on our side…
anita says
Nora Tullis says
Impeach Obama Now Before he totally destroys America
Melanie Burns says
He will go down in History as THE WORST president in US! lying sack of trash! Time to take him to curb and let the garbage men take him away…..far, far away!
Zachary says
Impeach this pussycat. He nothing then a PUSSYCAT!
fuck this pussycat.
John says
Impeachment is too good. Clinton was impeached but how would anyone know???
john bernardi says
Lets get reading and writing and history and civics back in the classroom…
robert barnes says
Faire all the communist teachers. And out law and disband all goverenment employe unions
anita says
Terry says
YES….by all means, IMPEACH the PIECE of S–T!!!!!!!!!
anita says
sheepdog says
Malfeasance such as this is a common occurrence in virtually all matters concerning our federal government. So what! Is anyone naive enough to believe anything will be done to correct what appears to be business as usual? With over 21 million employees in federal government, 10,000 making over $150,000 per year, coupled with the 40% or more of the population paying no taxes and living off the largess of the government who is actually stupid enough to believe anything will change prior to the collapse of the country?
Rick Worthington says
Now here’s someone who obviously knows what he’s talking about! Sheepdog – you gotta it right, Dude!
Everybody – yuall sit up and take notice, This guy knows what he’s sayin’ !
Mark Vocci says
It’s like Deja Vu.
The credibility gap all over again. The government is lying about how well the war on terror is going.
Brings back memories of Viet Nam.
Main Street says
Ryan and McConnell don’t care. They are more concerned with fighting Trump and trying to save the status quo.
C Williams says
Wouldn’t expect anything less from this President and his Administration; built on lies and misinformation purposefully to deceive and bring their ‘Change’ to America. They have intentionally and repeatedly acted to undermine our Military; war fighters who daily do their best to defeat an enemy the White House appears to be aiding and abetting. Shameful acts by a deceitful, America hating Administration who prefer following the writings of Alinsky rather than actual reports from our Intelligence community and our proven Military leaders. Impeachment is not harsh enough!
Beatrice Skaggs says
Bea Skaggs. yes impeach him should have all ready been done. Guess we have a bunch of people in office that don’t have a backbone or they would be listen to we the people that put them in office. But not one of them will get my vote again. Or any one the listen won’t vote for them again.
Jim says
What else can you expect from a person, not a United States Citizen, who hates the United States, and who has and is doing everything in his power to destroy the United States? This is just another instance of his treasonous activity for which he should have been held accountable years ago. However, he is not alone to blame. There have been many politicians who have been elected to office on their express promise to the American People that they would put a stop to Mr. Obama’s, or whoever he really is, illegal activity that is destroying our country, but none of them have done anything. It is time to clean out the vermin in our government. There are to many, Obama, Clinton, Holder, and many others who should be in prison by now for their illegal and un-American activities committed while under oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and the People of the United States against all enemies. I think that they must be part of the “all enemies” they were supposed to protect us from.
David Croxton says
Rosie says
Amen, amen, all true. Trump 2016
Flo Cano says
I agree. I think the problem is that if we impeach him, we will have a Civil War and Congress knows this. I agree that Obama is not an American. He was elected because he is Black and favored abortion and also Gay rights. That is how he won. We have ourselves to blame for the mentality of the people who voted him in. Why is abortion legal? why isn’t a helpless babies life not important to us. As far as the Gay population goes. They should have the right to live the way they chose, but Marriage? that is not right. I think if they want to have that lifestyle call it Gay Union not Gay marriage. As far as Obama goes it is to late to impeach him he has 10 months left. Just tie his hands and don’t let him do anything more. Keep him out of the Supreme Court. Prove he is not an American and get him the hell out of here. We have to fear the mentality of the people who will vote for Hillary just because they want to elect the first women president. God help us no one votes just for what the person stands for anymore. I would have voted for Ben Carson. He’s Black. I’m not a bigot. I try to use my intelligience to vote. I don’t think too many people do. That’s the problem. I’m 81 yrs old and I love my country and what it stands for. Lets save our values and save our Constitution.
robert barnes says
There should not be any queers working in any goverenment jobs ever. They are mental defectives
David Croxton says
We all figured this would come up. I think this country is ready for a very drastic change. It’s time for the President to be straightforward with the American people. I think Trump will fit the bill. Anything Obama would do or say would not surprise me. It’s really hard for me to believe that Obama was elected for two terms. Wasn’t one too many??? I just hope he has not done too much damage to the country and does no more before he leaves. Impeachment could speed up his exit, but probably not enough time now. Too bad about that.
Terry says
Impeach him, then send him and his co-hort to prison for a long time!!!
Richard C. Salmon says
put him in Gitmo until the ISIS issue is wiped out
then bring him back to the US and indict him for ALL the illegal actions he took while in the office of president
starting with Benghazi
then put him is a cell next to Hillary
BJ says
Is anyone surprised by this? This administration has planted kisses on the rears of more people than any in history. Our illustrious commander in chief is a total wimp. He spends way too much time worrying about not offending anyone and taking extremely expensive vacations and trips for no political gain.
I just hope and pray that Billary will not be elected to continue this idiocy. But then…..”What does it matter?”
Roger says
Add this to the collection of Obama’s “impeachable offenses” over his 7 1/2 years of leading our country into the toilet in every way possible!
Unfortunately it would take so long to impeach the bastard now, he would be out of office by the time it’s over. Even if the Congress had impeached him early on, that doesn’t mean he has to leave office. Remember Billy-Bob Clinton was impeached and it didn’t hurt him one bit.
Santina Wilken says
This crook needs to go NOW along with That Clinton B…H!!!!!!!
James Pearce says
The GOP has been sitting on this for years. I’m so sick of hearing about impeach Obama. We gave the Republicans what they whinned about but they have done nothing. It’s time to put on your big boy and girl underware on and do what is necessary. Impeach Obumer and execute him for treason along with other members of the administration involved wilfully.
Bob says
How stupid the citizens of this country to believe this smooth talking liar. His credentials for holding this office are still very questionable. We have seen his strong leanings toward Islam, and socialism. He should have been replaced 1n 2012, or impeached for crimes against the Citizens of the U.S.
M. E. Thomas says
Obama has been lying to the American people before and since his elections. The American people know it, the media knows it, government agencies know it, congressional representatives know it, but nothing is done to stop Obama. Our political representatives don’t listen to the American people. They have their own agenda just like Obama. Obama is aiding an abiding our enemies with every foreign policy move and now through intelligence reports making this country and American Citizens less safe and more vulnerable to terrorism. Obama should be tried for treason and high crimes. He should at least be sentenced to life in prison or leave the sentence decision to the families that have lost loved ones due to Obama’s agenda.
Zachary says
He has gone way to far
Mole says
Write your congressman. Ask for articles of impeachment to be filed. If no response, vote them out????????.
Frank Conover says
Nothing will be done to this Muslim bitch Obama. You can count on that.
Robert says
Please do not leave my full name on my post, for security reasons. Thanks
Fr. Tom says
Let justice continue to proceed and if the these charges are found true proceed with impeachment process against Obama ASAP.
Also, continue to pray for our nation that it will be deliver from all it’s enemies for foreign and domestic.
Wendy Luckie says
He NEEDS IMPEACHMENT but will never happen as he’s terrified the geldings in congress, Extreme ct. And mostly ALL unblack Americans. As soon as ANYONE says ANYTHING the PC POLICE deem RASCIST, you’re labeled just that. Dr. Carson said it right. Hussein was reared WHITE by the white folks he’s half of. He can’t relate to the American black experience. Then learned how to REALLY hate in a madrasa. So Hussein will forge to the finish line. Only hope the history books could tell the truth. We will probably be a socialist country by then though. Never mind.
PatriotForever says
King CamelDung is an HABITUAL LIAR and it’s an amazing thing to understand that “HE IS ALLOWED” He is allowed to get away with it. Imagine that people are afraid? Really? Afraid as in the 225 dead people now in the ground by the Clinton administration? How about the threats to their families? Isn’t that impeachable? We have TOLERATED THIS ATTACK, this internal attack and sabotage from the ENEMY for 7 long tedious years and none have enough courage or brains or character to stand up to the tyranny of ISLAM, the Progressive left and the immoral puke allowed to punish the American citizen. Lying is nothing new and as long as he takes a breathe, he will lie.
RE says
What we have to know is an Arabic word: Taqiyyah, as per ‘Sharia Law’…. that it is okay to lie as long as it furthers the Islamic Agenda, known as (Lying for Allah)!! You will also find this in the Quran. That is pretty much sums it up the bH0 is a muslim. As far as doing anything to Impeach bH0…as agreed to by many…it would be hard to do now in the months left….but, He should definitely be brought to trail for all the Moral decay, Destruction and all the breaching and shredding of our Constitution…by his Unconstitutional Executive Orders, he has and will spend this next 7 months in the WH doing everything to try and finish his destruction to the what is left of this proud Nation…. rest assured, IF bH0 is not removed by man’s Laws, he will be removed by the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob!! G-d does not deal lightly with someone in power like bH0 and his evil cohorts and He will remove him and do a swifter and better job than any one human being!! IF G-d would destroy Sodom and Gomorrah for it’s shameful sins, don’t think for one moment that, that same G-d won’t destroy bH0, his cohorts and a Nation in which so many have turned from Him and are sinning in disgusting ways that G-d has deemed as an Abomination in the W-rd of G-d. Wake Up America!! This so called leader in the WH has put many of these abominations into place during his 7 yrs… His plans for this nation, you and I know are not what the is pleasing to G-d Almighty and certainly not to many of its citizenry!! May G-d help us all before it is too late!!
Bob Cullen says
I can’t add any more…..agree with all of you. I had hoped our FBI / CIA would step up and do their job…….but dealing with pure EVIL has a different set of rules evidently…..I hope the USA survives.
mike smith says
which branch of the American secret service has a muslim in charge ,previous a Christian and converted when I was working in Saudi arabia ,check this out and then look at all the muslims surrounding the politicians in administrative positions , if I were American I would be frightened of what your future beholds for you when Obama came to power it was proven he was Kenyan and was entitled to a british passport I said he would not be alive after 1 year , it cost me a bottle of whiskey on the bet ,
Jerry says
The Republicans have no strength, They would rather give in and wait for the next election and hope, and keep putting up their 2nd rate Political establishment, Like Rubio, Bush, Cruz. That’s why I’m for Trump
wilbert jennings says
Any president caught doing Nixon, should be brought to justice. Bush or obama should be accountable when lying to those that elected them to defend the country they represent. Why even suggest impeachment, when you know it won’t happen, look at Clinton he was impeached but Bush pardoned him. Bill Cosby, guilty or innocent is going to trial, Bill Clinton accused as a rapist as governor and an adulterer as President no problem. How does anyone that has been disbarred for wrongdoing go on to become President. Marion Berry caught smoking crack/cocaine and with a hooker goes to jail and the voters reelect him and when he is caught again breaking the law he is allowed to set on the board. Hillary turned her back on Americans in Benghazi , and accepted donations from the enemy and leaked classified information through her email and people are wanting to place her in the Presidency simply because she is a women. You see what placing obama in the presidency because he looked black got us.
Buster says
Congress has been held captive by the color of Obama’s skin. They are afraid to impeach him cause they fear an uprising by the black community. Obama IS a terrorist and has been since 2008 when he was first elected. Even earlier when he was a Senator. He has been a plant by the communists from the beginning and has been groomed by the radical Muslims. Make no mistake, Obama is a Muslim terrorist. Congress should impeach this disgrace of a president. He makes enemies of our greatest allies, Israel. Israel know more about the threats of ISIS and all terrorist groups than any in the world. Why wouldn’t they? They live in the den with the scum. He caved to Iran. Gave them cart blanch to build a nuclear bomb. And, gave them billions of dollars to support terrorism. He is not a US citizen. He has never been able to prove he is. He has done everything to skirt around the Constitution which he took an oath to uphold. And, this isn’t the only lie he has told the American people. Congress, wake up! Impeach this lawless person that should NOT be president.
Wanga D. Ezell says
I have been saying and posting for the last 2 to 3 years he needed to be impeached. When he was elected I said give the man a chance, he could do a great job. Well he has had his chance time and time again and he has proven to be one BIG CLUSTER F—
Under his leadership, we are in more debt than ever. If we are able to dig out from under what he has done it will be by the hand of GOD not by the hand of a muslem. He has destoryed our trust and alliance with world leaders and the GREAT UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, under his poor or lack of leadership, has been a total faliure.
Ellis says
There is nothing but lies from this president, including his faith click below
Rebel says
Obama need to be more then impeach did to him if he was white it would be
rodger says
impeach him even if it on his last day in office, other wise he might flee the country, to a country than can not or will not send him back, he uses the same tactics that fbi j edgar hoover used on many, blackmail, bullying , intimidation. he has the senate an the congress by the balls, with dirty laundry, that is ways he has skated by for so long. not being impeached
Frank W Brown says
And this POS potus hasn’t been impeached yet WHY???
Paul Nordin says
I have not yet seen any proof that Obama has directed his officers to falsify information. But it is obvious that our government needs to be rebooted and honest people elected. We as a people need to eliminate all political shenanigans (e.g., gerrymandering, large campaign contributions, etc.). And very importantly, insist that Congress balance the annual budgets and include meaningful National Debt reductions each year. And that can be done with elected officials that are honest.
joe says
Zachary says
Okay I don’t get this funking son of a bitch.he is lieing to us and is supporting Isis and is funding our money to Isis and this has to stop. he is throwing us into a dich and he is turning his back on his people and he dose not care about us like Adlof Hitlir. Obama is working the work of Satan. and he has no right to appoint a justice to the superm court he has the right to remain silent only the people have the authority to elect someone to the Supreme Court not the President but the people. the people elected the president and they easily impeach a is not the presidents will it is the power of the people. The people should decide who is the next justice in the Supreme Court.
SUE says
Bruce says
As much as I agree with everyone above, no one has the balls to go forward with impeachment and that’s because he’s the first black president and the p.c. Police will somehow get their two cents into it… and as someone else mentioned, he must have something on these politicians that keeps him in office.
Tsar Peter Rex says
As much as impeachment is needed………..we don’t have the 60 votes in the Senate, and the length of time involved means Obama can just play out the clock. Sad, but true.
The only hope we had in fixing this fraud and getting rid of him was a military intervention. A coup d etat, but Obama kicked out any of the military with guts, and put in place lapdogs and sniveling poltroons like himself at the Dept of Defense, run by Alinskyite commies like himself. We focus on DOJ as being ruined, and an arm of radical leftists, but Obama sprinkled enough of his kind at DOD to leave a rotten stink.
Paul Nordin says
Please, let’s all pull together and fix our great nation. As an example of a great nation, can you imagine 50 states in the Middle East uniting to form a country? And we have lots of different religions who don’t agree but who do not get guns and fight each other. And let’s keep our disagreements to friendly discussions. We are all human beings with differing opinions. It is a natural thing to have such a situation. Live with it !
Shiree says
We can’t fix our nation when you have people in office that are against us. I would love to work things out like adults but we have so many liars in office we are stuck for now. Just a little while longer folks and it will be over.
Shiree says
Trump has balls to stand against them. Let him in to find out. He will get rid of the people in office just drawing pay checks not doing their jobs and the liars too. I love how Trump is so out spoken, he tells it like it is. And Hillary don’t even get me started about this lying bitch. I just can’t believe all the lies she gets away with, and voters still love her WTF is wrong with people?
Larry says
I doubt that Obama will be impeached, which he should have been years ago, nor will Hilary Clinton be brought up on charges for Bengazzi ore-mails. All smoke and mirrors. Very few politicians are serious about our security of the constitution.
Shiree says
Amen to that sir!
Robert E. Luquer says
Oh my, “shit for brains”, Obama caught again using the intelligence facilities of the United States to put out false information for The American people. How interesting, this black hero using lies and false intelligence reports to make his political farse stand the test of truth. As usual, he has failed again. For a man who is supposed to be so smart he sure comes down as the dumbest President of the U S and a liar to boot ever to sit in the office. The man is a disgrace and it is time for us to do something about this lying idiot. Stupid is as stupid does and Obama is STUPID.
Shiree says
Agree 100% with you Mr. Luquer.
Della says
Do you think Obama is the first president who has suppressed information?? What about that out-and-out liar Dubya who destabilized the whole middle east by meddling for god knows what purpose — money for his evil elites and power over a culture he had no way of controlling, paid for by many human lives, many our own?? It has been going on forever. Everyone has been whipped up into hysteria about terrorism. Stop listening to mass media, they just want to keep everybody in a state of fear so they can be more easily manipulated into mass surveillance, militarized police, endless war, and spying on harmless citizens. This did not begin with Obama, and it will not end with the end of his term.
Larry says
Tell me, what is the differance between Obummer the dictator and the Lybian Rat who was brought down by the people of lybia. When the establishment is even told to produce evidence which shows the wrong known data, Why do we keep praising the perp who is doing the illegal pressure? This admistration has done this from his first political speach?
Matthew says
This is just yet another crazy thing that 0bama is doing, he thinks he can get away with anything. How long will America keep on disrespect itself with such a bad leader?
David Carr says
Wake up America! Obama is wrecking our country by giving to terrorist nations and groups billions of our dollars. We are not fighting terrorism but rather supporting it. Has Obama ever legally proved he is a citizen of the USA? So why the cover up when he produced a false birth certificate? You voted this Arab into our White House just to kill Americans. What is wrong with you don’t you read at all?
National_Nationalist_Lady says
Obama’s real father is Frank Marshall Davis. His mother was three months pregnant with him and she was not legally married to Senior Obama as he was married to his first wife. She was not old enough to confer American Citizenship on Obama at the of his birth. Anne Durham was the only one who signed his birth certificate.
David Dutra says
Impeach the the freak boy this guy is doing so many wrong things to the country. I can understand why they are so fearful of this guy. he is good at killing. he is a thug. He is a plant put in power to ruin this country. and I feel that he also will put out a hit on anyone he wants out of the way. I do not care for myself I love what is left of our country. as a young kid I joined the marine corps to fight for this country, right or wrong, I took a stand. I have paid the price with pain and blood. and the loss of real good men that were way better than me. I am here they are gone. I have to fight on in my old age. I have to live on. I have been homeless I have gone with out food for days, I have worked and paid my way all this time now that I am old they make me feel guilty cause I get a social security check.
A.J. says
Thank you for your service, sir.
Steve W says
This has been going on forever. Recall the daily body counts during Vietnam were inflated to make it look better for the public. I am certainly not an Obama supporter. Indeed will not vote for Hillary or Bernie. Still, have to be fair and make this point. It is an institutional bias that affects the Warfighter’s reports, particularly when the Administration’s bias is understood and then taken into account in reporting.
Z. Josie Stevenson says
Madeline says
I blame all the news reporters and all the politicians for letting Obama the Muslim destroy this country.
He will get away with all kinds of illegal tricks and the Dems and Reps will let him get away with more illegal programs.,
Then he can retire and go to join his Muslims buddies in the Middle East and make him a leader over there.
Everyone knew he was a Muslim but did nothing about it. Everyone acts as if they never knew what he was doing,
especially the news media like MSNBC, they lie for him and I wonder what they will get in return.
This so called Man should be impeached now, no matter how long it takes.
Alean says
We don’t know the half of the crimes against America obama has committed. because the Media doesn’t give us the real news. Speaking of the Media why are we allowing them to select our next President ? They don’t cover Ted Cruz they are pushing Rubio because Ted Cruz tells the Truth and doesn’t let them control him. Same with the Washington Cartel they should be behind Cruz not Rubio, Cruz is the person that has stood up to his own party for not doing what they said they would do if we elected them, Cruz has lead the fight against the people that wanted to take way our second amendment, Cruz lead the fight against killing Babies, He was the one that lead the fight against open borders. Did the Media stand up for Cruz when the two liars accused Ted of lying? No they printed it as if it were true.”we the People ” are going to lose our country if We do not take back control of who will be our next President.
Ret Vet says
We know he needs to go. Apparently the leadership of the intel communites do too! They should have their subordinates back on the reporting. I was in for 28 years and I’d never have let my men or women get coerced into fraudulent statements. I’d have called for a Congressional investigation immediately! Where was the republican leadership?…. under the direction of a lame McConnel! This jerk wont open his mouth unless it benefits him. DC needs cleaned out and we sure as hell dont need more like Rubio or Cruz who are truly in it for themselves! Trump is the only one that intimidates both parties….. he know whats going on up there. I’m sick of the BS and games. Go see ’13 Hours’…. the whole of our government was at fault. Clinton should be exiled after her prison term!
Anthony says
I agree 110%, and my branch say’s SEMPER FI!!
A.J. says
Thank you for your service, sir.
A.J. says
Thank you for your service, sir.
paula says
Thomas E Stanley says
Oh Sure! Let’s spend BILLIONS of dollars to impeach a fool who should have never been elected, much less a second time. Impeachment is a long process process that takes over a year. Do you want him to hang around? You elected the degenerate now you need to put up with his BS.
Gary Cecil says
Him being elected for a second time, that, my friend, is the most damning of all. It shows the political intellect of the average American voter. Can you say SCAREY
Jeannie says
I believe he was elected by something like 95-96% of the blacks in U.S. After the first term I just knew he would not get elelcted aqain. Wow, was I wrong. The same blacks elected him again along with a lot of white liberals. I hope the voters have finally learned to know more about the person they are voting for. Hillary is counting on the women to get her elected. I believe she has overestimated the voters this time around. We can’t afford another democrat in the Oval Office again! I am couting on Donald Trump to straighten out some of the stuff Obama has done and undo it.
He is our only hope at this point. I think he truly loves America and wants to “Make America Great Again” . You see if this nation goes down he also goes down with it. i believe he can do something to fix America, or at least he will try.Trump still has to deal with our stupid Congress. Maybe if he gets in office, he can help the Congress to do what is right for America , and not just line their pockerts with the hard earned money of the taxpayers.
Kimberly Thompson says
Agree, agree, agree….I have read that the process needed to be done is that barry soetoro, aka “barack Obama” is a muslim plant & puppet by George soros and the united nations to destroy our Great America and that since barry soetoro–an Indonesian citizen, student-visa-overstaye, is not an American citizen therefore definitely not the President of these United States he needs to be charged with crimes against America as a foreign dissident or something like that. he most definitely is an enemy of the United States, an America and freedom-hater….the Holy Bible states, “that the love of money is the root of all evil.”, don’t know if the love of money or dark threats towards family members’ of Americas’ Law Enforcement professionals or blind stupidity is behind all the fear of nobama, George soros, etc….that ensures silence & cooperation with these forces of evil that only appear to have a hold of America? Stand strong true Americans, God Almighty Is still On His Throne and hold fast staying true to God & America the Beautiful, pray for America , “Fear The Lord, depart from evil”, He Will Deliver us in His Time.
Jeannie says
LARRY says
Ride Along says
White’s complainting about being lie to and you don’t have the facts only to hear it else were. Black folks been lie to for decades, murder, hung, mistreated, jailed without no reason. Guess what you so call white folks, time is changing and this country the US of A is about to tell the whole true history of this country. When things don’t go your way as white’s you start making up stuff that is not true to benefit yourselves. Everything got to be white. When the country elected a black man in office the first thing white folks did was try to bash him from day one up til now. White’s what this country to be lilly white. That will never happen. You guys did not fine this country, you guys stole this country. If anybody is going somewhere you white folks need to carry yourselves back to Europe….. All these laws were put in place for the white people to benefit them. When the Constitution was written it said we the people meaning white folks only. That’s why there is so much hatred and racist among white folks, they don’t like change they want to stay in control.
Nomadr says
Ride Along, first of all I am Native American, and I am so tired of black people crying about racism when you are the ones who segregate yourselves in poor communities, then cry about inequality and racism, when your are the ones keeping yourselves down!
Get out, get a job, prove your worth, work your way up and make something of yourself! That’s up to you, not the “white man” or anybody else! President Obama proved that! By the way sense black people are only about 14 percent of the U.S. population, do you really think that if black people would’ve been the only ones to vote for him that he would’ve ever been elected? I don’t think so!
Also if you go to youtube and look up blacks against Obama, you’ll see that it’s not just “Whites” that have a problem with him, it’s his own people from Chicago, “his own State” that knew him before he was elected, and knew that he would destroy this country. P.S.
just in case you didn’t know, slavery and segregation has been abolished/outlawed in the U.S. Your ancestors and mine fought and died so that you could be free, your comments disgrace those who fought and died for you!
rich says
Every says [impeach him.] NO NO NO. He must be forced to RESIGN .To impeach him and all the laws he put in place will STAY LAWS RESIGN, and those laws GO AWAY.
Gary Cecil says
Lest should we forget, Americans elected him BOTH times. That is the most abhorrent statistic of all
outlawliberalism says
I’ve been saying from day one of this monster being elected that his goal is WWIII and us being hit with at least one nuke. People are absolutely clueless of what we are facing. Impeachment process takes over a year so that’s out and he knows it. Check out this supplier to the U.S. military, their population forecast for the U.S. by 2025, we go from 319 million to just 65 million. If you think things are going great, you are obviously a clueless liberal. If we don’t rise against this we are doomed, our forefathers would have been firing long long ago.
Gary Cecil says
Him being elected for a second time, that, my friends, is the most damning of all. It shows the political intellect of the average American voter. Can you say SCARY!
cliff says
He wasn’t really “elected” he was shoved down our throats by hacked voting machines (incidentally owned by Soros’ Company) Dead people, Illegal voters, suppressed military votes, multiple votes, and God knows who/what else.
How do you explain more votes than voters?? Over 100% in some districts. I guess our “people in power” just could not see what we “common” Americans witnessed.
robert barnes says
To defend the constitution of the united states against all enemies foreign and demostic. The oath of the US Mlitary. The Joint Cheifs have a duty to arrest and imprison this Piease of Shit foreign agent Obama NOW
And all the colabrators and conspirators NOW
I as a USAF veteren demand the JOINT CHEIFS too take action NOW.
A.J. says
Thank you for your service, sir.
rodney says
Up his nose with an ice pick. imprison for treason, Call it what it is. TREASON! punishable by death by hanging! it’s time to take the gloves off and be mean and vicious just like him and that IT who lives with him posing as a woman. She DOES look like something other than a human female. the reporter was right.
Anthony says
So sad, he fooled the democrats and minorities into thinking he was on their side!, now the TRUE American People will be paying for it’s very High security for “it’s” life. Stupid people who voted it in the second term just they thought he was a “Black American”, it fooled the you-know-what out of y’all for “Eight +Year’s!!!” Plus those people in Illinois, while he was in a state office up there!!!
John Armstrong says
Honestly, does anyone think Obama will be impeached over this issue or even charged criminally? If so, I have a bridge in New York that I want to sell you. As much as many of us would like to see this happen, it won’t and I don’t understand why The Horn continues to write wishful thinking articles like this piece. It’s time to go on to other fish to fry with more meaningful and substantive articles. If it happens, I will retract this posting and admit I am totally wrong. But, I don’t think that’s gonna happen. What say you?
outlawliberalism says
Lincoln was warned, blacks can not live peacefully along side whites. It’s pretty obvious they were on to something.
Ken says
You saw what happened in Ferguson when 1 black was killed by a white cop. What do you think would happen if you tried to impeach their KING???
Charlotte jones says
I fear we will never be able to trust a United States president. Our country just keeps getting worse and worse off. When we can’t even say one nation under God anymore in school it’s pitiful. For every step forward we make we make 10 steps backward. I only hope and pray that maybe Trump can help. I surely don’t think he can do worse than Obama. At least he’s not a traitor.
mike says
The problem with inpeaching Obama is our system is to slow. The millitary need to take care of it under the UCMJ they could take him out of office today and have a court marshal on monday and in prison by wednesday making little rocks out of big rocks for the rest of his life if not shot for what he has done,but I am not sure Hillary comes under the UCMJ.
ed says
if congress and senate does not impeach Barack Hossein Obama after this scandal, I believe
that they are also part of the problem, IMPEACH OBAMA NOW , before he keeps doing damage to the country
and the american people, I am a democrat that will not vote for any democratic nominee .
Terry says
Is impeachment too good for O? I thought a firing squad was used as punishment forr treason? IMO O deserted his post as C in C during the Benghazi event. Plus no explanation has even been given as to why we were attacked? Was some sort of fast furious gun running operation going on? Probably by Holder and not Bush. But authorized by O for some Islamic faction?
Actually, how about the bombing of ISIS positions in Iraq? I have long thought the bombing in Iraq was actually just bombing of sand dunes in the desert with zero impact. Also the reporting of our activities in Iraq vs isis have been suspicious IMO. In VN were used to hear about all the body bags, the press welcomed our landing party in Somalia, And Obama had the audacity to claim he was bombing Libya because the arab league asked for his help–or was it they told him to bomb? In other words, the level of reporting of our military activities has been significantly of lower grade then previous reporting of military activity? It is possible all of it is just fabrication because we were actually doing nothing at all?? Is this admin’s main policy the 3 D’s? Deception, Deviousness and Dishonesty? Plus FDR packed the SC to get his way. Has the WH been packed with mulims or Islamic sympathizers to “convert” ,us to an Islamic state?
Paulina says
I. Am. So. Proud. Of. My. Fellow. AMERICAN. CITIZENS. Who. Have. Voiced. Their. Awareness. To. The. truth. Listed. On. This. Site…..stay. Alert. & b. BOLD,,COURAGEOUS…..this. Will. HELP…..MAKE. AMERICA. GREAT. AGAIN. …
Ginger says
Impeachment in the only thing that will save this country!
Dennis Woodhull, Sr. says
Just take that pos and shoot him. No trial necessary as he’s not even an American citizen. He’s a fraud that had ALL of his records locked down to prevent discovery of what ?? What is he hiding that would be so detrimental to him ? Word has it he spent over a million bucks to make sure no one could access this info…kinda interesting to find out what it is hey ??
William Gardner says
Mr Trump will not be empowered by these corrupt individuals,
I hope Mr Obama will be impeached before the end of his term.
Mr Obama will go down in history as being the worst President ever.
It is a shame that Mr Obama was not impeached years ago, I guess money and corruption is to blame.
robert says
are you really surprised obama is a liar his mouth is moving he is lying just that simple. what has he told the truth about….only the week minded believe his bull shit….. obama should be impeached…. Hillary for prison 2016 obama her cell mate
Franklin Hagedorn says
It is time to Get OBAMA OUT BY IMPEACHMENT, It has been a disgrace to the American, constitution, It is TIME TO GET HIM OUT NOW IMPEACH , HIM NOW. Get this country back to the good old ways.
Jay Bell says
I am not interested in defending him but I have to say that he didn’t do anything different from what LBJ and company did during the Vietnam War. It is an election year and Obama is a lame duck. The ire is wasted on him–the energy needs to be focused on Clinton and keeping her from getting elected. Hopefully, the DoJ will be permitted to do their jobs and indict her for gross security violations. After what she has done, it is difficult to see how she would ever get a security clearance as President–and without that, how could she be President? Just the thought of her becoming the next President is nauseating.
Here is a list of her “accomplishments”
When President Clinton gave Hillary authority over selecting a female attorney general. Her first two selections were Zoe Baird and Kimba Wood – both were forced to withdraw their names from consideration (that’s how terrible they were). Next she chose Janet Reno – husband Bill, later described Reno’s selection as “my worst mistake.” Some may not remember that Reno made the decision to gas David Koresh and the Branch Davidian religious sect in Waco, Texas resulting in dozens of deaths of women and children. I guess Reno was trying to show how tough she was–like Hillary under “Bosnian Sniper Fire”?
Next, Bill allowed his “co-President,” Hillary to make recommendations for the head of the Civil Rights Commission. Lani Guanier was her selection. When a little probing led to the discovery of Ms. Guanier’s extremely radical views, her name had to be withdrawn from consideration.
Apparently a slow learner, husband Bill allowed Hillary to make some more recommendations. She chose former law partners Web Hubbel for the Justice Department, Vince Foster for the White House staff, and William Kennedy for the Treasury Department. Her selections went well: Hubbel went to prison, Foster (presumably) committed suicide by shooting himself in the back of the head–twice, and Kennedy was forced to resign.
Many younger voters will have no knowledge of “Travelgate.” Hillary wanted to award travel contracts on a “no bid” basis (contrary to government regulations) to Clinton friend, Harry Thompson. The White House Travel Office refused to comply She managed to have them reported to the FBI, for supposed “violations” and then they were fired. This ruined their reputations, and caused a thirty-six month investigation. Only one employee, Billy Dale was charged with any crime, and that of the enormous crime of inadvertently mixing personal and a small amount of White House funds on an expense form. A jury acquitted him of any crime in less than two hours. The others were exonerated but that didn’t get them their jobs back.
Still not convinced of her ineptitude, Hillary was allowed to recommend a close Clinton friend, Craig Livingstone, for the position of Director of White House security. Livingstone was subsequently investigated for the improper access of about 900 FBI files of Clinton enemies (the so-called “Filegate” debacle) and the use of illicit drugs. Suddenly Hillary and the President denied even knowing Livingstone, at all, previous to his White House employment– and of course, they denied knowledge of any drug use in the White House. Following this farce, the FBI closed its White House Liaison Office–after more than thirty years of service to seven presidents.
Next, when women started coming forward with allegations of sexual harassment and rape by Bill Clinton, Hillary was put in charge of the “bimbo eruption” and scandal defense. Some of her more notable decisions in the debacle were:
* She urged her husband not to settle the Paula Jones lawsuit. After the Starr investigation they settled with Ms. Jones.
* She refused to release the Whitewater documents, which led to the appointment of Ken Starr as Special Prosecutor. After $80 million Dollars of taxpayer money was spent, Starr’s investigation led to Monica Lewinsky, which led to Bill lying about and later admitting his affairs.
* Hillary’s devious game plan resulted in Bill losing his license to practice law for lying under oath to a grand jury and then his subsequent impeachment by the House of Representatives.
* Hillary avoided indictment for perjury and obstruction of justice during the Starr investigation by repeating, “I do not recall,” “I have no recollection,” and “I don’t know” a total of 56 times while under oath.
* After leaving the White House, Hillary was forced to return an estimated $200,000 in White House furniture, China , and artwork that she had stolen. The high quality silver flatware from the State dining room was never returned.
Are we really ready for another four or eight years of this mess?
Now we are exposed to: the destruction of possibly incriminating e-mails while Hillary was Secretary of State and the “pay to play” schemes of the Clinton Foundation – we have no idea what shoe will fall next. But to her loyal fans – “what difference does it make?”
Jay Bell says
AND there was the mess she made of Syria and Libya during her tenure as Secretary of State. Here is a very critical article about her role in creating the Syrian tragedy, by a liberal on a liberal website:
She would be the worst President ever.
frank says
He is a traitor. He should be treated as such.
Richard says
Excellent comments Jay! You hit the nail right on the head. Hillary and Bill are as corrupt as they come (not to mention Obama, as well). Looking forward to any of your comments.
Alan says
We should have impeached Obama after Bengazi .
Don says
Every administration from JFK to now should be investigated and their wrong doings made public. I will venture to say that Carter probably did less damage to the country than any in that group. Ford started the idea that the POTUS could get away with anything when he refused to hold Nixon accountable for his crimes. Now they all just assume that the POTUS is above any law he wants to be above. This has to stop.
Jeannie says
I agree no one should be above the Law, especially the President…He swore an oath to uphold the Constution. He has done just the opposite.
Ted Dunn says
Obasterd and his liberal democrats have spent so much money and driven us so far in debt – we will not recover. At least not before we go through another Depression worse than 1929. He has done the work of the One World Government bankers and globalists. Warning to all… economic collapse like we experienced in 1929 could plunge us into a second “Civil War”.
I am praying for it!!
Bill C. says
I agree! Impeach! Send the proof to the Justice Dept. Oh, wait! That would be Loretta Lynch. Oh well, never mind.
Stanley Stobierski says
He has been lying for 7 years and the citizens just drink it all in. The media doesn’t help either. Just listen to foreign news about the U.S. and a different picture of truth comes out. The real truth!!!!! The Virgin Mary said, ” Obama will not finish his term in office”.
ImpeachThemAll says
You do remember how many warning Bush got before the 9/11 attack, right? That was covered up too or just simply ignored. Remember the lie told about weapons of mass destruction so we could suck oil? Hmm. I say they are all liars and we cover for each and every one.
Ralph says
This is the same reason that the communist Federal Government has control of the internet now because that scum Obama is having the internet censored because you no longer have any reports of the war over seas any more. Obama needs to go now or we need to take them all down for treason
Rockville Ron says
As bad as this traitor has been for America, It took a hell of a lot of clueless, brain dead, voters to elect him to TWO TERMS. Was it the “free stuff”, the payments to NOT work, or just the fact that they weren’t smart enough to call BS on the msm propaganda? This left wing zealot was able to destroy the greatest culture in the history of this planet without firing a shot. Seems like he saw the rot beginning and simply fed it until the infection has now become life threatening and may well spell the end of the “American Dream”. There’s a lot of blame to go around… but it needs to start with the POTUS.
Lydia Resch says
Here in germany they say that the USA needs about 250 years to pay back the debts
james corbett says
The first time I saw Obama on the Oprah show I knew then the fix was in ,Every thing he did pointed to him being president, no experience, just an agenda to destroy the USA, all his Muslim henchmen are in the WH and a number of them holding key positions, I can’t for Trump to get in there and shout out YOUR FIRED. The election will have to be a clean sweep to clean out the existing Senators and Congressmen.The only way to eliminate a cancer is to remove all of it.
vincent marcantelli says
Back in 2010, on this very website, I suggested that the Congress and Senate, not look into the starting of impeachment of this person but now it’s just too damm Late, but I was treated like I had (2) heads, well so much for the (2) headed man, but as so many of you have said, it’s just a shame that those who did all of that big talk……”we are going to make him do the RIGHT thing” sure you are, when it’s proven that “Crybaby John….aka “Mr. Scotch”, was playing golf, with Obama, every week, is it any wonder, that NOTHING was EVER done!. The country, should rejoice, that John B. is GONE from the Congress.
MalcolmX says
SJjolly and the rest of you liberal nincompoops are disgusting obama suck offs; you bigots will pay soon.
Edward Wilson says
Who is going to do it? Congress, the FBI and the Supreme Court are all 100% impotent. There is no one to stop him and he knows it. By the end of this year and his term there will be enough ISIS fighters inside the US for them to take over.
Davo says
And we will be faced with the horrible dilemma of whom to shoot among people of color. When we are in the war and amid the fighting and amid the battles to protect our families from intruders and assailants, and the war is then in the streets, how will we know the enemy?
Terry says
Why no impeachment clamor? Not even whimpers over his EOs, his budget deficits and 9 trillion increase in the ND, the shredding of immigration laws, golfing while Benghazi burned, appointing a lady empathizer to the SC, Obamacare by congress stocked with political machine hacks, aka democrats and RHIOs. And the press. Well, nothing positive can be said about the press. Our own Iffel tower of babel did not report any news. She just acted like an advocate or press secretary for O justifying his opinion instead of reporting news so citizens could make up their own minds. This is called propaganda, opinionating instead of reporting and IMO she should be fired. But is she too big, too important to be fired?
As I see it the present situation remind me of the VN protests. LBJ was rejected by millions of people. O, the d-rats, the RHINOs, essentially both branches of the establishment that is paid by the bankers to operate the govt for the three most important things in PC DC. The party, the party, the party! The R word is operative. And I don’t mean republican. R is for Rejection of the people in govt, of the press. It is not the F word either. The voters do not have Forgiveness on their mind for ll the PC in DC that is stinking up the whole nation and the souls of Americans! They have rejected the Constitution as the rule of law having gotten themselves caught up in the web of obamaism and PC.
Terry says
This is clearly a political civil war. We the people, the voters, vs them,, they the govt establishment. Who is unified in their fear of Trump. Both parties and the press They are trembling, trembling, trembling!
M.D. Anthony says
Like Abraham Lincoln said
“America can only be destroyed from within”
But Lincoln forgot to mention.
“If America is destroyed it will only be because the American people will have voted for it’s destruction ”
When you vote for “undefined change”
It means you voted for “change everything” even change what was not broken and didn’t need changing.
Once you have voted for undefined change -TWICE, you cant get anything back
Nor does such folly deserve to be corrected
Voting in approval of “Undefined Change” shows that the majority do not care that America is no longer the land of the free nor is America any longer the home of the brave.
A Changed America is now the land of the owned and the home of subjugated.
E Plurbis Unum however should be changed to read.
“Stupid is what Stupid does”.
I f you don’t believe this go and try to protest to change anything back to pre-Obama – see what happens.
“Fear” is why no one is really doing anything at any level least they upset the Chicago Thug in the Oval Office.
America is owned.
350 million get owned when 51% of 750 elected representatives and senators fear the phone call and who dictates to them a promises of an end to their lives or the lives of their family members if the message recipient does not follow orders.
Not so hard to own America is it?
Charles A says
Obama is fired and told to go to jail and to prison for fifty-two years. Obama if you read this you are a fool for leading my country into this low level and treason and high treason committed against the United States of which you are going to pay with your life. In prison you dog faced idiot and fool.
Davo says
I would love to see the S.O.B. in a prison, subject to the prisoners and their ways. May God damn this most dangerous of US enemies.
Beano McReano says
Oh, the negro has committed ever greater offenses such as being an impostor “president”, using phony SS numbers and alias and even is a SODOMITE! One of the most VILE sex practices of humans.
ISIS doctoring?? Ah, nothing compared to the above.
Paul Jevas says
Lydia Resch says
Dear People,
here in Europe the volks think very bad (hate) about Amerika. Obama and his administration doing false flag actions or paying and schooling/training terrorist for doing harm to a government and destroyes the normal people of a country; and all with money of the tax payers. Your president is lying to you with every war he started. There is a book in the USA (amazon) , “A Century of War” from John Denson, was a lawyer; it will give you a good overview. Try to get information from other countrys.
Larry Craig says
nothing will happen to Obama. If it hasn’t happened yet, it won’t happen now. Apart from another 9/11, Congress is like sheep without a shepherd. No leaders that they can follow.
Rockville Ron says
Seems to me you geniuses had your own fool/dictator/monster in the last century. We really don’t need you to tell us how bad the USA is or how we need to “repay” Europe. Fact is Europe will NEVER be able to repay the US for saving their arse twice in the last century alone.
Scrap1ron says
Impeachment isn’t good enough. Only execution will suffice for President Judas.
Dr. James Rodgers says
I have read every post and I will agree with each and every one of you. Never in the history of this country have we seen such incredible disregard for the constitution, religion, military, guns, insurance, freedom of speech and our way ove life. He has not been able to prove his proof of citizen ship, collage grades, or even a fair birth certificate that can be verified by anyone. This man was elected because of his color and that is what he has done, showed his true colors. He has showed the black half is incompetent, and that the white half is showing him leyancey because of his race. We wanted the first black president to do so well and he has failed us miserable. We have fround on everything he has done but keep overlooking it because of his race. This makes us the American people guilt but it’s time for us to come out of the closet and undo what we have done. It’s to late to impeach him however we can shame him for all his lies. He can be held responsible for his actions by we the people. It’ would be great if he and Hillary could be cell mates but they don’t allow two Democrats in the same cell because of nepotism. In this case brother and sister. Let’s all get out and vote this year and make your voice herd. Jim.
A.J. says
Are you really a Doctor? In both uses, showed should be shown; leyancey should be leniency; fround should be frowned; and herd should be heard. I hope your practice of the medical arts is better than your grammar and spelling.
Justice Julie says
The vitriolic, hostile, hateful comments posted by the real traitors of our country are the reasons the USA is the laughingstock of the world. What has happened to our countrymen’s compassion and honor? No honor here. It reminds me of how Hitler incited the NAZIs.
Bette M. Urschitz says
They can not get rid of him soon enough. I will not put into words the total (beyond disrespect) that I feel about him but feel free to use your imagination to the fullest extent. I do not even care to waste my time and words on “him” even, hence my comments here I am sure will suffice.
Bette M. Urschitz says
OK Thank you. It is appreciated.
Geri-lee says
Geri-lee — impeach him is to late the way our CONGRESS works I will be a nursing home or dead…He was never the man for our country but give him a communist country or a Middle East one where he can practice his faith Islam and read the Quaran he got sworn in on the Quran I have study this man for last 8 yrs. and he should have never been President. so lets it it right this time VOTE for Trump all the way. He will make America great again. and help our VETS….
Shelba H says
Impeachment? you have to be kidding congress does not have the backbone to file charges against Obama. Don’t know what he holds over their heads but they don’t want the skeletons exposed
Sarah Abrams says
Sarah Abrams says
February 27, 2016 at 2:40 am
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
I do not know if this website got out the real facts of the Benghazi debaucle. Chris Stevens had been home in the U.S. after the Red Cross “bugged out” weeks earlier. Ambassador Stevens went back to Libya that next week to finish up some “dirty work” for BHO. Stevens had been “running guns” for Barack Obama though Libya into Syria, which makes me wonder why no one brings up this fact and only centers on the Syrian “bloodbath”. When the call came through to the WhiteHouse (Charlene Lamb), I believe the “stand down orders” were to prevent our citizens from finding out about the ongoing gun-running (remember Fast & Furious?), which is a Treasonous Act on Obama’s part….so “they all needed to die”. Hence the cover-up with the Video by Obama, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice. This way, everyone is consumed with the Embassy bombing and not why Chris Stevens was there on September 11, 2012.
Jim Evans says
I believe the Obama is the face of evil and that he is somehow connected to ISIS. We all know that he IS a Muslim and he refuses to say that we are at war with radical Islam. His remarks are always ” their ideology” . With Obama being of Muslim faith, and if he said radical Islam, he would be offending them. I have also said this before, if they tried to impeach him or vote him out of office, he would be screaming discrimination. He has already thrown the race card.
maryzell roberts says
Impeach Obama and send him to jail. He has worked against us since he took office. Our military and local law enforcement should be praised and I ask God to hold them in His protective hands as they protect us.
Constitutionalist says
Ok, what do you think of this tack:
ABUNDANT evidence that US personnel have trained, armed, and funded ISIS exists.
John McCain, i’ve seen on video talking favorably about “our friends” the ISIS terrorists in Syria. Look him up on Youtube, it’s easy to find.
There’s only ONE crime which is defined in the Constitution, and that is Treason; here’s the exact wording of it:
“Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.”
So now, the next logical question: Is ISIS an Enemy of the United States? Have any of them “made war” against any American, killing or wounding any of them? Does such an act(s) constitute an act(s) of War? If yes, the next logical question:
Is giving training, arms, ammunition, vehicles, and money “adhering to their enemies” or “giving them aid and comfort”?
If so, let the Arrests and Trials Commence! Preferably, starting at the top, for you KNOW that none of the foregoing(arms, ammunition, training, vehicles, money) could have happened without approval at the HIGHEST levels.
Unfortunately, what usually happens is as described: docs are shredded, and if any arrests DO ensue, some low-level-types will get convicted while those who ORDERED the treason get off scot-free. For example, it is an EASY argument to make that the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt is an Enemy of the United States, yet D’ohbama GAVE them tanks and planes. Makes ya go “hmmm,” don’t it?
St. Edgar says
Don’t Worry about it, Obama will be gone in January. He can be charged with treason then.
Constitutionalist says
Oh, and one other thing: D’ohbama doesn’t NEED to be impeached. He was NEVER QUALIFIED TO BE IN OFFICE in the first place, because he’s NOT “natural-born.” So contact the Federal Marshals with an eviction notice, then toss him, his family, and his crap out, the latter to be stacked on the curb at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. After all, if you get caught lying on your rental app, that can certainly happen to you, right? Yet D’ohbama, the “Constitutional Scholar,” knowing FULL WELL that he was NOT “natural born,” committed a Fraud against America, and sat the office of the Presidency Unconstitutionally, which, being NOT IAW the Supreme Law, makes his acts UNlawful, which makes them ILLegal, which makes them CRIMINAL, so he should not only be unceremoniously tossed on his ear, he should be brought up on Charges, convicted, jailed, made mockery of worldwide, then released after 20 years or so to some Muslim hell-hole like Afghanistan, where he may live with the Taliban and whoop it up…assuming he’s still got the energy to do so.
He’s CLEARLY in violation of his Oath of Office a PLETHORA of times over, in addition to his clear Treason according to the definition in the document HE SWORE TO PRESERVE, PROTECT, and DEFEND against all enemies. So fuck him over, royally, for betraying the public trust.
Paul A. Manfredi says
None of this really matters anymore. From most town government representatives all the way to the presidency our government is totally out of control. Who is responsible for the mess? We are? We are all guilty of turning a blind eye to the incremental treason being committed buy our so called elected officials which has been taking place for many decades.
Every elected official we put in office takes an oath to protect and defend the constitution and yet we sit back and tolerate treasonous acts when we should be screaming from the roof tops. We need to wake the hell up. If you think we can change what’s wrong with our government with a presidential election you are dreaming.
Any of you that think the constitution is a living breathing document do not understand it to begin with. The founders of this nation gave us the process to follow in order to bring necessary change to the constitution and it is called a constitutional amendment s and it spells out the means to do so. Any law which impedes the written meaning of the constitution at the time the constitution was written is null and void.
Our founders gave the federal government very limited powers and the states all the power. Each and every state is sovereign. We became states united by the constitution and all agreed to conform to its law without exception. If you don’t want to believe me than read the Federalist Papers.
Finally all the states elected officials are duty bound to strict adherence to the constitution. All the state representatives are duty and Oath bound to follow it without exception and when they do not We The People are duty bound to remove them from office. This also applies to any sworn office such as judges, police officers etc..
Until we the people wake up and hold elected officials accountable for their treasonous actions we will lose regardless of who is in office. We need to put aside our selfish individual wants and stop asking elected officials to make the determination or us. We hold the keys to this nations future and until we put our petty individual wants aside we will never recapture the freedoms our founding fathers intended us to have.
Constitutionalist says
Don’t know that you’ll ever see this, but i wanted to compliment you on your analysis of the situation, all the same. I agree with you completely, with one small caveat:
Treason is defined within the Constitution, and most of those who fail to “preserve, protect, and defend” as their oaths require are not actually committing treason by that definition; that said, the abundantly clear evidence is that we have a legion of felony perjurers, aka criminals yet to be prosecuted who infest the USG and State and even local gov’ts who have dire need of arrest, trial, and conviction for their betrayals of the public trust, i.e. felony perjury charges.
So, not traitors, most of them, but criminals, most certainly!
IMO, what should happen to these oathbreaking criminals is as follows:
A prison sentence not to exceed ten years.
A fine equivalent to all pay and benefits from the FIRST day the perjurer began to betray the public trust by violating his/her oath
PERMANENT exclusion from EVER holding ANY position of public trust again for the rest of their lives.
If just 20 of these – from each Branch – are so treated, the rest will sit up and take notice, then amend their ways, guaranteed…especially if the prosecutions start at the top, where the examples are set.
ForAmerica says
“But it now appears that President Barack Obama’s administration is being swept up in an intelligence scandal of a much larger scale.” And does anybody, I mean anybody, really think that anything will be done about this? Look at Hillary as a good example of how the justice system works in America. Nixon was driven out for covering up a break-in. Gen Petreus was prosecuted, but Hillary, the Butcher of Benghazi. Nothing. The evidence of the emails scandals is now public knowledge and still nothing has been done. If Hillary guilty as can be can get away, does anyone really think that Obama will pay for his crimes?
elizabeth says
you can bitch all you want what should be done but it will never be done its going to have to be an uprising by the people to fight this corruption but this is not going to happen either we all no what needs to be done but how do you do it hopefully trump will get in office and make America beautiful again like he claims he will do it burns my a???? to think we will be paying him for the rest of his life he should have to live like we do I am on ss and cannot make it without my childrens help that is so sad because people are on welfare that do not deserve it when is this ever going to stop
John Furlong says
The anti-American muslim bastard has lead a charmed life; if he hasn’t been impeached by now, it will not happen.
trucker says
Trump is our man but when it;s all over let;s find out were mr. O got all his money the man has million;s he went in broke .
Constitutionalist says
John Furlong-
i think you’re right. i spent some time @ youtube last evening/this morning, and there were many, many videos up about “Obama indicted,” “Obama to be arrested for Treason,” “Court indicts Obama for Treason,” “Court ok’s impeachment proceedings,” etc. …some of them dated as long ago as THREE FUCKING YEARS! And every one of them made it sound like he’d be up on charges within a week, too.
So it’s not looking like there are enough men with balls – gov’t OR military – to stand up to this criminal and get him out of his oathbreaking, treasonous chair.
…unless maybe some ball-less WOMEN will stand up out of CONgress or the military to do it.
Frankly, i don’t know why so little courage is being displayed these days; maybe it has something to do with the fluoride in our water, or the subliminal teevee programming, or something.
Irwin Tyler says
Obama will be out of office before any possible impeachment conviction. We must look to the future, which is the Supreme Court, the only branch of the government not subject to the kind of checks and balances the Framers established to potentially control excesses of the Congress and Presidency.
We have seen that…
The Supreme Court currently (and for some 50 years) increasingly has violated the intent of the framers of our Constitution (and Declaration of Independence). We have continually observed that a packed activist court has no legal restraints on its “legislating” from the bench. There needs to be a better way to ensure that checks-and-balances as far as the Supreme Court is concerned actually works.
The Constitution provides that…
Each member of Congress is restrained (at least in theory) by the electorate. The President, as well, is restrained by the electorate. The powers of the states (at least in theory) are legally free from Federal usurpation. The Supreme Court is not restrained by the states, nor by the people, nor by the other co-equal branches of the Federal government.
It has been seriously proposed that…
Supreme Court terms should be limited but this is only a partial solution since it can’t prevent the defacto collusion of a like-minded President, Senate, and appointees to the Supreme Court, whose extra-legal effects can still wreak havoc. A recent proposal for establishing the right of Congress to overrule the Supreme Court decisions is right thinking but violates the framers’ philosophy. Term limits is but a small step in the right direction.
Therefore, I offer the following:
1. It was the intention of the framers of the Constitution of the United States of America to prevent arbitrary rule by the head of government, or collusion between parts of the federal government which would have the similar effect of arbitrary rule;
2. The members of the United States Supreme Court are human, collectively with all the faults and prejudices and partisanship that humans are prone to;
3. The current system for selecting and ratifying an appointment to the United States Supreme Court is deficient insofar as it permits partisan collusion between the President of the United States and the United States Senate to fill all vacancies in the Court with like-minded appointees during the term(s) of office of the President of the United States;
4. Under the current system any collection of such partisan appointments can become the majority and remain on the Court for several decades, spanning many administrations and Congressional sessions, with the potential of ruling in a partisan manner which may be at odds with the will of the national consensus as expressed over these decades;
5. The current system has no method of influencing or changing the makeup of the Court in any reasonable time frame should such aforementioned collusion have occurred,
and Whereas:
1. It was the intention of the framers of the Constitution of the United States of America that members of the Supreme Court not be chosen by election and therefore would not be prone to the influences made necessary in the modern process of campaigning for election;
2. It was the intention of the framers of the Constitution of the United States of America to reduce the likelihood of Court rulings being influenced by politics, by public capriciousness and clamor, and by social influences, that they established no limits on the term of service of a Justice of the Supreme Court;
3. The framers of the Constitution of the United States of America intended that federal powers be limited and that the vast majority of legislative powers be vested in the people through their state governments,
Therefore, the following Amendment to the Constitution of the United States is proposed:
Section 1. Members of the United States Supreme Court
Article 1. The Supreme Court of the United States of America shall consist of one member from each of the States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the collective United States dependencies of Guam, American Samoa, American Virgin Islands and other such territories as the United States may presently have or acquire in the future. As of the date of this document these total 53.
Article 2. Each of the authorities addressed in Section 1, Article 1 shall select their candidate for the Supreme Court by a method of their own choosing.
Subsection 1. Should no selection be made within 6 months of a vacancy caused by the death, resignation, incapacity, completion of term of service, or impeachment and removal from office, the Governor or other legally constituted head of government of that authority shall appoint the candidate.
Subsection 2. The collective dependencies addressed in Article 1 shall, upon adoption of this Amendment, establish from among their constituent territorial government heads a titular head for purposes of this Section.
Section 2. Terms of Service of Members of the United States Supreme Court
Article 1. A Justice of the Supreme Court shall serve for a single term of eight (8) years.
Article 2. The term of office of a Supreme Court Justice begins on the day of appointment and is not fixed by the calendar or any other cycle.
Section 3. Selection of the Chief Justice of the United States
Article 1. The Chief Justice of the United States shall be selected by the President of the United States from among the active Justices and immediately shall begin to serve in that office.
Section 4. Compensation of Members of the United States Supreme Court
Article 1. Compensation of Members of the United States Supreme Court shall be proposed by the United States House of Representatives and Ratified by the United States Senate.
Article 2. Compensation of Justices of the United States Supreme Court may not be considered any sooner than three (3) years after the previous ratification.
Article 3. Compensation of all Justices of the United States Supreme Court shall be equal with the exception of the Chief Justice, who shall receive fifty (50) percent additional in base compensation, exclusive of benefits.
Section 5. Acceptance of Cases
Article 1. The Chief Justice of the United States shall be the sole arbiter as to which cases involving a Constitutional issue may be argued before the Supreme Court.
Section 6. Apportionment of Cases
Article 1. All cases involving a Constitutional issue shall be argued before a panel of nine (9) Justices.
Subsection 1. Nine (9) Justices shall be chosen by lot from among all active Justices.
Subsection 2. The Chief Justice may declare his/her intention to hear a given case prior to the start of the lottery, thereby requiring only eight (8) additional Justices for that case.
Subsection 3. If the Chief Justice does not declare for a particular case, then he/she enters the lottery equally with all other Justices.
Article 2. No Justice may hear more than three cases at the same time.
Article 3. After a panel has been selected, should a Justice be unable to hear and deliberate upon a case, the case can continue forward as long as there remain at least seven (7) Justices on the panel.
Subsection 1. Should there be less than seven (7) Justices remaining on the panel and there is no unanimous agreement of the panel to temporarily suspend a hearing or deliberations, the case shall be returned for resubmission to the lottery.
Section 7. Implementing this Constitutional Amendment
Article 1. This Constitutional Amendment shall take effect one year from the time of Ratification.
Article 2. Sitting Justices at the time of Ratification of this Amendment shall deliberate among themselves and individually declare which State or Territory they shall choose to represent. All other Justices shall be chosen per Section 1.
Article 3. By lottery, the first generation of Justices shall be divided into three (3) groups as equally as possible. Members of each group shall serve for six (6), eight (8) and ten (10) years respectively, after which the conditions of Section 2 shall prevail.
Article 4. The sitting Chief Justice at the time of Ratification of this amendment shall assume the same role, after which the conditions of Section 2 and Section 3 shall prevail.
Constitutionalist says
Irwin Tyler-
i can see you’ve given a great deal of thought to your proposed Amendment, and you have some quite good ideas; i’ve always thought the the Constitution was nowhere NEAR detailed enough when outlining the powers the President may exercise, and WAY too brief concerning the Judicial Branch.
My first (hopefully, constructive)criticism is that in the present Constitution, Article 3 deals with the entirety of the Judicial Branch, so you may need to re-structure your headings if you wish your proposal to match the existing format…i.e. Article, Section, Paragraph, Line; from what i’ve seen above, you have too many Articles and not enough Sections. Have another look at how Section 1(Congress) is structured for guidance, if need be.
Second, i think there would need to be wording about who is to draw the lots, for men have been known to be deceptive and “stack the deck” whenever possible; in the words of Patrick Henry, “This is written as if only good men would take office!”
Third, i’d suggest that there be an entire Section on what “High Crimes and Misdemeanors,” EXACTLY and PRECISELY, would be grounds for termination of the judge’s position – and/or jailtime, prison, immense fines, and/or unpaid janitorial public service. Perhaps a Section (or Subsection) on “Penalties and Sentencing guidelines,” for example. As the Constitution stands now, no definition of what act(s) define either a High crime or a Misdemeanor which would rise to the levels requiring censure, suspension, permanent removal, or prison.
For example, if any SCOTUS ruing will have the effect of changing, modifying, eliminating, end-arounding, adding to or taking from the Constitution, everyone ruling in favor of such a determination is to be immediately arrested, tried, and convicted of felony perjury for Oathbreaking; everyone sitting the Bench knows DAMN WELL that making law is the EXCLUSIVE province of Congress…ergo, a High Crime of Usurpation for arrogating to themselves powers which the Constitution DOES NOT GIVE.
For another example, it is my understanding that right now, something called “Public Policy” overrides the Constitution on a regular basis, yet i have been unable to locate any such “Public Policy” exception written into any part of the Constitution and Amendments, so because it’s NOT IN THERE, EVERY “public policy” decision should be immediately stricken from the proceedings of SCOTUS, for again, they would have arrogated to themselves powers NOT DELEGATED, aka “usurpation.” i’m given to understand that they base things like this on an amazingly heinous policy they call “implied” powers. Anyone who’s read either the Federalist OR Anti-Federalist Papers, OR any of the ratification proceedings from ANY state,(but expecially, Virginia) would know what UTTER CRAP that “implied” owers is; anyone with a minimal command of the English language who reads the Preamble to the Bill of Rights and the 9th and 10th Amendments, even with the dullest of intellects, that those who WROTE and RATIFIED the document wanted the General Government actors to be EXTREMELY restricted to just the “few and defined” powers outlined there.
Here’s one of the things that happened that screwed things up, IMO: although the F&F wisely required every office-holder, whether elected, appointed, or hired, to take an oath of fealty to the Constitution, afaik NO ONE HAS EVER been arrested, much less tried, convicted, and sentenced for Oathreaking, even though there have been thousands upon thousands who have done so since 1789. Do judges have a right to get mad and have liars in their courtrooms arrested and tried for perjury? Seems THEY take oaths quite seriously! Why don’t Americans, especially LEO’s, when it comes to oathbreaking felony perjurers in alphabet agencies(and other parts of the Executive Branch), CONgress(lots of liars there), and the Judiciary?
Am i right or wrong?
Constitutionalist says
Apologies; i misspoke(or mis-wrote). What i meant to say was to take a look at ARTICLE 1, which deals with both Houses of Congress, not SECTION 1, which is what i mistakenly put down there.
ABBAsFernando says
OBAMA was brainwashed from birth to HATE America. Is a Muslim SPY and most definitely not a Christian. Obama is gutting America’s military on purpose setting us up for an invasion while importing fellow Muslim barbarians excluding Christians. Obama has bought arms and enough hollow point ammunition to shoot every citizen five times each. Do not forget the reports concerning the stockpiling of arms and ammo at various governmental agencies? Connect the dots…………………….
Terry says
We now have a banana republic type govt, Better known as politically correct. That is our officials, elected and appointed, do what they want to interpret the Constitution and other laws for personal political gain. Govt is essentially the kingdom of man/woman, thus is subject to the whims of human frailty of greed, ambition profit or whatever. We in America have been fortunate to live in an environment where the awesome powers of govt are divided among three branches. But the philosophy of PC has watered down this division of power, plus they, officials, talk about the Constitution being a living document. Meaning I guess they intend to bury it alive. Instead of burying it after they have killed it or decapitated it?
This election seems to be a political lent? Will the pols finally come to their senses and turn back to the Constitution and other laws that govern the governors. Who incidentally are not rulers. Supposedly public servants, but never rulers! The legal principle, the rule of law! Just like all people are sinners, all people break a law or multiple laws. We all speed, we look for tax loop holds, etc. However a mind set, an outlaw mentality, illegal spirt has entered our govt, especially since O took office, better known as PC, political correctness and implemented by WJC. Has entered the minds of the highest level of our govt officials. The govt itself of course is not an outlaw type govt, but the people in authority certainly can be leading the nation down the path to hell. . And unfortunately many are. What is govt hell? It would not surprise me that the massive loss of the support, of the confidence by the citizens that our fed govt has managed to create for themselves is pretty close to political hell? Political hell, govt hell are the same environment (not a place) since govt is a political operation. The pols of yesteryear enslaved themselves and most subsequent pols. along with all the citizens to the fed res banking system thus diminishing the significance of the Constitution, the laws and the political system they inherited from . (College, high school sports are a type of hell as well. We should abandon school sports all together and go to club type organizations for sports and have schools as places of learning not as farm teams for pro sport teams.}
In heaven there is no beer and in America there is no ayatollah or ayatollah wanna be or caliph running the show, And congress is the legislative branch. Not the SC and not the Executive Branch being used as a fount of EOs. Some of which are illegal at best,
Charles A says
Impeach the damned fool and do it right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I demand it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!