A powerful House committee has moved to impeach the head of the Internal Revenue Service, saying he violated the public trust and illegally targeted conservative groups.
After two years of investigation into the IRS, Republicans have finally had enough.
On Friday, the Judiciary Committee announced two hearings on impeachment of IRS commissioner John Koskinen, an appointee of President Barack Obama.
The first will be held May 24, where the Judiciary Committee will go over the results of the oversight committee’s investigation into Koskinen. Koskinen himself will be invited in to testify.
In the second hearing, lawmakers will call for third-party experts to give advice on whether or not the impeachment of Koskinen is justified.
Rep. Bob Goodlatte, who chairs the committee, said in a statement Friday, “The fact that officials at the IRS wielded their power to target certain Americans for their political views is both outrageous and contrary to our nation’s values.”
Goodlatte continued, “Despite repeated congressional efforts to get to the bottom of this matter, Obama Administration officials, including the IRS Commissioner, have consistently undermined the investigation. Over the coming weeks, the House Judiciary Committee will closely examine Commissioner Koskinen’s misconduct and the implications of his actions.”
According to a report from POLITICO, leading GOP members in the House have been discussing impeaching Koskinen for over a year.
Previously, House Oversight Chairman Jason Chaffetz called impeachment an appropriate tool to restore public confidence in the IRS and “demonstrate to the American people that the IRS is under repair.”
Dawg# says
Glad to see that someone is doing something about the corruption and this is as good a place to start as any; this guy ought to be tar & feathered, if not for anything else, for being an obnoxious SOB……. Just like all Libtards including Obama.
DC says
Let’s go for Obama now
Lori says
OBAMA ..impeach him next. FOR TREASON against the United States of America!!
Cheryl says
Here here I absolutely agree with you. Its actually his fault so yes he should be impeached and held accountable.
Dee says
I agree. Hes trying to call martial law so he can really put the screws to us
Constitutionalist says
No. D’OweBama should NOT be impeached. Only LEGITIMATE office-holders can be impeached, and if any USG agent initiates Articles of Impeachment, he or she would be tacitly agreeing that the “natural born” requirement for the presidency WAS met, and that D’OweBama actually IS a lawful, Constitutional president – when he’s not and never has been. AND, he knows it, and knew if from before he ever ran for the office. He just relied on Constitutional illiteracy and the Quisling compliance of CCMSM to keep that knowledge away from Idiot Teevee Hypnotized Americans.
Here’s what SHOULD happen: He should be arrested, tried, and convicted.
He’s committed multiple crimes worthy of said procedures, beginning with Fraud, for never having disclosed his multiple aliases, including but not limited to Barry Soetoro;
He’s committed the crime of “personation”(look it up), by taking and keeping an office he KNEW he wasn’t qualified for;
He’s lied under his Oath of Office dozens-if-not-hundreds of times, arrogating to himself powers far beyond what the Constitution he swore to “preserve, protect, and defend to the best of his ability” allow him in Article 2 – aka Felony Perjury;
He’s given aid, comfort, training, arms, ordinance, vehicles and money to self-declared Enemies of the United States, aka “Treason.” And this, during Time of War, to boot!
Kent Lawson says
AMEN , Lori !
Jeff Irwin says
But “There isn’t even a Smidgen of a possibility that something wrong was even done” ????
dan says
Gary Smith says
Send him to Gitmo with Obama and Clinton
Horst says
Yes, Yes, yes, ………………
Andrew says
Fantastic idea Mr. Smith.
Oinkle Tom says
Be sure to get BOTH Clintons. Most of the gov’t heads, a number of senators and crooked congressmen, and other liberals. Take all of their assets and properties, leaving them all PENNILESS. Deport them when their time is thoroughly served.
eagle says
Unfortunately, Congress doesn’t have the courage to really follow through on anything against our Mushead Muslim in charge and the Hillary crap. This could even be more than Trump can handle should he be the next president. If Hillary gets elected, well, just forget about America. Mushead Obama needs a monument, a mosque with his head sitting on the very top of the dome. This would keep him close to those that love him. CAIR will make sure the taxpayers will pay for this.
Don’t Be Fooled again America, these Traitors are not going to do anything, this is all for show, after all, there is a ELECTION COMING UP!
uncle_fweddy says
Anything he did, he did at the direction of Ovomit,, or with his permission, secure in the knowledge that the chief would protect him. Well, it’s way past time to come down on these scumbags, including the usurper-in-chief.
eve hunter` says
take his money…that’s what he loves most in life.
eve hunter` says
take his money…that’s what he loves most in life.
voncile Fullwood says
Dawg…are you kidding there is no one Obama has chosen for his dirty deeds will be impeached or go to jail they are just his cronies from his elite section..he chooses those so if anything comes up he want know anything about their dirty laundry that needs washing——so! why have they not impeached Obama for the many things he has done in the past seven and half years? guess all these reporters has to think up something to write about because none in Obama’s Admin. gets get or punished even to him
Bill says
I think it’s better to get Obummer out now for damage control. That goof will do anything he can to bring down America.
this creep looks like golum from lord of the rings……….you know… the character possessed by the EVIL of the ring…………
Lori says
LOL!!! I agree Dennis…
Ron Robinson says
Hell, he’ll be out of office before this Congress does anything.. Trump will fire him in Jan. when he takes office. go Trump
Lori says
Clayton Sibley says
Gotta say I agree with the GO TRUMP thing. Trump sure has my vote.
Clayton Sibley says
Gotta say I agree with the GO TRUMP thing Trump sure has my vote!!
Ron Robinson says
Then delete me from your e mail list. Ron Robinson
Constitutionalist says
Every email you get from The Horn has an “unsubscribe” button on it. i’ve never seen anyone from The Horn staff ever commenting on any article they wrote, or respond to any comment at all, positive OR negative.
So, if you don’t want to deal with the Truth any longer, it’s up to you to stick your head in the sand and unsubscribe your OWN self.
rodger says
IMPEACH THE CREEPY ALIEN SUB-HUMAN, an then jail him for breaking laws, any laws, just make him get some hate an discontent, that he dished out
John says
Just another in the long line of President Obozo’s cabinet clowns.
AW says
Michael Woods says
About time ? Obama should be next. That guy is not worth the outrageous cost of his Statue.
Scott Rosier says
The statue should be erected in his home state, in Africa.
Gerry says
It should have happened the first time this POS refused to answer direct questions from the committee and sat there with that sh!t eating smug look on his face. You know – that look that all these scumbags have when they think obozo has their backs and nothing can happen to them. I hope congress starts with making an example out of this clown and then starts to clean house of obozo’s planted puppets. Time to throw out the trash !!!
Dane says
Well, you can take the trash out of the trailer but unfortunately you can’t take the trailer out of the trash
Texas Son says
Koskinen is a BAAASTURD!!!!!!!!!
Arthur F. Loub says
I am embarrassed to acknowledge Koskinen is a Duke graduate
Cliff says
He is a Alien!
FED-UP! Taxpayer/Voter Merger says
Not so smug now, and without the “you can’t touch this!” smirk. Hammer time!
Clayton Sibley says
Well I suppose we could just refuse Obummers statue money and use it to impeach this slimy SOB. And I also agree Trump will toss him back in the gutter Obummer found him in anyway.
Justin W says
After this guy is impeached he should face the prospect of criminal charges. Using the IRS to quash political groups should not be tolerated. Everyone involved in the attempts to discriminate against the TEA Party and other conservative groups should lose their job, face the prospect of losing their government pension and face criminal prosecution. The best way to keep this from happening again is to deal with the wrongdoers harshly now.
Cliff says
Daniel Spickard says
What is needed is to pressure both him and Hillary Clinton to throw Obama under the bus and to take Obama down as well! We the People of the United States need to light a fire under the DOJ to either prosecute or be prosecuted themselves after which we then take down this whole administration one person at a time until every last one of them is sitting behind bars for the rest of their lives! By the way, I hear they have empty cells down at GYTMO in Cuba! A place for all traitors of this country!
DeanAndDrums says
The IRS can not be “repaired” by any stop-gap measures as this. Hacking at the ouoter brancxhes, no where near the roots. Falls under the paradigm of “good ol’ college try”. Simply cathartic in nature.
DeanAndDrums says
The IRS can not be “repaired” by any stop-gap measures such as this. Hacking at the outer branches, no where near the roots. Falls under the paradigm of “good ol’ college try”. Simply cathartic in nature.
Calvin Mishalatube says
Enough with the impeachment talk already. Not that it isn’t, it just can’t be done. The Senate Dopeycrats will not support it and it takes two thirds of the Senate to convict. This will not happen. The sixty-seven votes are just not there. We just have to wait until January and hopefully a Republican President, House and Senate will clean the entire government of the slimeballs that have attempted, almost successfully, to destroy our once great nation. And, let’s hope many of them are indicted and put in federal prison. Hope springs eternal!
Frank says
Would not be surprised if this person was treasure trove of information about targeting conservative groups to block grassroots groups n 2012 election cycle.
Arthur Hartsock says
Lois Lerner should be included in this.
jack says
This cocky prick smiling when testifying like he was getting off on the cover up….I would smack that smirk right off that arrogant face of his!!! The whole Obama administration have those arrogant MBA I am smarter than you with no experience faces like this guy Rode’s to. I have not hated any administration more than this one….
Cliff says
Right on Jack! 98% of the smart ass arrogant AsH need to go? They have been feeding at the trough for years????????????????
hstot says
he is in the Obama Admin, and the house, under Paul Ryan, does not have the ball to bring charges, and the senate would not uphold the charges. Obama and his staff has been wide open for impeachment for the last seven years. and with a republican congress. for the last three years. We who have put the republican in off stand with egg on our faces. As for me and my house, if they are in office not we will make every attempt possible to vote them out.
lizaz says
He needs to be impeached and let’s not forget about Lois (take the fifth) Lerner. She needs some prison time as well…..
Cliff says
She is hiding under Rock!
Mikeyavelli says
How long can we have them laughing at us? Everyone knows the truth about obama, the IRS, the DOJ, the State Department, the CIA, Valerie Jarrett, but no one in authority to do anything ever does anything to bring down the enemies in the Whitehouse and its agencies. No one. Ever. It’s astounding how racism holds good men back.
Thank you Trump!
Cliff says
And that Josh Esrnest is a two face liar! Another Bagdad bob!
Eileen says
Did anyone else see the congress investigation where Jason Chaffetz asked him about illegals filing taxes with no SS# are assisted to use other people’s ss#? They actually help them and wink at theft.
The Texan says
Not saying that it should not be done. But isn’t it a bit too little too late? It is a bit like closing the barn door after the horse has escaped. Also, isn’t it about time that all the rats started deserting the sinking ship? All of Obama’s appointees should consider resigning sooner rather than later and start looking for work. After all they will be out of work before long anyway. Just saying.
Pat says
All you people interested in seeing this happen, look at our congress closely. They want to dump Trump and run a third party candidate. Do you really think they are serious about going after the IRS head. This is just making headlines to make it look like they are beginning to do their jobs. I wouldn’t trust 1 elected GOP official to do anything but talk big and do nothing.
James says
typical Obama above the law operations behind the backs of Congress and the American people. Lets add # 1 to the impeachment list. Start at the top and work your way down and how about a x Secretary of state slash democratic presidential candidate also plus a 30 year prison sentence and I don’t mean 6 months at the Alabama country club for cronies washing golf carts.there are thousands and thousands of Americans in hard time prisons around this country who have done nothing compared to Hillary and Bill Clinton’s crimes. Explain that.
RJ says
While I agree that he should be impeached and imprisoned, do you really think that the criminals in the senate and the house will actually do anything? Have they done anything to Obama. and all that he has done to destroy the US? I’m not holding my breath
Pat says
Another major area of financial corruption is the illegal disbursement of welfare fraud, you give the first check to the government appointed investigator and then you are on the welfare roles…. Let’s face it WE SHOLUD DEMAND LESS GOVERNMENT! LESS AGENCIES. They are all corrupt.
vincent marcantelli says
Ha, smile……impeachment, not such a bad idea, but again, this could have been avoided should have, impeached this boss, that would have taken care for that man.
Not So Free says
Too little. Too late.
carlosperdue says
I’ll be surprised if the wuss collaborator “Republicans” go through with this Kabuki show. After all they rolled for open subversive nominations like Holder, Sotomayor & Kagan when the could’ve easily blocked them until the cows came home. If Republicans gave a crap about their oath they would’ve impeached GW “Guest Worker” Bush for facilitating 9/11 by subverting our most critical national defenses – our borders and immigration controls – and then accelerating his subversion *after* 9/11, using the resulting carnage and insecurity to justify corrupt foreign “nationbuilding” quagmires, building a “security (police) state” to treat all Americans as potential suspects, and otherwise massively expanding the government. But “cheap labor” RINOs and neo”cons” are collaborators in the destruction of the USA.
BILL says
Katie-Kaye. says
God is still in control. We must PRAY and ask God to forgive America’s sins. Have we forgotten about Sodom and Gomorah ?
Woopdi says
Now if we could just Impeach that Traitor of a POTUS …