Surging in the polls, presidential candidate Donald Trump is looking for a GOP running mate to bolster his conservative credentials. And he may have found it in Texas Senator Ted Cruz.
The two are set to headline a Capitol Hill rally against President Obama’s proposed nuclear agreement with Iran Wednesday, an event that could offer a glimpse into a future of political cooperation.
Desperate to wipe away his previous ties to the Democratic Party from his days as a businessman in New York, Trump may have found in Cruz just what the conservative doctor has ordered.
Cruz is deeply religious, popular with the Tea Party, and largely supports Trump’s stances on immigration.
Cruz originally planned the rally, and extended an invitation in late August for Trump to join him.
The event is sponsored by Tea Party Patriots, the Center for Security Policy, and the Zionist Organization of America.
Their opposition to the Iran nuclear deal is not the only thing Trump and Cruz have in common. They both appeal to voters angry about the way Washington works and have made immigration one of the top issues of their campaigns. Cruz has refused to join other Republicans in criticizing Trump over the billionaire developer’s comments that Mexicans in the U.S. illegally are “rapists” and criminals. Trump has called Cruz “a nice guy.”
Congress is expected to begin debate on the Iran accord when lawmakers return from recess today.
The Associated Press contributed to this report
GQ4U says
I like the rhetoric coming from Trump & Cruz and the public awareness it raises for a few of our nations serious problems — but — I fear Trump is the GOP’s Three-Dollar-Bill and Cruz is NOT eligible to be POTUS which requires being a Natural Born Citizen and he is not.
Want to fix the US then elect someone who is eligible and has a long history based in Liberty and Constitutional governance and solid plans to advance both — Rand Paul.
Audry says
I guest you think obma is a natural born citizen then, by your comment
James says
Rand Paul is washed up. We don’t need him in the White House.
[email protected] says
That is about the stupidest comment I have yet to hear! Trump and Cruz are the winning ticket. Topping that off, how does someone without a valid birth certificate become president. Shows how stupid some voters are.
Stephen says
Trump can not be bought & has money to fight the nay sayers. Might go to war sooner than later, but he will fight to save America from ruin by sharing the wealth with the working class & stop the hording by the wealthy
judy says
I am voting for Trump or Cruz . Obama is a muslim, liar and a traitor to America. Can’t wait until that evil man is out of the White House and Michelle. What a piece of crap living in our White House. A disgrace.