by Walter W. Murray, reporter
Just a few months ago, Democrats were prematurely celebrating a supposed “blue wave” that would sweep them into power.
But new polls are leaving the left awash in cold reality.
If a Democratic “blue wave” is coming, it must have already broken on far-off “reality reef!”
Not only are their chances of taking the House and Senate growing dimmer every day, but a new poll shows that they’re rapidly losing hope of grabbing the biggest prize of all.
Even leftist-pollsters are saying it looks like President Donald Trump is already well on his way to reelection.
That’s what a booming economy, low unemployment, stronger trade policies and common-sense good government will do for you.
“Our poll numbers are better today than they were on Election Day,” White House advisor Stephen Miller told The Washington Examiner. “In today’s country with the nonstop negativity in the media and everything else the political success that we’re having in what you’re seeing in the numbers, the generic ballot and everything else, is all enormously positive.”
How enormous?
Fasten your seatbelt. This is a wild ride!
New poll numbers from Zogby show Trump losing to just about every possible Democratic candidate out there.
He trails Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) by 11 points, former first lady Michelle Obama by 11 points, former Vice President Joe Biden by 10 points, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) by 6 points and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) by 4 points.
He’s even behind Oprah by 6 points!
So why is this a positive?
Four reasons.
First, they’ve been running this poll consistently for months and all of these possible candidates were running further ahead of Trump before.
Now, the gap is narrowing, in some cases dramatically. Each single possible Democratic contender has plunged by at least 5 points in 5 months.
The second is that he is quietly picking up support among overlooked voting blocs. Zogby finds he’s gaining among so-called Wal-Mart shoppers and the NASCAR voters.
He’s even made some small but real gains in groups that Democrats usually count on including Millennials, Generation Z and – here’s something you won’t hear much about in the mainstream – women.
The third reason is that Trump is sitting at a consistent 37 to 38 percent in polls, which is not what he’ll need on Election Day in 2020, but is exactly where his predecessors who’ve won reelection have been at this point in their terms.
Gallup last month found 37 percent of voters believe Trump should be elected. That’s the exact same number President Barack Obama had in April of 2009 and just 1 point behind President Bill Clinton in April of 1993.
President George W. Bush had better numbers, but that was due to his surge in his support after the 9/11 terror attacks.
More importantly, 78 percent of Republican voters now believe Trump deserves reelection, showing that his core isn’t abandoning him despite the relentless daily attacks in the mainstream media.
Trump even has similar levels of support as Obama and Clinton in another group, and it’s the one that might be the most important of all: the independent voters who can swing any election.
There’s a fourth reason, too.
It’s one that STUNNED the mainstream media in 2016.
Polls have consistently underestimate Trump, his voters and their support for him, and may be doing so again as Stephen Miller indicated.
It’s already looking that trend will continue – and mainstream media will be reaching for a second helping of crow in 2020.
— Walter W. Murray is a reporter for The Horn News. He is an outspoken conservative and a survival expert, and is the author of “America’s Final Warning.”