Former Vice President Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign didn’t begin with fireworks. Instead, it began with an embarrassing montage of slurs and senior moments for the longtime Democrat.
His first campaign speech on Monday had critics wondering out loud if the 76-year-old Democratic insider was too old to run for president… or, worse, if he was “all there” upstairs.
After all, Biden is currently one of the oldest Americans to ever announce a serious presidential run — and it’s still more than a year away from the actual election.
According to Grabien News, “almost every sentence was peppered with verbal stumbles.”
He started by thanking his loyal political allies for showing up, but couldn’t remember where they were from. “I want to thank Rich Fitzgerald,” Biden said. “The county executive for the blalaladany… the Allegheny County executive for being here.”
It only got worse — and some of Biden’s critics quickly shared the slurred, rambling speech.
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America “wasn’t built by Wall Street bankers, CEOs, and huh… hudg… hedge fund managers,” Biden said, stumbling through what was clearly written to be a big moment.
“If the enterprise and [incoherant] times took a hit,” he said at one point to a silent crowd.
“Right today, the shame is happening in hosh… big hospital systems,” Biden slurred at another point, staring off blankly.
Biden’s speech was sometimes incoherent. At other times, slurred and broken.
Mostly, it was troublesome to watch.
You can see the montage of Biden’s first 2020 campaign speech here —
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