by Frank Holmes, reporter
Ever since Disney started an uproar against a bill that would ban teachers from telling the youngest kids about trangenderism, Americans have realized something very rotten is going on in our public schools.
One Republican politician—Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis—exposed the “Magical Kingdom”; now another Republican politician has brought to light what’s happening further north on the East Coast.
What she discovered has caused an uproar.
New Jersey State Senator Holly Schepisi went on Fox News on Monday to expose the sick curriculum teachers and “education professionals” want to teach kids in the Garden State.
The state established a new curriculum in 2020, which will take effect this September.
Schoolchildren of ages six and seven will get a year of lessons about pronouns, transgender, nonbinary, gender fluidity—and that’s just the start.
The new curriculum uses the word “sex” or one of its variants 154 times.
The state wants teachers to begin telling kids about “sexual orientations” and gender identity no later than second grade.
One new lesson plan about transgender kids, called “Pink, Blue and Purple,” would have teachers tell first-grade students, many too young to tie their own shoes: “You might feel like you are a boy, you might feel like you are a girl. You might feel like you’re a boy even if you have body parts that some people might tell you are ‘girl’ parts. You might feel like you’re a girl even if you have body parts that some people might tell you are ‘boy’ parts. And you might not feel like you’re a boy or a girl, but you’re a little bit of both. No matter how you feel, you’re perfectly normal!”
That’s just the beginning of the way liberals want to warp kids in public schools.
It says that, for the sake of the student’s “Personal and Mental Health by the End of Grade 2,” students will get lectures on “how individuals make their own choices about how to express themselves” in their gender. The teacher will tell kids there is a “range of ways people express their gender” and that “gender-role stereotypes may limit” people.
Second graders will also hear that there are many, many “different kinds of families” (that is, sexual orientations), but they all just want to “keep their children safe.”
By the end of fifth grade, the teachers start preaching full-blown liberalism to children aged 10 and 11.
Teachers are expected to tell kids ways they can promote “dignity and respect for all people (e.g. sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, race, ethnicity” and “immigration status.” In other words, the teacher will tell innocent children that, unless they support transgenderism, any kind of “sexual orientation” (possibly including pedophilia), and illegal immigration, they’re offending kids’ “dignity.” …
And so are their parents.
The curriculum gets even more woke in eighth grade and twelfth grade.
Before the child graduates, teachers will start to take class time to “analyze current social issues affecting perceptions of sexuality, culture, ethnicity,” and “make recommendations to address those issues.”
After they get done analyzing, the teachers will “advocate for school and community policies and programs that promote dignity and respect for people of all genders, gender expressions, gender identities, and sexual orientations.”
Read that again: Before your kids graduate high school in New Jersey, the state will turn them into woke activists—and they will use your tax dollars to do it.
That’s where Senator Schepisi came in. She’s sounding the alarm and saying parents need to stand up against state-ordered insanity.
“We’re teaching first-graders, kindergartners that if you have a penis, it doesn’t mean that you’re a boy. If you have a vagina, it doesn’t mean you’re a girl,” she told Fox News. “We’ve just really kind of lost our way in what we’re trying to teach our children.”
Kids are already set back on their heels, thanks to two years of learning loss from COVID-19 school closures, “distance learning,” and lockdowns.
“Our children just lost two years of education. A lot of them are lagging, and we need to focus on core things,” Senator Schepisi told Fox News.
But Schepisi found the hole in their plan: Parents love their kids, bonded with them during the lockdowns, and got outraged at what their schools were teaching about sex, American history, Critical Race Theory, and transgender ideology.
“The far left has just gone so extreme on this type of stuff that parents are really fighting back,” she said.
Listen up, school board liberals and elitists: We have not yet begun to fight.
Frank Holmes is a veteran journalist and an outspoken conservative that talks about the news that was in his weekly article, “On The Holmes Front.”