“On the Holmes Front,” with Frank Holmes
Most Americans believe our open southern border is a national scandal, that illegal immigrants drain resources from U.S. citizens—but, as they keep reminding us, Democrats are not like most Americans.
Liberals believe Americans like you haven’t given enough to llegal immigrants.
Two prominent left-wing Democrats have said what they quietly believe out loud this week.
One of them is Rep. Primila Jayapal, D-Wash., who leads the House Progressive Caucus.
Emoting Monday against a Republican bill that would bring the border under control, Jayapal said Americans should get down on their hands and knees and thank illegal aliens, because they have supposedly helped pay for our Social Security and Medicare.
“They contributed billions of dollars that American citizens have the access to, but those undocumented immigrants have no ability to benefit from.” she said.
She then posted on social media that illegal immigrants are not a drain on our resources, and claimed they’re not bringing fentanyl and Latin American gang warfare into the U.S.. Illegal immigrants are “essential to America, and Republicans’ hateful attempts to suggest otherwise only hurt our country,” tweeted the far-Left Democrat.
Study after study has proven that the U.S. economy is driven by immigrants. They are essential to America, and Republicans’ hateful attempts to suggest otherwise only hurt our country. pic.twitter.com/T0sJbxc3JJ
— Rep. Pramila Jayapal (@RepJayapal) January 14, 2024
And she admitted open borders was exactly what she wanted.
“When Rep. (Andy) Biggs (R-Ariz.) says there are no border agents because they are processing” illegal aliens at the border, “he is right. We need more agents to take the cruelty out of processing,” said Jayapal.
Rep Pramila Jayapal D-WA, “The border is not open! When Rep. Biggs says there are no border agents because they are processing, he is right. We need more agents to take the cruelty out of processing. pic.twitter.com/0E7rZnJI35
— Cherylinperil (@Cherylinperil1) January 17, 2024
Jayapal said that instead of securing our borders, it is “extremely important” the GOP shut up and rubber-stamp a bill sending more U.S. aid to Ukraine and stop promoting “draconian, extreme, unworkable, cruel immigration bill,” which is a first step to reduce—but not stop—the endless invasion at our southern border.
Let me be very clear about what is happening in the House right now:
Republicans are holding aid to Ukraine hostage in an attempt to pass their cruel and extreme immigration bill.
It’s unacceptable. pic.twitter.com/1P1nqawIvy
— Rep. Pramila Jayapal (@RepJayapal) January 18, 2024
Not to be outdone, Rep. Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., said much the same thing—and went further. Illegals “pay billions of dollars into programs for which they will never receive benefits themselves,” he said.
But Nadler — who always has to be the biggest at everything — went into a rant about how illegal immigrants would do jobs lazy Americans would never consider doing.
No mention by Nadler of the exploitation of these illegal immigrants by the donor class, who make them work in harsh conditions for under minimum wage, of course.
“We need (illegal) immigrants in this country. Forget the fact that our vegetables would rot in the ground if they weren’t being picked by many illegal immigrants,” said the round mound of liberal sound.
“The fact is that the birth rate in this country is way below replacement level, which means our population is going to start shrinking. And the ratio of people in Social Security and Medicare is going to increase relative to the number of people supporting them.”
Rep. Jerry Nadler: "We need immigrants in this country. Our vegetables would rot in the ground if they weren't being picked by many immigrants, many illegal immigrants. The fact is that the birth rate in this country is way below replacement level.” pic.twitter.com/bQcsGA3Hb7
— TheBlaze (@theblaze) January 11, 2024
Democrats’ believe that you aren’t being generous enough in the way you spread your money around to foreigners may explain why they keep expanding benefits to illegal “migrants,” while they talk about cutting benefits to Americans.
On January 1, the state of California threw open its state Medicaid program, called “Medi-Cal,” to all low-income people…including those in the state illegally.
Yes, illegal immigrants now get free medical care, thanks to the taxpayers of the Golden State.
That could add an estimated 764,000 more people to the state Medicaid rolls, with a price tag of $3.1 billion a year.
Add up all the perks taxpayers already give illegal immigrants—Medicaid, free medical care in emergency rooms, free housing at four-star hotels, schooling, in-state college tuitition, often food stamps through their anchor babies—and illegals suck an enormous amount of money out of taxpayers’ pockets..
At the beginning of 2023, illegal immigrants cost U.S. taxpayers $150.7 billion: They contributed $32 billion in taxes but cost a net total of $182 billion in economic damage, according to the Federation for American Immigration Reform.
In fact, deporting all illegal immigrants would save the U.S. $600 billion—more than half-a-trillion dollars—over the long run, according to a study from the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS).
No wonder a record number of Americans disapprove of President Joe Biden’s handling of immigration.
A CBS poll found that only 32 percent of Americans like Biden’s record on the open border—the lowest level of any U.S. president in the history of their poll. A staggering 70 percent say Biden is doing a terrible job.
That might explain why Biden—who campaigned promising “free” medical care to illegals if he got elected president—has had little to say, except to blame Republicans for not giving him more money to process and release illegals onto U.S. streets even faster.
That also might explain something else: Immigration experts have noticed that Mexico has begun cracking down on illegal immigration bound for the United States.
That leads immigration watchdogs to believe Joe Biden has struck an agreement with the president of Mexico to crack down on illegal immigration…until after the election in November.
“There’s a deal. We just don’t know what the deal is,” said Andrew Arthur of CIS.
But everyone agrees on one thing: The agreement is temporary. As soon as the 2024 election is over, the flood will begin again—and Biden will use it as leverage to demand Republicans sign off on a bill giving millions of illegal aliens amnesty and U.S. citizenship.
All together, the illegal aliens already in the U.S. have the voting power of a mid-sized state.
The Democrats know they can’t win an election with their unpopular platform, so they’re replacing U.S. voters—and they’re making you foot the bill for it. And they’re so happy about it, that they couldn’t keep the secret to themselves.
Frank Holmes is a veteran journalist and an outspoken conservative that talks about the news that was in his weekly article, “On The Holmes Front.”