by Frank Holmes, reporter
After a young man came within a fraction-of-an-inch of killing President Donald Trump, Democrats can’t make up their minds whether the 45th president faked his near-slaying or whether they’re sorry the shooter missed.
Like the shooter, Democrats have exploded into a hostile, frothing outrage in their reaction to President Trump’s assassination attempt. Many political experts believe the shooting—and the courage Trump showed in rising to his feet and encouraging his followers before he left the stage—sealed the election in Trump’s favor.
The first stage of grief is denial.
A new poll shows Democrats are twice as likely as average Americans to believe the whole thing was a conspiracy.
One-third of “Biden’s supporters” said they “find it credible that the shooting was staged and not intended to kill Trump,” according to a new Morning Consult poll released this week. At most, 18% of average Americans believe there’s any chance of the event being staged. “The majority of voters (62%) said the unsubstantiated notion is not credible.”
You might say the Democratic Party has a problem as a hot-bed of conspiracy theories—a label it has always tried to pin on Republicans, especially Trump supporters.
Tennessee State Rep. Antonio Parkinson, a Democrat, posted, “I certainly hope this is not a staged act. But…”
I certainly hope this is not a staged act. But…🙄
— State Representative Antonio Parkinson (@TNRepParkinson) July 13, 2024
Some left-wingers have even attempted to explain how The Donald allegedly faked the sniper attack that nearly ended his life.
One claimed Secret Service agents applied “fake blood” to Trump’s ear.
The Secret Service guys rush to cover Trump while the guy running into frame on the right applied the fake blood. You can see him reach in his pocket and they’re behind cover for nearly 40 seconds more than enough time. Case closed. Everything is fake. Including Trump. Sorry.
— MatthewHasGottaKnow (@MattsGottaNo) July 15, 2024
Another Democratic power-player, Dmitri Mehlhorn—who has visited the Biden White House at least 10 times—claimed the whole thing smacked of…Russian disinformation.
“This is a classic Russian tactic, such as when Putin killed 300 civilians in 1999 and blamed it on terrorists to ride the backlash to winning power,” claimed Melhorn,
Yes, in Democrats’ clouded minds, even Donald Trump’s attempted assassination is a Russia-Russia-Russia hoax.
Perhaps not surprisingly, one of the die-hard believers in the “BlueAnon” conspiracy theory is MSNBC talking head Joy Reid.
“We don’t know why, for nine full seconds, Donald Trump was allowed to stand back up during an active shooting, an active shooter situation,” Reid ranted during a video she posted on social media last Thursday. “Even though they, at that point, had said the shooter was down, how would they have known if there were more shooters or not? Nobody knew; there could have been five shooters, for all they knew. Yet they allowed him to stand up in the middle of that crisis and pose for a photo and fist pump the air so he could get the iconic photo. And then they allowed him to stand up again outside of the SUV instead of just shoving him into the SUV.”
“That seems really unusual,” she claimed.
Reid even seemingly doubted whether Trump’s ear was injured in the shooting.
“What is the actual injury to Donald Trump’s ear that’s under that bandage? Shouldn’t we know that by now?”
MSNBC's Joy Reid suggests Trump might not have been hit by a bullet at all, hints that the entire attack might be staged:
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) July 18, 2024
Reid was back to hocking her extremist theories on MSNBC Thursday night, covering President Trump’s acceptance speech that capped off the Republican National Convention.
“Donald Trump is an elderly man who, for whatever reason, was given nine seconds to take a photo-op during an active shooter situation. Weird situation, we’ll figure that out one day,” she started.
Then Reid tried to downgrade Trump’s incredible courage to the same level as Joe Biden overcoming a cold.
After the multi-vaxxed-and-boosted Biden announced he had developed COVID-19, Reid asked, “If he does fine out of it and comes back and is able to do rallies, isn’t that exactly the same?”
Of course, Biden did not overcome COVID and dropped out of the race two days later.
Reid whines that Trump surviving an assassination attempt is viewed "as a sign of strength." She suggests Biden recovering from COVID should be celebrated the same way: "If he does fine…and is able to do rallies, isn't that exactly the same?"
"It should," Jen Psaki says.— Nicholas Fondacaro (@NickFondacaro) July 17, 2024
Reid probably thinks Trump’s assassination was staged by the same person who “hacked” her blog several years ago.
But Democrats quickly moved on to the next stage of grief: anger.
The leftists are angry as Hell—angry that the young man missed his target.
As it turns out, Marsaw spoke for a lot of Democrats.
In a poll taken last Thursday, one-third of Democrats agreed with the statement, “I wish Trump’s assassin hadn’t missed.”
The only significant correlation the pollsters found came down to how Democrats answered one question: The Democrats most likely to agree that Trump should have died were also most likley to agree with the statement, ‘White Republicans are racist.”
Think the wrong thoughts, lose your right to life.
Unfortunately for Democrats, despite the party’s efforts to change the presidential race, polls show Trump leading Kamala Harris in November.
Somewhere between now and then, Democrats will have to move on to the final stage of grief: acceptance.