At the Conservative Political Action Convention 2021 (CPAC), it was former Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, R-W.I., that made the first big headline splash on Friday.
“America is under siege,” Walker told the cheering crowd. “We see it on our campuses. We see it in our culture, and increasingly we see it in our communications with the censorship from Big Tech, left-wing professors, liberal activists, and mass media.”
“Even some of our major corporations are attempting to cancel conservative thought.”
Walker said he remains optimistic that conservatives can still prevail.
“America continues to be that shining city on the hill that attracts people from all over the world. It is because of our freedom and our opportunities available to every citizen,” he said. “Free people must be allowed to speak out and challenge ideas. The Constitution guarantees that right.”
“But remember, freedom is fragile,” he continued. “As President Reagan said, freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. It’s not something we pass on to our children through the bloodstream.”
“It’s something we have to stand up and fight for. And protect, and defend, and then pass on to the next generation.”
That freedom is under attack on campus’ and universities across the country, Walker said.
“Half of all the liberal students say it’s OK to infringe upon the free speech rights of other students because they offend others,” he said. “Apparently, they offend anybody except for conservatives. Let’s be clear, young people did not learn this on their own.”
“Years of left-wing professors and increasingly large numbers of radical activists on campus have shaped a new generation of snowflakes,” he warned.
Founded in 1973 by the American Conservative Union, CPAC brings together thousands of conservative voters and leaders every year to share ideas and rally their voting base. It is annually the largest gathering of conservatives in America.
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