CNN commentator Van Jones, typically a very far-left pundit, had some words for a few top Democrats in the House: surprisingly, they were HARSH.
Jones turned around and pointed the finger at the so-called liberals for voting down the FIRST STEP Act in the House chamber last year — and he knows exactly why these Democrats voted “Nay” to the Republican-drafted bill.
“I think publicly they were saying it didn’t go far enough,” Jones said. “I think privately, they just didn’t want Trump to get a win.”
Of the notable liberals trying to deny President Donald Trump a win were: Reps. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), Elijah Cummings (D-MD), John Lewis (D-GA) and Sens. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) and Cory Booker (D-NJ).
Another displayed of hypocrisy from the Democrats…the same party which turned away all of Trump’s compromise bills which included DACA protections in exchange for border wall funding.
For so long, liberal lawmakers have demanded DACA protection for illegal immigrants in the U.S. Since it came from Trump, though, Democrats suddenly no longer cared for it.
Jones has been increasingly critical of the anti-Trump fervor from Democrats.
Back in mid-December when the Senate first passed the reform bill, Jones was thrilled at the bipartisan camaraderie displayed.
“This is history,” he said proudly on CNN. “Right now you are witnessing history on the floor of the U.S. Senate. There is a Christmas miracle underway. For the first time in a generation, Republicans and Democrats are arm-in-arm tonight saying ‘we are sending to many people to prison. They are coming out bitter not better. We want to make a tremendous difference.’”
The coalition that advocated for the bill was a diverse bunch. It included Kim Kardashian West, Jared Kushner as well as libertarian billionaire Charles Koch.
The FIRST STEP Act sought to better aid inmates’ transition back into society as well as enacting measures to further determine inmates’ needs to provide vocational accommodations while serving sentences.
It’s no secret that rank and file Democrats will turn their backs on the communities they claim to serve… just to vote against ANY conservative law.
They’re just less willing to hide it now.
—The Horn editorial team