Any claim that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has been fighting for the rights of women and children her entire life has officially been debunked.
On September 14th, 2015, Hillary said, “I want to send a message to every survivor of sexual assault: Don’t let anyone silence your voice. You have the right to be heard.”
But one voice that Hillary personally silenced 40 years ago is finally speaking out — and she’s furious.
In 1975, Clinton served as the defense lawyer for 41-year-old Thomas Alfred Taylor, who was accused of raping a 12-year-old girl on the side of an Arkansas road.
Now at age 54, Kathy Shelton says she can no longer sit back and allow Clinton to convince the world she is an advocate for women everywhere.
“I don’t think [Clinton’s] for women or girls. I think she’s lying, I think she said anything she can to get in the campaign and win. If she was, she wouldn’t have done that to me at 12-years-old,” Shelton told The Daily Mail.
Shelton described the horrendous tactics used by Clinton 40 years ago in order to help the man who raped her receive a lesser sentence of ‘unlawful fondling of a minor’.
“Shelton said Clinton accused her during the case of ‘seeking out older men’, and demanded that the 12-year-old undergo a grueling court-ordered psychiatric examination to determine whether she was ‘mentally unstable’.”
But it gets even worse.
Chilling audiotapes released in 2014 from a 1980s interview with journalist Roy Reed reveal Clinton knew her client was guilty, and said “I had him take a polygraph, which he passed, which forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs” followed by laughter.
She proceeds to brag about her success in the case which was supported by mishandled evidence and the testimony of a world famous blood expert to prove that evidence inadmissible.
She’s heard on the tape gloating about her actions in court, “Well this guy’s ready to come from New York to prevent this miscarriage of justice!” followed by more hysterics prompted by Clinton’s knowledge that the true failure of the system would be allowing the child rapist to go free.
A case which Clinton found so hilarious devalues any claim she makes in her presidential run that she is such a caring advocate for women and children.
Throughout the Democratic Convention, Hillary was constantly praised for the work she has done for women and children. Her husband, former President Bill Clinton, focused on her advocacy for children as a young woman in his speech, leaving out the fact that she advocated for a child rapist in her first major case as a lawyer.
Her website has an entire page devoted to the work she has done and plans to do for victims of sexual assault.
“Clinton was just trying to make herself big and look good,” Shelton said of the young lawyer’s actions.
And not much has changed in Hillary, to this day she seems to be willing to say and do anything that will make her “big and look good.”
— The Horn editorial team
Main Street says
Hillary is a soulless, uncaring, greedy person. The thirst for power and wealth take the place of kindness or decency. The media has stopped reporting news. Instead they are advocating her ascendency to president.
Ramona says
Yo are so right.
doC says
Was she the the DA or his lawyer. Looks like she did a better job than the DA.
Elizabeth smoyh says
The sleazy lawyer !!
Julia Sanford says
And nothing but sleaze since.
youknowwho says
first kill all the lawyers – william shakespear
Sharon Jenkins says
It appears Hillary did do a better job than the DA via lying. I hope this person is careful and I would hire a bodyguard if I revealed information about Hillary. She will do anything to obtain the Presidency and I mean anything. That’s how she always wins. People mysteriously disappears……. RIGHT???????????????
Mathew Molk says
Too late for that…You have the tapes that aer pout there and a sudden death would stink to high heaven. She is going to wear the jacket on this one. Comie Comey and LL will not be there to bail her out of this one.
Just hope Trump uses it in his campaign ads of it will never get on the networks at all.
James says
Diana says
No hon, they often wind up mysteriously dead, there are reportedly a total of 51 mysteriously dead surrounding the Clinton escapades.
Patricia says
I ‘m pretty sure that Hillary was the RAPIST’S SLEAZY LAWYER, which she continued to make the unwanted sexual activity ( RAPES) that her husband, SLICK WILLY did. Not TRUE. SHE BLAMED THE VICTIMS!
Christel Lea says
A communist in sheeps clothing 🙁
lilly says
Do Not insult communism by mentioning Com. & Clinton in same sentence. She is embarrassment even to herself.
Dskap says
I hope this woman has the best security with her because if not…she will most likely become another of Hillary’s victims who probably be found in her bath tub electrocuted with her hair dryer in the water.
Despicable, murdering Hillary!
retired says
Do not be surprised if the tables are turning against them…….there are a lot of fed up people in this country who will not stand for it anymore !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sharon Jenkins says
I hope people are getting fed up with Hillary. I’m voting for Trump. Trump is brass, rough around the edges and speaks his mind, but I have more confidence in him than Hillary. I will NEVER vote for Hillary. If Hillary gets elected as President, we will have another 4 years of Obama’ agenda, (how’s that working for?) America will be in the toilet and Bill will get another blow job. Only in America…….
Linda j Kane says
There are four (4) suspicious deaths since April 2016, that point to Killery! Checkout mostrecent DNC worker Shawn Lucas….
Jeri says
They will just call it suicide!!!
OracleGuy says
Sounds like she was a lawyer doing her job. If you don’t like what you read, don’t become an Attorney but don’t try to bring this back now. Can’t you folks find a single thing that Hillary actually DID to criticize?
Dane says
Sure, she has stated that her husband bill will be a part of her political team yet Bill was impeached for lying.
Imagine that!
SJ Jolly says
Impeach, for lying to Congress, but not convicted. Move on.
Chuck says
Slick Willie was convicted later on for lying under Oath. He is a Felon and can not hold Federal office. Look it up.
Skirmisher says
There’s not much to find.
Dskap says
Oracle guy,
We tried to get a statement from Vince Foster about Hillary but he was not available for comment.
Julia Sanford says
Do you mean the guy who committed suicide by shooting himself in the head twice?
Dskap says
OracleGuy….We tried to get a statement from Vince Foster about Hillary but he was not available for comment!
Dskap says
Well, we did try to get a statement from Vince Foster, but he was not available for comment.
Try again Oracleguy!
OracleGuy says
Dskap, is repeating yourself three times supposed to make anyone believe the Vince Foster rumor? Read if you have an mind that’s open to fact rather than just rumor. Of course, I don’t expect you to do that because you have already made up your mind, such as it is.
Darl Kretsinger says
OracleGuy: You’d probably vote for the devil himself if he had a (D) behind his name. You people are very pathetic
TruthChick says
Bwaaaahhhhh! OracleGay, you DID NOT post effing Snopes as your source….really, the idiot couple who are Soooo far up the a-holes of the Libtard establishment that it’s a wonder they can breath…THAT source….ANY credibility you ‘may’ have had, ya lost posting those idiots as a legitimate source….way to go dummy….imho Ha!
k9 says
If you believe every thing that you get from “SNOPES” you better get your head out of your a$$ , because “SMOPES” IS ALL BULL SHYTE
youknowwho says
snopes is so full of shit it majes me sick
Emsky says
Oracle guy…. what is there not to criticixe about Killary clinton, there is a list of 47 “friends” of the clintons who ended up dead mysteriously before they could testify or after they had devulged vital info. You must be dense.
Linda Rowlett says
he is not available because he is dead.
Dane says
Have you read the book Armegeddon?
It’s a best seller all across America and beyond.
Don’t you think that if it were all lies as your support for her suggests that Hillay would sue the author?
She won’t because she doesn’t want to open that can of truthful worms.
It’s a good and enlightening read.
If you are old enough to have lived and experienced the Clintons from the beginning of their shameful careers you would know that no pololitician has been riddle with as many scandals as the Clintons.
The problem herein is the young democrat supporters who stalwart in there idealism are blind to the realism that a lifetime of corruption preceding them has set the stage of mistrust among them.
Democrats are not bad people, Clinton are bad people!
retired says
She did very well in funding her Foundation you can not take that away from her….. and willy… the question is WHO is getting repaid ten fold for all the monies that were donated?????????????????
Joe says
It is a not for profit foundation however Bill still gets big donations to pay for his son that his maid Juanitta Broaddrick had and was private schooled and brought up on an island with hush money and yes he looks like a young version of Bill.
mark dobson says
She did do very well indeed! It was all papered over with BLOOD money that the Clinton’s received from all the murders past,present, and future. Who ever crosses them they simply do away with!
Not to mention all the crooked deals that they made with Foreign Governments Billionaries, dignitaries, & others with connections in are government! The clinton Rockefeller Crime Mafia Family & their croonies. Check out the current clinton body count! Their all dropping like flies! She Hillary is the biggest operator of Play To Play Politics. Which is illegal in this country! And don’t forget Nafta & Gatt which Bill Clinton pushed & got. That’s why we started to loose so many American jobs ! And this lying Bitch is for american’s. Give me a break! What a joke they are!
Arthur Marzani says
Can’t find anything she did legally ,but a lot illegally, get alife
Sharon Jenkins says
Marzani: Transmitting classified information on private e mail servers is a crime. It is called Treason.
Any federal employee, military, civilian, elected or non elected knows this is ILLEGAL. Read the regulations. She is bad for the country and America. American people deserve better than Hillary.
Jim says
The point isn’t that some lawyers will do anything to win a case, it’s Hillary stating that she has always stood up for women and children.
Kenneth Stelter says
Hey Guy – how about Hillary’s first job as one of OUR employees – a Congressional Staffer – she was preparing a report on a study for a Congressman – the study did not come out supporting her warped thinking and she falsified documents to reflect her views – she got caught and she was FIRED. Check it out – it’s all in the records. Strange that she does not list that as one of her Government accomplishments. Want more? I have 14 more documented Hillary “achievements”.
Coreen says
Thank you, Kenneth. Please keep spreading the truth. Hillary and Bill cannot get back into the WH. Both are evil.
Chuck says
When they left the W. H. they also relieved the building of all of the china, flatware. Drapes and some furnature, along with removing all of the W’s from all of the keyboards. I would not even rent them a dog house because they might train the dog to steal the dog house.
Julia Sanford says
She has a lot of hide and has set herself up to be blackmailed. Think about what that could mean if she’s elected president. She had lied so much for so many years, I don’t think she even knows what is truth or a lie. That should be a concern for everybody no matter what party you are affiliated with.
Sharon Jenkins says
Yes, transmit classified information via unsecured e mail. This is treason. I worked for the Feds and this would get anyone (except Clinton) fired, fined and imprisoned. This woman is dangerous to the American people and the country and needs to go.
Mathew Molk says
How will she get a security clearance after what Commie Comey said? There is NO WAY anyone with has shown the “bad judgment” Comey stated would be able to get even a confidential clearance let alone an above top secrete clearance. How are you going to have a president that cannot view ANY clarified document ????
Johnny says
There is plenty to criticize. This is just one topic, the topic at hand, and shows just how long she has been lying and padding her own pockets. Obviously you are a Killary supporter.
Roseanna Martin says
I found out she stuck your head up her ass , and now your trying to deny your a shit head lololol : ) : )
youknowwho says
Defense lawyers have perverted their duty to make sure defendants are found innocent. When if fact they are only supposed to make sure the defendant gets a fair trial. If the trash is guilty then they are guilty. The lawyers are just susposed to make sure they get ONLY what they deserve and are not falsey accused. Any lawyer that would get their clinet off even if they are guilty is just as guilty as the perp.. Shakespear said “first kill all the lawyers”.
MJPerkins says
Sure seems like it. But WHY is the media promoting Clinton, a proven criminal?
OracleGuy says
MJP, for the simple reason that the Clintons are NOT proven criminals, much to the dismay of the rumor-mongers..
Darl Kretsinger says
OracleGuy: They WILL be when Trump is President.
Coreen says
Rumor mongers – WTF?
We are intelligent, educated and extremely responsible. Hillary has lived people all her life – she thinks she deserves to be taken care of by the taxpayers.
youknowwho says
i’m convinced.
Sharon Jenkins says
Money. It’s called kickbacks. You keep you mouth shut about Hillary and Bill’s illegal agenda’s or you die. Can’t get any planer. Follow the money.
Vincent says
Dear Kathy Shelton,
I hope you are reading this, or perhaps one of your friends can inform you of my message.
Please do your best to stop crooked Hillary from taking residence in the White House!!
Tell everyone you know your story
and spread it like wildfire !
Sorry to hear about your horrible
Experience as a child . I think the
American people could really
Benefit from hearing your chilling
Account of Hillary.
Sharon Jenkins says
Get an excellent bodyguard and watch where you go. Don’t go anywhere alone or let anyone in your home. She’s dangerous. The Clinton Foundation receives money from foreign countries (so you know they have connections), be extremely careful Kathy. Your message needs to be told.
Mathew Molk says
Yea Kathey,
We are with you, kid. If there is anything you ever need you get in touch, I am at you disposal.
You have been wronged enough. – If you got a transcript of the trial pleas post a link. I’d like to see the parts where she was badgering a scared 12 year old kid. – Defense or not, that crosses the line big time. .
William says
She is a POS. Plain and simple.
Coreen says
Excellent post – there are so many of us in Maryland who hate Hillary
Sharon Jenkins says
Yes, William she is, but fools still vote for her.
BarnicleBill says
After all this time and and so many scandals I find it just mind boggling how she has escaped them all. Well there is a day of reckoning coming for her, it will just be too late to help any of us, or that young lady to get any justice. Sad, just very sad.
Sharon Jenkins says
People who testify against her or plan to disappear. I believe they call it suicide. Anyone can fake a scene to appear like a suicide. You either take her kickbacks (hush money) and keep quiet of die. People would someone like this as President? What fools.
yep says
she is a lot worse than been souless, she is a money hungry bit*h, a traitor to the american people, who uses her posotion to make herself and her husband rich through killing children, women, etc, she should be lock up, why is she not lock up , what is wrong with you americans,
Ed says
Hillary Clinton is the MOST EVIL Creature Walking the Face of the Earth…
Coreen says
I wish everyone could see your excellent post. Hillary laughs all the way to the bank on other people’s money. I bet she hasn’t spent a penny the past year as she travels and campaigns.
Kay Oxford says
You are absolutely right. I used to dislike the Clintons. After watching the Clinton Cash documentary, I now detest them. They prey on the poor and leave them in garbage just to line their own pockets.
mark dobson says
Can I add my 2 cents worth. What you & others don’t know is that The Black Panthers hired an up & coming lawyer named Hillary Clinton and she raked in the cash in the early 70s’ They the Black Panthers captured a black panther who converted and was going to come clean about their 60s’ deeds.
They tied the poor black man up bound & gagged him & proceeded to poor hot boiling oil on him.
But, they decided to wait for a very important person before they performed their dark/satanic evil deed.
That some body was none other than Hillary Rodham Clinton the new Black Panther attonery in the flesh!
And then they did the unthinkable deed! And she laughed while they did it! What an Evil Witch/Bitch!
mark dobson says
That’s because Hillary bought their silence! The Laim Stream Media Is Bought & paid for by the Clinton Mafia Family!
And they have to nerve to cal the Italians criminals! The Clinton’s Should take a good Look in the Mirrior and see what we American’s See! As Rush Limbal once Said, YOU are Are Pain!
Wes says
Like all lawyers. Just doing her job To bad that is 98% of our elected officials. Will we ever learn.
GloBhgloriagloria19363 says
All the things that Hillary is doing is illegal even having people killed. Whoever is voting for her must be a moron. We can’t have her as president.this usa will be1000% worse and here comes ww3.
Dskap says
May she take her very last breath soon!
Main Street says
Yesterday Judicial Watch revealed that e-mails show that Hillary was using her position as Sec. of State to advocate for her “foundation” and seek favors for cronies. ONLY CBS and Fox News reported it in detail. Both CBS and Fox had it as headlines ABC , MSNBC and CNN had headlines knocking Trump.
Diane says
I’m glad you mentioned this. We have to be very diligent and take notice about who is reporting what and let them know we’re watching. Do they really want to lose the readership of at least half the country?
mark dobson says
Hardly any body listen’s to or even watches those knuckle heads any more any way. And their ratings are at 4% or 5%. And that’s about it! Every time they cover-up for Hillary or Obama, they’re ratings go even lower!
Most smart people listen to Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Micheal Savage, or other conservative radio talk shows or Fox news. Not the Lame Stream News Media! They’re all a bunch of pagan’s in the media on CBS, the Communist News Network, ABC All Atheist News Pagan Net Work, NBC No News Net Work. And on & on……
Linda says
Main Street ! That is because CNN is really ( CLINTON”S NEWS NETWORK) VOTE TRUMP 2016!
Kay Oxford says
I just watch the Clinton Cash documentary last night. I believe the Wikileaks emails confirm every bit of the information in the film. The Clintons are truly evil beyond evil.
Bev says
I have read that this poor girl was in a coma for five days after the “fondling.”
And KilLIARy laughs about getting a brutal rapist off. Shameful, but I guess her favorite line is ,”what difference does it make? “
Ramona says
Your absolutely right.
Howard says
She is evil as can be. I wouldn’t believe her if she was siting on a stack of bibles.
Coreen says
Our neighbors, who were dems for many years, left the party when O was placed in the WH by George Soros.
One couple told us they would never go back to the dem party – never. And, the Clintons are ready to go back to the WH so they can bask in the luxury of taxpayer’s hard earned money.
Clintons took over $250,000 worth of silver, dishes, etc., when they left the WH years ago. They were ordered to bring everything back. How is that for greed!
Sharon Jenkins says
I have read and heard about a shadow government. Could Soros be one of them?
Julia Sanford says
Just very low class sleazy people who happen to have an Ivy League education and money. I don’t know how trashy you would have to be to steal from the WH.
Linda says
Bev, Killiary did not have to defend that pig but it is all about the money and fame. She had to of asked the judge for a special cell away from the other inmates because they would of taken him out for molesting a child in those day’s. Today she is saying she is for WOMEN and children WHAT A BUNCH OF BU.L SH.T to put that young girl through that. terrible experience plus what she had already went through. WAKE UP DEMOCRATS KILLIARY IS NOT FOR YOU! Thank you Bev for your comment you are SO RIGHT ” VOTE TRUMP 2016″
Tess says
Chucky says
Let’s hope she shows her seizure condition to be a true health risk and gets disquilfied. Put the old goat out to pasture. Or a long term care facility, although she would be such a witch to care for! Can you imagine!
Ramona says
Hahaha I’m a nurse and no, I can’t imagine. I would probably wind up going to jail. haha
Wm. Keeney says
Please, DON’t insult the POOR OLD GOATS, by comparing this vermin of humanity to a beast, that does in a small way give back to humanity !!!
Glenn Trail says
Nursing homes have doctors that can keep her in a medical induced coma and fed by a tube in her stomach. Just enough to keep her alive for a very long time. Or maybe just enough so that she could remember all the crap she caused and not be able to wake from it. Just keep on remembering, for ever.
Don Old Guy says
That’s why life in prison with no chance for parole, seems superior, to me, rather than the death penalty. Sadly, I don’t think she has any conscience, so it might not be effective in her case.
Bobbie says
She is a dangerous liar and only is in this for her power and will destroy United States if elected president. Time for people to realize what she is really like and DO NOT vote for Clinton for president. Anyone that would have put an innocent child through such disgusting behavior and defended such a disgusting pervert should be so a shame of herself!!!
silver fox says
criminals crocked mad lying Hillary and these wicked people omama also but god is not sleeping .
Darlyn says
You are so right. She is a criminal and God will deal with her, or do I mean the Devil.
Larry Cowden says
Bitch Hillary truly knows NO LIMITS to what she will do to get in the WH! Murder, selling classified data to our enemies, supporting nations that rape, abuse, sell, enslave, and murder women and children, lying, and more. And the dumbocrats believe such actions are lawful, and worthy of a president! The bitch should be impaled and left to suffer the way that girl did with a DULL pole!
me says
Jethros says
Similar to Obama. She is just an extension of him and possibly a lot worse. A true witch!
PJ says
Jethros, I agree……but “possibly a lot worse”? If she is elected, she will DEFINITELY be a lot worse than Obama. Most people, including us, can not possibly perceive or imagine the things she will do and say once she assumes the mantel of PRESIDENT HILLARY. I think we will find out just how insane and vile this woman is in short order if she gets into the White House. It will even make the liberal left shudder. Everything said in these comments about her will pale in comparison to what we will see once she assumes the White House.
Gail Goodall says
And I wonder why that is? Is everyone in the Federal Government blind? Or is she just paying all of them off or threatening them in some way.? We DO NOT need her as POTUS. The media coverage only shows Good things about Killary and all bad about Trump. I think Trump has done something right with his life. His family is amazing and the only thing I wish he would do is think before he speaks. He has my vote already and most people I know want Trump. And what is with all these polls? Every one is different. I think we will not have the truth on the polls until November. Go Trumo Go!!!!!!
joyce says
bill could have raped a girl right in front of hillary nothing would be done to her or bill nothing sticks to the teflon liars
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
Joyce, I agree with your comment, we know that those white trash Clinton’s are exempt from the law, and that rapist got away with it thanks
to Hitlery Killery ROTTON Ayatollah Khoemeni Clinton(HKRAKC). The Clinton’s love evil and are extremely close to being pure evil. The country doesn’t need anymore evil.
retired says
You are giving them too much credit the tables are turning against them if the favors for all the donations can not be full-filled doom is a waiting around the corner!
James travers says
Any one who can vote for this woman is as corrupt as her and husband.Give Haiti population there money you stole and indict her whole family!
Chucky says
Liberals are to stupid! You can educate them but you can’t make them smart!
Jethros says
Spot on!
Barbara Gladde says
God Bless Freedom Watch. As a victim of rape at the tender age of six the act is imbedded in your brain and never forgotten. Obviously Hillary Clinton lives for self gratification only. Does this woman have no morals and does she have a conscience? With all her damage that she has done in this world and obviously gotten a free pass, I shudder to think that she may reach her altimate goal of being the POTUS. Wake up America! Only the American people can bring her down.
Gail Goodall says
You are so right! We cannot let her win!
cbanalyst says
Hillary is an evil woman, BUT, I checked with Snopes & that she laughed is not true. She is bad enough without inventing more that is not true.
Southern By Choice says
You do realize that Snopes is a liberal organization who supports Hillary – check it for yourself. They have been wrong more than right
Diana says
I never believe anything Snopes says because they do support the Democrats as does the Press if you can call them that.
Peggy Stanley says
If you really want to hear Hillary laugh with your own ears just scroll back up in this Child rape scandal and they have highlighted blue letters chilling audiotapes. If you click on chilling audiotapes you will hear her for yourself. You do not have to ask snopes.
Sharon says
Snopes is not a reliable source.
Constitutionalist says
Got to youtube and search this out; i heard audiotapes. She’s laughing(cackling). Who’m i gonna trust? You, or my lying ears?
Vivian says
Sorry, you’re wrong. I’ve heard the tape and she laughed her butt off!
youknowwho says
snopes lies!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you’re reading that shit and believe it you must be a libatard.
Brenda says
This is just another HORRIFIC EXAMPLE of Killery’s dishonesty, and moral compass. She is a cruel and dangerous person, and the only PLACE for her is in PRISON, where she can’t hurt anyone else. I pray that God intervenes in her life and saves us all from this MONSTER!!!
Gordon says
She is a no good bitch, she needs to be put I jail not the presidency!
retired says
They put rabid dogs to sleep don’t they ?????????????????????????
Cal gal says
I noticed you tempered your remark…I can’t blame you …”to sleep” safer than sh–t.
A fear of arrest for “threatening” HRH, after what a spectacle they press and dnc made of Trump’s comment about the 2nd amendment people lobbying to keep her out of office.
Coreen says
You are so right. Keep spreading the truth.
Julia Sanford says
Exactly Coreen, and pray that we spread the truth and that it will be on time for people to open their eyes.
Sedona says
Wow, I seriously thought by the headline of this story that it was about Donald Trump’s rape of that 13 year old. I’m sure many others were just as surprised. So when does Donald go to court, or has he used his billions of dollars to buy his way out, again?
Just wondering…
Julia Sanford says
Go to court for what?
Julia Sanford says
Donald Trump wouldn’t rape and if he has to go to court for any reason and use his “billions” to defend himself, it’s his billions that he earned, not yours or any other taxpayer, which is certainly not something you can’t say about the Clintons or the Obamas.
mickey says
when is she going to be indicited or even be questioned under oath with yhe right questions asked
retired says
Under oath means nothing to the Clintons, it is a proven fact…Under oath is only for law abiding citizens no one else.
john G. says
How any sensible, normal thinking human being could believe this A-Hole has any redeeming value really must suffer from some major thought process deficiencies – in words “Morons & Idiots”.
Ann L Mitchell says
That’ swho she’s depending on to put her in the White House. Morons and idiots. Enough of
them that can be convinced can put her there.
Gordon L. Coombs says
She is a no good bitch. Needs to be put in jail !
Gordon L. Coombs says
She is a no good bitch. Needs to be put in jail!
Robert Sterling says
Hillary lies, cheats, and is guilty of many serious crimes, most recent, what does she and Bill know about the recent murder in Washington of an associate that turned against her, she is evil but do not fear, her health issues will take her down soon and the sooner the better.
Don Old Guy says
I wonder if that goofy Strickland will note that her health failed at “just the right time” as he was so quick to point out in his disgust for anything conservative, when Scalia passed on.
Severa says
Amen to the previous comments. TRUMP 2016
gnb says
How do the Clintons manage to always get such favorable MSM coverage? To understand the mechanics of the “Clinton enigma” Google: “OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD”.
Steve Johnson says
This 12 year old Kathy was raped by two men. The doctors that repaired the damage said she was unlikely to ever have children. Hillary questioned her honesty, integrity and sanity and stole justice from her. Kathy would have loved to had children, but only got sorrow and pain. Hillery is just plain evil in the way she destroys others for her personal gain.
Marilyn McCormick says
CBS and FOX should now guilt the other stations on truthful reporting, and reporting meaningful things about the candidates such as this incident—–and eliminate the meaningless things said that do not effect us as voters. We don’t care about Trump’s hair, or Hillary’s pant suits. We don’t care if Trumps words are politically incorrect, or care if Hillary has a weird laugh. For once media, do the public a big favor and give us FACTS (and all the related facts) in an UNBIASED report.Please do your job and STOP trying to influence the outcome. This is America. You are Americans. Start acting like it, and give us the freedom to choose without your “Interference”.
Nedra Jenkins says
If only there was a way to make all voters read this and the others evil things connected to her. People who are seemingly smart are going to vote or her in spite of everything they hear. God save us all.
Vivian says
I could not agree more!
Mathew Molk says
Ever hear the words to a song “Dirty Laundry”? – It’s supposed to be sort of a spoof on TV news, but when it comes to the MSM and even darling Megan Kelly of Fox every word of the lyrics is 100 % true. (Remember when Kelly dug up a 15 year old case of a brother fondling his sister and ran it for a whole week just for the shock value? ) They will take sensationalism over substance every time. Unfortunately you cant trust any of them. You have to dig up the facts for your self.
Jack says
Do you or do you not believe in our judicial system and that everyone is allowed a fair trial and legal representation? Every person accused gets a defense attorney who is legally bound to to work in the best interests of their clients. Do you think Robert Shapiro should have tried to convict O.J. Simpson instead of defending him? I don’t like Hillary, with so many things to challenge her with, I don’t think this is appropriate or valid.
mrp says
In a way you’re right that she was only doing her job, but it was the pleasure she took in getting a rapist acquitted, knowing beyond a doubt that he was guilty, despite passing a lie detector test causing Hillary to say that because of this she lost faith in lie detectors. Then she boasted about her win and cackled like the witch that she is. Hopefully, what goes around comes around and her day is still to come. Since everything is weighed in her favor she knows she’ll never pay for her crimes because if she goes down so does everyone around her. BUT she does have health issues and that may be the only thing beyond her control. She’s on so much medication – there must be a lot of side effects. By hook or by crook, hope she goes down.
Jack says
Find fault with her behavior or on factual evidence, but you can’t have a double standard about her doing her job.
Julia Sanford says
It wouldn’t be worth it to an honest, quality person with any sense of decency at all as soon as she realized that he was guilty.
Jack says
Many lawyers believe their client is guilty. It is not up to them to be the judge and jury. A defense attorney has to safeguard the accused rights using the legal means available. Lawyers walking off a case happens relatively rarely and can be construed as prejudicial. Really, the problem is with people not understanding how the justice system works.
Diana says
Jack i think there is a limit here . You can do your job, but it is not necessary to brow beat a 12 yo to do it. Nor is it required that afterward that you gleefully gloat and cackle like a witch HOW you accomplished it! You could in fact shake your head at BLIND JUSTICE, put your papers in your briefcase collect youe exorbitant fee. And leave the courtroom !
Martha lawson says
She could have refused the case. This was a minor and a female and she betrayed her. It’s one thing to defend a person, it’s another to ruin a young girls life when she knew that monster was guilty as hell. You woukdnt be so fast to over look this if it was your 12 year old daughter. I am just amazed that child didn’t committ”suicide” like everyone else who tries to stop the Clintons. Body count is now over 40. How many of the people you know have done that?
Jack says
Someone killed Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman…..KILLED….yet O.J. was still entitled to representation.It doesn’t matter what you do or don’t personally believe, the job requires you to make sure that the person you are representing has every advantage of the law and their right’s (at that time having no determination of guilt) are not infringed upon. It doesn’t matter whether or not you like this; it is the judicial system.
I believe the judge influenced her participation in the case, which she claims she initially did not want to take. Again, it doesn’t matter: go after her for something else, not this.
ron says
Jack … Spoken like a high pay defense layer.
Who do you think writes the laws. Not a question.
The laws we need to return to are to be enforced by the oath all public officials swear to protect.
All the rest are made to enrich layers !
Jack says
Let me put this another way: if you were accused of a crime, would you not want dedicated legal representation? Or would you want the public to decide you were guilty and make your trial a sham? No, I am not a high paid lawyer, but this is the justice system America has. If you and a lot of other people don’t like it, then start to work on changing it.
By your own argument, pubic officials, ie. public defenders. are in fact supposed to protect the rights of the accused. Do you not understand the criminal justice system?
Diana says
But have those they gleefully laughed publicly how they got him off? Knowing he was guilty?
Diana says
I watched that trial and frankly think he was indeed guilty , however I was not on the jury. I also watched Margaret Rudens trial and felt she was not guilty. Peterson East, yep guilty as sin , as well as Peterson West. I think juries if thhey aren’t manipulated by lawyers hijinx are usually pretty well spot on but if you listen to this interview you get a pretty good idea that this was lawyer hijinx and wool pulling and that freed a child rapist.
Terry Hampton says
Hillary has no business being President. Her best position would be for her to take a chair in PRISON!!
Terry Hampton says
The only chair Hillary is qualified for is one in a prison cell!!
Mike says
I hate saying this, in some ways I hope Hillary Clintons health issues are true. If there’s anyone who deserves a slow , agonizing death, it would be her! She has mocked God and anything godly, now is time to reap the harvest. He greed for power and money have destroyed not only her, but literally thousands of people who have surrounded her. Most importantly, her daughter. I should show some sympathy for her, but I can’t. I don’t hate her, I just don’t care what happens to her.
mrp says
Her daughter is a chip off the old block and just as greedy and evil as her mother. She even married a crook like her mother.
Old1 says
Clinton will just say it’s a lie and the press will back her up. And all her puppets will fall in line and say Bush or Trump paid this woman to come forward.
John R. Stallworth says
I have told the stupid people of this country ( and I, now, sound like the egomaniac, Trump ) many times that lying, corrupt Hillary is a devil-possessed sociopath. Yes, our next president has no conscience and she will just about ruin the USA. May God help us. JRS
Marvin B. Cohen says
Please, my fellow Americans. Please do not let this lying, thieving bitch live in the White House. When she left the first time, she and her womanizing sexual-pervert addicted husband stole mega-thousands of White House property! They returned only a portion of the items. THIS WAS OUR PROPERTY! AMERICAN PROPERTY! She is a compulsive liar and she wants to own all the money in the world! That is what the “Clinton Family Foundation” is set-up for. Hundreds of millions dollars have gone in from gullible contributors. None has ever gone out to any needy charity or cause! The Clinton’s raised millions for Haitian relief of earthquake horror? Not one dime ever went to Haiti?? All she wants is power, revenge on America for earlier embarrassment when she was caught lying under oath as a young attorney and all the money in print! I find it hard to believe that some many people believe she has Americans in her hear! SHE HATES AMERICA my fellow Americans. PLEASE DO NOT LET THIS COMPULSIVE LIAR AND THIEF OCCUPY THE OUR WHITE HOUSE!!!
Important Notice:
Due to recent budget cuts, the stock market crash, and the rising cost of electricity, gas, and oil, the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off.
I apologize for the inconvenience.
Stop-HillaryC@The Government.Com
mrp says
When these evil people entered the White House they removed all the “Ws” from the keyboards. Did they have to pay to replace them or did we, the taxpayers? We all know that all they do in rake in the money and don’t spend what they deem to be theirs.
Julia Sanford says
Well, what would you expect from trash that should never been allowed to be in the White House in the first place? Hey everybody who is so stupid that you can’t say the name of the VP, the Speaker of the House, to the idiot who identified a picture of Muammar Gaddafi as Lionel Richie and all with similar
unawareness, please do us all a favor and don’t vote.
Dskap says
Rumor has it that Hillary has a real Pinocchio nose but nothing has happened yet because of special nose suppressors that she takes for this condition!
Now like I said, I don’t know if this is true but if it is, you had better be wearing safety glasses while watching the upcoming debates because only after a short while, Hillary’s nose will come crashing right through your TV screen!
So, just in case this rumor is in fact true, I suggest you have those safety glasses on while viewing the debates!
Remember….Safety first!
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
All the Clinton’s have Pinocchio noses, but they changed the name to Clinocchio, a former coworker in San Diego told me this in 1992 before former Figurehead Sleazeball draft dodger Bill Clinton was elected Figurehead in the fixed & rigged 1992 Figurehead election.
The Clinton’s make the weather forecasters who I call paid professional liars look very honest and are always telling the truth in comparison.
Kris says
The corruption of the Clinton Machine is showing through polls (statistics can always be manipulated) the MSM & the traitors on both sides of the political establishment. They would all forsake the Constitution & elect the criminal just to maintain their corrupt power & further their global agenda. It is The People that voted for Trump & Sanders & their voices are screaming for an end to this corrupt establishment. Sanders caved, Trump did not. It’s up to the People now to make their voices heard & to destroy any hope of a rigged election. This is the time to live up to the rights, freedoms & promise of America that so many gave their lives for. Make your voice heard from sea to shining sea. Any donations you care to make hold NOT be made to the party. Feed the campaigns directly, starve the corrupt establishment.
Marilyn says
hillary is a poor excuse for a woman and a total embarrassment to women! How can any self respecting woman vote for that witch? How can any self respecting human vote for that witch!
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
The media which is owned & controled by the Clinton’s and their closest allies need to quit being pro Clinton and AGAINIST those that are anti Clinton.
Kathy Shelton is telling the truth, she was raped at 12, and that rapist got away with it thanks to Hitlery Killery ROTTON Ayatollah Khoemeni Clinton
(HKRAKC) and the crooked kangaroo court where that trial took place. I do hope that all rape victims nationwide do come out and rally together and
urge the people not to vote for HKRAKC on Election Day. If the numbers of rape victims are together, HKRAKC can’t have them all eliminated and all bought off & threatened again. The media needs to quit kissing HKRAKC’s rear end, and quit giving her favor over everyone that is running AGAINIST her for Figurehead.
CarmenB says
Sadly this story was well known the last time Hillary ran for President. Our Fourth Estate has an agenda other than providing important, factual information to the public, which is their proper function. I would love to see a woman become President but not this woman. She is truly an evil woman and will hurt us if she wins the Presidency. If the women of this country support her, they should have their heads examined!
aw says
AMERICANS NEED TO SAVE OUR COUNTRY NOW, WITH THIS ELECTION! If Hil-LIAR-y and the other PROFESSIONAL POLITICIANS and “DC cronies don’t know accounting, finance, economics, MANAGEMENT, and the art of NATIONAL SELF-DEFENSE. They are nothing but “trained speech-makers” who have spent hours rehearsing reading from teleprompters. Trump is angry, like the rest of America, about the state of our country. AMERICA HAS BEEN RUN INTO THE GROUND. This younger generation LACKS NATIONAL PRIDE, the equivalent of a lack of self-esteem. HOW CAN A NATION SURVIVE IF IT LACKS NATIONAL PRIDE?????? The DC PROFESSIONAL POLITICIANS ARE SELLING AMERICA TO FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS………AND THEY WOULDN’T BE SO RICH ON THEIRS SALARIES, BUT RATHER THE INCOME GENERATED FROM “FAVORS”!………I fear for MY COUNTRY, because it can’t go on like this and it all seems like an invitation to Revolution.
Joseph J.Moyer says
I wish someone would state that Chelsea’s father really is Web Hubbell. Look at a picture of both and you can see Hubbell’s lips in Chelsea. She does not look like Bill or Billary, but like Hubbell
Constitutionalist says
Joseph J. Moyer-
I wish someone would state that Chelsea’s father really is Web Hubbell.
Only a DNA test would determine that; whose statement could you trust? Certainly not The Liar’s.
Look at a picture of both and you can see Hubbell’s lips in Chelsea.
Possible, but apparently both grandmothers on both sides of the family have this trait, as well, from what i’ve heard.
She does not look like Bill or Billary, but like Hubbell
Surely you have heard that “looks can be deceiving” and “never judge a book by it’s cover,” right?
paul says
if I said in once I have said it a thousand times Clinton and trump should be bared from running for president.
Neither of them will make a good president, one is a lier and a crook and the other is a loonie bird.
Both are a danger to the United States
Shelia Minor says
Well we all know what we went threw when the Clintons was in the White House the first time and every body that has put there votes in to make her president of the United States Of America well you might as well kiss your asses good by because there will be no freedom, no guns and you will probably have to ask if you can go take a shit and she has lied so much and you idiots that vote for her are so freaking gullible that you want to believe what she is telling you . Well all I can say is if she does become president GOD HELP US ALL . Sure Trump is a little radical but he just tells it like it is and at least we will be able to say THIS IS OUR LAND AND OUR UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and if she gets in there we wont be saying this , so wake up and get your heads out of your ass and get Trump in there , another thing before I get off of here just remember when Bill Clinton was in there how this country was and know we have Obamama in there and we aren’t any better off are we and still being lied to over and over again and again , We need Donald Trump as our President of The United States Of America at least we can say This Is Our Land Where We Are Free and We Still Have Our Right Of Speech and We Will Have Our 2nd Amendment , so if every body wants to keep this yaw had better listen up and get Donald Trump in there if we don’t get him in there God Have Mercy on us all ;
Ralph Ormsbee says
everyone should have a problem with this Islamic rape and kill children all the time and it is ok for they have the laws to make it ok like Obama coming out with anyone of any sex can use your childrens bathrooms. She is islamic and supports ISIS and has open boarders to bring ISIS into the states and every day we leave them in power the more ISIS come into this country and the more your children will be raped. Obama placed that Law into our system so he can reward ISIS and him self for he is ISIS along with Hillary and he wishes this for his recreation as well as his fighters ISIS and hillary wants it to keep Bill Clinton happy and busy so he will not be a problem and he can rape and have fun with your Children before they are murdered by Obama and hillary and all of the lawmakers not removing Obama from office also wish to have laws that protect them so that they can take your kids and rape them till they are of no good to them any more and then burn them and praise ISIS and the Islmaic king Obama and Islamic Queen Hillary
Ted says
I hope this woman does’t become number eight in seven weeks. The clintons, ALL of them, are a total waste….
Paul says
Hillary Clinton Sold Guns and ammo To ISIS to kill American soldiers with, just so she could be rich, she took Money from our enemies, she sold out America, Hillary Lied about it to all of us And Now she wants to come after you, and the good old blind Democrats want you to vote for a LIAR, someone SOLD OUT America, LIED to all of us, Bill Clinton is the same as a Rapist, and the women want to put them back in the white house, GOOD GOD people how Blind can you be?
Constitutionalist says
Bill Clinton is the same as a Rapist.
Nah. He IS a rapist.
Visit, and you’ll soon find a t-shirt for sale; it’s a mockery of the D’Owebama “Hope” poster, featuring BJ Billy, with the caption “RAPE,” instead of “Hope.” Apropos. Takes some courage to wear it, especially to one of those Hilary rallies that only draw 180 people or less.
Keith says
CROOKED COMMIE CLINTON what a piece of work if I had done half the things…. make that one of the things she has done, not only would I not be able to run for President I would most likely be locked up for sometime. We have the POTUS supporting her for all the crap she has done that right there alone tells me how corrupt our Govt is. Now we have these so called Republicans that are not going to be supporting Trump, nothing but a BUNCH OF LOSERS all DEMOCRATS IN DISGUISE. Yes sir PRESIDENT TRUMP is on to something when he says our Govt is corrupt they want to unify this Nation w/all the 3rd World Countries so they can line there pockets w/all the money they can like all the other 3rd world leaders have done to there people and leave us, “WE THE PEOPLE” out there. We(Democrats and Republicans) cannot let this happen, you Democrats you think they give a crap about you? You will be sitting/standing right there w/me and the rest of the Republicans in the concentration camp line(no offense intended). You people(Democrats) dont seem to understand we are 1 step away from genocide if CROOKED COMMIE CLINTON is elected and she continues what Obama started. You no why i call her Commie Clinton, because back in the 60’s if you were caught passing Govt secrets (as she did w/her unsecured server) you were labeled a Commie and if you were not arrested you would not even be able to show your face in America let alone get endorsed by the present POTUS to run for his position. So Democrats it is time to wake up and vote Trump or you’ll wind up in the Gulag line w/myself and all the other Trump supporters. Have a great day and VOTE TRUMP!!
Vivian says
I am so disgusted with the likes of Mitt Romney and his cronies. I voted for that jerk and now wouldn’t vote for him for all the tea in China. Nor would I vote for any of the others that won’t stick with the Republican party and the will of the people.
Julia Sanford says
Totally agree Vivian. I never thought I would be saying this being a Republican through and through generations back and I still agree with what the Republican Party SHOULD and is supposed to stand for but it they can abandon our nominee when they pledged to support him then I’m totally disgusted with them. I’m disgusted with them for not having the guts to stand up against Obama’s socialist policies. I honor McCain for his military service, but I don’t think he tried to win the election when he ran and he didn’t defend his running mate. He let the mainstream media and even the people running his campaign abuse and lie about her and her family while he just sat there. I no longer have respect for him, either.
I think it would be just wonderful of the people from both parties who are sick of the Washington elites and their criminal behavior would just not answer any surveys and go out there and vote for Trump. I’m praying for a miracle and it would be a miracle with the media unashamedly doing everything they can to elect this person who should be in jail.
Bob says
Like the Oracle Guy said. (She was just doing her job.) Her job is much different than a lot of people. She grew up in Park Ridge, Illinois. Her higher education was in high esteem schools. but where she really got educated was by Chicago politics. If you want to know what she is thinking, go see the movie Hillary’s America. A true factual movie about Hillary’s life. I live in SanTan Valley, Arizona. Out of nearly 2 dozen large movie theaters in the Phonix area, only 2 is showing it. One of the theaters showing is not even listed in the newspaper. Maybe Hollywood has control. But if you get the chance, see the movie and pray to God she never becomes the President of the United States God Bless you all.
Julia Sanford says
I expect to see the movie soon and I’m taking as many people with as I can and then will advertise it to those I can’t take. I may even have my own showing right here.
Arthur Marzani says
I think someone should produce the next bobble head ,Hillary Clinton,they would make a fortune for one of the biggest lying,cheating thief’s ever
Constitutionalist says
Arthur Marzani-
That’s BEEN done.
Saw my first bobble-head of The Liar on the InfoWars bus as it was headed to Philly. It had been… “modified” …somewhat…
salcensr says
where are the Trump ads? mean while she’s thumping away with her attack ads gaining and gaining with nothing in return. something like this one would make for a nice payback,i don’t understand what they’re holding back for.
Robert crapo says
Donald Trump next POTUS Mike Pence VPOTUS
Everyone should watch the movie HILLARY AMERICA
Holly Nicholson says
jwb says
Come on lyin’ Donnie, you are the Best candidate to save our souls, get going dude, we are counting on yo to take the race to the goal line.
You are the greatest man ever invented …………..You can pull the wool and get it done.
Holly Nicholson says
I know that Hillary won’t make it to Heaven if she doesn’t have a change of heart and invite Jesus to be the main one in her life. There are many things that she’s pulled- too numerous to even list!!
dskap says
Holly, One does NOT becomes saved by “inviting Jesus” into their heart!
Salvation is entirely the work of God. ~ Titus 3:5 ~ ~ Ephesians 2:8.9 ~ and a vast many other places in the Bible that tell us it is God who chooses whom He will save and all that He chooses will come to Him through Christ Jesus ~ John 6:37 ~
PLEASE, read your Bible if you have one and then comment.
Virginia says
A vote for Hillary is a vote for her husband and the lowest of the low bad people. She is not worthy of the office to lead God fearing people . Christians, pray daily that she will not be elected.
Constitutionalist says
There are many vids up @ youtube which predict a Tsunami wiping out the majority of the East Coast, Maine to Florida. These come from both those who have dreamed as well as those who have been given visions. Estimated death-toll, 22 million. It will get worse from there, apparently…and all these calamities are due to befall America while D’OweBama is still president. When exactly these things will come to pass is unknown, at present…but there’s only 5 months remaining in the D’OweBama occupancy.
Vivian says
Finally! I’ve been asking for a month why no one has printed this story. This two-faced bitch will do anything to get elected and continue the destruction of our country.
Robert Hagedorn says
Re: the argument that defense lawyers are just doing their jobs when they defend criminal clients whom the lawyers know to be guilty. If Hillary Clinton were running for the Office of Defense Attorney of the United States of America, she may very well be more than qualified for this job. But this particular job does not exist. She is running for a different office, an office that should require such things as honesty, morality, ethical standards, etc., and not just the ability to be a capable mouthpiece for defendants, some of whom may actually be guilty of crimes. Lawyers do have a code of ethics they are supposed to follow. It is alarming that some commenters on this site apparently have become infected with moral relativism. How can anyone believe it to be wrong if an attorney, forced by the court to take a case in which the attorney knows for a fact that the defendant is guilty as charged, simply does not give the case that extra push needed for acquittal? Yes, laughing defense attorneys knowingly get their smirking guilty clients off very day. But that doesn’t make it right. And when this type of defense attorney is running for the highest office in the country, it is more than appropriate to look at all behavior exhibited by this attorney throughout her career.
Janice says
Vote for TRUMP!!!…He will have KILLARY in jail where she belongs…….NEVER KILLARY !!!!!!!!!!
Julia Sanford says
Honestly, I would hope that he would see that she is indicted for SOMETHING. If the Statute of Limitations has run out on some of her crimes, then there are plenty more to pursue.
GMB says
There is as usual an alternative to all this bull, you could vote the libertarian ticket. They seem to me to have the best agenda.Even though they don’t get any coverage from the lying news, and the press.
Keith Stone says
Justin W says
Hillary has aided and abetted sexual predators throughout her career. Clinton is not an advocate for children or women. Her broad support for abortion should help people see that she isn’t interested in children.
someguy says
Shillery is 100% pro-Shillery, and NOTHING else. All else is just details after the fact, and those particular details are all just as sleazy as her and Slick Willy. If you like sleaze, she’s your candidate… just don’t cross her or you get the Vince Foster treatment.
Branwen says
Hillary became noted for defending a known rapist and proceeded to Watergate where she was released for failure to have good ethics. Hillary removed official files from the Federal Investigation without approval and attempted to present written finding to deny President Nixon a trial by a jury of his peers which would have denied him his legal right. The Head of the Investigation stated that Hillary could at no time be trusted. As First Lady, Hillary was charged with stealing National Treasures from the White House as the Clinton’s left at terms end and she denied. When proven, Hillary blamed the movers and never returned all of the National Treasures. Secret Service Agents saw Hillary stealing Vince Foster’s files and again she lied. The agents lost their jobs and 2 years later a stack of Hillary’s stolen Foster files were found with her prints. As First Lady Hillary falsified statements re: Sandy/Berger to the Federal Elections Commission.
*2006-FEC fined Hillary Clinton campaign $35,000.00 for failing to report $721,895 in contributions (this illegal reporting is punishable by fine and prison sentence which to-date, Hillary has somehow managed to keep all courts from choosing to hear the case regarding her illegal behavior; were she found guilty would mean jail time of at least 3 years).
*2009 Run for NY Senate Seat-In preparation for her Senate bid-husband President Clinton offered clemency to the Puerto Rican Armed Forces of National Liberation (FALN) terrorist group to gain favor with radical Puerto Rican voters among the New York electorate. The FALN bombed Frances Tavern (on the Green) in Manhattan, killing 4 people in 1975. Over a 6-years, the FALN claimed responsibility for more than 100 bombings that taking 6 lives, injuring some 130 people.
*2009 Hillary Intervened on behalf of companies who later donated money to her “husband’s” foundation; many were large pharmaceutical companies whose contributions somehow led Hillary to reverse her political position regarding their product(s).
*President Bill Clinton begins speaking of “Weapons of Mass Destruction,” various powerful Democrats begin joining the choir, and then under a new President Hillary provides false testimony to Senate regarding Saddam Hussein, Iraq & Iran to open door to war which behavior Congress so “disdains,” they actually addresses Hillary regarding same.
* Fails Ethics Earmark (Pork) Reforms & found to have 26 herself approx. $148.4 million *Votes to Send troops to Iraq & votes AGAINST funding those troops.
*Benghazi, denies 600-700+ security pleas for assistance until she decides to visit the region after lying about the Benghazi attack and 4 US dead being about a movie
*Hilary Clinton & the State Department refused to place Boko Haram on the list of foreign terrorist organizations in 2011, after the group bombed the UN headquarters in Abuja. The refusal came despite the urging of the Justice Department, the FBI, the CIA, and over a dozen Senators and Congressmen. 2014 BH kidnapped 276 African Christian girls reportedly selling them into slavery.
*Hillary negotiated the $2 trillion debt deal w/China. Hillary 2009 visits China to convince them to purchase trillions in US Treasury debt in order to finance Pres. Obama & Democrats stimulus programs & federal deficit. Hillary tells Chinese leaders “The Obama administration considered human rights secondary to economic well-being.”
*The U-turns evident in Hillary’s health care policy coincide with an increase in donations from the health insurance industry. Evidence of her championing the business interests of pharmaceutical companies in return for donations rouses further suspicion.
*2015 Hillary Admits to using private e-mail account to conduct State Department business. The Federal Records Act requires that all State Department officials use their government-assigned email address to correspond w/colleagues & contacts. FBI Comey’s report evidences and defines “Gross Negligence” to uphold National Security in the United States and other Countries. Former finding states that the vast scope of damage from Sec. Clinton will take decades to determine globally and only when the final body count is tallied will nearly every office of the Federal Government likely file charges.
*Democratic Party and Hillary involved (yet again) in illegal bid-efforts as reports find DNC complicit in $100 Million Bid Rigging to gain Hillary the electoral vote.
Oh yes, Hillary states she has taken heavy sniper fire as Secretary of State only to discover that video evidences her calmly walking across tarmac to receive a bouquet of wildflowers from a little girl who then shares a poem.
*2015 Federal Auditor repeatedly reports that Clinton Foundation, Clinton’s, and Humma, involved in largest RICO case in US National History. ALSO reports Clinton’s, Humma, President Obama, involved in largest Criminal Case in US National History with investigation to extend to all levels and offices of US government as well as other Countries and Parties; so extensive are the threads of corruption.
*2015 Federal Auditor reports Humanitarian Aide Flights held (for ransom-my addition) on tarmac until they pay new fee. Said fee must be paid to three business/organizations. Two of the three organizations/businesses are: The Clinton Foundation and a Dummy Corporation. Hence, Humanitarian Aide held captive tell ransom paid to Clinton’s through their Foundation and Dummy Corporation. Auditor reports now having grounds to investigate every individual involved for further Dummy Corporations.
*The U-turns evident in Hillary’s health care policy coincide with an increase in donations from the health insurance industry. Evidence of her championing the business interests of pharmaceutical companies in return for donations rouses further suspicion.
*2015 Hillary Admits to using private e-mail account to conduct State Department business. The Federal Records Act requires that all State Department officials use their government-assigned email address to correspond w/colleagues & contacts. This allows records to be kept that can be used in any subsequent investigation.
Here is a bit of basic math applied to Hillary’s extensive history which records only those numbers factually and historically accounted:
• The FALN bombed Frances Tavern (on the Green) in Manhattan, killing 4 people in 1975. Over a 6-years, the FALN claimed responsibility for more than 100 bombings that took 6 lives, injuring some 130 people
• In 2014 BH kidnapped 276 African Christian girls reportedly selling them into slavery
• 4 in Benghazi
• 7,222 US Military dead (in the Iraq/Afghan Wars 2 US souls died daily)
• 50, 987 Wounded
6+130+276+4+7,222+50,987 = 58,625 Souls lost, enslaved or wounded because Hillary Clinton either lied, refused to act appropriately, or chose to downgrade appropriate response.
The vote for Trump leaves one able to contend with his policy issues and pride, while the vote for Hillary can leave more US souls unable to speak from their graves.
Hillary’s comments and attitude regarding Benghazi alone:
“Who Cares…”
“What difference does it make…”
Let me add in closing that the above mathematics does not include the number of lives lost in those Countries theaters of War due to Clinton’s lies; as the body count of the dead and wounded would be even more offensive to consider. Would it matter to you if you or ones you love are among Hillary’s increasing dead or permanently injured body count?
Madmarmot says
I don’t know why we even need this story. Doesn’t anyone remember Juanita Broderick, Kathleen Willey and Paula Jones? Sexually assaulted by her husband? Attacked by Hillary? I don’t normally mention Monika Lewinsky because that was “consensual”, but really it wasn’t because of the power disparity between she and the president of the united states, who was in a supervisory position over her. How can she ever say she represents women and young girls?
Madmarmot says
“don’t let anyone silence your voice. You have the right to be heard”. “That is unless it was my husband who assaulted you, of course”.
Dawn says
Hillary signed and filed a false affidavit saying the girl has wrongly accused men in the past. That is how she got the rapist off.