Democrats love the mainstream media — but only if it’s friendly to their causes.
The Democratic National Committee (DNC) is refusing to let Fox News host Democratic presidential primary debates. The DNC doesn’t want its candidates talking to Fox, and most importantly, anyone who watches the network.
The reason why is downright silly.
The DNC Chair, Tom Perez, claimed that the decision stemmed from a liberal news article about President Donald Trump.
“Recent reporting in The New Yorker on the inappropriate relationship between President Trump, his administration and FOX News has led me to conclude that the network is not in a position to host a fair and neutral debate for our candidates. Therefore, FOX News will not serve as a media partner for the 2020 Democratic primary debates,” Perez said in the statement.
It seems the Democrats are being hidden so they won’t have to talk about real issues in front of a crowd that won’t fawn over their every word.
According to The Washington Post, Perez shut the door because of journalist Sean Hannity and chairman Rupert Murdoch, who have been accused of colluding with President Donald Trump over the course of his presidency.
If Perez and the Democrats want to virtue signal on the topic of unbiased reporting, it’s time for the DNC to take a look in the mirror.
The obvious: The New Yorker has rarely, if ever, written a good thing about Donald Trump. The liberal media has spent the last three years attacking the White House and anyone around Trump. Over 90 percent of news articles written about Trump have been negative since he took office. The articles bypass the country’s gains and ridiculing the nation when it fails.
Perhaps they’d rather be on CNN. After all, the DNC was the same group that in a 2016 presidential primary debate fed then-candidate Hillary with questions ahead of time.
The leaker, former DNC interim chair Donna Brazile, wrote an editorial for TIME admitting, “My job was to make all candidates look good, and I worked closely with both campaigns to make that happen.”
With the dismissal of Fox News, the brunt of impact on voters will fall squarely on the Democratic leadership.
Fox News, the most watched cable news network, doesn’t need Democrats. But Democrats need the voters who watch Fox News.
Or they could lose the 2020 election across-the-board.
–The Horn editorial team