Who did Joe Biden’s extended family vote for in the 2016 election?
The former second family backed President Donald Trump — NOT Hillary Clinton.
That’s according to a recent interview with Frank Biden, the former vice president’s younger brother, who told The Palm Beach Post that Hillary was so nasty that his whole family voted against her.
So much for party loyalty!
The 65-year-old Biden didn’t mince words, blaming Hillary’s terrible mismanagement for the 2016 election loss.
“We never would have lost Pennsylvania and all my relatives — the Finnegan family — who voted for Donald Trump because they felt slighted by Hillary and her campaign,” Frank Biden said. “We never would have not gone to Michigan as the [Hillary] campaign decided not to do because they felt entitled to the votes of those people. Assumptive politics is losing politics. You have to work for every single vote and people have to know individually, collectively and severally that you care about them, that they’re important.”
“The idea of declaring a whole swath of people ‘deplorables’ is just the most idiotic political calculation, number one,” Biden continued. “And two, the most…. in the Catholic Church, they would call that the sin of pride. Who in God’s name am I to say that you have a fundamentally wrong moral position? Talk about lacking humility.”
When asked if his brother would be running against Trump in 2020, Frank seem certain.
“I believe Joe should run,” he told The Post. “I’m urging him to run and have been for a long, long time.”
However, it’s ultimately up to Joe Biden… and their sister, Valerie Biden Owens.
“You have to understand our family structure. I’m the youngest brother. My sister’s the real boss. And [Joe Biden’s wife] Jill,” Frank said. “It’s an Irish matriarchy. They have the greatest influence.”
“You can say that ‘Frank thinks his brother’s going to run.’ Now, he could surprise me,” he said. “But I know the family’s behind him 100 percent.”
— The Horn editorial team