Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Democrat, has spent the past two years measuring the drapes in the Oval Office and planning a run for president.
But now she’s getting a cold dose of reality and is practically being ORDERED to stand down.
And you won’t believe who’s delivering the bad news.
Warren’s local newspaper, The Boston Globe, just published a blistering editorial asking her to stay out of the 2020 race.
If Warren can’t win over journalists in her ultra-liberal hometown, she doesn’t have much of a prayer anywhere else.
The Globe editorial board claims Warren is too “divisive” and that her presidential hopes are fading fast.
“Warren missed her moment in 2016, and there’s reason to be skeptical of her prospective candidacy in 2020,” the editorial board wrote. “While Warren won reelection, her margin of victory in November suggests there’s a ceiling on her popularity.”
That’s a tactful way of saying that Warren doesn’t have a chance — and, of course, The Globe is right.
Early polls of prospective Democratic candidates have been disastrous for Warren.
Massachusetts is one of only a handful of states where an extreme-left candidate like Warren could be elected, and there have long been concerns that she wouldn’t fare well in more moderate and conservative states.
And Warren likely made her situation worse with an ill-fated DNA test earlier this year designed to prove she wasn’t faking Native American ancestry.
Instead, the testing proved that she has less Native American heritage than a typical American — and Warren is reportedly worried that she’s offended Native American and other minority voters.
There’s no paper that knows Warren better — or has followed her career more closely — than The Globe.
A vote of “no confidence” from the editorial board should be enough to chase Warren from the 2020 race.
But whether she’ll actually listen to The Globe’s sound advice remains to be seen.
— David Martin is a reporter for The Horn News.