It’s one of the most serious accusations to come out of the entire Hillary Clinton time as secretary of state.
Clinton’s home brew email server didn’t simply compromise her emails. It forced the entire State Department to shut off key security features.
If it’s proven to be a direct fault of Clinton, it would almost certainly lead to an indictment — talk of which had been heating up even before the new report.
“There is simply no doubt that the FBI is going to recommend a series of charges to Attorney General Lynch,” former U.S. attorney Joseph diGenova recently told WND, claiming he had been speaking with numerous former FBI agents and intelligence officers.
“There is going to be a revolt of Watergate proportions if criminal charges do not go forward,” giDenova warned.
Wednesday, it was revealed that for weeks in December 2010, State Department staffers wrestled over a serious problem that affected emails from Clinton’s home email server. To resolve the issue and accommodate the Clinton’s allegedly illegal set-up, the workers disabled mandatory security features on the government’s own systems, according to emails released Wednesday.
The emails were released under court order Wednesday to the conservative legal advocacy watchdog Judicial Watch, which has sued the State Department over access to public records related to the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee’s service as the nation’s top diplomat between 2009 and 2013.
“The new Hillary Clinton email records show she had zero interest in disclosing her emails to the public as the law requires,” Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton said in a statement. “And the emails show the Obama State Department gave special accommodations to Clinton’s email system, which the agency knew was unsecure, was likely hacked, and was not transparent under FOIA.”
The emails show that State Department technical staff disabled software on their systems intended to block phishing emails that could deliver dangerous viruses. They were trying urgently to resolve delivery problems with emails sent from Clinton’s private server.
In other words, Clinton’s server set-up could have conceivably compromised the security of thousands of government employees otherwise secure email accounts.
Fixing Clinton’s email server delivery issues “should trump all other activities,” a senior technical official, Ken LaVolpe, told IT employees in a Dec. 17, 2010, email. Another senior State Department official, Thomas W. Lawrence, wrote days later in an email that deputy chief of staff Huma Abedin personally was asking for an update about the repairs. Abedin and Clinton, who both used Clinton’s private server, had complained that emails each sent to State Department employees were not being reliably received.
After technical staffers turned off security features, Lawrence cautioned in an email, “We view this as a Band-Aid and fear it’s not 100 percent fully effective.”
Days after the technical crisis, on Jan. 9, 2011, an IT worker was forced to shut down Clinton’s server because he believed “someone was trying to hack us.” Later that day, he wrote, “We were attacked again so I shut (the server) down for a few min.” It was one of several occasions when email access to Clinton’s BlackBerry smartphone was disrupted because her private server was down, according to the documents.
The Associated Press reported last year that in the early morning hours of Aug. 3, 2011, Clinton received infected emails, disguised as speeding tickets from New York. The emails instructed recipients to print the attached tickets. Opening an attachment would have allowed hackers to take over control of a victim’s computer.
In a blistering audit released last month, the State Department’s inspector general concluded that Clinton and her team ignored clear internal guidance that her email setup broke federal standards and could leave sensitive material vulnerable to hackers. Her aides twice brushed aside concerns, in one case telling technical staff “the matter was not to be discussed further,” the report said.
The State Department has released more than 52,000 pages of Clinton’s work-related emails, including some that have since been classified. Clinton has withheld thousands of additional emails, saying they were personal. The emails released Wednesday were not made available until after the inspector general’s office published its report, and Judicial Watch asked a federal judge to force the State Department to turn them over.
The case is one of about three dozen lawsuits over access to records related to Clinton’s time as secretary, including one filed by the AP. As part of its ongoing suit, lawyers from Judicial Watch on Wednesday questioned Bryan Pagliano, a former IT staffer for Clinton who helped set up the server, under oath. According to the group, Pagliano repeatedly responded to questions by invoking his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination, as he did last year before a congressional committee.
The FBI is also investigating whether Clinton’s use of the private email server imperiled government secrets. It has recently interviewed Clinton’s top aides, including former chief of staff Cheryl Mills and Abedin.
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said in a speech Wednesday that Clinton’s email server “was easily hacked by foreign governments.” Trump cited no new evidence that hackers had successfully breached Clinton’s server, but he said unspecified enemies of the United States were in possession of all her emails.
“So they probably now have a blackmail file over someone who wants to be President of the United States. This fact alone disqualifies her from the presidency,” Trump said. “We can’t hand over our government to someone whose deepest, darkest secrets may be in the hands of our enemies.”
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
Main Street says
A poor reflection on our nation as to how a slick hillbilly from Arkansas and a suburban Chicago ambulance chaser with little ethics are considered to be “leaders”.
Randy says
Don’t blame Arkansas!
Connie Condra says
Why not? Arkansas give Slick Willy his start in politics. I live in Illinois and I BLAME this state for Obama.
Jeff says
So right. Goes to show they all think they are above the law. Look at what is happening in the house now posting pics and videos that are against the rules. All parties involved should be removed from office now,today.
Eric Rohn says
Elizabeth Valentino says
I agree with you, Jeff.
ben says
Jeff, I so do agree with you. And as for as Hillary Clinton she should be sentenced to prison for ninety nine years and one dark day for all she has done.
Hondo says
PLEASE make that 99 years and 2 days…..OK?
TT says
KATHY says
AMEN !!!!
Tony says
My sentiments exactly.
JAB says
Put Hillary in Prison Right away then see who the Democrats put against
Trump 🙂
Obama is doing everything he can to create martial law, so he’s IT. There can be no other reason for his madness and the harm he has been and is putting our nation in. He is creating strife between the American people, calling an act of terrorism a hate crime against the LGBT community and ban the sale of guns, trying to say it’s only for people on the “no-fly” list. Horse crap. A hate crime??? And it’s only a hate crime towards the United States of America, not against a specific group of people who choose an alternative lifestyle. It was either that club or Disneyland, but who knows what was in the mind of a radical Islamic madman.
Lifestford says
If he does the military may remove him from office and let the V P run the show till elections
retired says
all these radicals are going after the wrong people…….
Donald L Girton says
What a great bumper sticker idea! Produce them…..offer online….you’ll have no problem selling them!
Carlo says
in total agreement !
William says
Hey tt you are exactly correct.
Patsy Autry says
Is more a reflection on the current administration, not on honest Americans…This administration is “BEYOND
CORRUPT”…and Hillary Clinton is almost the worst one, yet she seems to believe she is qualified, ignores,
flips her hand at the idea of not being able to pursue the presidency of the U.S…So important, especially now, because Obama has just about put us under. It will be a huge battle up and after the election. There will be
corruption, fraud, fights, maybe battles among those who just cannot accept an Honest, Patriot to clean up the
government. They have been so brainwashed (if they have a brain) to believe Hillary, or Berney. And some are
so gullible they will vote for Hillary “because she is a woman”> What an idiotic statement. ALSO: The current Legislatures DO NOT WANT the boat rocked, they do not want the changes that Trump would make while cleaning house. Keep up with the legislatures you vote for. If they voted for Liberal causes, DO NOT LET THEM HAVE YOUR VOTE…
Please VOTE FOR TRUMP… He can and will clean up the corruption that is all over the Legislatures, the
presidency, the FBI, DOJ, and we really need a Conservative judge in the Supreme Court…
karl Drumm says
Now you get the answers why Clinton’s IT specialist ( who had NO CERIFICATE) is using his 5th Amendment right NOT to answer any questions!
Jim says
And when Obama leaves office (if he leaves office) America will be as third world as he can make happen. The economy, under his direction, is pretty well destroyed, and the military has been so ignored that we couldn’t win a war against Bangladesh if we tried. Hillary, a self proclaimed socialist progressive ( remember when the term “progressive” was understood to be another word for Communist? I do.) will destroy the 2nd Amendment, and further bankrupt America with another 4yrs of following the failed economic and financial policies of the Obama administration. I don’t think we need that.
Trump is no bargain, either. His third grader mindset, and blowhard rhetoric will likely get America into WWIII in short order. Putin supports his candidacy, probably because he has plans to erect another Trump tower in Moscow. The Russian economy, they say, is worse off than the American economy, so why wouldn’t Putin support Trump? Unbeknownst to Trump, Putin, an extremely intelligent man by all accounts, will be looking down Trump’s throat. Trump’s ego likely blinds him to the scenario almost sure to unfold. You can never afford to underestimate Putin.
As regards the election: In the past, the American people used to be given a choice between what they consider to be the lesser of two evils. It is my opinion that in this election the choice is, very simply,: Pick your poison.
It is a shame that neither party could come up with a candidate better than Teflon Donna (Hillary) or the orange-haired, egotistical blowhard Donald Trump.
The ONLY reason I’m voting for Trump is because I believe Hillary to be the more dangerous of the two, by far.
Connie Condra says
This the best assessment of The Donald and the Hildabeast I have seen on this site. You nailed them both–to the wall. However, I will not deliver my vote to the lesser of two weasels. Neither Trump nor Clinton deserve my vote, and neither will get it.
Lifestford says
Putin never said he liked Trump that’s the first thing you said wrong! Next you say he will get us into WW111 how stupid that remark In my opinion you are so uninformed or just plain stupid and yes I support Trump
William says
Jim you certainly underestimate Trump. He will keep us out of war. Putin wants to be our ally. He needs us more than we need him. We also need to become allies with China,before they buy us up. Although the vote in Britain to leave the E. U. may cause both Russia and China more harm then us. We have more to worry about Obama than anyone else anywhere.
Joyce Lathrop says
Joyce Lathrop says
That this woman has not been charged is sickening and unbelievable.
This complacency when people inn power commit crimes is destroying our country. Why is this being allowed to happen and what can we do to stop it. People don’t want criminals in office – they just believe that if they had really done these things law enforcement would do something about it.How disheartening.
John G says
I truly believe both President O’bozo & Hillary the “Hun” should be tried for Treason for all their crimes against the American People.
We should include Valarie Jarrett and Susan Rice in the Treason Trials – Loretta Lynch, and Comey should be impeached for blindly following O’bozo’s directives.
Mary S. says
I agree as it outrageous that the Republicans have been so wimping to let them get away with this! Thank God for TRUMP! He stood up to this nonsense! Hurrah for him!!!!
Eric Rohn says
Trump for President! We need him for many reasons including that he is not beholding to anyone.
Wendy says
Exactly right! We have been essentially under the rules of a dictator for almost the entire time that obuma hss been in office. His changes began immediately! Remember the
” date night fiasco?”
Mikeyavelli says
They could find emails from Hilliar giving away nuclear codes and Comey and obama and Lynch would find a way to praise Hilliar for the peaceful deed.
No matter what they find or hide, nothing will be done to Hilliar.
They’re confidant that they can get away with anything, as they’ve been doing since the gay Kenyan Muslim Marxist slithered into the Whitehouse.
Paula says
She won’t be indicted and if she is she won’t be convicted .stop relying on a goverment to stop her from being president Americans need every Americans help by voting so let’s all go out and vote to keep another clinton from squatting the whitehouse
Patsy Autry says
She will be protected by His Highness? and if she should win (DISASTER FOR THE US), he will declare her
free and clear with a pardon, so she won’t ever have to account or go to prison…
MAY GOD FORBID THIS. Only way is to vote massive for Trump…
ALSO, many may not know this fact: If Hillary is indicted and forced to tell the truth, she will take him down
with her. They are in this together, before Bengazhi, during and after. And the REAL e-mails will reveal it all.
And if Obama should be protected, we will have a massive protesting…Not enough Liberals in Washington to save him, and why should they. Some of them may go down too…
Great to think about…that many will be caught and prosecuted for their destruction and fraud to the U.S. Citizens.
Mathew Molk says
Not that anybody has done ANYTHING legally since the Royal Exhaulted Bomma took over the country, but the Treasonous Felon Cackling Which cannot be pardoned until she is convicted.— Under the law, anyway. — But then that never stopped his highness so far.
Legally, though, If she is not indited, tried and convicted, she would not be eligible to be pardoned.
Constitutionalist says
Matthew Molk-
i used to believe the same – that is, that unless someone was indicted then convicted, they could not be pardoned.
Then, i googled “presidential pardon limitations,” and learned that there are essentially none, for Federal crimes. A president may pardon anyone at any time after the commission of the crime – before indictment, during indictment, before trial, during trial, after trial, during sentencing, after sentencing, before prison, during prison, after prison. (did i miss any?)
The only thing a president may NOT pardon is State crimes, like voting fraud, for example. IF D’OweBama is stupid enough to pardon The Liar at ANY point, it is my sincere hope that the FBI will fully cooperate with any prosecution by any state for voting fraud, which Sanders himself has alleged took place in virtually every state he lost.
In fact, that’s the ONLY way that the Liar can take the presidency – massive, repeated, and unconscionably blatant cheating at the polls or via hacking. The ONLY way. If she “wins” the presidency the way she “won” the nomination, she should be thoroughly investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent possible, then fined an amount – say, approximately the entire contents of the Clinton Foundation, the Clinton Initiative, and every affiliated entity, on and off-shore…then, preferably, imprisoned in Dannemora County’s “Clinton Correctional Facility,” quite appropriately named.
kiburt says
Hillary is fighting for her life. If she fails to become POTUS, she will be arrested and convicted of email fraud and treason, after Obama, who holds the keys to her cell, has left office.
If she is elected POTUS, she will be in charge of the FBI and all other agencies who will then be ordered, by her, to destroy all the discovery evidence previously gathered against her. Then she will be free to continue the destruction of America along with her newly placed Secretary of State, Mr. Obama, who will actually be calling the shots.
me says
obama TOO SHOULD BE PUT IN PRISON AND NOT RECEIVE A PENSION. In fact, I believe he should have to pay for EVERY SINGLE DOLLAR THAT HE HAS cost THE American People. Giving out free money and healthcare to those that DON’T Belong here.
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
Libertarian I hope your are right, that damned POS white trash B@&CH Hitlery Killery ROTTON Ayatollah Khoemeni Clinton, her Sleazeball, draft dodger, white trash former Figurehead Bill Clinton, along with their brat daughter & brat son in law should & ought to be
not only arrested and put in prison, but put on Devils Island, the former French Prison off the coast of Surinam(South America), that way they. Will be in prison and they can have the run of that place all to themselves.
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
I meant to say Kiburt, not Libertarian, my fault, at least I admit my fault and take full responsibility which is an allergy to the Clinton’s and the clowns we have in Washington,DC.
Mathew Molk says
Hey, Tha’s why there is a red rubber thing on the end of most pencils. – Mine get used a LOT!
Connie Condra says
An order to destroy evidence would be illegal and would be an impeachable offense. I don’t expect her to do that. She will just nominate an AG who will not pursue. Does anyone know if there is a statute of limitations on treason?
me says
Patsy Autry says
Here is the answer. Obama has already told the FBI to hold off until after the election, causing the FBI to not
be able to do their jobs ethically or legally. If indiction gets to Loretta Lynch, I question whether she will go along
with Obama, or FBI. She may end up losing her life….it is that SERIOUS…Hope she has gun protection that the
Liberals are dead set on ((Obama’s Plan) to totally disarm the US…and he will take over and finish us up.
ANYONE ELSE that had done the stuff, any of it, from e-mails, to scandals, to dealing with Russia, China, and Iran while Secy of State, but she and Bill were benefiting through their Trust Accounts or other setups they had where
millions were flowing to them, not benefits for the US, not in the best interest of the US which was her job, but in the best interest of her/their bank account. Much much corruption throughout Hillary’s & Bill’s careers, but the worst seems to be when she was Secy of State of the U.S….
Justin W says
If State Department employees had to turn off their security so they could communicate with Clinton, it is likely that far more has been hacked than just Hillary’s server. This woman’s sloppy handling of sensitive information shows that she lacks the intelligence and discretion needed to be president.
If America elects Hillary we deserve the failure that her administration will inflict upon us.
Bernie says
If they think Loretta will do anything against Clinton they are pissing into the wind.She is in bed with Obama and wouldn’t say shit if she had a mouthful.
Molly Anne May says
Protecting Hillary’s secrets were far more important to her than protecting America’s secrets.
James Medina says
The only way to get rid of the disease that now infects our country is to get rid of the carriers. The congress is not interested in doing the people’s business as they are required to do. They don’t represent us, they are only concerned with their own personal desires.
I spent 30 years protecting this country from enemies, foreign and domestic and I will continue to do that until I die. They will never take my guns or my liberty. I will march on the front steps of the capital with rest of my ex-military buddies and take our country back to the principals it was founded on.
We have been lied to enough. Our homeland has been put in a dangerous situation by the illegal aliens allowed to enter and nothing has been done. Some of our so called leader knows some of them are here to terrorize us and ultimately take over our country. THAT AIN’T GOING TO HAPPEN FOLKS, NEVER.
We have a chance in Nov. to get rid of the do nothing, and/or traitorous legislators that are endangering our country and our freedom. Let’s get rid of them and turn our country around.
Don says
Buddy, As an Enlishman it is not for me to comment one way or the other. However, as a sensible human-being I am allowed to say that your comment is probably the most logical statement posted. God Bless.
William Giunta says
Hillary is guilty by using personal email instead of the provided secure email, period!
She should be charged and prosecuted.
If she had classified items on the server, that is another charge that should be made and prosecuted.
Why are we waiting for this to happen?
Could it be the ELECTION???
William Giunta says
Pardon me, Mr President?
John Barritt says
Nixon was impeached for covering up the Watergate break-in on the Democratic Par’y’s Offices there. Our Nation’s classified information is far more serious than what a political party’s campaign strategies may be. It is time for Hillary and her responsible staff to be charged and tried for their crimes! I suggest Gitmo would be the the place for interment!
old1 says
I blame no one but the people who voted the clowns in. Instead of voting for who would be best for our country they vote parties. Look at who the Dem party put up. Crooked Clintoon and Burnie the commie. Look at the Rep side. The people including Dems, Reps, Indpts and people who never voted voted for Trump. He did it the hard way and won. Now the party is going against him because he will change the way things are done and they don’t like that. People need to come down off the BS mountain and save this country from these idiots and start to think about their future and their kid. Remember nothing is free and the country is broke, always at war and everything that becomes hurts the taxpayer.
Donald weichold SGM (ret) Special Forces says
Why has she not been charged yet???
iris cross says
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
Iris Cross, that damned POS white trash B@&CH Hitlery Killery ROTTON Ayatollah Khoemeni Clinton, plus her husband former Fogurehead Sleazebaal, draft dodger Bill Clinton just so happen to be exempt from the law which mean they are above the law and they
have far more rights than those who are just senior citizens, veterans who are in the Working Class & below will ever have. The damned POS white trash sugar coated racist, Facist, Athiest, egotist, greedy, selfish, crooked, corrupt, evil, wicked, venal, lying, cheating, stealing,
fraudster, Viet & election fixing & election rigging Clinton’s can do whatever they want to do. The Clinton’s belong on Devils Island, they are
worse than all the Mafia bosses of the past & present, worse than all of the street gang members of the past & present, worse that the late
former Figurehead Richard M. Nixon, the late Manuel Norriega, the late Hugo Chavez who none other that the Clinton’s themselves made
him our enemy, far worse than the late Ferdianad E. Marcos and far worse than Imelda Marcos. Between Hitlery Killery ROTTON Ayatollah Khoemeni Clinton and Imelda Marcos, I would pick Imelda Marcos over the Clinton’s anyday-The Clinton’s are the very worst of the very worst, which is why NOTHING will happen to them.
Ralph Ormsbee says
Hondo says
I have a gut feeling way down deep that if she gets off, all hell is going to break loose!
retired says
as it should, and if the GOP tries any harder to have Trump removed there should be a bigger up rising…
Is this country a democracy or is it a dictatorship for the Clintons and obama?????????????????????????????
The voters will be heard ****************VOTE OUT ALL INCUMBENTS****************************
retired says
We in America are supposed to be living in a *Democracy* so far Hillary and a few others are ruling or trying to rule the country under a dictatorship. Now Hillary wants to be the main dictator… I would hope the voters this time are smarter and vote for the best man as CIC and that would be Trump and only Trump.
NO MORE CLINTONS, NO MORE LIES AND NO MORE WANNA BE *******DICTATORS***********vote out all incumbents, the voters have the power get out and vote………..
president Donald J. Trump push the button or write in which ever way the GOP forces us to do…….
Keep on Hillary Donald and DO NOT let up she really is breaking…
El Tejas says
Hillary Clinton was and is a threat to national security!