For many Americans, the Fourth of July is a day well-spent with family and friends.
Independence Day celebrates the United States becoming independent from the British Crown and going on to become the greatest nation on the planet.
When President Barack Obama was in office, the U.S. military was depleted and disgraced.
Democrats were more concerned with allowing boys in the girl’s restrooms than striving to reach new global achievements.
But all of that changed on November 8, 2016.
When Donald Trump became the 45th President of the United States, America finally had a leader who loves our country and wants to “Make America Great Again.”
Trump has revived nationalism, love for your country, and a sense of pride in loving the good ole red, white, and blue – something that was missing under Obama for eight years.
As we celebrate the Fourth of July in 2019, it is clear that things are much better today than they were under Obama’s reign.
While there are many things that make America great, here are the top 5 ways that Trump’s America is greater than Obama’s America.
- America’s Military is Back.
The U.S. military was gutted and depleted under Obama.
While military spending increased in 2010 and 2011, it fell every year between 2012 and 2016 by roughly 10 to 15 percent under Obama.
The money instead went to fund other left-wing projects that Obama deemed more important than securing the nation.
Under Trump, the Pentagon got a $700 billion budget in the fiscal year 2018, the largest increase since 2010.
Trump also gave the military a much-needed pay raise.
The President also accomplished what no other American president was able to do – forced NATO allies to begin paying their fair share.
Remember ISIS? They have been utterly annihilated thanks to Trump unleashing America’s military on them.
Trump not only became the first U.S. President to ever set foot in North Korea, but dictator Kim Jong Un has also not launched any more rockets since his first Summit with Trump last summer.
- The Economy is Roaring.
The U.S. economy was stagnant under Obama.
Wages were not rising, unemployment never steadily decreased, jobs were not being created on a consistent level, and the stock markets never once broke 19,000.
Under Trump, the American economy is arguably the greatest it’s ever been.
Almost 6 million jobs have already been created in under three years, including tens of thousands of manufacturing jobs, which Hillary Clinton vowed to kill and Obama said would require a “magic wand” to bring back.
Wages are rising to levels that have not been seen in decades, including for women and minorities.
Unemployment rates for Hispanics and African-Americans are lower than at any other time in U.S. history.
The stock market has consistently remained above 25,000 under Trump and has flirted with 27,000 several times.
The Dow has never broken 20,000 in the entire history of this country – and it has been consistently 6,000 points over that since Trump took office.
America has the hottest economy in the world under this president – there is no denying that.
- America Is Less Racist.
Yes, really. Despite what the media says, America it literally less racist under Trump than Obama, who was the first African-American president ever elected in America.
The liberal mainstream media and Democrats have spent the last two years pushing the narrative that Trump is a horrible racist.
The mainstream media says life is “hard,” “tough,” and “dangerous” for people of color in Trump’s America.
However, a recent study from two University of Pennsylvania sociologists found that Americans have actually become much less racist since Trump took office in 2016.
Turns out, America is more diverse and tolerant under Trump than under Obama.
- Taking care of America’s Heroes.
We couldn’t celebrate America’s Independence and position as the greatest nation in the world without acknowledging the sacrifice of the brave men and women who risked it all to protect the U.S.
Under Obama, veteran homelessness and the problems at the Department of Veterans Affairs worsened and were never addressed.
Trump has made taking care of America’s heroes a top priority, and the proof is in the pudding.
Trump signed the Veterans Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act in 2017, which allows senior officials in the Department of Veterans Affairs to fire employees who are not adequately taking care of veterans.
Trump also signed the Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act, which funded the post-9/11 GI Bill so that educational benefits – such as tuition, fees, books, housing – can be provided to veterans, service members, and their family members.
Oh yeah, the president also signed the V.A. Choice and Quality Employment Act of 2017, which authorized $2.1 billion in additional funds for the Veterans Choice Program.
On top of that, the Trump administration created a new White House V.A. Hotline, staffed by veterans and family members to provide further assistance to any veteran who needs anything.
- Americans Are Proud to Be American Again.
Obama created a sense of a diminished America.
Obama expressed disbelief about “American exceptionalism” and projected a view of America as just one nation among many, arguing that nothing that makes us essential or indispensable.
But there’s something powerful and motivating about Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan.
It instills passion and a sense of national pride.
Because let’s face it – America is the freest, safest, most prosperous country in the world and remains the land of opportunity.
While Obama shattered the American Dream and pushed for handouts and assistance, Trump’s America has been reminded that anyone can truly accomplish anything if they are willing to work for it.
Martin Walsh is an editor for I Love My Freedom and a contributor for The American Mirror and The Horn News. His work has been featured in various conservative media outlets, such as LifeZette, Independent Journal, and Media Equalizer.