It’s here. The great feast we all love.
Well… we USED to love it.
Let’s face it: These days, Thanksgiving dinner might pack a side dish of dread as families are fighting, and not just over who gets the drumstick.
Political divisions are tearing homes apart, turning celebrations into altercations.
But you don’t have to stress your own holiday meal.
You can have your cake – or pumpkin pie – and eat it, too. You can enjoy every moment of the holiday feast WITHOUT having to worry about someone hurling the gray boat across the room with The Horn’s…
When you sense an argument coming… when a lefty “meathead” relative wants to talk politics… don’t itch for a fight.
Focus on points where you can agree.
It’s a holiday, after all.
#1) THE ECONOMY: We all have different views… but how can anyone really be THAT mad when there are jobs for everyone and salaries are on the rise?
Trump’s “America First” trade policies have led to a boom in jobs, including in the manufacturing sector that had been left for dead under President Barack Obama.
A study in August found manufacturing jobs have increased at its fastest rate in nearly a quarter of a century!
Even The Economist, the snotty British magazine, grudgingly gave Trump some credit:
“Mr. Trump’s brand of import-blocking economic nationalism is supposed to encourage companies to bring production back to America. It is possible that his threats to rip up trade deals and impose tariffs are making risk-averse business executives keener to plant their factories at home.”
And that’s not all.
Unemployment has hit its lowest level since 1969, and salaries are growing right along with it. Under Trump, wages jumped 2.9 over the past year, the fastest rate of growth in a decade.
Celebrating that isn’t partisan. We all win – Democrat, Republican and independent.
#2) THE ELECTION: Want to catch your liberal nephew, son, grandson, cousin or neighbor off-guard and defuse a potential situation before it even starts?
Stick out your hand and congratulate the meathead!
They won’t see that one coming. Heck, if you’ve had a few loud arguments in the past, they might even flinch when they see your hand dart out (try not to laugh).
They got their win… let them celebrate it.
Sure, it’s not the outcome you wanted, but it happened and nothing defuses a situation faster than congratulating someone.
Tell them how much you hope this will lead to bipartisan cooperation for the better of the nation. We all know it’s not happening; they Dems are planning to disrupt and obstruct and have pretty much announced as much.
But it’s the holidays. We can all dream, right?
#3) PEACE ON EARTH: It’s the season of hope. The season of PEACE… and for once, there’s no looming threat of war.
Trump may be throwing off diplomacy with his unconventional style and his willingness to meet even the nuts like North Korea’s resident lunatic, Kim Jong Un.
But while the left has slammed his approach, it’s quietly led to remarkable results: The United States military is (knock on wood) not playing defense in years of endless war, and not suffering setback after setback.
It’s guarding peace in some of the world’s trouble spots, and America’s foes – frightened of the renewed military vigor – are on the run.
…and if all else fails, and they’re still itching for an argument, turn on the game. Any game, really. Nothing unites people faster than when the refs botch a call!
Happy Thanksgiving!
— The Horn editorial team