The latest Democratic pandering scheme needs no translation — but it’s very embarrassing for top Democrats.
Multiple 2020 Democrats have Spanish iterations of their’ respective campaign websites. But they didn’t hire native speakers… they just copied and pasted English directly from Google Translate, according to Politico.
Former congressman Beto O’Rourke, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-V.T., Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-M.A., and Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-M.N. are just several of the candidates who’ve been caught in the scandal.
Google Translate is a service provided where anyone can type a word or phrase into the automated translation engine and get transcribed results of nearly any language.
It’s a great way for anyone to learn language on the fly — but often leads to improper translations.
“Every campaign site that POLITICO reviewed had mistakes, ranging from minor typos to truly incomprehensible passages,” Jesus Rodriguez, of Politico, wrote.
He went on to expose those butchered passages, from two of the most popular 2020 candidates in the field.
“The website of Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar, posted shortly after her Feb. 20 announcement, addresses her mother using a masculine adjective. Sen. Kamala Harris at one point wrote that she had ‘wasted’ her life defending American democracy.”
Obama’s former Housing and Urban Development Secretary, Julián Castro, who is of Hispanic ancestry, didn’t pass.
Even O’Rourke, who spends much of his time courting Latino voters, didn’t even feature a full website in Spanish and earned a failing grade by Politico standards.
It would seem as though he’d treat the issue with some more thought.
In a way, the Democrats brought this on themselves. They are the party of identity politics party — and it’s getting blatantly desperate.
We’re nowhere close to 2020 and almost every 2020 candidate has already embarrassed themselves.
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